Comeback (32): Being a Star

Nida was watching through the curtains backstage while another group performed on the stage. She was giddy yet excited. It was her moment to shine. She had endured all the torture and abuse for this moment. The other members of her group were nothing but mere pawns. As soon as she attains popularity, she would dump them anyway.

She turned to the other girls, who were looking at her sullenly. They did not care about her because she was haughty. They also knew that the rumors about her were true but their contracts prevented them from revealing it.

"You guys better not mess up," Nida threatened. "It's my spotlight. And don't even dare to ruin it."

The other girls glared at her but were helpless to say anything. Their company would throw them out if they dared to mess with her. Instead, they just nodded and mumbled a weak "Yes".