So called revenge (2)

"Meilin...meilin pushed me."

Eyes were turned at the suspect. Colleagues whispered from the corner as Meilin shook her head. She was lying, why was she lying?

"I said call the ambulance!" He yelled and meilin shrieked nodding but her hands were shaking as she opened her purse to quickly dial an emergency number.

"It'll be fine...the ambulance is on the way" He kissed Ai Jin's forehead as he caressed her arm "Hang in there please..."

Luckily there was a hospital around the corner and the ambulance wouldn't take time to get there.

The ambulance came with an aggressive speed, and the siren announced the arrival of the parademics. A stretcher was pulled out.

Haru was scared, his wife was losing consciousness and he had no clue of how he could help his baby too.

Fear invaded his peace of mind as he watched them carry his wife in a stretcher and her blood stains remained on the floor.

Meilin received piercing stares and her heart raced. She could feel every single pound in her chest like the turbulent push of a giant wave.

She didn't dare to move, she was sure everyone was quietly staring and cursing her in their mind.

Everyone needed a reason to hate her and now they finally had one, a false one.

She didn't push her but why did she feel so guilty. The feeling was like gasoline, killing her insides slowly but a spark would set it all ablaze.

Thoughts of something bad began to stream in her head and she held back her puke, thinking of a way to justify herself when the questions start arising.

No one was going to believe her. If she was a man she was sure Haru wouldn't hesitate the slightest to wrap his hands around his throat and choke her to death.

"I..." her voice fell flat as the burning glares of people weighed her down and she thought twice about speaking. She glanced over at Haru, mixed emotions were showing on his face as he was smoldering underneath his stony expression. He couldn't stop his tears from flowing down the sides of his cheeks and it dripped from his chin despite his attempts to wipe his tears away.

Meilin was too sad to cry out or wail about her innocence. She felt like the world was against her. She could tell the people felt intoxicated by her breathing the same air with them.

Haru didn't say anything to her but his eyes made everything clear. Guiren didn't know what to say, he just followed Haru to his car and the two men left in the black mercedes.

An hour passed and Meilin was finally able to trace the hospital the ambulance came from. She was scared to go in, but she just wanted to know and be sure that Ai jin and her baby were fine.

She walked to the private ward looking around for Haru or any of his friends and family she could recognise. She pulled her eyes away from the slate grey floor and fixed it on the hallway that stretched beyond to places she had no clue of.

She peeped as soon as she got to a corner. She saw haru. He was on the floor, an attitude of profound distress clouding his body and soul completely.

His eyes were red and his face looked wet from the ceaseless tears. Meilin cried too, she blamed herself. It was her fault for coming into Haru's life. If only she knew everything would result to Ai jin being in an operating room.

His aunt sobbed bitterly as her husband tried to console her but his efforts were all in vain. He also had tears flooding like water rushing down from a waterfall. All the dreams he had, the happiness and plans were all gone.

He felt so bad for his deceased brother, he thought that wherever he was, he'd also be able to celebrate the birth of Haru's first child but can't come true.

Sorrow filled the atmosphere of the private word. Guiren was dumbfounded by the thoughts of meilin doing something like that. He couldn't and may not ever believe it was her but why didn't she say anything in her defence? he shook his head "no..."

She must've been lost on words by the situation. With time, she'd try to explain herself and see what the Yang family has to say.

"You!" Guiren looked up and saw meilin. Her hands were clasped together and her tears soaked eyes slightly closed as she begged for a chance to say something.

Haru's aunt was in front of her. The old lady boiling by the unpleasant sight of the taller Lady.

"You still have the guts to come here after you killed my grandson? You have no shame"

Meilin shook her head. How would she explain when everyone's emotions wasn't willing to let her prove herself Innocent. Haru wasn't even looking at her, why would he?

He loved her dearly. Even when he found himself raising his child and being locked up with Ai jin most of the time, he never stopped thinking of her. But now, he regrets it all.

He thought she was the only hope to fill up the void of loneliness In his heart when he had no one to share his feelings with.

He was going to make sure she'd be ruined and she'd pay up for Ai Jin's miscarriage. The hate he bore colored his soul red and it shut down all the feelings he had for her, every single ounce of emotions and the love he had was crushed completely.

Hate and enmity welled up as he shot glares of daggers at the woman that pushed his wife.

"I didn't... I didn't push her"

She was open handedly smacked by Haru's aunt and tears came rushing down twice more. The slap was loud and it stung her face as she staggered backwards, her hand on her cheek as she forced her mouth shut.

"I warned you didn't I Haru!!!" His aunt grabbed him by his shoulder and tugged tightly on his coat "i told you she was a bad woman...but you didn't believe me. Now, look what she's done..."

"Meilin" He said coldly, engulfed completely by the emptiness of his inside "I'll make sure you suffer and I won't stop until you cry, the same way i cried when the Doctor TOLD ME MY BABY COULDN'T MAKE IT ALIVE! I hope you're happy because this is just the beginning..."

Guiren clenched his fist. He was sure that meilin would never do something like that. He took a step forward and moved in between Haru and her "She's not fighting this battle alone Mr yang. I'm fighting it too until I prove her innocence."