Comeback (17): Can't Change the Past

An hour later, Eli arrived at Mystic Entertainment's office. She texted Mirae.

"I'm waiting downstairs," she wrote and hit the send button. Within seconds, Mirae replied.

"I'm on my way," the text said. Eli chose to wait in her car, with her headphones on to listen to music. She was debating whether to inform Dasom or not but then thought better of it. What if she disturbed him during a busy period? Or what if he left his important scheduled work for her?

Deciding that she would text him once they returned, she began to scroll down her social media feed. Everywhere she went, the Nation's Couple popped up. Even the female cops at the precinct were gossiping about them. They tried to ask Hyun Jung about his friends but he gave them an angry glare which scared the nosy women off. So they hounded Eli to get juicy details. She escaped their clutches with great difficulty.