Chapter 7 Calling Out

"Hā ... Hā ... Hā ..."

In the jungle, a young girl was running desperately, turning her head from time to time to look behind her, it looked like she is escaping from someone.

The girl looked only ten years old, her delicate body was thin, her clothes were ragged, and her long black hair was randomly tied behind her.


Suddenly a sharp sound of breaking the sky sounded, and a fireball shot out from a distance, and then fell beside the girl. With the roar, the fire bellowed and the young girl cried out in pain.

"You have no way to escape, just let us catch you!"

Several mages with thin sticks came out of the darkness and surrounded the girl.

"Why are you hurting me? I haven't done anything bad." The girl struggled to stand up, and despite her fear, there was stubbornness in her eyes.

"Maybe you are not at fault, but those dark wings behind you are your greatest sin."

"It's so sad that a young girl has the evil Bloodline of a Fallen Angel, we must cleanse it!"

"Forgive us but you shouldn't exist in this world."

The mages looked at the girl with sad and compassionate eyes, but they did not intend to let her go.

Bloodline, Bloodline, and that dirty Bloodline again!

The girl bit her lips tightly and a trace of blood oozed out. These people hated her dirty Bloodline.

If it were not for it, her mother would not ...

However, even if she hates this dirty Bloodline, she still has to live, because as long as she is still alive, it would be the greatest proof of her mother's existence!

"Ghost ... Ghost ..."

Raising his hand, a few ghosts flew out of the girl's cuffs. The ghosts spread out to protect the girl in the middle, and then propped up their stomachs and sprayed a circle of flames against the wizards.

Hōng Hōng Hōng ...

A burst of thunder sounded, and the girl did not remain ideal. She quickly seized the opportunities created by the little ghosts for herself and a pair of black wings quickly appeared behind her and then the girl was ready to escape from the mage's siege.




A flash of electricity struck the girl in the air and she was hit directly and fell to the ground with a cry.

Not only the girl but the ghosts also quickly lost under the counterattacks of the wizards and fell one by one.

"Drive the evil spirits, and the dirty Bloodline, go to hell and confess, you evil girl!"

Their faces were expressionless and their eyes were cold, and Thunder and Lightning were wrapped around the staff in their hands and they were about to strike a final blow at the girl.

"Mother ..."

The little girl closed her eyes gently, but there was a smile on the girl's face.

Maybe this is not so bad, she would just die and be wiped out by these justice mages. As long as she dies, she can return to her mother's side...

Just when the girl was ready to welcome her end, a change happened!

Hiss ...


There was a sharp crack in the air, and then a flash of cold light shot through the air, forcing the mages, who were about to strike the final blow, to pause and retreat.

The girl naturally heard the sound and could not help opening her eyes. She saw a sharp Longsword being inserted in the tree next to her, trembling and buzzing.


Headed by a middle-aged mage, all the mage were staring at the direction where the Longsword had come.

With the sound of rustling, under the watch of the girl and all the wizards, the figure of a teenager came out of the darkness—

It is Tenraku!

"Boy, who are you and why are you hindering us?"

Frowning, the middle-aged mage said.

There are countless strange people in this world. For this young man to appear at such a time in such a place to prevent them from killing Angel's evil children. Naturally, they will not regard him as an ordinary teenager.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but can you let this girl go."

Extracting his Longsword from the tree, Tenraku appeared in front of the girl and spoke with a gentle tone.

"Boy, do you know who she is?"

"She is a helpless person who needs help."

"That's just her hypocritical appearance, there is evil blood in her that came from a Fallen Angel!"

"Well, even if she has the blood of a Fallen Angel in her, there is nothing wrong with it."

The young girl stared at this young boy who suddenly appeared in front of her and argued with the mages. 

She couldn't understand why the other party will help someone unfamiliar to him, but the girl's heart that has become despondent and desperate to the world, a sudden warmth appeared in it.

It turns out that there are still people who are willing to protect her and help her. It turns out that she has not been abandoned by this world...

Endless bitterness and touch welled up in her heart, but the girl who had already learned to be strong did not let tears appear in her eyes, she just stared at the figure of the youth, to imprint him forever in her heart.

"Boy, get out of here, you are not our opponent, don't stop us from destroying this evil demon."

Tenraku argued with the mages and eventually, the leading middle-aged mage spoke with an air of finality.

"I also know that I'm no match for the wizards, but I won't let you do anything!"

Placing the Longsword in front of him, Tenraku replied firmly.

"Do you think you can stop us?" Already getting displeased, the tone of the middle-aged mage became cold.

With a sigh in his heart, Tenraku also knew he couldn't stop them all. Although he has been practicing outside for almost a year and his Swordsmanship has also broken through the bottleneck and he had made a lot of progress, but he still has no chance of winning against these wizards who use spells and magic.

However, he could not give in!

"Although I cannot stop you, I can threaten you."

Speaking these strange words, Tenraku lifted his longsword towards his neck under the stunned expression of the girl and the mages!

Without any pretentiousness, the sharp blade even scratched a shallow blood mark on his neck ...

This scene deeply shocked the Mages and the girl!

"Boy, why are you doing this?"

The girl on the side was covering her lips with her hands and the Middle-Aged Mage who had come back to his senses exhaled deeply and asked.

"Because I want to protect her." The blood mark on his neck deepened a bit and Tenraku replied calmly.

In spite of his unyielding gaze, Tenraku smiled helplessly and wryly. If he had the strength to do so, he would have already dispatched the Mages. Only, he did not have the strength, so he could only use this threatening hand and gamble with his own life.

How mournful is the cry of the incompetent!

The whole scene was dreadfully quiet, and despite the cold sweat that was breaking out on his forehead, Tenraku's continued to stare at the middle-aged wizard for a long time:

"Let's go."

A faint voice came from the Middle-Aged Mage's mouth, and he turned away.

"Sir Exalted!"

Although a group of Mages was unwilling, they didn't dare to disobey the order of the Middle-Aged Mage. They glared at Tenraku and the girl fiercely, and they all retreated after the Middle-Aged Mage.


After a long exhaling breath, Tenraku's put down Longsword and realized that his back had been soaked with cold sweat.

It was a gamble that could have cost him his life, and it's not clear why the wizard finally gave up and walked away, but he won!

"My name is Tenraku, Kamiya Tenraku, how about you?"

After calming down for a while, Tenraku turned around and asked the girl.

Although he has already guessed the girl's name...

Staring blankly at Tenraku, the girl opened her mouth and at last made a sound:

"Ak-Akeno, Himejima Akeno..."

To be continued ...