EPHS-Chapter 519 A Bit of Reality

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The battle had ended, with Qlippoth losing three of its top generals— Ladon, Grendel, and Walburga. Euclid, heavily injured, managed to escape. However, they achieved their goal: seizing the entire floating island of Agreas!

After the barrier was shattered, Tenraku and the others finally reestablished communication with the outside world. As anticipated, they had spent several hours inside the barrier, but only a few minutes had passed outside. 

This short duration meant that even if the Underworld noticed the disconnection of Auros Town and Agreas, they wouldn't have had time to dispatch rescue teams.

After joining forces with Sairaorg, Rias, Sona, and Seekvaira immediately contacted Duke Agares and several Demon Kings to report the situation. Naturally, Duke Agares and the Demon Kings were shocked. They instructed Tenraku and Rias to manage the situation, assuring them that reinforcements would arrive soon.

The fact that Rizevim, leading Qlippoth, had taken the entire floating island of Agreas was bound to spread like wildfire. Such a significant event couldn't be kept secret and would surely cause a stir throughout the Underworld.

While the loss of Agreas's floating island was significant, the reappearance of Rizevim, who had been missing for so long, was even more crucial. As the son of the previous generation's Demon King, Vali Lucifer, Rizevim possessed transcendent power. 

He was the core figure of all the old Demon King factions, overshadowing Shalba Beelzebub and Katerea. Despite the Underworld repeatedly suppressing rebellions by the old Demon King factions, they kept sprouting up like weeds. Rizevim's return would undoubtedly embolden them once more.

Although the future of the Underworld seemed bleak, Tenraku and the others didn't need to worry about it now. They had their own concerns to attend to.

Before long, reinforcements dispatched by Duke Agares and the Demon Kings arrived. Despite the battle being over, there were still a series of troublesome tasks that needed to be addressed.

The people in the shelter were relocated, but when they saw their homes nearly reduced to rubble, the residents of the town couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and sadness. 

It was true that Tenraku and his group had contributed to the destruction of the town, but it was a necessary sacrifice for the battle. Homes could be rebuilt, but if lives were lost, it would be irreversible.

The medical personnel dispatched by Duke Agares began to settle the residents of the town. However, Tenraku and Sona had to deal with the parents and children who had come for the school's open day.

"I'm truly sorry, everyone, for involving you in danger," Sitri Sona said, bowing deeply to the parents and children.

"Please, get up, Princess Sona. It's not your fault," They replied.

"It's true! Those villains did this. Princess, you protected us," Another parent chimed in.

"This school is the best I've ever seen. My child loves it here," Added another.

"Princess Sona, please don't give up. This school is not just your hope and dream; it's ours too!" 

"Princess, I love your school."

"So do I! Elder Brother Red Dragon Emperor's fight was so cool. I want to become as strong as him and defeat those bad guys!"

The parents and children comforted and encouraged Sitri Sona with their words.

"Thank you all so much," Sitri Sona said, feeling moved by their encouragement and support.

Although this unfortunate incident had occurred, her school still stood, and her dream remained unbroken. Originally, there was another half-day of activities planned, but obviously, it couldn't continue now. Sitri Sona apologized again to the parents and children, arranging for transportation to take them back.

"Sona, are you okay?" Tenraku asked as they saw Sona lost in thought at the school gate.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Tenraku. If it weren't for you, this school would have been destroyed by Grendel," Sitri Sona replied, snapping out of her reverie.

"Sona, I've told you before. There's no need for thanks between us. If you really want to thank me, show it through your actions," Tenraku said with a smile.

Tenraku's finger tapped on the girl's forehead as he spoke. "Let's talk about it when we get home."

President-sama couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You're not polite to me at all, even though I'm being polite to you."

But upon hearing Sona's words, Tenraku's eyes lit up. He had just said it casually, but ah, it seemed there was indeed something there!

"Well, then, I'll look forward to it," he replied with a smile.

In a dimly lit room, Tenraku, Rias, Sitri Sona, and Seekvaira sat closely together at the bottom row. Above them were Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka Beelzebub, Falbium Asmodeus, and Azazel. However, except for Ajuka Beelzebub, who was physically present, the other Demon Kings and Azazel were only projections via magic.

After dealing with some matters at the scene, except for Sairaorg, who had already returned to the House of Bael's territory, Tenraku and Rias received summons from the Demon Kings.

Previously, they had only briefly reported the situation on the scene during communication. This time, they provided a detailed account of what had happened.

"To think they took the entire floating island of Agreas. Rizevim is really capable," Remarked one of the Demon Kings.

"Rizevim showing himself might actually be a good thing. Now, no one will doubt the intelligence brought back by the Red Dragon Emperor," Another added.

"With Rizevim's appearance, the old Demon King factions will surely make their moves. We must be prepared," Warned another.

"Our Underworld is truly fraught with difficulties," Sighed Falbium.

"Don't complain, Falbium. Protecting the Underworld is our duty as Demon Kings," Reminded another.

"In any case, let's gather the leaders of other factions first. Dealing with Rizevim and the entire Qlippoth is not something our Underworld alone can handle. If he manages to undo the seal of the Sovereign Beast 666 - Trihexa, the entire world will face a catastrophe," concluded another.

After assigning tasks, and exchanging greetings with others, the projections of Sirzechs and the others disappeared, leaving only Ajuka and Tenraku in the room.

To be continued...