Call me peasant, scum again, and I will make you regret it

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Mission 9102 has been accomplished."

A deep voice echoed behind the dark corner of a tree. A man in his twenties sat against the roots holding a sword with a pattern of a rose near its scabbard while erasing the blood that was in it. To be precise the sword was more like a samurai sword than a normal sword.



"Well done... At last with all the necessary plans I have before, no wonder that tribe still didn't want to surrender now I know. With the last true descendant they had died, I can make them surrender."

The man in the shadow stop what he was doing who knows what he was thinking but the sword in his hand tremble and killing intent showed within his dark-blue eyes.

"Anyways get rid of the other one. I don't want any necessary problems in the future that's all."

Beep! Beep!

"Tsk... Only care about getting territories. When I go back I'll be greedy compared to him."

As the call ended the man sitting at the corner of the tree got up and walk away towards who know which direction he would go to.


Time passes by afternoon, in the forest lake of the valley, a black-haired middle-aged man was holding a lion body with a metallic scale that looked like a cross between a lion and a scaled reptilian.

Holding a dagger in his other hand, the man swiftly cut off the scales, revealing white and tender meat. He slices them apart neatly and grilled them on the fire he made. He waited until it was enough for the meat to be cook in a tender.

Almost without hesitation, the man bites with a large chunk and swallowed it together with its juicy oil. Of course, this man was none other than Zoran.

[Name: Zoran Zavorich

Tier/Rank: 1 warrior

Life Span: 200 years

Potential: Unkown


Cosmic points: 450]

Zoran looks at the screen that was projected in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh in wonder how this game status thing even exists.

How can I believe if in the middle of "believe" was the word LIE? But thinking about before, it was still worth trusting for.

While staring at the deep pond, he suddenly heard the distant voice of a man and immediately tensed up.

Soon, he saw a young man walking towards the pond. He was heading straight at him. Zoran also looks at him at the same time it seems like a staring contest if this continues on.

"Hey, do you know me? Looks like you're looking for a fight," Zoran said as he cried from afar. He meant well in warning the young man but was also afraid that he might alert the Giant Crayfish that he wanted to hunt.

This young man looked very mysterious.

The young man stops the meter away from him. The awkward atmosphere had gotten in the surroundings but the man in front of him seems likely doesn't care. Thankfully after a while, he spoke "A kid. You're with him right?" he asked, staring at me.

"A kid?" Zoran hesitated, looking at the young man strangely. "I've seen many people accompanied by their child here and there so do I, but I do not know who is this kid you mentioned."

The young man narrowed his brows, looked up at me, and said.

"It seems like getting an answer to you is useless."

Zoran frowned, as the tone of the young man wasn't very polite. Quietly he said, "Don't do what you think you're going to do only to hurt yourself... boy."

Zoran was preparing to go forward into the road, not expecting the young man to suddenly make a move behind the back but I easily dodge it.

"What are you doing?" Zoran said, glaring at the young man.

"All I want is a straightforward answer, not some crappy sh*t." The young man looked at me coldly.

"Then come!" This time Zoran was angry right now.

The young man's hands looked nothing like hands of a man, but rather like they were sculpted out of a whole piece of dark scales, giving off an evil sheen.


The two fists collide and my hands were bleeding by his palm as easy as a steel knife cutting through wood.

From the waves of our palm and fist collide, Zoran flew 3 meters away from the spot as I stabilized myself while the injured young man was thrown away 2 meters from the area we collided.

My arm was injured but was healing faster as fast as stitching a cloth.

The young man was surprised by what he had seen he couldn't help but want to take a closer look.

How powerful and unknown treasure you have, the more people want to covet it.

Seeing how powerful the bloodline was, the young man heartily laugh. As Ki around the surroundings rushed in faster and faster.

"Ki cultivation art!" Zoran was surprised as the young man was surrounded by a whirlpool of Ki energy.

Science and technology were so useful in this era, but ancient martial arts also played an unexpectedly important role. With all the Ki energy gained, humans were able to perform some mythical ancient martial arts techniques. Nonetheless, it wasn't the so-called spiritual qi but the power of life energy that powered the ancient martial arts. So, the more potent the cultivation method you have, the purer and stronger the Ki an ancient martial art would be executed.

The research showed that ancient martial arts could stimulate and bring out the potential of the technique they had and the Ki energy, offering extraordinary power to mankind. A new type of martial arts was developed called the "Ki cultivation method" other than what Zoran was cultivated right now. Ki cultivation can help your element hidden inside you cultivate in order for it to be stronger. Once you unleash the power it could be devastating.

Ki cultivation method was deeply rooted in ancient martial arts, full of mysteries that couldn't be explained by science.

Their practice methods were mostly monopolized by the upper class. The most advanced Ki cultivation method or arts were the least accessible. But Ki cultivation is much easier than body cultivation so many or to say most of the people who cultivated focus only on Ki cultivation. Zoran's cultivation method was special although it is a body art it can gather Ki and store it to the heart to enhance his body's capabilities as same as the Ki cultivation. But the difference was that the Ki cultivation enhances the people's elements, not the body.

For those who graduated from a public school of integrated compulsory education, Ki cultivation art was never an option. Only the advanced schools would teach basic arts.

"You know a lot for a peasant like you." The young man looked at me indifferently.

Again, the young man raised his scale-like palm as if he was performing a skill. If I didn't comply, he would really put a hole on me.

"Kiss my ass!" Zoran shouted as his Ki gushed out like a wave of overflowing water. Crimson Ki gushed out.

Seeing Zoran's powerful wave of Ki, the young man couldn't help but amazed as he laughs.

"So powerful! A treasure like this is not deserving of the likes of you! A peasant having such a nice thing is just a gift sent from heaven that is being wasted. Hand it over and I'll spare your life."

"Hahaha, a treasure? Where? Tell me and I'll be the first to offer your condolence!"

Having no time to waste Zoran made a move as he directly dashed to the young man. Zoran was surprised by his speed it was so fast faster than the speed of a race car. This is the first time he uses his strength to the fullest extent so it's no wonder why this happens.

The young man's face darkened as he saw Zoran in front of him. He raised his scaled palm meeting towards my fist.


My arm was knocked away as it numb. The young man was forced backward from my attack.

Surprised, he looked at me greedily. A level 2 warrior like him was at a disadvantage by a rank 1 warrior.

It was disgraceful for him losing to a rank 1 warrior at that.

While he was temporarily not in condition, Zoran turned around and launched another kick in rage.


The young man grabbed my leg and twisted it, wrestled me down and came down hard on my back with a knee.

Zoran knowing that he has less experience at fighting the same person as him especially since this young man he was fighting is well trained, Zoran could not take advantage of making them tied to each other.

"Ah!" Zoran uttered a scream, feeling his spine is about to break.

"Peasant is always pleasant, even with a powerful cultivation manual." The young man continuously hit Zoran on the back of his head, knocking Zoran's head into a rock. Which made Zoran cried ferociously, "Give me the manual. It's not meant for the likes of you."

At first, I got mad, then I got tired... And now I'm exhausted.

"Can you just shut up!? Call me peasant, scum again, and I will make you regret it."