Comeback (30): An Idol's Stage

Song Tamlin was reading the reports in front of him with a worried face. The private investigator he had hired sent him all the details he could gather.

"The President is out?" Tamlin demanded. "For how long?"

"The past two weeks," the detective replied. "He left the mansion and is now hiding elsewhere. They placed decoys in the mansion to fool the informers and fish out spies."

"What is he planning?" Tamlin questioned.

"All I could find out is that he put particular emphasis on 7A's debut performance," the detective stated. His whole planning was solely on having 7A perform on the same stage as KJ today. He's definitely going to attack your friend there."

Tamlin sat back in worry. The President himself had finally come out of hiding. He no longer cared about public scrutiny. He was going to kill Kwon Jiwon on that stage. But how? 

"How will he do it?" 

"No idea, sir," the detective admitted. "There is no clue on what he is about to do."