Monster Pets hit diffrent apparently!

I must admit having the power to do anything i want within the Danmachi Verse is intoxicating... Currently I am returning to the surface together with my three new pets/sex-toys. Wiene, Ray, and Marie are just following behind me on their special leashes their faces are just a delight, twisted in anger, sadness and even some curiosity in Marie's case.

Why do i have them following me through the dungeon for a track to the surface all the way from Rivira i seriously don't know. Maybe i want some-kind of entertainment before actually traveling to another World all together for a hot second. Maybe its also for an excuse to get close to some of the waifus in the series... Such as Tiona, Ais, Lefiya, Riveria, Amid, Naaza, and Anakitty. Especially Anakitty i want to destroy the potential for her ever having a relationship with Raul. The boy doesn't even have the balls... after-all her flirting nothing happened, so its my turn he got more then enough chances.

But before all that its Pet petting and Isekai Time hope just that someone is gonna point out my Pets or i will have to wait for after the Isekai to trying my 'Luck' with Anakitty Autumn. Yeah this is a strange coincidence considering the next world i have chosen or its just my subconscious messing with me. Or there is something more going on i don't feel emotions and thoughts the same way anymore since i have arrived in this world. Maybe being free stopped some-kind of emotional and social assistance given by the world. Something to do with Fate maybe even Destiny after all these forces and the beings behind them are very powerful no matter the world and verse which would at least make some sense in a very twisted way...

So for these reasons i am basically restarting my puberty, was i somehow getting help... Maybe my heritage will have something to do with all these strange coincidences. Will hopefully get my answers in the RWBY verse considering they have this nice ask any questions jinn in a lamp. And with my thoughts being a complete haywire i reach the surface and get stopped by some guild workers.

MC "Wiene, Marie, Ray sit!"

Yeah Marie can sit she has legs now after all i can control how they evolve now so giving them a few humanoid monster crystals and a bit of Human Blood of my own and boom, they all can control their Monster features at will. But right now their all clearly identifiable as Monsters for my own mind's sake don't want to deal with all the currently misplaced rumors or judgement.

Funnily enough i reached Level 17 for some reason showing of tamed Xenos on the 18th Floor's city Rivira was enough for 3 Levels while getting each to the surface was another 3 Levels... The last Level actually comes from Freya cause she is currently watching me from the elevator going to her penthouse suite inside the Babel Towers top floor.

So i choose new development abilities Aura Control, Aura Manipulation, Craftsman, Magic Refinement, Magic Tempering, and Magic Compression. And i must say all the Lustful glances from the man around given to my pets is really something else but considering that their beauty improved with each evolution it isn't that strange. They are actually the same strength as the one eyed black Dragon. Which means super OP considering the thing can use Time Magic or at least resist its effects using Wild Magic which Dragons are known for...

Well at least in Overlord that is and i plan to go there in the future but for now my other 3 planned worlds take priority. First its gonna be RWBY time the moment i reach the Shop with my pets. But for now I'll focus on reality again or i am gonna miss something.

Mob Guard "Ah their tamed monsters they look very human... Your lucky having them look so human may not give you all that bad of an attention. Or a bad one what it is gonna be i am not really so sure anymore. I am gonna register them i only need your address and the Ganesha Familia will come to make sure their truly tame."

MC "I live in the shop that i opened right in the most visible spot of Babel Square. Cant miss it its the most popular topic right now after all."

The guard looked shocked and then watched me leave for home with the girls following me on their leashes. so far everything went according to plan. Especially with how i got the attention of gods Ouranos and Hermes now with me bringing three tamed Xenos up there without clothes to hide their dignities whatsoever.

Now for the next step i only need to hope someone is gonna stop me but for now their all happy with their whispering. Apparently me owning the Shop makes them all too wary to do anything to me. With how you now truly can travel anywhere in Gekai in moments if you buy a Gekai Free Travel Ticket. Even if Freya is the only one so far to have bought it considering its hefty price of 10'000'000'000 Valis. Must have been all her savings, but i am happy because she cant take anyone with her she for now only confirmed its possible and then immediately returned and ordered her Familia to raise money so she can take some guards with her.

While i was thinking about Gekai i remembered her is more than just Tenkai in this world there still is Tartarus and the Spirit-realm to consider so i bought some storefronts in all these places. Now i am truly everywhere in Danmachi. The dungeon even bought monster girl templates and put them all below the 60th Floor as that's to date still not reached territory because Zeus and Hera Familia have been erased.

So i reached my shop and entered and immediately teleported into my private quarters only to find Hestia there exhausted from her Arcanum being sapped whenever my status was updated and upgraded the power needed to come from somewhere. Until it now also can come from me apparently becoming Level 11 was all i needed to give, updated, and upgrade Falna. But before i reached that i gave Hestia Arcanum drain and caused her to need to recover for at least another Day.

I am sad i didn't fuck the girls but then it clicked i can just say their Faunus and take them to the RWBY World they may even have awesome Semblances when i finally get around to unlocking theirs still need to figure out my own Semblances because the Game so far only gives me question marks but i at least know i have 3 which is very rare even having 2 Semblances is already almost an once in a century thing in Remnant.

So i took the girls leashes again and teleported into the RWBY worlds shop. And immediately bought shops all over Remnant at least in every inhabited place which includes Salem's Castle funnily enough so i set up shop right by her front door. So remnant needs to prepare for 3 pets and their Master because i mean trouble.

In this world i can do whatever i want and somehow make it end up to be legal. So its time to party, i leave the girls behind for now and enter the nightly streets of Vale City only to immediately spot someone i really wanna break. So i decide to call out to the cutey that seems to be looking around for something.

MC "Hello Lady Cat Faunus over there if your looking for a hotel i have just opened business and would love some good publicity... Are you in for a stay we can negotiate the price with my semblance its super easy you will see."

At that i see Blake Belladonna turn to me and be all surprised especially because my store isn't really that big from the outside but she decided to just try her luck for now apparently already having to deal with some unsavory folk.

Blake Belladonna "Helllo there Mister... my names Blake Belladonna if you have a room for me i would be happy."

While she answered me i bought all the possible Blackmail on her the store could sell me... And decided to strike while taking out my Omniversal Phone which funnily enough turned into a scroll. But only start watching a video on Hunttube there version of YouTube and immediately their laws are very different if the first video popping up is of a naked cat Faunus streaming a shooter game with a dildo machine running at speeds decided by exactly 200 donations each being worth a minute of speed control.

Blake isn't really happy about my blatant show of Human Supremacy i recon after all it couldn't be perversion if that's on this worlds equivalent of You Tube. Yet she enters all the same so now its time to see if she gets baited by my 'semblances'...