How Charming

Itika was in the airport lobby, standing in queue for a water cooler when her mother shouted her name from her seat roughly twenty steps away. She looked at her with a soft smile; her mother had put a hand on the unoccupied seat next to her, hoping to show other passengers that the seat was taken. Her brother had sprawled onto another chair and fallen asleep right after their check-in was done, which was more than an hour ago.

Itika shook her head in humor seeing her mother all worked up at showing people the chair in the middle was taken.

She grabbed two glasses of cool drinking water and slowly walked toward her. 'You need to calm yourself, Mom. This isn't India. People aren't gonna fight with you if you simply tell them you've saved a seat.' Itika said warmly.

'I don't know Tika. We are here for four hours before our flight departs. We can't take risks with our seats. People were eying this one when you had got up.' Mrs. Jones said worriedly.

Itika let out a thin laugh. 'Okay. Try to take a nap. We are gonna be here for a long time.' Itika gave her mom the glass of water and an insulin capsule she had taken out of a small box in her purse. 'I'll let you know if they make any important announcements.'

'Ah.. You worry so much Tika. Always taking care of us. What will I do when you're gone?' Mrs. Jones asked in a light but sad voice.

'There's a lot of time before I leave you.' Itika pulled her mother's left cheek in adoration and asked her again to try and catch some sleep.

She had planned to read Murakami while waiting for her flight to India. She pulled out her cellphone from her bag and quickly read through all the unimportant messages that she hadn't replied to before. Some were from her friends and relatives who had only one common question to ask: How did it go with the commercial?

Itika didn't mind telling everyone that the project hadn't followed through. She was replaced, and she was okay with it. But she wanted to wait until she had returned home and let them know all together. It was much simpler this way.

She saw a message from an unknown number that said nothing more than a 'Hi.' Itika had seen it before, but had shrugged it off for later. Now when she was utterly free, she clicked on the number to see its profile. It said it belonged to some S. Rayo. Itika could guess only one person that went with those initials, but scratched away that thought because there was no way he was texting her. She assumed it was a prank, but to be sure Itika replied with a 'Hello' and immediately went back to her home screen and opened an eBook copy of Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

A notification clouded her screen right within a few lines she had managed to read.

'I'm Shawn.'

Itika replied back, 'Shawn who?'

She wanted to ask the stranger to confirm his identity, but her mood didn't want her to get into any chatting. She decided she would reply later to whatever the person was going to say.

Thirty seconds later she got a video notification on top of her phone screen.

Itika clicked right away.

There was a video of Shawn in a peach Shirt in what looked like a living room. Shawn had recorded himself saying, 'Hi Itika, I'm Shawn Rayo.'

Itika had no doubt anymore that the person she was chatting with indeed was Shawn. She hadn't noticed before how beautiful he was. And the peach of his shirt had done its best work to highlight his handsomely sharp face.

Itika wondered what purpose he had to contact her the same day she was let off a big contract and was asked to blame Shawn Rayo for it. She was curious about what he had done, but not enough to enquire.

'Hey, Shawn.' Itika replied, not knowing what to say next.

S: I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry about accidentally getting you fired. I really didn't know they were that serious when they said I wasn't supposed to talk about the project with anyone :)

I: Accidentally?

Itika wasn't thrilled with the word 'fired'. How could she be fired from a job that had never begun?

S: Yeah! Shit happens, I guess.

I: Explain, if you don't mind.

S: I was having a conversation with some girls and may have shared too much with them. I don't remember well. I was drunk :(

Itika wasn't sad about losing her chance, but knowing it had happened because a spoilt star couldn't hold his alcoholic tongue had mildly angered her.

I: I see.

S: Are you mad at me? I'm sure you are. And you should be. I deserve it.

I: I'm not mad. Don't worry about it. It's cool. Just hope it doesn't happen to anybody else. People are dying to find that one opportunity to be on TV.

S: I agree. I feel bad. I'll be careful. But I have a proposal for you, if you're interested.

I: What's that?

S: We want to cast you for my next music video. I can arrange a meeting with my manager whenever you're free. Just let me know.

I: I'm at the airport right now.

S: Are you leaving the country?

I: Yeah.

S: Are you going to reconsider?

Itika wasn't sure. She thought about the offer. A music video was going to be a far better option than a 15 second appearance on a commercial. But, she didn't want to risk being clobbered again. She wanted to wake her mother and ask her what she should do. She knew her mother was going to jump at the idea and nudge her to say yes.

She looked to her right. Her younger brother was sound asleep. If Itika had to stay in the US for another few days, it had to be without her family. They had things to deal with back in India. Itika couldn't ask them to cancel their tickets for her. She thought it would be better if her mother was not with her if she ever made it to the shooting set. Mrs. Jones had a tendency to get overly involved in Itika's work and distract her. She loved her mother dearly but if she had to concentrate freely, Itika preferred being alone. It was good for her creativity.

Itika poked her brother's left shoulder with the corner of her phone. Ronnie stirred in his chair and slowly opened his eyes.

'Hmm.. Whaaat?' Ronnie said, as he lazily shifted in the cushioned chair.

'Sorry Ron! But I have something important to say to you.' Itika whispered, easing Ronnie to get out of his sleep, and making sure he didn't fret.

'Something important? Say! What's it Ti?' Ronnie said, looking around to find something to drink.

'Shawn Rayo wants to cast me in his next music video. Wants me to stay here for a few days.' Itika showed her conversation with Shawn to her brother.

'Umm... You wanna do it? After what he did to you, do you trust him?' Ronnie rubbed his face with the palms of his hands to get rid of the sleep in his eyes.

'I kinda want to. But I have to do it alone. You have to take mom home. She can't stay here. She has to be there for Varun's wedding.'

'Okay. Sure. Ti! Look at you. Acting on impulse, huh? That's a nice color on you.' Ronnie smiled widely. He then got up and walked up to the water cooler.

Itika glared at her mom; peacefully sleeping, oblivious to what was going on in her daughter's head.

Itika leaned to her side and softly pecked her right cheek. Her mother was going to chide her when she woke up and found her only daughter wasn't around. But Itika would be far away into the city by then, and knew her mother will make her peace with it.

I: I think I will.