EPHS-Chapter 429 Unusual Valerie

At the boundary between Carmilla and Tepes, Vampire Queen Akasha Carmilla, along with eight stunning Vampire elders such as Lamyahilde and Anpusha, stood on Carmilla's side of the wall. Elmenhilde, as a junior and subordinate, stood quietly beside her mother.

A gentle breeze blew, causing Carmilla Queen's silky hair and robe to dance with the wind. Her ethereal beauty, almost otherworldly, made people gasp and become enchanted at first sight. However, as they observed the four Giant Dragons battling in the distance, the faces of Queen Akasha and the others became somewhat grim.

Not only Queen Akasha but also Elmenhilde and the other Vampire elders wore uneasy expressions. They recognized the Scarlet and Silver Heavenly Dragons; they knew Kamiya Tenraku had somehow released them from the Sacred Gears. But what about the two Evil Dragons fighting against the Heavenly Dragons? What was happening?!

Had Tepes fallen to such a state? Not only did they abandon the honor of Vampires by using the power bestowed by the gods, but they also consorted with Evil Dragons! Although the Vampires were furious, they were more frightened. If Kamiya Tenraku hadn't clashed with them and drawn them out, they might have remained in the dark.

With the ambitions of Tepes, it was only a matter of time before they struck. If those two Evil Dragons attacked their side, who among them could resist?

Unconsciously, their gazes fell on Queen Akasha in the front. However, all the Vampire elders couldn't help but look despondent. Even the mighty Akasha might not be able to stop those two monsters...

Feeling the eyes of several Vampire elders on her, Queen Carmilla's expression became even more unpleasant.

"Elmenhilde, order the activation of all defensive barriers and seal all border entrances!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Queen Carmilla spoke coldly, and Elmenhilde, flustered, hurriedly conveyed the queen's orders.

No longer paying attention to the distant battle, Queen Carmilla turned away from the city wall.

The situation had gone beyond her control. It seemed she needed to rethink her plans...


Encountering Rizevim on the way back was a minor incident. After Rizevim and his group left, Tenraku and the girls returned to the embassy building.

With a wave of his hand, Tenraku set up a barrier across the entire embassy, isolating the residual effects of Ddraig's and the others' battles and preventing other Vampires from spying.

"Lord Tenraku, is Valerie okay?" Seeing Tenraku placing Valerie on the bed, Gasper asked worriedly.

Without answering, Tenraku simply patted Valerie's cheek, and she whimpered softly, slowly waking up.

"Where am I...?" Rubbing her eyes, Valerie sat up with a groan.

"Valerie, we've rescued you!" Overjoyed, Gasper exclaimed.


Seeing Gasper, a glimmer appeared in Valerie's eyes, but it was instantly replaced by darkness.

"Ah, what? I also think so."

"No, it's not possible. Huh, really? You're saying that..."

With her eyes devoid of any trace of Tenraku and the others, Valerie suddenly began talking to the empty space as if engaged in a conversation with an unseen presence.

Even Gasper noticed Valerie's abnormal behavior, becoming anxious.

"Valerie, Valerie, what's happening to you?"

"Lord Tenraku, please help Valerie; she's acting very strangely now."

No matter how Gasper called, Valerie seemed unable to hear his voice. Worried, Gasper could only seek help from Tenraku.

"Calm down."

With a slight frown, Tenraku infused a stream of Spirit Qi into Valerie's body, exploring her condition and he soon roughly understood Valerie's situation.

"Lord Tenraku, is she okay?" Seeing Valerie's visibly disturbed state, Yubelluna and the other girls also showed concern.

"She has been consumed by the power of the Sacred Gear; her consciousness is in great chaos."

"Sacred Gear's power is consuming her?"

"That's right. Valerie harbors the Sephiroth Graal, also known as the Holy Grail of the Secluded World - a legendary Longinus."

"The power of the Holy Grail is too formidable and dangerous. Valerie cannot currently control it. Each use of the Holy Grail's power consumes her body and spirit. Valerie's mental state is extremely unstable, nearing the brink of collapse. Those scoundrels from Tepes likely abused her powers extensively."

Tenraku explained Valerie's current situation to Gasper and the girls, his expression growing even darker. Those scoundrels from Tepes had treated Valerie like a mere tool. If they hadn't rescued her and allowed Tepes to continue manipulating her powers recklessly, Valerie's mind and body would have collapsed in no time.

"Valerie... Valerie..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all because of me, all because of me..."

Hearing how severe Valerie's condition had become, Gasper's face turned pale with overwhelming guilt. If Valerie hadn't sacrificed her chance at freedom for him, she wouldn't be suffering like this now. The thought weighed heavily on Gasper, and he couldn't help but burst into tears again.

"Enough with the constant crying. I didn't say she's beyond saving."

Annoyed by Gasper's incessant sobbing, Tenraku spoke without much sympathy.

"Lord Tenraku, please, save Valerie quickly. Please, do something to help her."

Like finding a lifeline, Gasper pleaded eagerly. 

"Everyone, step back."

Upon hearing Tenraku's command, Gasper and the girls quickly retreated, giving space to Tenraku.

Valerie continued to mutter to herself on the bed, and Tenraku lifted her face, letting her dull eyes meet his.

Activating the 'Demonic Words of an Angel', Tenraku's pupils turned into two black whirlpools, and Valerie's eyes mirrored the transformation.

Valerie's mental state was extremely chaotic at the moment. Tenraku first used this Sacred Gear, capable of manipulating the mind, to stabilize her psyche. The effect was decent; Valerie closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

Nodding in satisfaction, Tenraku then activated the Smile of the Holy Mother - Twilight Healing and a radiant light enveloped Valerie's body.

Since Asia developed the Forbidden Move for Smile of the Holy Mother - Twilight Healing, it not only healed physical injuries but also mended psychological traumas. Tepes had excessively used Valerie, causing severe contamination of her mind and body. However, at this moment, rapid healing and recovery were taking place.

"Th-that's great..."

Seeing Valerie's complexion improve significantly, Gasper revealed a joyful expression.

"Valerie is fine now. However, although I've healed her wounds, it's just a temporary fix. If she continues to use the Holy Grail's power, she will still be consumed. To completely remove the threat, we need to extract the Sacred Gear from her body."

"Lord Tenraku, then please, extract Valerie's Sacred Gear!"

"You think it's that simple? It's not like it's yours; I can't just take it out."

"For now, let Valerie rest. We'll discuss other matters when she wakes up."


Scratching his head, Gasper felt a bit awkward. However, hearing that Valerie was now okay, he finally let go of some of his worries.

Leaving Valerie to rest in the room alone, Tenraku, Gasper, and the Yubelluna girls all left the room...

To be continued...