EPHS-Chapter 407 Fall from Heaven

Noble, beautiful, and pure, Gabriel embodied countless blessings as a female Seraphim - the Burning Angel.

She was praised, adored, and believed in by many.

But now, she was enduring a terrible nightmare!

Summoned and betrayed by her own "Queen" Griselda, ambushed and gravely injured by the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation, Grayfia, and now imprisoned and captured by the wicked Red Dragon Emperor, Kamiya Tenraku.

Gabriel couldn't fathom why this was happening. She didn't understand why Griselda, who had been so devout and loyal to her, would betray her. She didn't comprehend why the Red Dragon Emperor and Grayfia had joined forces. She didn't understand...

There were just too many things she didn't understand. But one thing she did understand:

She was in trouble!

The wicked Red Dragon Emperor had claimed he would do some excessive things to her, and he had kept his word.

First, the Red Dragon Emperor infused a strange power into her soul, informing her that it was called the "Seed of Belief," capable of distorting her will and altering her beliefs.

Gabriel felt a strong sense of disdain. Although the great Lord had already passed, her belief in Him remained harder than steel, deeper than the ocean. Her belief would never waver.

However, her opponent exuded confidence, a confidence that made her feel slightly uneasy.

This unease was quickly validated. The wicked Red Dragon Emperor began reciting something called the "Holy Scripture."

Daring to call something written by a mere Devil the "Holy Scripture"? Gabriel felt like laughing, but soon she couldn't find it in herself to do so.

Because she actually felt that everything he recited made sense, making her genuinely agree and find peace within, much like the teachings of the Lord.

This wasn't normal!

How could mere Devil's tricks and deception make her feel this way?

Suddenly, Gabriel realized— was this the power of the "Seed of Belief"?

With this realization, Gabriel immediately took control and refused to listen to those deceptive words. However, the other party was persistent, continuously reciting in her ear.

Initially, Gabriel managed to hold herself back, but gradually she began to listen, to understand, to accept. It wasn't until one day, when Gabriel felt a slight doubt in the Lord's teachings, that she suddenly woke up.

What had she done!!!

She had actually begun to doubt the Lord's teachings because of the Devil's deceptive words. She was an unforgivable sinner!

It was also from that moment on that Gabriel truly began to panic, to waver. And it was at that moment that she saw a triumphant smile on the face of the Red Dragon Emperor.

Gabriel was furious, but her anger was of no use. Instead, it brought about her true nightmare.

Yes, what had come before was just an appetizer. Gabriel's real nightmare was just beginning!

She had been defiled, her pure and flawless body sullied.

Every minute... every inch... over and over again...

By that wicked Red Dragon Emperor!

Losing her purity and, with it, her qualification to serve the Lord, Gabriel was in immense pain and despair.

For the first time in her life, Gabriel felt a hint of resentment towards the Lord she believed in.

Why did You leave so soon? Why didn't You come to save me?

What use is my belief in You?!!!

Endless pain, despair, and resentment filled her. However, at that moment, Gabriel suddenly felt a glimmer of happiness.

Yes, a happiness she had never experienced before, a pleasure derived from her own body!

Even though she had been defiled by the detestable Red Dragon Emperor, she felt pleasure, and it grew stronger and deeper, making her unable to resist wanting more and more!

And from that day on, Gabriel's nightmare entered a new phase. She would listen to the teachings of the "Holy Scripture" while enduring the defilement of her body.

Sometimes it was Grayfia reciting the "Holy Scripture," sometimes it was Griselda, and sometimes it was the Queen of the Elven Water Tribe. But it was always that wicked Red Dragon Emperor, Kamiya Tenraku, who defiled her body!

Time lost all meaning. Perhaps it had been a few days, perhaps it had been several years, perhaps it had been centuries.

In Gabriel's memory, every day she repeated the same actions.

The pleasure grew more intense, gradually transforming into a yearning. Her acceptance of the "Holy Scripture" grew deeper, etching every teaching into her soul.

Gabriel knew her body was sinking step by step, her soul falling bit by bit. But she was powerless; she could only accept it, be compelled to feel pleasure, to crave, and to conform.

Then she was forced to submit!

No one came to save her, and no one came to help her. The entire world was pushing her into the abyss of darkness!

Until one day—

"Look at yourself, Gabriel. See how beautiful you are now…"

Leaning over Gabriel from behind, Tenraku whispered wickedly, then pushed a mirror in front of her.

Her thoughts were sluggish, and Gabriel stared blankly at her reflection in the mirror.

She was still herself, but her golden wings had all turned jet black!

She had fallen from heaven...

When did it start? Maybe it began a long time ago, or perhaps it had just happened. But nothing mattered anymore.

She had fallen from heaven... She had fallen from heaven... She had fallen from heaven...

"Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Clutching her head, Gabriel screamed loudly!

"She has collapsed," Grayfia commented with a furrowed brow.

"Don't worry; she's just going through the crucial stage of transformation. Our work is almost done," Tenraku replied with a slight smile, exuding confidence.

He had plenty of experience doing this!

After Gabriel had screamed enough, Tenraku stepped in front of her again.


Hearing Tenraku's voice, Gabriel raised her head blankly, her eyes devoid of focus.

All the preparations were for this most crucial moment. With a gentle smile, Tenraku placed his hand on Gabriel's beautiful cheek.

"Gabriel, I am your master. I am your God. When I say you are pure, you are pure. When I say you have fallen, you have fallen."

"Now let me tell you—"

"You are pure."

"You are pure... You are pure... You are pure..."

Tenraku's voice seemed to echo continuously in the air, and Gabriel's unfocused eyes suddenly sparkled with a glimmer of hope.

"Am I pure?" Seemingly in disbelief, Gabriel asked.

"Yes, you are pure." Still smiling, Tenraku gave her a definitive answer.

"I am pure... I am pure... I am pure..."

The black feathers dispersed one by one, and in the blink of an eye, the wings on Gabriel's back returned to their original golden radiance!

Even more pure, even more sacred than before!

"Holy Lord-Sama..."

Kneeling on the ground, gazing up at Tenraku in a daze, Gabriel's eyes now radiated boundless fervor and devotion!

She felt almost compelled to burst into laughter, but Tenraku forcibly restrained himself and continued to complete the final step of this transformation ritual.

"Congratulations, Gabriel. You have been reborn."

To be continued