Different shades (2)

Meilin woke up, moved her hand around in search of Haru's body but all she got was the sheets to feel. She sat up quickly and looked around in fear that he left but she calmed down as soon as she saw him standing nude in front of a mirror.

He turned back to look at her then smiled "Good morning...you look scared, what happened?" He sat on the bed and pulled her close to him.

"I was scared..." he placed a finger on her lips then hushed her "have no fear Meilin" her forehead was kissed and her face suddenly reddened.

"I'll always be by your side. Let's go shower together" He lifted her up with his lips locked on hers "It's inevitable to make love to you there."

He meant want he said, he couldn't keep his hands to himself. He touched her, had himself in her, kissed her and helped her wash up.

Meilin kept thinking about last night. She slept with him but didn't feel any guilt for doing so with someone that wasn't Bao. In fact she wanted more. She'd even prefer Haru to be hard on her next time.

"What are you thinking about?" Meilin diverted her gaze to Haru and she smiled "I'm just thinking about you" He smiled back at her as he continued to dress up.

As soon as she left, his smile fell into a frown "I wish We'd have done this when I was madly in love with you Meilin. Now, for some reason I don't feel the same way anymore. Do i?"

Haru wasn't sure about his feelings. he finally made love to her but it didn't reach his expectations. Does it mean it was lust right from the start?

Despite of Haru's doubts and pondering, the intimate moments he spent with Meilin didn't stop. Like he said before, it was all to while a way time.

She hardly popped up in his mind like she used to. Meilin believed they were finally in a relationship but Haru was seeing other women.

She fit the 'mistress' profile very well but to Haru he didn't consider the risk of his affairs. As long as he found pleasure, it was fine by him. Any one that was available to satisfy him would get his attention.

"Master Haru I'm going out"

Meilin was going out to the supermarket for her monthly grocery shopping. Haru didn't look up from his laptop but he just gave a nodded at every of her words. She could tell his attitudes were off whenever they'd get in a conversation but their time in bed was somewhat different.

"I'll be back soon" She went over and kissed his forehead. He had his eyes locked on the laptop screen and didn't react but blinked.

She frowned as she left. Haru got up then lifted his phone up from his table. He typed in a new message "Hey Chunhua, I'm coming over to pick you up. We can have dinner and experience the aftermath in my room. Can't wait to see you baby."

He picked up his coat and went out. He was going to see one of His lovers. One he was very fund of. Not because he liked her or anything but because she was very tempting.

He drove half a mile from her house and to a restraint for dinner. He found talking to her comforting and entertaining. They'd flirt once in a while and tease each other. He was mindful of time, he had to do whatever he wanted to her before Meilin comes back.

Once they were done eating they headed for his estate. They had little time to their secret affair but they were going to make the most of it.

He carried her to his bedroom while kissing her vigorously. He gently placed her on the bed and hovered over her as he slowly pulled off he clothes for her.

In seconds he was thrusting in and out of her as her moans echoed in the house. He didn't care, maybe he didn't think how loud their love making was.

The door slowly creaked but not loudly. Meilin peeped, her heart was literally bleeding because she didn't want it to be true.

Why would he? After His claims. After he made her feel like she was the wrong one. She felt like a fool, it hurt her to know the real Haru. He was a complete lie. A fantasy act staged in her life.

She wished she had gone to the Market without turning back. She wouldn't have seen them together. She wouldn't have discovered the play boy side of haru

What to do? What was she going to do? Her mind was fuzzy, her heart was aching, her soul power was undesirably weak. She fell into depression as tears started rolling out again. She thought being with Haru would put an end to her tears but it made everything worse. He was so deceitful. She wished she knew what she was getting into from the start.

"What about your other lover?" Chunhua asked and haru simply shrugged knowing who she was asking after.

They were walking to the front door. Haru called for a cab and was being a gentle man by seeing her off. "I'll see you later My love" he said as he kissed her goodbye.

Meilin watched from the distance and got a clear look of the woman's face. She wasn't going to confront them just yet, she knew exactly when and how.