Credit Card Declined?

Perhaps I was an impulsive shopper and I just didn't know it since about everything I ever needed was provided. Either way, I couldn't technically afford the large ships, not all three of them at least.

If I forced that we have the three ships the deal would have to be adjusted in a manner unfavourable to us in the long run. Schelar had to bring in another export to cover the costs of the three ships that totalled the cost of four hundred million dollars.

Of course, I could just cover the costs instantly with Schelar's federal funds, but that would instantly put the nation into a massive recession as the profits from trade would take a while to be assimilated into our revenue. There was also the little fact that we were export much of our agricultural produce to Namibia, it was absolutely necessary the plan for rapid development with agriculture went off smoothly and swiftly. According to my minister of Agriculture, it would cost much more than four-hundred-million dollars to cover the expense of such a project.

And this was just the Agricultural part of the RDOS (Rapid Development of Schelar) proposal. There were many more facets to consider and those most likely held even higher costs.

Schelar was one of the few countries in the world that had never run on a budget deficit. I might as well say the first. This was simply because it'd never taken loans for the simple fact that no one would grant it. In truth, I saw this as one of the few perks of being boycotted by the world. But with a GDP of a measly twelve billion-dollars, the boycott did its job well and kept the country often on the verge of an economic crisis.

In summary, it would be unwise to throw away such money.

I took the advice of my advisors seriously and considered their opinions on the matter for a whole minute.

"And what if we export our media?"

The idea wasn't radical or out of the water at all. In fact, it was quite boring.

"Our media?" Niaina asks. We'd flown back to the capital Windhoek and back into the guest house residency. She currently looked rather deflated, almost dishevelled in the purple couch she sat on with piles of papers scattered across.

The Minister of Agriculture, Adrien Vaovason, a rather stout man with a round, wrinkled elderly face that in the right angle and mindset made him seem adorable. He was a man advanced in his years and had great experience in agriculture as he made a living off it until he started his own company, selling crops and enabling domestic farmers. Unlike Ralefy his company hadn't made him filthy rich but just comfortable enough to retire when he'd been called to take the position as the minister of agriculture in my cabinet.

He was one of the brightest choices Matthias had taken for the ministerial positions. The people, especially farmers had placed their trust in him as he was an enabler for many of successes subsistent farmers wrought.

"What media exactly? The news?" he remarked sarcastically. I see him hold back a laugh as his eyes shine with mirth. He was a nice reminder of what I was like when I was his age, an old man with a large family had a large heart. He seemed exactly like the prankster I was.

I snorted at his joke for his sake. "No, not the news. Lynx media has been very busy ever since they started up," I state, flipping out my personal phone to show them the pictures and videos of progress Miss Leriva's company had made. "I'm sure none of us has much time for entertainment like this but the denizens of Namibia and Schelar surely will."

I set the phone down and hit call. "I can't explain it as well as she can but I think it's a good idea."

The phone clicks and Leriva answers. "You're on speaker, Miss Leriva, please go ahead and explain your idea."

There's a bit of a shuffle but eventually we hear her speak, "Thank you, sir," she says sounding just as formal as I, "Lynx media has taken the generous subsidies from the government to produce media that can be consumed generously by the populace. Many ranges are romance and action dramas as the target demographic, youths comprise of sixty per cent of the Schelarian populace. Others include game shows as well as cooking shows. Lynx media intends to invigorate the mass media sector of the country. To be blunt we want to eradicate boring repetitions of morning political news many Schelarians have become accustomed to and fill it with things the populace can come home to even when things are indeed as dire as the standard news programs say they are."

She takes a breath and falls silent, "Hello? Can you hear me, sir?"

"We can hear you loud and clear Leriva," Vaovason says.

"Oh. Well, moving on. With all this in mind, Lynx media intends in the long run to become a fierce competitor for famous Media industries from countries, Hollywood, Nollywood and Bollywood. We particularly intend to rival Nigeria's Nollywood as the most consumed African made media on the continent. Sir, with your permission we can begin exporting our media to Namibia and have it as a stepping stone for our wide ambitions."

I couldn't help but smile as she finished. I could hear the nervous tone in her voice and I could practically see the sweat drip down from her forehead. "We'll let you know what decision we make Miss Leriva, in the meantime prepare for a business trip to sell your companies produce to Namibia, we may need to fly you in immediately." I hastily tap the end button as she begins stuttering her thanks and cringe as I realize I'd rudely cut her off.

I shrug it off and with a grin I look to Niaina who had since begun extensive research into the topic. Making full use of the unrestricted internet.

"So? Is this feasible?"

Niaina let out a small laugh, a smile gracing her face as she announces, "Yes, yes it is, much of what she spoke off is borne of intellect. It falls under the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) agreement. All that needs to be done is test the waters with the President and see if he'll accept the offer."

The grin on my face only gets wider, "Perfect. I'll need you to give me a briefing on the standing agreement so far as well as TRIPS, I'll take the offer to him personally. For now, get Miss Leriva on a plane here she'll need to be a part of the process. Good work you two."