Battle Stations

The vassalization of Madagascar was a thought that had only come into mind a few times. I think a majority of my Government, myself included was going on with the war with the thought that we'd be annexing the hell out of the bane of our existence thus far.

But Niaina put up several good points as to why vassalization was much better than annexation.

Firstly, it would be several times more efficient for the Government to administer the region through a puppet state than to attempt coring the entirety of the states with military rule and fear.

"The Schelarian military would and should be put to better use than quashing rebellions." She'd said. "The cost of maintenance of those armies would be the same as the current cost during this war. It is just not profitable to do so, especially seeing as it would take months if not year to effectively begin the taxation of the newly conquered regions. The deficit would kill the country and the Egyptians would break away."

Secondly, it would be ideal to rule via proxy of one of their known leaders, just like the Egyptians, with propaganda, time and care, the peoples of the former Malagasy nation would become docile to the reign of their Schelarian overlords and as a result, be more receptive when the time for a true annexation comes about.

"We would have to deal with outcry every time the sun came up if we washed over the Malagasy without any implemented plans to administer the region; Federal schools would be shut down, factories, and government sponsored small businesses would have to be selectively prioritized to maximize revenue that would only go down the drain into the military running around putting down rebellions that develop from the mismanagement of the region. It would become a vicious, expensive circle of inefficiency!"

"If care isn't taken in situations like that, the main regions of the country would go out in an uproar as well. It is not easy to look away as your government torments your neighbours." She warned.

She was right about it all too, it was after all the same mentality I'd put into trying to get the attention of larger, more economically advantageous nations with the plan to hack their live feeds. Though, as it stood, the plan was for nought as we currently needed even less of their attention as the war raged on, our win must go unimpeded by the sensitivities of so called great powers.

And finally, the image problem. "If we take but a few provinces and vassalize the Malagasy we gain more territory and spare ourselves the most difficult situation annexing them would put us in; our diplomatic reputation."

"We want to make sure we look like the victims of the war as much as possible, it may not sound like it at first because we'd be vassalizing the aggressor, but I'm confident I can spin it around that the very fact the Malagasy launched an offensive on us is proof enough of the continued neglect that caused us to break away in the first place." Niaina was without doubt in her ability to do so, it was very easy to read her mood and thinking just from her face. "It may not seem so at first of course but saying it continuously and comparing living standards of Schelar to Madagscar pre-vassalization should do the trick."

Basically, we'd hold the narrative saying we were doing the Malagasy a favour by reigning over them.

Thinking about it all and reading the supply reports of the priority one regiments.

Helgen, the regiment composed mostly of infantry men and technicals fitted with anti-tank equipment, they would serve as the ice breaker in the long stalemate the war had be hung in.

Peridot, the infantry regiment ready to paradrop deep into enemy territory, they were the bulkiest of the priority one forces as they'd be landing at different points behind the lines to cause as much chaos as possible.

Upsilon, our mobile infantry troops, comprised mostly of technical and a few heavy tanks such as our prized SMU-17. Upsilon regiment were the heavy hitters of the operation, although they were to perform quick hit and run tactics, the presence of the SMU-17 provided cover from their inevitable pursuers.

According to the reports, they'd all been fitted with Nizar's improved communication device and were combat ready.


I'd let out a sigh and caught the attention of one of the several military personnel present in my office. The oldie generals, Alex, Maxime and even Loup were all present, some sitting, others standing but all completely silent until I let out a sigh.

I couldn't help feeling tired, extremely so. More than ever the quiet, blank yet expectant stares of these men had my chest feeling heavy. I didn't even have a headache, usually when I felt this heaviness, it was accompanied by a great migraine.

Perhaps I was too tired to even have one, if such a thing was even possible. But I thought it was more likely to be because of one thing. I didn't have any choice in the matter, not anymore. All the gruelling head wracking dilemmas I'd been through had brought me to the point where I only have one option to take.

Honestly didn't know why I hadn't given the order yet, I formulated the plan, I ensured it was carried out, and now the plan was our only chance at surviving not only the Malagasy, but the world as it stood. Our plans, current and future depended all on the success of the many thousands of Schelarian men and women pushing back the enemy.

Maybe I was hesitating because all I'd done to this point was simply reactionary? Defence, counter, survive. But this would be the first of many offensive moves I planned to take to ensure the continuity of the Schelarian peoples existence and prosperity.

And I was risking millions. Thousands? No, I was risking the entirety of my country, myself on a plan I'd hastily generated with the help of powers given to me by some alien. If it failed we'd have lost our defensive ground, sixty percent of our best equipment and morale would be a myth. If it failed there wouldn't be a comeback.

I open my mouth to respond to the man's call, to tell him that I was unsure, that perhaps the plans needed to be redrawn and perhaps someone should indeed take over from me but I stop. I look back into the crowd of military men before me, some experienced, some green, but none entirely trusted.

No Luciano. No Matthias.

Just me.

I nod to no one in particular and toss the report sheets back onto the table, finally ready to break the prevailing silence.

"Operation Good Culture is Authorized gentlemen, let's end this war before it gets any bloodier."