Both of them possessed immense power. Each punch could reduce a car to scrap metal or pulverize a boulder. Before long, Xuelan had exchanged a hundred blows with Gandoma.


Finally unable to hold on any longer, Xuelan let out a pained cry as she was sent flying and crashed harshly onto the ground.

"Fighting you has been entertaining, but you're still not my match," Gandoma said, his buzzing voice trailing off as he ceased his attack.

"Haa… Haa…"

"I wouldn't be so certain about that, big guy."

Struggling to get up, Xuelan's hands trembled uncontrollably. Despite this, a victorious smile spread across her face.

Brows furrowing, Gandoma clearly wasn't much of a thinker. He couldn't understand her logic, but he didn't bother trying either. If the opponent wasn't giving up, he'd continue the battle.

However, just as he took a step forward, Gandoma suddenly collapsed to the ground. His body sank as if the earth couldn't bear his weight.

"My body… so heavy."

Attempting to rise, he fell once again with a pained expression on his face.

"You've fallen victim to my 'Hundred-Times Gravity Fist.' Your body is now enduring one hundred times its usual weight."

Approaching Gandoma, Xuelan explained.

"Gravity… Sacred Gear…"

Speaking was becoming increasingly difficult and traces of blood started to seep from Gandoma's eyes and nose.

"Yes, this is the Sacred Gear that Tenraku-Sama bestowed upon me: 'Infinite Gravity.' It's somewhat similar to your comrade's Sacred Gear, though without as many restrictions."

"Give up the struggle. You've lost."

The Sacred Gear given to Xuelan by Tenraku granted her the ability to manipulate gravity around her freely. However, she had only recently obtained it and hadn't had much time to develop its potential. At best, she could increase the gravity in her vicinity several times over.

While it was somewhat effective against ordinary foes, against powerful opponents with immense physical strength, the effect was almost negligible, as was the case now.

Considering this, Xuelan contemplated whether she could concentrate all her gravity manipulation in one area, thus maximizing the potential of her Sacred Gear's ability. This resulted in her developing the move known as the 'Hundred-Times Gravity Fist.'

Through a series of consecutive strikes, each hit doubled the opponent's gravity. By landing a hundred punches, Xuelan could increase the opponent's gravity by a hundred times.

However, the technique wasn't refined yet. To make it effective, she needed to maintain a continuous series of hits and collisions. Interrupting the sequence would cause the accumulated gravity to dissipate, rendering her efforts fruitless.

Although it wasn't a Forbidden Move, it was undoubtedly a potent technique. Xuelan was confident that given enough time, she could iron out the flaws. Moreover, she could potentially develop a Thousand-Times Gravity Fist or even a Ten-Thousand-Times Gravity Fist in the future!

"I… I can still fight…"

Blood trickling from his mouth and nose, Gandoma struggled to stand, only to collapse again and again.

Ordinary people could withstand four or five times the Earth's gravity, but even for a powerful Devil like Gandoma, one hundred times the gravity was an overwhelming burden. He could lift objects weighing over a hundred times his own mass, but he couldn't endure the weight equivalent to one hundred times his own.

Gravity acted on every cell in the body. Under such intense pressure, fragile blood vessels and cells ruptured and tore. After several attempts, Gandoma couldn't rise again, ultimately succumbing to unconsciousness on the ground.

"Another dramatic turnaround!"

"His Grace Sairaorg's [Rook] withdraws!"

The host's excited voice echoed in the air as Gandoma was transported out of the dimension in a burst of light.

With fists clenched, Xuelan couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

This was the power Tenraku-Sama had granted her!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the sky, Isabela and Ladora, in his transformed Giant Dragon state, continued their fierce battle.

Repeatedly struck down by the Giant Dragon, Isabela kept getting back up, charging forward time and again. Her body was covered in blood, wounds crisscrossing her form, but her face remained crazed, showing no signs of retreat.

It was akin to witnessing a form of cruelty. Many averted their gaze, unable to bear watching any longer. However, more people were inspired by Isabela's faith and determination, shouting her name and cheering her on with a resounding show of support.

Boom! Long!

Finally seizing an opportunity, Isabela's fist struck the Giant Dragon, and her Sacred Gear's ability, "Prank of the Giant – Variant Detonation," erupted in a burst of power. Even the formidable body of the Giant Dragon was torn apart, flesh and blood splattering.

Amidst agonized roars and fierce glares, the Giant Dragon swiftly turned around. Its tail, resembling a whip made of steel, lashed out mercilessly at Isabela.


A massive gash tore across her body, blood spraying as Isabela vomited in pain. Once more, she crashed onto the ground.

The endurance and defense of a [Rook] proved invaluable, allowing Isabela to endure. However, her body felt like it was being torn apart. Without the driving force of her fierce desire to win, she might have already lost consciousness from the pain.

And the situation remained dire. The Giant Dragon formed another fireball, unleashing it toward Isabela.


Attempting to evade while rising, Isabela stumbled and fell back to the ground.

With her body already battered, she wouldn't be able to dodge this time.

"Am I really not enough…"

A bitter smile tugged at the corner of her masked face. Despair settled in as she awaited her inevitable defeat and elimination.

However, it was at this moment—


Xuelan's voice rang out from a distance. She sprinted over, grabbing Isabela and rolling away with her.

Boom! Long!

A deafening explosion rocked the sky as flames soared. The two narrowly avoided the fireball's assault.

"Cough, Cough, Cough…"

"Isabela, are you alright?"

Coughing a few times, Xuelan hurriedly helped the bloodied Isabela to her feet.

"I'm… I'm fine, Xuelan."

"Sorry for making you help me every time."

Although she had been saved, Isabela's expression was filled with shame.

Despite her newfound understanding, she had still been too weak.

"Don't say silly things. We're companions, aren't we?" Observing Isabela, Xuelan scolded her with a hint of irritation.

Isabela shivered, falling silent.

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