Strategy Part 4

Loup had completely taken over the operation.

Despite having left for Diana, he'd given his two brothers their duties and everything was in place for Luciano's assassination as well as the beginning of the retrieval operation of the spies.

Maxime had been sent to Nizar to initiate communications. The lines weren't secure so they'd been brief with their talks. The orders were simple, find a way into the Malagasy army without dying or losing the package and an extraction will be arranged.

"So a priest, a nazi and a lemur walk into a bar…"

Alex groaned out, opening his eyes to the blindly light of the real world. He hadn't stopped at one or two shots when he'd pulled out the bottle. Worse was, his brothers had stopped what they were discussing, Loup protested a bit but soon gave in to the tempts of beautiful, face-numbing alcohol.

Currently he suffered a hangover. The throbbing in his head had become rhythmic, matching his heart and would have blended in nicely if every throb didn't feel like he was being stabbed through the eye.

"And the lemur says 'Well I've got what you need right here!' Ahhahahh!!!!"

His brothers barking laughs pierced through his ears and sucker punched his brain in the nuts.

"Would you two shut up already? I've heard that dry joke so many times, told by each one of you, it's not funny at all." He growled, carefully getting to his feet and heading to the nice cushion that laid ready in his office.

"Oh! The light head is up Maxime!"

"The light head is up Loup!"

The two proceeded to bark out another chorus of their brain punching laughter.

"Ugh," Alex couldn't help but groan at them as he huddled up on the cushion, "Isn't it about time you get out of my office, Loup, Maxime?"

"Mm, Perhaps, but we haven't gotten through the full operational pans for the extraction of the spies." Loup chimes in.

"Cuz we're all drunk!" Alex barked out, immediately regretting it as his own voice slapped back hard against his eardrums.

"And whose fault is that?" His. At the realization, Alex's groan deepens, "You got us all drunk remember? Bringing out a sweet bottle in the middle of a meeting, what did you think was going to happen?"

Loups speech was slurred but still managed to be condescending, lecturing down to the huddled Alex. "Get up, have a shower like we did and then have another drink then stop being drunk!"


After having a shower, Alex felt a bit more rejuvenated and less like shit. A bit grateful that Loup had forced him to do so.

His two brothers were still in his office while he'd gone to his quarters to freshen up so he was currently en route back so their discussions on the start of the operation could finally begin.

Contemplating the new responsibilities, he had, fathom as they currently were, Alex couldn't help but feel like a man who'd yet to become a father, just like Loup when his first born son, Jean, was born.

Though he wasn't expecting, the feeling of the encroaching responsibility, taking over from Luciano, being Hasina's right-hand man, being the puppeteer behind the marionette. There was an excitement to the thought of it all. His thoughts were suddenly filled with 'when's and 'then's of what would happen under his charge once all was done and dusted with Luciano and he'd sweetened his way into the heart of his little cousin.

But of course therein lied the cons of it all. With him being so excited, his ambitions for his life had skyrocketed. He was glad that Loup had come to him for help, come to him with this plan but now the plan was his as well, and now with all his excitement he also suffered the near permanent fear that everything would go horribly wrong.

His head on a spike at Hasina's orders, as much as Loup was convincing, his cousins mere aura was enough to place seeds of doubts. Who is to say the boy wasn't actually controlling them?

Now he just sounded paranoid.

As he'd gotten to his office, he pushed the doors open, ignoring his brothers chatter and moved to his desk. He fell to his seat and pulled out his drawer, promptly sighing as the contents were revealed to him.

"You guys raided my drawers for my booze and snacks didn't you?"

His deplorable brothers didn't even have the decency to look him in the eye. Loup made a waving motion with his hand and said, "Well what is yours is mine and what is mine is yours. Love yknow?" he chuckled at the last bit and Maxime looked like banging his head in a wall would be the only thing to keep him from bawling out.

"Well enough of that. I'll accept this as a lesson and reminder not to leave you two around my stuff, now can we get on with this?"

"Ah right." Loup cleared his throat and Maxime swallowed his laughter. The two sat in the seats in front of his desk.

Loup then began, "The spies will need to find their way into the Malagasy military, they have good enough combat skills that the desperate horde would jump at the chance to have them in their ranks. Nizar has helped encrypt a communication channel for our use. They are to give reports on their progress weekly and to give us as much information in regards to the enemy's military strategy and tactic.

They've been made to understand that their lives are of second priority to the package they're carrying and to act accordingly. Once they are within the enemy lines we aren't to expect frequent updates, since the chances of their squad being tight is high, opportunities to communicate will be few and far between.

But they have a deadline, they must make it to the frontlines within two weeks or less. Time being of the utmost essence as Hasina is impatient and our men are on the back foot. They've been given authorization take whatever measures necessary to ensure that they make it back in time."

"How many are they?" Alex asked

"Three." Maxime piped in

He let out a sigh at the thought of three Schelarian men buried under a heap of Malagasy soldiers. He couldn't fathom the strength it took to undertake this task.

"So, do you approve?" Loup asked.


"You're the one in charge of the entire operation, what I have done is just put forward a plan to how we could go about their retrieval. You must still approve."

Alex let out a scoff, "You've already gone and discussed the details of the plans with the men, you've given them their orders and a deadline, this plan is already in play whether I approve or not. Your courtesy isn't needed, Loup.

We must ensure that they receive all the help they need though and perhaps it would be wise to meet them halfway and seek other ways to advance our forces into their lines, it may be a desperate call but localized close air support could be particularly useful in achieving this."

Loup shrugged, "Well that's good thinking, Alex, good thing too cuz you're going to be the one negotiating the movement of forces to Hasina."

At his cousin's mention Alex couldn't help but groan.