EPHS-Chapter 492 The Shopping Valkyrie

On the train, Tenraku and Rossweisse sat close together, hand in hand, while the surrounding passengers whispered and occasionally cast admiring glances their way.

"They make such a beautiful couple..."

"Are they celebrities from somewhere?"

It's no wonder the passengers were so amazed. After all, Tenraku had been groomed by Rias and Rossweisse had meticulously prepared herself for today. Both of them outshone the so-called models and stars by miles. Their appearance in such a mundane setting naturally attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

"Tenraku, everyone is looking at us..." Rossweisse said shyly, her face turning red.

"That's because you're so beautiful, Rossweisse. Everyone's eyes are drawn to you. Don't worry, I won't let any creepy guys on the tram bother you." Tenraku reassured her with a squeeze of her hand, teasingly.

Feeling even more embarrassed, Rossweisse's heart raced incessantly. So, this is what a date feels like... it's such a strange sensation...

After swaying on the tram for over an hour, the two finally arrived at the Tokyo station. As they stepped off the tram, Rossweisse visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rossweisse, where do you want to go now?" Since Rossweisse suggested coming to Tokyo, Tenraku let her take the lead.

"Follow me. There's a place I've wanted to go for a long time, but I never had the chance before."

Rossweisse brushed her hair back, a hint of a smile on her face. Although it was just a natural gesture, the allure emanating from Rossweisse seemed to amplify instantly, leaving Tenraku slightly dazed.

Allowing Rossweisse to lead the way, Tenraku followed her steps. Despite being nervous and shy when they first held hands, it seemed they had already adapted to this level of intimacy.

Before long, under Rossweisse's guidance, the two arrived at the foot of a shopping mall.

"Tenraku, look! This is the place I've dreamed of, a large-scale hundred-yen store catering to women!"

Eyes sparkling with excitement, Rossweisse's face was filled with enthusiasm.

Unlike Rossweisse's excitement, Tenraku was facepalming internally. They had deliberately taken a tram for over an hour to come to Tokyo, only for Rossweisse's desired destination to be this hundred-yen store.

Well, that's Rossweisse for you!

"The store is called 'Bella,' which means 'beautiful' or 'beautiful woman' in Italian. And all the goods here are fashionable items suitable for women!"

"The biggest feature here is the functionality and practicality of the products. At first glance, they don't look like they only cost a hundred yen..."

"Look at this plate, it looks so stylish!"

"The pen holder's design is so beautiful, and the more you look at it, the more sleek it seems!"

"No, this one here may look small, but it has amazing storage capacity!"

Like a fish darting through the water, Rossweisse joyfully plunged into the sea of the hundred-yen store, leaving Tenraku with no choice but to follow.

Rossweisse, in her shopping mode, could completely block out all external distractions. In her eyes, everything other than the sparkling holy light of the hundred-yen products was just air.

Although somewhat speechless, Tenraku dutifully followed behind her, carrying the items she selected.

Hours later...

"It's terrifying, 'Bella' is so scary! I've unconsciously spent over ten thousand yen!" Rossweisse exclaimed, grabbing her hair in shock as she finally snapped out of her shopping frenzy.

"Rossweisse, you can marvel at the magic of 'Bella' later. I think you'd better help me first." Tenraku's voice emerged from beneath a pile of shopping bags.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Tenraku, for making you help me with all these things." Rossweisse snapped out of her daze, looking ashamed, and quickly scrambled to help Tenraku carry some of the items, revealing his figure from under the bags.

"My Valkyrie, do you still want to buy more?" Tenraku teased, with no hint of complaint, while Rossweisse blushed and shook her head continuously.

Each item here only cost a hundred yen, yet Rossweisse had racked up a bill of over ten thousand yen. In just a few hours, she had bought hundreds of items!

"Since we're not buying anymore, let's go to the checkout." 

"Ah, okay."

Ending their crazy shopping spree, the two arrived at the checkout counter with their assortment of items. Rossweisse was about to take out her wallet, but Tenraku had already handed a black card to the cashier behind the counter.

"Tenraku, these are my purchases, how can I let you pay for me?" Rossweisse felt a sense of urgency seeing Tenraku's actions.

"Rossweisse, today is our date. It wouldn't be right for the girl to pay during a date." Tenraku smiled, unperturbed.

"But... but..." Rossweisse wanted to argue, but this time it was the female clerk behind the counter who spoke up:

"This gentleman is right. It's too stingy for a guy to let the girl pay during a date." 

"But this gentleman is not very generous either. Despite having such a beautiful and outstanding girlfriend, he only brought her to our hundred-yen store." The female clerk joked as she processed their payment.

There was no malice in her words. As she helped them with the transaction, she couldn't help but notice the sincerity in Rossweisse's explanation:

"It's not like that. It was my idea to come here. I really like your hundred-yen store."

Upon hearing Rossweisse's words, the female clerk's eyes flashed with surprise. Nowadays, which girl doesn't like to chase after fashion and luxury brands? To find such a remarkable girl who still appreciated simplicity was truly rare.

"Sir, you're really lucky to have found such an excellent girlfriend." With a meaningful glance at the two, the female clerk returned the black card to Tenraku and sincerely remarked.

As they finished packing their purchases, a smile appeared on Tenraku's face: 

"Ah, I think so too."

To be continued...

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler