Beginning of the End (14)

The tunnel was narrow but Jay was small enough to fit through it. He had the map of the city's sewers, aware of which route led where. The smell of the faeces mixed with urine stuck to his body but he did not care as he climbed into the dark tunnel which led to the party. He crawled through it, steadily making his way towards the spot at the mansion where he knew the security had been laxed on purpose.

Opening the heavy lid of the manhole, he scrambled through it only to find himself in the garden. Clambering out of the manhole, he made his way towards his destination. If he could succeed that night, the President would reward him beyond his dreams. All he had to do was wait.

Meanwhile, inside the party, Mirae was getting worried. She kept on glancing at the clock every now and then, counting the seconds to 8 PM. KJ clasped her hand, assuring her that everything would be alright. 

"We'll be fine," he muttered. "You remember what to do, right?"