Power Up

It would seem I was stuck.

The being had placed a strong grip on me. And in all my years of experience in life, all the up and downs I've been through, I couldn't seem to console myself that I'd have an out this time.

How does one escape an extradimensional being? I'd ask physicists but I doubt they'd even thought up that a being as powerful as the one that stood before me could exist. It wasn't even God.

"Are you God?" I had asked after I'd gotten brave enough to do more than nod at it.

It rolled its eyes contorting my face to that of disgust or annoyance. I couldn't tell. "No. But I'll indulge you on the subject of God. Even my kind wonder what brought us to being as well, the belief in something more than yourself is a natural thing that comes by with intellectual curiosity, it's…inevitable. But we are not God and as far as we've seen into your dimension, it doesn't have a God. But even then some dispute the truths our technology has delivered, saying we do not observe the entirety of our own dimension and none of the many others that no doubt exists and supersede us in this seemingly endless pyramid of dimensional existence, so, therefore, we cannot prove or disprove the existence of God still. Only wonder."

I guess that meant it wasn't God. And I guess there is no hell either. I wondered what their religion would look like if they had a religion.

"Now then, focus on the object in front of you. And think about what you want to know about it."

The being had summarized pain infliction, the 'advantage' I'd mistakenly chosen among the many it had offered me as simply the descriptive intent to harm an organism. The pain… wasn't real, not that pain was really real in the first place. It just existed in the minds of the unfortunate souls on the other end of your gaze.

And apparently, I could be as creative with it as I wanted. The feeling of a lost arm, the emotional torture of losing a loved one and my favourite; depression. I could finally share what it felt like. Perhaps then it'd be quicker to explain what the dead ass feeling was and why one couldn't just be not depressed.

I looked to the object that floated in front of me, silently asking what it was despite already knowing.

Suddenly, a window popped up. Attached to the object like a thought bubble, the window had written in it '2B Pencil' I rolled my eyes at this. The thought bubble beside said 2B pencil was certainly a surprise but it still told me nothing.

"This tells me nothing I do not already know, Being X" I look at my double disappointed, "Is this just supposed to make my thoughts appear as words in my head? Cuz I can do that with my imagination."

Its face scrunched up at me, "For God's sake ask for something you DON'T know."


I look to the pencil again and ask a slew of questions regarding the pencil and immediately a compact, organized and detailed list answering everything I asked in order appeared.

The single load of information on the pencil covered my entire line of sight with numerous thought bubbles. I stepped back in an attempt to recover some of my line of sight but the wall of text simply followed.

"How do I get rid of this thing?!" the being laughed somewhere behind the wall, no doubt he revelled in seeing me suffer.

"Just will it. Everything I've bestowed upon you can be manipulated with the will of your mind alone. If you can't get it out of the way, then you simply don't want to-" It paused for a moment as I carry out its instructions adding red exit buttons to the thought bubbles and closing them all by lightly squinting my eyes. "Well, that or you're retarded."

At last, I finally got the last bubble to close and I see the being giggling over himself. If only I could kill it…

"That was a lot of information. Where is it all coming from?" I asked, curious as to how it knew the last person to use the pencil was Mireille and all the nasty things she'd used it for.

The being stopped laughing long enough to give me an answer, a short and curt one, "Your entire planet is under surveillance. And everything discovered or discoverable has been recorded for the purposes of this…trial." He says gently as if he suddenly had the sense to be sensitive about my feelings, "Although, none of this information will be available to you unless you know the right questions to ask, where to ask them and how to ask them."

I nod, beginning to understand what the being spoke of as I looked into the empty space asking what it was. The answer; Hasina Fatah.

I'd seen enough sci-fi and fantasy movies and cartoons to know when I was in my own mindscape. To think I'd be brought in here by such means and by such a sadistic being. My life needed some rethinking.

I looked to the being and inquired of my new information bank what exactly the narcissistic being was.


Well hell, it too did not know it seemed.

"This thing doesn't work on you?"

Amusement. For some reason, I either amused the being or annoyed it greatly. "It does. It simply only holds information regarding your planet." It shrugged a bit as it added, "And to an extent, it's moon and the several other asteroids that exist around it."

That was a lot of information. I'd say I held something similar to the entire internet in my mind but that would be an understatement.

"Now then. That's all for now. Do not fail me, Hasina."

Without any chance to object I was forcefully ejected from my own mindscape, falling back into conscious control of my body as I jolted back awake.

As I woke I found myself laying again in the bed I'd woken up from a coma in. The bastard being had done it again, stealing all my time and leaving me with next to nothing to 'Not fail' him with.

As I could remember, I'd woken during the afternoon, quite early in it as well. Now as I looked to the clocks and corroborate with the darkness outside I see I'd lost the entire day. It was nearly the dawn of a new day and soon I'd need to be up on my feet for work. A work I no longer did for myself it seemed.

I looked around the room and asked within myself, 'Are there any working camera's in here?"

The answer arose in a purple thought bubble- I'd taken to customization- 'No.' It also listed the reason for this. They'd all been disabled.

Now although every human has a right to privacy, in Schelar, someone as important as myself is often denied such rights for the sole reason of keeping my soul attached to my body as long as possible. The camera's being disabled was not a good thing.

'Who had them disabled?'

To my surprise instead of a text with the name of the culprit, I was provided with a video or rather, a 3D retelling of the actual events.

It was Luciano and Matthias. I was being carried gently by some guard I couldn't recognize. On their order's I was set down on the bed. Luciano looked around, noticing the camera's and promptly ordered them torn down.

"Have those removed, the President is ill and needs his privacy. He is also not his father."

There it ends. From all I'd seen and heard. Luciano simply desired to protect my privacy. But I knew it wasn't as simple as that. Luciano, for the warhead that he is, he was a cunning and deceitful man.

An assassin could walk in through those doors and attempt my death. But luckily I'd chosen the safest weapons for my protection, whoever came unto me wouldn't stand a chance.

My desire to live no longer fueled by uncovering the being that orchestrated my rebirths, but now by the desire to live and live fully. I may be technically only living to unite the world under my rule but with the toys, I had in hand now, I don't believe I couldn't have a little fun while doing so.

I wouldn't fail. I won't let myself die. This is the last rebirth I'll go through but with a goal as ambitious as uniting the world. I'd finally be leaving a legacy.