
KJ watched in despair as Jade was being examined by the vets. He had already coughed up a lot of blood and his pulse was weak. They had run a series of tests on him but to their surprise, could find nothing wrong with the cat.

Jade was kept under observation as a team of the country's best vets looked into his case. KJ was summoned at Dr. Shin's office.

"Did you find out what's wrong with him?" KJ demanded. Dr. Shin had some charts drawn up in front of him and he looked very worried.

"Well…" Dr. Shin started. "Physically, there seems to be nothing wrong with him. No food poisoning, his vaccines were up to date and we couldn't find any worms in his stomach either. He's quite healthy and his food intake is also normal. But his pulse dropped suddenly and his blood count also decreased. We're trying our best to find out why but it's very mysterious. His heart seems to be fine!"