EPHS-Chapter 425 Reunion

Guided by a group of Vampire guards, Tenraku and his companions soon arrived in front of the grand hall of the palace. The massive doors slowly opened, and the Vampire guards stepped aside, allowing Tenraku, Gasper, Yubelluna, and the girls to enter on their own.

The interior of the hall was incredibly spacious, adorned with a layer of crimson carpet and exquisite Demonic Being embroideries. Faint glimmers seemed to dance across the carpet.

At the end of the carpet was a raised platform, and atop it was a golden throne. Seated on the throne was a young girl wearing a crown and a ceremonial gown. Though her appearance had changed, Gasper and Tenraku recognized her at first glance.

It was Valerie!

Beside Valerie's throne was another, occupied by a seemingly young Vampire man. Below the platform stood a few Pawns and individuals who appeared to be nobles— surprisingly few in number.


Ignoring the others, Gasper's tears welled up uncontrollably the moment he saw Valerie. They had planned to escape together initially, but due to unforeseen circumstances, Valerie sacrificed her chance at freedom for him. 

Gasper followed Tenraku and experienced a life of freedom and happiness outside, but Valerie remained in torment. Whenever Gasper thought about this, he felt a deep sense of unease.

It was great, truly great. He had finally reunited with Valerie, and this time, they wouldn't leave her alone!

Different from Gasper's excitement, Tenraku, although moved, maintained his composure. However, as he gazed at Valerie on the throne, he furrowed his brow.

"Good day, everyone. I am Valerie Tepes."

"Ah, yes, I am now the new Queen of Tepes. Please take care of me."

Valerie spoke with a soft, gentle voice. However, despite looking at Tenraku and the others, her scarlet eyes appeared vacant, lacking focus. Though her face carried a faint smile, it felt illusory and heart-wrenching.

Moreover, she seemed not to recognize Gasper and Tenraku!

"Valerie, what happened to you? It's us— Gasper and Tenraku. We've come to rescue you!" Finally noticing the abnormality in Valerie, Gasper exclaimed in disbelief.

"Gasper, Tenraku?"

"Ah, it's you. I remember now. It's been a long time."

Upon hearing Tenraku and Gasper's names, a glimmer returned to Valerie's vacant eyes. However, it quickly dimmed again, and her face once more displayed a courteous smile.

"No, it's not like this..."

Unable to hold back, Gasper took two steps back, his face filled with disbelief.

This scene was entirely different from the countless times he had anticipated and fantasized. The current Valerie was not the Valerie he knew!

"Valerie, what happened to you?!"

Feeling excited and distressed, Gasper was about to rush onto the platform. However, the Vampire man next to Valerie stood up, blocking his way.

"Enough, you must not approach our Queen."


"Scum" was the term used in the Vampire world for those of mixed blood. The man looked down at Gasper with cold, disdainful eyes, as if he were looking at the filthiest trash in the world. 

Remembering the unpleasant memories of being imprisoned in the castle, Gasper turned pale and staggered back, almost falling if not for Tenraku's timely support.

"Calm down, Gasper," Tenraku spoke as he pressed his hand on Gasper's shoulder.

"Tenraku, Valerie... she..." Too agitated to care about himself, Gasper appeared anxious and on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry; I'll handle everything."

"Tosca, keep an eye on him."

"Yes, Lord Tenraku."

Seeing Gasper's highly emotional state, Tenraku had Tosca and the other girls look after him. Then, he shifted his gaze to the man on the platform.

"State your name."

Not in the best mood, Tenraku's voice carried a hint of solemnity.

"Oh, oh, terrifying indeed! The renowned Red Dragon Emperor!" Marius Tepes, a man who introduced himself as the fifth heir of the Tepes royal family, interim Prime Minister, and the highest advisor on Sacred Gear research, spoke with a mocking tone, dancing around with his words.

However, to Tenraku, it all sounded like nonsense.

"So, you're the mastermind who colluded with the Khaos Brigade and orchestrated the coup?" Tenraku asked with a smirk.

"Colluded? Mastermind?" Marius chuckled. "No, no, no. It's those friends from the Khaos Brigade who actively sought me out and offered assistance. I just borrowed their power a bit."

"Different from the ordinary trash and scum, Valerie is an outstanding hybrid. Her Holy Grail is a treasure bestowed upon us Vampires by the heavens, with infinite potential. Unfortunately, father and older brother didn't understand, so I had to make them step aside."

These were quite bold statements. While Tenraku had yet to respond, several Vampire nobles were already in an uproar.

"Prince Marius, what is going on? You haven't informed us of any of this until now!"

"Explanations! We need an explanation!"

"How can you discuss these matters in front of outsiders? Be cautious, Prince Marius."

The older Vampires exchanged words, creating a chaotic atmosphere in the grand hall. Marius, however, maintained a smug expression, seemingly unfazed by the questions from the Vampire elders.

With a somewhat disdainful smile, Tenraku couldn't be bothered with their petty affairs. He came here with a single purpose from the beginning.

"Prince Marius, I don't want to get involved in your Vampire internal matters. I'll leave immediately if you can meet my request."

The entire hall fell silent.

"Oh... let's hear it," Marius said, displaying a hint of interest.

Tenraku's gaze swept across the hall before settling on Valerie, seated on the throne.

"Hand Valerie over to me."

To be continued...

(From Translator- Is there something wrong with this novel or my translation bcoz I am not earning anything from this novel? If there is something wrong than can you tell me what it is bcoz if the situation persist then I would have to focus my attention on new novels and I won't be able to do regular updates here and would probably make it into Patreon Exclusive novel. If there is something wrong then pls tell me and you can help me then Pls do so)