EPHS-Chapter 525 Ravel's Peerage

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Kamiya Family Hall—

"Wow, Ravel-chan has her Devil Piece too!" The girls around Ravel couldn't help but exclaim as they looked at the Devil Piece placed on the table.

Devil Pieces were extremely precious, and only high-class Devils in the Underworld were qualified to possess them. They couldn't be bought with money.

"Hehe, this is something Onii-chan specially requested from Demon King-sama for me." With her arms crossed, Ravel looked up with a proud expression on her face.

Ajuka was very efficient. Shortly after Tenraku and the others returned home, he had the Devil Piece delivered. While they were in the Underworld, Tenraku had already instructed Ravel to log in to the Chess Stele, so Ravel was now considered a true "King". 

All her pieces were activated, and as long as she found Peerage and integrated them into her body, she could use them normally.

"Ravel, now that you've also become a 'King', it's time to quickly collect your Peerage. Do you have any targets in mind?" Rias asked. She had always liked her little sister-in-law Ravel and had been paying attention to her affairs.

"Well, I already have some in mind." After hesitating for a moment, Ravel looked towards Kunou beside her. "Hey, little fox, would you like to be my Peerage?"

"Huh? Ravel-chan wants me to be your Peerage?" Kunou seemed very surprised, but Tenraku and the other girls showed expressions that said they had expected as much.

Apart from Tenraku, Kunou was the person closest to Ravel in the house. Whether at school or at home, the two of them were always inseparable, truly best friends.

"I-I'm just suggesting it. If you're not willing, it's okay. Even if you refuse, I won't be sad." Feeling slightly flustered, Ravel said casually.

Watching Ravel's cute tsundere act, both Tenraku and the girls couldn't help but smile secretly. If Kunou really refused, Ravel would probably be heartbroken.

"Sure, if it's Ravel-chan." After thinking for a moment, Kunou answered.

Relieved, Ravel's face also showed a hint of joy, but she immediately concealed it.

"Then let's make the contract now." Taking out a piece, Ravel intended to officially contract with Kunou as her Peerage and King.

"Ravel-chan, is this the Queen's piece? Can I really be your Queen?" Kunou asked.

"What, you don't want to be the Queen? Then I'll give you a Pawn instead."

"Um, I'll be the Queen..."

"Hehehe..." With everyone in the house as witnesses, Ravel integrated the piece representing the Queen into Kunou's body, and the two officially formed a contract.

As the piece merged, Kunou began to emit a dazzling light, and her aura continued to rise. Cute fox ears grew on her small head, and nine furry fox tails appeared behind her.

"How do you feel, little fox?" Ravel asked with concern, and Kunou answered truthfully as she squeezed her hands.

With the high attack and defense of the Rook, the extreme speed of the Knight, the Magic Power of the Bishop, and the Queen being the most important piece, possessing the abilities of all pieces except for the King and Pawn, Kunou felt that all her attributes had greatly increased after integrating the piece.

Seeing Kunou successfully integrating the piece, Ravel breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her lips.

Kunou was the future nine-tailed fox. Once she grew up, she would definitely reach the level of a Demon King.

She had truly hit the jackpot!

Feeling relieved after dealing with Kunou, Ravel then looked towards Elmen beside her.

"Elmen, would you also like to be my Peerage?"

As a former favorite servant of the Vampire Queen, Elmen's excellence was undeniable. Coupled with her unique ability to adapt to various situations, integrating her into the Peerage would undoubtedly be a great asset in the future.

Although Ravel extended the invitation, Elmen did not immediately respond. Instead, she cast a questioning glance towards Tenraku on the side. Despite their good relationship with Ravel and the others now, Elmen's true loyalty and allegiance still lay with Tenraku. Therefore, she needed Tenraku's instructions.

"Elmen, it's up to you to decide on this matter," Tenraku said with a smile as he stroked Ophis's little head.

"Alright then, Ravel, I'll be your Peerage too," Elmen nodded, giving her answer.

After the events of the last battle, Ravel completely trusted and accepted Elmen. Now, being able to make her part of her Peerage, Ravel was also very happy.

Ravel chose the piece for Elmen to be the Rook, and under everyone's witness, the two of them also formed the contract between King and Peerage.

Finally, Ravel turned her gaze to Le Fay—

"Le Fay, are you out of Magic materials again?" Instead of directly extending her invitation, Ravel wore a cunning expression, much like a little fox.

Tenraku, Rias, and the girls found Ravel's cleverness amusing. Ravel indeed knew how to touch upon people's soft spots.

"Um, y-yes," Le Fay's face flushed slightly, showing a troubled expression. Despite appearing glamorous on the surface, being a Magic user was a profession that burned through money. 

To research her Magic, Magic users needed to purchase a large amount of Magic materials for experiments. It could be said that most Magic users lived in poverty throughout their lives.

"We Phenex family are super rich, and many Magic materials are also specialties of our Phenex family. If Le Fay becomes my Peerage, I can provide you with all the funds and materials you need for research in the future," Ravel tempted, and Le Fay's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Providing... all the funds and materials for me?!" Le Fay exclaimed in surprise.

"How about it, Le Fay? Do you want to become my Peerage?" Ravel asked.

"W-well, then, I'll also become Ravel-chan's Peerage..." Unable to refuse, Le Fay finally succumbed to the temptation of the Devil Princess.

Ravel chose the piece for Le Fay to be the Bishop, which suited Le Fay's attributes very well. Under everyone's witness, the two of them also formed a contract.

With the Queen, Rook, and Bishop, three Peerage members were recruited, and each one was excellent. Ravel was very excited and happy.

"Kunou, Elmen, Le Fay, Ravel will rely on you in the future. She still has many immature aspects, so please help her more in the future," Tenraku said as he stood up, addressing Kunou, Elmen, and Le Fay.

"We will do our best to assist Ravel-chan, Onii-chan," Kunou, Elmen, and Le Fay nodded.

After patting the foreheads of the three girls, Tenraku looked at Ravel beside him again.

"Ravel, being a 'King' is both an honor and a responsibility. In the future, make good use of Kunou and the others' strength, and also protect them. Do you understand?" 

"Yes, Onii-chan, I understand," Ravel replied.

To be continued...