No more dream (3)

"So what do you want me to do?" Haru questioned the purpose of Meilin's visit. Her clothes were ripped, her legs were sore. She spent hours tracing Haru's estate but she was glad to have finally found it.

"I'm sorry. I need your help"

Haru was annoyed. He kept tapping his pen on his desk and he continued to glare at her body. She was on her knees pleading for mercy.

"It's currently 3am, you forced your way into this mansion despite everything you've done to me" She shrieked by his actions. He flipped the desk over and yelled "AM I A JOKE TO YOU!!"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" Haru turned around, "I can't say no to you... I don't know why but I'm also hurt seeing you like this" his voice went soft and he felt really bad after he raised his voice.

"I...I...Haru...I did everything for you" she managed to say even though she was afraid of the new him "I'm not good enough for you" more tears rolled out of her eyes and she already had a bad headache.

"It's been months Meilin. Why did you have to come back? I was learning how to survive without you"

"Please...Help me" She clasped her hands together. She could already feel pain obtained from the minutes of begging in her joints.

His heart melted to her pleads "You can stay here..."

she cheered up immediately "But—"

He added and her celebration was put on hold "You will have to work as a maid."

Meilin couldn't stop thinking that night. She wanted to sleep her sorrows away but she wasn't making any progress with that.

She still remembers when she was happily married even though she didn't have family support. She felt like she was the luckiest woman on the planet.

She planned her wedding night, her home, the number of kids she'd have but nothing ever came true. She was living a lie. Love deceived her and she couldn't do anything about it.

Everything makes her wish she shouldn't have been born. She wanted a better life, she thought she'd have it as soon as she married Bao but years after years, he changed. Negatively.

"WAKE UP!!!" Meilin's eyes shot open in an instant "W-what" She didn't notice she fell asleep and it was already 6 am. She only slept for two hours, or less than.

"You're a maid now. Get dressed and meet me down stairs" The elderly woman she looked at tossed a complete set of brown maid clothing's and left a bucket with cleaning equipment for it.

Haru built a special building for his maids. The one's that lived in his estate. Of course, their salary wouldn't be the same with the ones that have families outside. Nevertheless, it was the same work they were doing, just different advantages.

Meilin got ready and she met with the woman downstairs. "You're a new maid I see. Master Haru told me about you but that doesn't mean I'll treat you like a child. You have lots and lost of cleaning to do today" She handed the key to the main mansion "There are other keys here. Those are to the different rooms in the house. Make sure you clean them all. You have mansion duties so good luck."

She was left there to work out the remains. She made her way to the mansion and opened it. She started by cleaning the tables and brushing the carpets.

Everything she needed to do was on a list and it looked like it would take forever. She didn't really have a choice. She needed the money to start all over.

After hours she was already at the last room for the day. Her back was aching and she already felt drained.

She dropped the bucket and took a seat on the bed. It was quite soft, maybe too soft and tempting.

She looked around the room and it was somewhat fascinating and fancy. She loved everything about it, the color, the furniture and paintings. She marveled at the life of the rich. The life she would've had if she married the person her mother wanted her too before she died.

"Yes...Yes..." The bathroom door opened and Haru walked out. His body completely bare as he stared at the paper in his hand while making a phone call with the other.

Meilin looked around for a place to hide and she crawled behind a bookshelf before she peeped to know if she was on the safe zone.

Her jaw dropped as soon as her eyes were locked on his naked body. It was so mesmerizing to look at. His toned chest, and ripped arms, his powerful thighs and the godlike structure of a manhood.

She didn't notice how lucid her presence was and Haru managed to get a brief look at her. "I'll call you back" Meilin quickly snapped out of her imaginations and thought fast on the next move she'd make. He noticed she was there, why wouldn't he when she spent minutes unconsciously drooling over him.

"Anyone there" He asked and Meilin covered her mouth trying to muffle every sound she would make.

He looked behind the shelf but didn't see her "Oh...but I could've sworn that I saw...never mind though" Meilin softly let out a sigh of relief and crawled from under the bed as soon as she heard a door close.

"Haru..." He didn't leave. He played a trick on her and she fell for it. She didn't know what to say, she didn't expect to see him by the door. She thought he'd be gone.

"Why were you staring at my penis?"