EPHS-Chapter 388 The Final Banquet

Descending to the ground, Tenraku held the unconscious Irina and Xenovia in his arms.

"Tenraku, you could have easily blocked Irina's attack just now, couldn't you?!" 

Rias gritted her teeth and spoke as her Scarlet figure also descended to the ground.

"Indeed, not to mention that Susanoo wouldn't have been so easily severed. In fact, if I had used the power of the Yata-no-Kagami - Eight Ta Mirror, I could have easily blocked it."

"But, these two little fools worked so hard. I should give them a little reward, shouldn't I?"

Tenraku brushed Xenovia and Irina's cheeks and smiled.

"Rias' two Knights, exit!"

With the host's voice, Xenovia and Irina were also transported out of the dimensional space.

Finally, in this battle that had lasted until now, only Tenraku, Rias, and Sitri Sona remained!

"Rias, Sona, to be honest, I do feel a bit heartbroken to defeat you one by one, but if I don't take it seriously, you certainly won't forgive me, will you?"

"Even if it's ruthless, I'll accompany you in continuing this battle. Use all your tactics, and I'll take them all and defeat you all!"

Tenraku stared at Rias and Sona and spoke with a serious expression on his face.

"To be honest, Kamiya Tenraku, this is the most desperate I've ever felt in a battle. But—"

"I won't back down!"

"Neither will I!"

With determined eyes, Sona of the Sitri Clan also stared directly at Tenraku.

"You are the ones I acknowledge..."

With a grin, Tenraku's body ignited with a burning black flame, which continuously condensed and transformed, ultimately becoming a suit of pitch-black armor.

Embedded in the armor were blood-red jade jewels, giving it a dark, sinister, yet strangely beautiful appearance.

It was the Forbidden Move of the Black Evil Dragon King, Vritra's Armor.

Tenraku shared the Sacred Gear of the Black Evil Dragon King with Raynare, the fallen Angel twisted by darkness. The Forbidden Move, Vritra's Armor, was developed by Raynare when she was extremely eager for power during her battle with Azazel.

As one of the legendary Five Dragon Kings, Vritra's Sacred Gear, which sealed its entire soul, was naturally extraordinary. The Forbidden Move developed by Raynare was indeed very powerful. 

However, compared to the power of Ddraig and Albion, it was still a bit lacking, which was why Tenraku didn't use this Sacred Gear much in normal circumstances.

According to the rules of this competition, Tenraku couldn't use the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. It just so happened that he could make use of the power of this Sacred Gear.

Looking at Tenraku's new appearance, both Rias and Sona couldn't help but smile wryly.

One powerful Sacred Gear after another, they finally understood how helpless those poor souls who once opposed Tenraku felt.

"Come, my beautiful princesses. Let us offer the most splendid tribute for this final showdown!"


Unfurling a pair of jet-black Dragon Wings, Tenraku laughed heartily and shot up into the sky.

"Go fight, Sona. If you lose, you'll end up as my wicked wedded, just like me."

"Humph, Rias, you've always wanted to prove yourself to him and earn his recognition, haven't you? If you lose, you'll be the one most unwilling to accept it!"

Locking eyes with each other, Rias and Sona both wore a hint of a smile on their faces as they spoke. It seemed that they both had reasons they couldn't avoid this battle.

Then let's fight!

With Dragon Wings spread behind them, the two women transformed into streaks of scarlet and silver light, soaring into the sky.

"This is the duel of kings, the banquet of dragons. Everyone, cheer to your heart's content!"


Knowing that this competition had come to its final and most spectacular part, the atmosphere in the arena outside the dimensional space was higher than ever before.


Clang clang clang clang...

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!! 

There were no frills as three streaks of light intertwined fiercely in the air, each collision sparking massive explosions and flames.

In terms of Sacred Gear's capabilities and power, there is no doubt that the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing are superior. However, in terms of the host's strength, Rias only possesses the level of a Top-Class Devil, while Tenraku is an immensely powerful transcender, directly overwhelming both of them!

"Boost! Boost!! Boost!!"

"Divide! Divide!! Divide!!"

Radiant light flickered as Rias released hundreds of small Heavenly Dragons. All the little Heavenly Dragons worked in coordination with their master, continuously emitting energy waves to attack Tenraku.

"HāHāHā… I'll join in too!"

With a hearty laugh, Tenraku activated the Spirit Power within him and countless little black dragons also shot out from the blood-red jade jewel on Vritra's Armor. They were densely packed, numbering in the thousands, easily ten times the quantity of the small Heavenly Dragons released by Rias!

Jiū jiū jiūjiū jiū...

Hōng Hōng Hōng hōng hōng!!!!!!!

All the little Heavenly Dragons and little black dragons flew and darted, emitting energy waves, and attacking each other. The scene was extremely chaotic and exaggerated, turning the entire sky into a blaze!


What an exhilarating and intense battle! The spectators in the arena were all excited, their cheeks flushed as they cheered continuously.


Hōng Lóng!!!!

Rias smashed a massive Scarlet energy ball onto Tenraku. However, Tenraku emerged unscathed, and instead, he swept Rias off her feet with a kick that sent her flying thousands of meters!

"Ahhhhh…" In great pain, Rias struggled in the air before finally stabilizing her figure.

"HāHāHā… That was refreshing. You truly are my partner!"

"Little princess, let's go again. Create an opportunity for Sitri princess and Albion!"

With hearty laughter, Ddraig's voice echoed from the jade jewel.


With a determined glint in her eyes, Rias disregarded her own injuries and once again flew forward, entwining herself around Tenraku.

"Uh, Rias, what are you trying to do?"

"Everyone is still watching. If you want to be affectionate, we can do it at home later."

Watching Rias cling to him like an octopus, Tenraku couldn't help but stop his movements, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. His cheeks reddened slightly. This guy, who wants to be affectionate with you!


With an unparalleled understanding, as Rias restrained Tenraku, Sitri Sona had already taken action. She flashed behind Tenraku, then placed her hands on him.

"Divide! Divide!! Divide!!"

Tenraku knew exactly what the two women were aiming for. While Rias restrained him, Sona used the White Dragon Sovereign's ability to weaken his strength!

However, Tenraku did not resist.

Let these two silly girls see for themselves. His own power wasn't so easily weakened, ah!

As expected, in the next moment—


Sitri Sona let out a miserable cry, and then her entire body fell from the sky.


With a change in expression, Rias quickly released her hold on Tenraku and flew down to catch the falling Sona.

"Sona Sitri, Kamiya Tenraku's Spirit Power is too vast. Quickly release the excess power!"

Albion's stern voice echoed from the jade jewel, and Sitri Sona immediately followed suit, releasing the surplus power from her wings. Her face, which had turned red from the excessive power, finally returned to normal.

"Sona, are you alright?"

Rias asked with concern.

"Hā… Hā…"

"I'm... I'm fine. I just almost burst from the excess power of Kamiya Tenraku." Sitri Sona responded while catching her breath.

Rias couldn't help but chuckle. Sona could crack jokes like that too now.

But what Sitri Sona said was true. If she hadn't released her grip in time and continued to absorb Tenraku's power, she might have burst from his exaggerated strength!

Possessing the extraordinary Sacred Gear Plunder, every plundered ounce of Spirit Power from a Sacred Gear would increase Tenraku's strength. The higher the level of the Sacred Gear, the more power it could feedback to Tenraku. 

Since obtaining the True Longinus and reaching the level of a transcender, the Spirit Power within Tenraku had reached an extremely exaggerated level, and it was at least ten times more than that of an ordinary Demon King level!

"Rias, Sona, haven't you realized yet? No matter how you struggle, it's useless."

Looking down from a high vantage point, floating in mid-air, the dark armor made Tenraku appear like an evil final boss.

To have both princesses bullied to such an extent, this guy is now the evil final boss!

"We won't give up!"

In their expressions, there was only pure determination and neither of the two women backed down.

"Really, you're always so stubborn."


"I actually really love your stubbornness!"

Descending in a swoop, since both women were so persistent, Tenraku decided to fight them with all his might!

"Sona, let's go!"

The horn of battle sounded once again, and Rias and Sona flew up towards Tenraku.

Scarlet, silver-white, and pure darkness, the three streaks of light collided in mid-air, and then—


To be continued...