"His Highness Sairaorg's Knight, one member, retreats!"

"His Highness Tenraku's Knight, one member, retreats!"

"Now, I declare that in this Knight battle, Team Kamiya Tenraku is the winner!"

With the host's announcement, the entire arena erupted in cheers once again. In the first round of the Knight battle, Siris remained until the end and victory went to Team Tenraku, earning them three points as displayed on the screen above their heads.

Amid a radiant light, the battling Knights were transported back from the separate dimension. Tenraku took a step forward and embraced the heavily injured Karlamine.


"Don't speak. I am proud of all of you."

Interrupting Karlamine, Tenraku swiftly activated his ability, "Smile of the Holy Mother – Twilight Healing," to heal her injuries. Siris, whose magic power was depleted, was assisted by the Mihae and her sisters and led to a place to rest.

Despite enduring hardships and ultimately being defeated, Karlamine felt that Tenraku's affirmation made it all worthwhile. Indeed, becoming a Knight under Tenraku's command was the luckiest thing that had happened in her life.

There was a break of about fifteen minutes between each match, mainly to alleviate the fatigue of the audience. A group of cute and attractive Devil girls clad in tight outfits dashed onto the stage and performed an energetic dance routine, sending the male Devils in the audience into an excited frenzy.

Soon, the break ended, and the dancing girls left the stage and the host returned to the forefront.

"Now, let's begin the second round of the Rook battle. Both sides' Rooks, please stand at the forefront of the floating platforms. We will commence teleportation shortly."

Following the host's instructions, Xuelan emerged from the background.

"Don't lose, Xuelan, Isabela." Tenraku gently touched the foreheads of the two women as he spoke.

"Yes, Tenraku-Sama!" With solemn expressions on their faces, the two women responded before stepping into the transmission formation…

The battlefield of the second round was a desolate wasteland, with irregular pits covering the ground. There were no other visible elements in sight.

The opponents for Xuelan and Isabela were Sairaorg's Rooks. One was a tall and thin male, while the other was a Giant standing over three meters tall. The Giant's body was incredibly robust; his thick arms were almost as wide as Xuelan's waist.

"We are His Highness Tenraku's Rooks—"



Evaluating their opponents, Xuelan and Isabela introduced themselves.

"Ladora Buné."

"Gandoma Balam."

The thin male seemed the silent type, while the towering Giant rumbled, both briefly introducing themselves.

"Isabela, I'll handle the giant one; the other is yours." Assessing their abilities, Xuelan whispered to Isabela.

Although both were Tenraku's Rooks, Xuelan had a slight edge in strength over Isabela, so she voluntarily took on the more challenging opponent, the formidable-looking Giant.

Nodding slightly, Isabela understood. This was how they had always coordinated their strategies.

"Both sides, please prepare yourselves. Now, I declare the match begins!" The host's voice echoed in the air, but the opponents didn't immediately engage in combat.

The nature of Knights emphasized speed; a swift attack could seize the initiative. Rooks, however, relied on high offense and defense; whoever moved recklessly first would expose a vulnerability.

Seeing that Xuelan and Isabela didn't react, Sairaorg's Rooks took the initiative. The thin male emitted a low roar, and his entire body rapidly expanded.

His tail elongated like a steel whip, enormous black wings unfurled behind his back, sharp fangs appeared in his mouth, and his fingers transformed into razor-sharp claws. Astonishingly, before the astonished onlookers, the slim male had transformed into a Giant Dragon!

"Oh… oh… oh… Sairaorg-Sama's Rook, Ladora, has turned into a Giant Dragon! Can someone explain to me what's going on here?!"

To satisfy the curiosity of many viewers, the host outside the separate dimension expressed immense shock.

"Ladora is the last descendant of the extinct 72 Pillars House of Buné. The original House of Buné was a clan with the power over dragons, and they themselves could transform into dragon-like beings."

"However, even among the pure-blooded members of the Buné Family, only a very small fraction can harness this power. Ladora awakened his ability not long ago." The voice of Diabolos Gāp Belial resonated in the area, as he sat in the VIP seat, smiling while explaining to everyone.

In preparation for the battle against Tenraku, Sairaorg had sought guidance from Belial for himself and his Peerage. It was under his guidance that Ladora had awakened the unique ability of the Buné clan.

Ignoring the astonished admiration of the audience outside, within the separate dimension:


Issuing a thunderous dragon hum, the giant dragon form of Ladora spread his wings and soared into the sky. He then condensed a massive fireball and shot it toward Xuelan and Isabela.


Startled, Xuelan and Isabela quickly leaped aside. With a resounding boom, the ground where they had stood moments ago was blasted into a charred crater by the fireball.

Meanwhile, the Giant named Gandoma also sprang into action. His massive body pounded toward the two women, causing the ground to tremble with each thumping step, resembling a small mountain in motion.

"Isabela, change of plans. I'll deal with the Giant Dragon, and you handle the giant." Xuelan spoke with a solemn expression on her face.

However, this time Isabela shook her head.

"Xuelan, let's stick to the original plan. I'll take care of the Giant Dragon."

"Isabela, this is not the time for recklessness!"

"Then let me be reckless just this once!"

Though anxious, Xuelan found Isabela unusually firm in her stance.

"Until now, you've always taken on the most formidable enemies. To be honest, I'm also unwilling to just stand by."

"I also want to become a bit more useful, to possess the power worthy of being Tenraku-Sama's strength."

"So, please, Xuelan, let me be reckless this time. If you're concerned, defeat your opponent quickly and then come to assist me."

Clenching her fist tightly, Isabela stared directly at Xuelan as she spoke.

Though Isabela's approach seemed headstrong, and even though Xuelan had many counterarguments on her mind, upon seeing Isabela's determined gaze, she suddenly understood.

What was she getting upset about? Isabela's desire to become stronger mirrored her own.

"I understand, Isabela."

"You go deal with the Giant Dragon, and I'll handle the giant. Don't lose until I arrive!"

Facing Isabela, Xuelan spoke earnestly.

"Ah, we are Tenraku-Sama's Peerage. We definitely won't lose!"

With a smile beneath her masked visage, Isabela's cheek revealed a knowing expression. Without further ado, she stepped forward and shot like a cannon toward the airborne Giant Dragon.

During their conversation, the ground trembled, and Giant Gandoma had already closed in.

Taking a deep breath, Xuelan's eyes glinted with determination.

She had to swiftly defeat her opponent right in front of her!

Leaping into action, Gandoma's massive form nearly eclipsed Xuelan's view. Simultaneously, he swung a fist the size of a sandbag towards her.

Advancing with a confident stance, Xuelan positioned herself to confront the attack. Then, with a forceful shout, she launched her own punch…

To be continued…

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