Chapter 10

Miss Evans didn't say a word as she crouched down on the white tiled floor gasping for air.

"Good choice," said a young man and woman in unison as their voice projected from a speaker across from Estefani and Liam.

Above the speaker was a black window both Estefani and Liam squinted to see who was behind the glass. Liam and Estefani were in the middle of a spacious white room with bright white lights. The wall in front of them had a noisy apparatus twice their size.

"Who's there?" asked Estefani.

The woman giggled "Wouldn't you like to know?'

Liam glared at the black window, "Yes we would, that's why she's asking" Liam moved his right arm up towards the black window, "If you guys are going to be difficult, I can shatter that glass in an instant."

The woman kept giggling, "No need to be violent. We'll just go down to meet you."

A couple of seconds later both of them could hear a rattle coming from the wall behind them. Suddenly part of the wall started to move a little forward, then slid to the left of them. Blinded by the bright light coming from the opening, Estefani was barely able to make out two figures coming from what seemed to look like a long white corridor with a white tiled floor.

"Tada!" said a young man and woman in unison. Both were wearing lab coats, dark blue jeans, and light brown combat boots.

"Please stop staring, I know I look like the famous K-Pop idol that everyone was raving about." said the young man as he adjusted his bangs.

Both Liam and Estefani gave him a confused look.

"What? You never have seen the band before?" said the young woman as she took out a picture from her lab coat pocket. Showing them a 7 member boy band with different colored hair wearing pjs. "I never leave without it."

"Sorry, we don't see the resemblance," said Estefani

The young man poked on the young woman shoulder motioning his head towards Miss Evan who was still gasping for air.

"Omg, I'm so sorry, I was just so shocked that they couldn't see the resemblance, that I totally forgot about you El. You okay though?" she said

" Yea, totally okay you know just saw my life just flash right through my eyes. You know the usual," said Miss Evans grabbing the armrest of the exam chair trying to prop herself up as a strand of her amber hair shifted toward her face.

"Okay cools," said the young woman as she turned her attention back to Estefani and Liam. "Sorry I totally forgot to introduce myself that was rude of us. I'm Ji-Yu and this is my brother Ji-Young."

Ji-Yu's eyes were opened wide and attentive to the response that Estefani and Liam would give her.

"Anyways, where are we?" said Estefani as she looked around the room and the open wall, where a corridor could be seen.

"So glad you asked," said Ji-Young as he could barely hold still. He extended his arms to each side and twirled around then stopped, "We are under Eleanor Software. This is where we create the new technology of tomorrow."

As he got closer to Estefani grabbing both of her hands, out of reflex Estefani tried to pull away.

" We have so much planned for you. I already have sketched out your suit and it's in the process of being made as we speak," said Ji-Young as he tightened his grip on Estefani's hand.

Estefani squirmed as she tried to get away from Ji-Young's grip "Plans? What plans?"

Liam grabbed Ji-Young's wrist forcing him to let go of Estefani's hand, "I think that is enough of that"

"You're quite right, sorry my brother seems to be getting overly excited," said Ji-Yu as she looked at her brother giving him a soft smile and shaking her head in disapproval.

Ji-Yu looked over at Miss Evans who was now sitting on the exam chair where Estefani was restrained in. " Do you want to explain it or should I?"

Miss Evans opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Ji-Yu, " Yea you're right, I should probably explain it." Ji- Yu gave her a smile and turned her attention back to Estefani, "Well a superhero of course. You have a superpower, why not use them. My brother created a suit just for you. Well, then again it was mostly inspired by the comics but it's still one of a kind."

"You want me to become a what?" Estefani's voice cracked.

"A superhero, you know someone who has supernatural powers that saves people."

Liam glared at Ji-Yu, "We know what it is. But she can't be this hero you want her to be."

"Well she has to," said Miss Evans interjecting. "Because if she doesn't I can make it so she can't get a job anywhere."

"And don't think of trying to escape from here, we'll just put the knockout gas and we all know how you both reacted to that," Ji-Young gave Liam and Estefani a smile, "Now don't we"

Estefani looked at Liam, "Liam can't you erase their memories?"

"Unfortunately, that takes strong magic and someone in that field."

"What type of a guardian are you" she screamed.

"Well, the one who is just supposed to protect and watch. This wasn't what I signed up for, believe me, I wouldn't be qualified if I had to do anything else but defensive magic."

"Fine whatever, do you think she is telling the truth?" she asked Liam.

Liam just shrugged.

"Yes, I have that power. Do you want to test it out?" said Miss Evans amused.

"No," said Estefani softly as her voice trembled

"Thought so" Miss Evans smirked as she got up from the chair. "Now let me show you our base of the operation."