The Comeback (15): Exercise

By the time KJ woke up the next day, it was already noon. It took him a while to realize that the sun was shining brightly through the large window. Flashes of some very erotic scenes were playing in his head. His dazed mind tried to recall if they were real or a dream? 

It was a good dream, he smiled lazily and turned over only to realize that something heavy was hugging his waist. A whiff of strawberries made him slightly frown. 

He opened his eyes to find Mirae sleeping soundly while clutching him possessively. Their legs were tangled together and they were both naked under the blanket. Her pale skin was full of red love bites. 

KJ had to blink several times to realize the reality. Last night was not a dream! They had really consummated! 

His mind was exploding into sheer happiness as he hugged his wife tightly. She let out a small moan before settling comfortably into his arms, snuggling closer.