EPHS-Chapter 484 Conditions for Resurrection

Although Tenraku now possessed the Sephiroth Graal, a Holy Grail variant, and had basically mastered the abilities of the Holy Grail, he couldn't directly resurrect a deceased being just like that. 

To bring back someone from the dead, two conditions must be met: the soul and the body. If the soul has already vanished, resurrection is impossible. However, for Ddraig and Albion, this wasn't an issue, as their souls were well-preserved within the Sacred Gears.

To resurrect Ddraig and Albion, the primary concern was their bodies. While the Holy Grail had healing powers that could "rise from the dead," it couldn't spontaneously create a body. 

Other methods were needed to prepare bodies for Ddraig and Albion. The Holy Grail's role was to activate the body's vitality, facilitating the fusion of soul and body, achieving the effect of "resurrection."

Preparing the bodies was a crucial aspect. Although finding any two bodies could technically resurrect Ddraig and Albion, doing so carelessly would severely impact them. If the bodies were too weak, it could directly weaken their powers, turning the majestic Two Heavenly Dragons into, quite literally, Two Disabled Dragons.

Ideally, using Ddraig and Albion's original bodies or reconstructing bodies from their cells would be best. However, their bodies had been obliterated during the ancient war by the combined force of Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. Even if some remains existed, they had likely decayed beyond recognition.

The solution was to use cells from someone else. To better match Ddraig and Albion's powers, the cell provider should ideally be of the Dragon Race. Considering future adaptability and growth, the provider's body should also be more robust or at least comparable to theirs.

The Dragon Race was renowned for its powerful physique. In terms of sheer physical strength, no other race— be it Devil, Angel, Fallen Angel, or even Vampire— could surpass them. 

Ddraig and Albion, as Two Heavenly Dragons, were top-tier within the Dragon Race. Finding another Dragon Race that could exceed or rival them was a rare occurrence.

For most people, this would be a difficult problem. However, for Tenraku, it was straightforward. After all, he had a little Dragon God as a pet!

Ophis's cells were more than qualified to create bodies for Ddraig and Albion. If successful, it would bring tremendous benefits to both dragons.

Thinking about it, Tenraku held his little pet and explained the situation to Ophis.

"Basically, Ophis, could you give me some of your cells so that I can create bodies for Ddraig and Albion for their resurrection?"

Although taking a few cells was inconsequential for Ophis, out of respect for her, Tenraku still sought her agreement.

Chomping on a munchie, Ophis looked up at Tenraku and blinked her large eyes.


As concise as ever, Ophis lowered her head to continue munching on her snack.

Though the result was as expected, Tenraku was still a little pleased that Ophis had agreed. He decided to reward Marion and Burent with extra treats for Ophis in the future. Then, Tenraku snipped a strand of hair from Ophis's little head.

A single strand of hair was sufficient as a sample of Crom cells. Next was the formal process of creating the bodies. While Tenraku could have enlisted the help of Azazel or the Underworld, he didn't want others to know about the resurrection of the Two Heavenly Dragons. Consequently, he opted to involve the Vampire side.

Having conducted numerous studies and experiments on the Holy Grail, Rizevim and Marius Tepes, despite the latter's downfall, left behind equipment. Additionally, the Vampires had researchers who could likely use Ophis's cells to manufacture two bodies for Ddraig and Albion.

At Elmen's, Tenraku had Elmen contact Carmilla Queen, explaining the situation and requesting her help in creating bodies for Ddraig and Albion's resurrection. Having completely submitted to Tenraku, Carmilla Queen gladly accepted Tenraku's "request."

After ending the communication, Elmen activated a small teleportation magic, sending Ophis's hair to the Vampire side. Then, with a slight smile on her face, Elmen said, "Tenraku-sama, it has been sent."

"Thank you, Elmen."

"N-no problem. I'm glad to be able to help Tenraku-sama..."

Tenraku gently stroked Elmen's forehead, and Elmen quickly waved her hands, feeling a bit flustered.

Already accustomed to life here, Elmen no longer displayed a hint of her former arrogance. She was smart, capable, and incredibly cute. Naturally, Tenraku was very fond of this girl, and even Ravel, the proud little miss, had already approved and favored her.

"Let's go out."


With the matter resolved, Tenraku and Elmen prepared to return to the main hall outside. However, after taking just two steps, Elmen's legs gave way, and she collapsed to the ground.

Quick to react, Tenraku caught the girl in his arms.

"Elmen, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm fine, Tenraku-sama..."

Attempting to stand up despite her weakness, Elmen insisted she was fine, but she clearly seemed unwell.

"Don't move."

Tenraku commanded sternly, then used Spirit Qi to examine Elmen's condition.

"How long has it been since you sucked blood?"

Having a rough idea of what was happening, Tenraku sighed and asked.

"A-about a month..."

Elmen replied softly.

About a month without feeding meant that she hadn't sucked blood since she arrived here. Unlike reincarnated or mixed-blood vampires, pure-blood vampires needed to feed on blood to survive. Prolonged abstinence would not only cause unbearable hunger but also gradually weaken their powers.

"Why haven't you gone to suck blood?"

"I... I..."

Facing Tenraku's interrogation, Elmen seemed somewhat embarrassed, but she eventually swallowed her pride and spoke.

However, after listening to Elmen's so-called reason, Tenraku couldn't help but feel both amused and exasperated...

To be continued...

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler