EPHS-Chapter 495 I Am Your Brave

Tokyo was indeed a bustling and vibrant place. Following their adventure at the amusement park, aquarium, and even Tokyo Tower, Tenraku and Rossweisse capped off their day with a movie at the cinema. 

The film happened to be a classic romance, which Tenraku found rather cliché, but Rossweisse was deeply moved by the twists and turns of the main characters' journey to love.

Despite being a somewhat disappointing Valkyrie, Rossweisse's emotional response was quite typical of a normal girl. After the movie ended and the day was drawing to a close, Tenraku activated his Space Leap ability, transporting them to a secluded spot on a remote path in Kuoh Town.

With the winter season in full swing, a chill was in the air, but it didn't bother Tenraku and Rossweisse as they walked hand in hand. As they strolled, a warm and tender atmosphere enveloped them. 

However, the thought of their time together coming to an end soon left Rossweisse feeling unexpectedly reluctant.

"Rossweisse, did you have fun today?" Tenraku asked as they walked.

"Yes, I had a wonderful time. Thank you, Tenraku," Rossweisse replied softly.

"You've thanked me so many times today. If you really want to show your gratitude, how about something more tangible?" Tenraku teased, causing Rossweisse to stop in her tracks.

"What's wrong, Rossweisse?"

"I was just joking earlier. You don't have to take it seriously," She said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"But you're right, Tenraku. You've helped me so much, and yet I haven't properly thanked you," she continued.

"Tenraku, close your eyes," she instructed, a blush spreading across her face as she made a decision.

"Hey hey, Rossweisse, are you going to kiss me? That's such an old-fashioned move," Tenraku chuckled, but he obediently closed his eyes as instructed.

A delicate fragrance filled the air as Rossweisse pressed her soft lips against Tenraku's. When he opened his eyes, he was met with Rossweisse's bashful expression, and she quickly stepped back, looking like a startled deer.

"I... I don't really understand these things, so this was the best I could come up with," she murmured shyly.

"That was... my first kiss. Consider it a thank you for today," She added, her cheeks burning bright red.

"Rossweisse's first kiss? That's quite a generous thank you," Tenraku remarked with a smile, but then his expression turned serious.

"But... Rossweisse, you shouldn't have kissed me."

"Shouldn't have kissed you?" Rossweisse was confused. Had she done something wrong by kissing Tenraku?

"You've held my hand, made plans to meet, and now you've even given me your first kiss," Tenraku explained. "Rossweisse, by doing this, you won't be able to find another boyfriend in the future."

"Lies! I can still find another boyfriend even after doing all this! I know that much!" Rossweisse retorted, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Tsk tsk, you say that now, but you're usually so innocent and clueless about these things," Tenraku teased affectionately.

Slightly surprised, Tenraku chuckled as he rubbed his chin, while Rossweisse couldn't help but feel embarrassed. This guy, Tenraku, was he trying to trick her? Was he trying to deceive her?!

"Well, since this method didn't work, I'll try another one," muttered Tenraku under his breath. Seeming to have made a decision, he adopted a serious expression and then, like a gentleman, gently took Rossweisse's hand.

"Rossweisse, I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his voice echoing in the air.

"Be my girlfriend... be my girlfriend... be my girlfriend..." Tenraku's words seemed to reverberate endlessly in the air. Rossweisse blinked, then took a while to react.


"Tenraku, are you... confessing to me?" Rossweisse asked incredulously.

"That's right. We've held hands, made plans to meet, and even kissed. Isn't now the perfect time for a confession?" Tenraku replied. "Even the useless male lead in the movie knows these things. I couldn't miss such a rare opportunity."

Nodding in agreement, Tenraku continued, "Rossweisse, you may think of it as a pretend date, but I've been treating it as real from the start. Besides, even if it's fake, everything we've done today is what real couples do, isn't it?"

"But... but..." Rossweisse was completely flustered and at a loss.

Tenraku's sudden confession had caught her off guard. What should she do? She had no experience in this area!

Seeing Rossweisse's conflicted and confused expression, Tenraku's lips curved into a smirk. It was time to add fuel to the fire.

Taking a step forward, Tenraku wrapped his arm around Rossweisse's waist and then sealed her lips with his own.

"Mmm..." Rossweisse couldn't even resist. Her mind went blank as Tenraku effortlessly broke through her defenses and savored the delicious sweetness of her lips.

Unlike the fleeting kiss before, this one felt real. Tenraku easily overwhelmed Rossweisse, who was left breathless and powerless.

After a long while, satisfied, Tenraku finally released the girl, licked his lips, and leaned close to Rossweisse's ear.

"Rossweisse, don't you think this is fate? You've been unable to find your Brave all this time because I am your true Brave," he whispered seductively. "Give everything to me, let me protect you, care for you, love you. Be my girlfriend, Rossweisse, a real girlfriend, and in the future, become my wife just like Rias and the others!"

Tenraku's mesmerizing words echoed in Rossweisse's ears, causing her heart to tremble.

"I... I..." 

To be continued...

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler