Emotions (2)

Meilin and Haru both went back to the mansion. Haru went to apologize to everyone of his employees he'd been rude to. Especially the girl from last night.

He still wondered how he got Meilin's room wrong but nevertheless he was glad because he would've ravaged her in his drunk state.

"Thank you Meilin" He said and she gave him a thumbs up "Don't mention it love."

Her face suddenly reddened after she called him love. He didn't seem to read much meaning into it though, but whatever made him smile did a good job.

The next day.

Haru went out with his friends again. This time around he wouldn't drink along with them. Even if they try to incite his interest.

As usual, the loud music, The dancing, the erotic vibe of the club was in the atmosphere but Haru wasn't digging it.

He watched his friends get all touchy with some of the club girls but he wasn't going to do the one night stands again.

His alcohol for the night was water and the girl he was getting all turned on by was the Meilin he pictured in his head. If only that day would come true.

A man sat beside him with a girl in his lap. He seemed to have drank too much and wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Hey pal, want to hook up with a chick?" He asked but Haru declined.

"Are you a cherry boy?" He asked and the girl he was caressing laughed. He slid his had into her top and worked her fleshy folds "Ever done this before?"

Haru didn't answer him, he turned his attention to a different direction and watched people dance.

The man from before moved his seat to face Haru "Let me tell you a story about life. See this ring here..." He showed Haru the ring on his finger "I'm a married man as you can see but I don't let that faithfulness crap get into my head too much. I want to enjoy life man" He said as he spanked the butt of a girl that strutted pass him.

"What about your wife?"

"My wife...My wife...What's her name again...Mei...Meilin yes!"

Haru's eyes widened, his blood was boiling as the foolish man revealed his identity to the wrong person. He wasn't going to beat the crap out of him yet. He was going to record their whole conversation and use it as evidence in court whenever Meilin agrees to mks a legal move towards the divorce.

"She's so boring and annoyingly plain. Our wedding wasn't even something to be proud of...you know...those low budget ones. I got tired of the sex with her, she failed to motivate me that's why I moved on to other women" after his words he drank directly from the bottle then tossed it to the floor and watched it shatter but the loud music muffled the sound, so he could deny paying for that.

"Were you aware of the child she was carrying..."

"Yeah so? we can have kids again whenever we feel like."

The mans tone and his ridiculous attitude was very strange to Haru. He'd never met someone so daunted before. He was already counting down to the moment when he'd probably get arrested for almost beating a man to death.

"Do you know where she is now?"

"Probably on another man's bed" That was the last straw. Haru effortlessly threw a punch at him. How could her husband say that? He was sure he was the only partner Meilin had. Haru knew he was better than her filthy husband but Meilin doesn't want to get involved with him yet because she still respected the love between them that died years ago. He wished he could say the same for the bastard of a husband she had.

Bao was angry he also charged towards Haru and knocked him down. The two men broke into a serious fight but Haru was apparently stronger. He was simply pouring out the hatred he had for him ever since Meilin revealed the little details of everything he had done to hurt her. Killing him was also an option but he wasn't fond of killing domestic animals. Laws were against it.

Haru's friends rushed to pull the two apart but Haru wasn't willing to stop in spite of having Bao's face seriously bruised. The dancing stopped and half of the club started filming everything that was happening.

'CEO Haru gets into a heated fight with a man'

He didn't care whether or not the video goes viral. He wanted to teach him a lesson.

His friends took him home because they were sure there were chances that the police might come over.

Haru had a black eye and it was so obvious he had been in a fight. His clothes were slightly ripped, a few buttons loose and his hair wasn't in a good state.

He didn't care. He also evaded every questions from the maids and guards as he made his way to look for Meilin.

She was looking through her window by the time he got in. "Meilin...your husband..." He managed to say those words while panting.

"He's seeing other women" He played the voice note as he approached her.

She was already crying "I know Haru...I know everything he's doing. I watched them...I was forced to join them..." Something about her seemed off. He leaned in close to her and sniffed her body "What were you doing Meilin? Were you drinking..."

"Never mind that Haru...It's not time for that" She took off her gown then wrapped her arms around him.

"Mei—" Before he could finish calling her name she trapped him in a kiss wetter than he could ever imagine.

"He cheats...would it be bad if I cheat to?" Her body was completely bare and she was already helping Haru to get in his birthday suit "Make me a sinner Haru...I don't want to be a good girl anymore."