EPHS-Chapter 528 Will Be Found Out

In the early morning, Tenraku opened his eyes. 

Glancing at Sona still nestled in his embrace, a smile spread across Tenraku's face. Last night was truly a wonderful night...

Unlike Rias and Akeno's voluptuous types, Sona was slender like her elder sister Serafall. Although the experience and sensations Tenraku received from her were completely different, they were equally enchanting and intoxicating!

Stroking a strand of Sona's silky hair, Tenraku gazed at the girl until Sona's cheeks flushed red.

"Have you had enough?" Sona finally opened her eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"That's never going to be enough," Tenraku grinned and leaned down to silence Sona's lips.

Sona initially wanted to resist but gradually gave up struggling and let Tenraku take control, her expression becoming hazy.

"Sona, how about we do it again?" After a long while, Tenraku released the girl but whispered in her ear.

"N-No, we can't. Rias and the others will find out..." Sona panicked, wanting to refuse, but Tenraku didn't give her a chance.

Once again silencing the girl's lips, Tenraku activated his ability, Five-senses Manipulation, and continued to ravage Sona's body with both hands and mouth.

Even the strongest willpower couldn't resist the amplified pleasure and ecstasy. Sona's eyes showed a hint of despair, but it quickly dissipated like smoke in the rain.

Because Tenraku had entered her body once again...

The room once again witnessed scenes of passion as Sitri Sona felt like she was rolling and tumbling in an endless sea. Every cell in her body was reveling in pleasure, to the point where she almost forgot to breathe.

Aside from accepting this pleasure and ecstasy, she couldn't do anything else!

Indulging in the passion, when the two finally ended their madness, it was already afternoon.

Sona couldn't remember how she cleaned herself, changed her clothes, and was led out of the room by Tenraku. She only had one thought in her mind.

They must know, Rias and the others must all know.

She was too ashamed to face anyone!

Indeed, Rias and the others all knew. They had been in the room almost the whole day, and even the most clueless person could guess what they were doing.

When Tenraku and Sona appeared in the hall, Rias and her girls all looked at them simultaneously while enjoying their tea.

Even Tenraku, who had thick skin, couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed, while Sitri Sona looked distracted as if the world didn't matter anymore.

"Ara Ara, Tenraku finally conquered President-Sama?" Akeno and Kuroka teased him, while Bennia looked at him with admiration in her eyes. 

Irina and Asia, on the other hand, were surprised by what had happened between Tenraku and Sona, despite their official engagement. They didn't expect President-sama to behave like this, as she had always been conservative and reserved in such matters.

"Tenraku, it was Sona's first time. Can't you be gentler with her?" Rias approached him and gave him a stern look.

Normally, Rias would tease Sona about this, as she had done in the past, but seeing Sona's current dazed and distracted state, Rias didn't feel like joking anymore. Together with Shinra Tsubaki and the others, she helped Sona sit down and checked her body while comforting her.

Tenraku couldn't help but feel speechless. Rias, oh Rias, you don't think I broke Sona, do you? She's just having trouble accepting reality for a moment because of your relationship!

Thinking about it, Tenraku found it somewhat amusing. Sona usually showed great strength in the face of any difficulty or adversity, but she unexpectedly seemed very fragile in this regard.

But Tenraku wasn't worried. Let Rias and the others comfort her, and Sona should be able to recover soon.

Finding a place to sit down, Tenraku instructed Marion and Burent to prepare some food for him. After spending the entire night and most of the morning indulging in fallen activities with Sona, Tenraku had expended quite a bit of energy and was feeling hungry...

In the evening, Göndul arrived at the Kamiya Family residence. However, this time, Grandma wasn't here as a guest; she was here to bid farewell.

"Grandma, are you leaving so soon?" Rossweisse held her grandmother's hand, feeling reluctant to see her go.

"I've finished what I came here to do, so it's time for me to return. I came specifically to bid farewell to you all," Göndul said with a gentle smile.

"Is your health okay now? You were all sealed with magic before," Rossweisse expressed her concern.

"Don't worry, everything is fine now. Sealing the magic of so many magicians at once is extremely difficult, almost impossible. Although the enemy managed to do it forcibly, they couldn't maintain it indefinitely. After the retreat of the Khaos Brigade, the seal weakened significantly, and with the help of the Watchers of the Children of God, the remaining seal was completely lifted," Göndul explained to her.

"Göndul-sama, you are always welcome here, and the students at the school really enjoy your lectures," Sona, who had returned to her usual self, said as she approached.

"I also love those lively and adorable children," Göndul replied warmly. "Princess Sona, your school is excellent. Please keep my position as a teacher, and I'll come by whenever I have free time."

"Of course," Sona said happily after hearing Göndul's response.

"Then finally..." Göndul turned to Rossweisse. "In the future, make sure to get along well with the Red Dragon Emperor and everyone here."

"Red Dragon Emperor, I entrust our Rossweisse to you. If she ever gets bullied, as her grandmother, I won't let you off lightly," Göndul said with a serious tone.

"Grandma..." Rossweisse blushed at the sudden turn of conversation, while Tenraku quickly assured her that he would never let Rossweisse be bullied.

Although Grandma always seemed gentle and amiable, the occasional display of authority was quite intimidating. Tenraku didn't think she was joking.

With nothing else to attend to, Göndul bid farewell to Tenraku and the girls before stepping into the transmission formation, under their watchful eyes...

To be continued...

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