Jade (4)

KJ's whole body was shaking out of fear. He did not know what to think or do. His mind was blank and numb, unfeeling to anything. Behind the door, was his last link to the past he had forgone. The soul which should have been born as his son, was instead fighting for survival in a world where it did not belong. All for him.

Yes, it's all because of me, he thought. The guilt inside him was killing him. He truly regretted his actions. If only he had not run away from Mirae in the original timeline. If only he did not believe her lies and stayed back. If only he had turned around when she called out to him. If...if...so many such if's were circling his head, tainting his heart with the regrets he held. Jade should have been an eleven year old boy with a happy childhood and loving parents. But he was stuck inside a cat's body, trying to live. And it was all because of KJ.

"KJ…" Mirae said. Her voice was heavy as she tried to control her sobs. "You have to see him."