Clash of the Idols (6)

The President held his breath as the front door slowly opened. The man he had wanted to see dead for so long was finally here. His fingers clenched into a fist as he waited for Kwon Jiwon to finally arrive.

"Hello Grandfather."

Junhyung glanced at the President whose face squirmed in fury.

"What are you doing here?" the President demanded. "I told you to stay low."

Song Tamlin also entered the mansion, closely tailing Ash. He was witnessing the exchange between the grandfather and grandson duo, wary of their silent war. SD had done well in delaying KJ by bringing him through a long route which gave them ample amount of time to prepare. His men were closing in on the guards stationed outside, already knocking several of them out.

All they needed to do was delay the President.

"Did you kill Song Dasom?" Ash calmly asked. "The bomb planted in the car. Was it you who did that?"