Comeback (22): Friend

Sunye was tapping her heels, impatiently waiting. She checked her watch. It was past 12 PM and she had a hearing in two hours, but the man she was meeting did not care. She looked around.

He called her at a dingy ramen place near a construction site. Her professional attire was attracting a lot of attention from the other visitors, who were in workers' uniforms. An old, haggard woman was busy serving the tables, not caring about Sunye's appearance.

Sunye coolly ignored the gazes. Growing up without any family made her learn many survival skills. If any of the customers tried to mess with her, they would face a very bloody situation. Literally.

As if offended by her aloofness, one of the workers called out at her, "Hey sugar, why're ya alone?" 

His friends laughed and catcalled at her.

"We can keep you entertained," another one wheezed.