The Two Clans

He slowly turned his chair to face them, putting away the cigar in his hand.

"Oh, you can speak," Tamlin commented. "I thought you needed a puppet to do that as well."

The President was unabashed by his remark. If there was one person who could insult him and get away, it was Song Tamlin. He was very well aware of the latter's notorious reputation for skullduggery.

"I know that you owe Abyss favors, Song Tamlin," he shot back coolly. Sunye was frozen in fear and shock. It was the same voice from all those years ago. She could never forget that man's hoarse and scratchy voice which sounded as if he was on the verge of death. The President was wearing a white, full face mask to hide his appearance. Sunye knew that his face was completely burnt and he was hiding his hideousness from the world. 

Yet, his mysterious persona made him even more dangerous.