Wedding (7): The Vows

Through the bright white lights, his eyes focused on the slim figure slowly walking towards him. She wore a white and blue wedding dress befitting a queen. Her beauty illuminated the whole church as a calming silence fell over them. There was very little makeup on her face yet, her natural blush made her cheeks rosier as she looked up to see him from afar. Her long hair was let loose into soft curls, just the way he loved it. Her green eyes peered at him shyly as she tried to compose herself.

Mirae held on to Dasom's arm tightly. She was grateful that he volunteered to walk beside her otherwise she would have fallen down in nervousness. KJ was standing on the altar, looking every bit like a royal prince. The black tuxedo was similar to the one he wore for his music video only it was leaner, fitting him perfectly. He even changed his hair color to dark brown, her favorite shade.