To make her love you

Guiren was back at home. Just arrived a few minutes earlier and headed straight for his room. He trudged to his bathroom, striped and dumped his clothes in the laundry bag.

His mind was in shreds, he couldn't stop relieving the heart breaking moment when Meilin asked him to leave after he tried to kiss her. He didn't argue, without wasting time he left feeling bad about what he'd done but there was no way he could undo his actions.

He turned the dial, and closed his eyes as the water poured down. The sensation of the steamy water was calming and his mind was now occupied with things that he cared less about.

The heat soaked in his skin and all his senses were opened up to the feels of the water drops, the beat of the water fall as it ran down his hair.

He got out of the bathroom drying his body when his eyes met with his phone. He checked for a miss call but there was none. No one ever called him to find out how he was. All he got was business calls. Nothing from friends and family. He had no one.

He plopped his nude self on the cloud like bed, running his fingers down the silk mattress and pressing his cheek on the smooth pillow.

Soon sleep pulled on his eyelids and it didn't take long before he was engulfed but he smiled peacefully.

The next day was Sunday. He was going to meet up with a therapist at a cafe. Someone he knew from monthly visit to a clinic close by his neighborhood.

Soft jazz music poured out as he opened the doors to the cafe and the scent of freshly baked pastries greeted his nostrils. He felt at ease in the cafe where his friends, the empty seats at his table kept him company whenever he stopped by to have a cup of coffee and read news headlines.

The cafe was the direct opposite of the cold outside, which was forgotten each time the door was closed. The temperature was warm and everyone was peacefully enjoying their stay within the colorful walls of the building.

He was greeted by the waiters that were dressed neatly In grey and cactus green as he proceeded to meet the old man, that helped him keep his sanity in check.

They were under a slow turning ceiling fan but it was impossible for it to blow the papers on the desk away. A flower vase was on top of it.

"Greetings Mr Zhang Yong" He waved at the silver haired man that was reading a magazine about the booming K-industry.

The man looked up and smiled "Long time" he said feeling proud of the man Guiren had become. He was twenty the last time he met Mr Zhang. A young, confused and depressed individual that was struggling with the challenges of life but now he can see a difference. Fourteen years later, he's completely transformed. Yet to achieve success but the elder could see potential.

"This meeting was uncalled for but I'm sure it has nothing to do with business advice"

Guiren shook his head no then sighed "I'm here because of women."

The man was experienced, he was guiren medicine when life gave him a bad headache and with words of encouragement he was able to scale through times when he almost had nothing to eat, or a place to sleep.

"Women? I thought you were interested in men!" Guiren was slightly embarrassed by the volume of the elders voice. People turned to the direction of the sound and he ducked his head but the elder showed little or no remorse for disturbing the peace.

"So tell me about the woman you've fallen in love with..."

His face reddened to the deep color of a rose and he could feel the heat in his cheeks "I like her. She's unique" He said taking a sip from the creamed tea that was dropped off for him a few seconds ago.

"So what's the problem Mr Chiu?"

"She doesn't love me" his frown came in full force as he stared at the mug and let out a deep sigh.

"Do you know why?"

"I'm yet to understand her story."

"What can you tell me about her?"

"Let me start by saying she's beautiful. Her eyes shine bright whenever she accomplishes something but they dim a little whenever she cries. I love the way she struts down the halls back at work, carries herself with pride and the atmosphere is never dull when she's around me" He had a smile on his face as he narrated and moved his feet a little.

"She's a mom. Her daughters are just as pretty as she is. If I had the chance to be with her I'd love her kids so much. Spoil them with my love if possible. I've taken care of them all by myself before and I learnt it all from her. I know that my feelings for her are blossoming but I'm waiting for the full bloom. The moment she accepts my feelings."

"I see the problem It's likely to be her past. The past changes people a lot and it will take a while before anyone can change their view of things. Love must've scarred her too much that's why she's not willing to connect herself with it again. Don't you think so too?"

He nodded "you're right, maybe I should give her time."

"No, no, no, don't make me sound too cheesy. The more time, the more you have to wait. Don't wait! making a slow move is better than having to wait for a miracle. Make her fall, make her want you And crave for your presence."

Guiren found the way he was talking quite scary for a man his age, but he found it funny too. "Don't make the same mistake I made Guiren. My late wife married my best friend before me because I also decided to give her time not knowing someone would make a move and snatch my queen away."

"I've made mistakes my whole life. I don't know how I can even complete a task like this one." he knew clearly that she was only a figment of his desire; a delusion of his dreams, reality was a turning point for it all.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nodded "Who do you want to be to her?"

He thought for a while but he came up with one simple phrase "Her hero..."

"Do you imagine her laying next to you after a night of intimacy?"

He wouldn't deny that. He fantasized a lot about different scenarios but everything would all lead to the scene of him waking up beside her.

"Yes, a lot."

"Send her a message. Ask her if she'd be available for dinner sometime around the week..."

"Do you want me to have sex with her already?" The elder shook his head then pinched the bridge of his nose "You dummy. Just get to know her a little!"

"Why are you getting so excited about this..."

"Because I'm using this for story development. A story about a single mom and a shy man, in his mid thirties."

Guiren rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone from his pocket "I hope everything turns out well but I'm not having sex with her after our date. I just want a kiss for now."