To make her love you (4)

She looked out from her window and he was still there. Still on his feet starring at the door, hoping she'd open up. He'd been like that for hours and she occasionally went to the window to check if he'd given up and gone home. Typical Haru was always persistent until he gets what he wants.

She was the type to warm up to him back then but this time around, she'd lay back on her sofa, eat popcorn and stare at him.

From her cozy room, she watched the raindrops kiss his skin but he still didn't budge. She couldn't see his face but his figure was very clear. He was the one.

He hoped that the downpour would wash the majority of his sorrows away. He remained there, his eyes fixed into the skyline as he continued to wait.

He could see her each time she opened the curtains to peep, he wished she could see the tears in his eyes, read the pain within his heart and hear his apology.

Meilin turned off the lights to her room and went to bed leaving Haru waiting under the rain caring less of how long he'd stay there. She knew before morning he'd be gone and maybe it would get to him that she didn't want him in her family's life. It was over.

The next morning, she was dressed up in her dark grey skirt suit, her hair bobbed and tucked behind her ears. She dressed her daughters in a matching clothes set. A bee coloured shirt and navy blue shorts. On her way out she noticed the black car parked along the street was gone and the presence of Haru left with it. Just like she thought.

Her neighbor helped her put her little girls in their sitter in the back of the vehicle. The senior dropped the children at the daycare before He dropped her some place near her office. She would find her way to the office from there.

In exactly fifteen minutes she clocked in and headed for her grey office. Pictures of her daughters were hung up on the wall, and sticky notes next to them with a single oil painting in the middle.

She sat down on the swivel chair and opened her laptop. She heard a knock on her door and she permitted whoever was out there to come in.

"Morning Mr Chiu"

Now they were back to formalities. Step one again.

"I came to apologize for yesterday"

"No it's fine" she assured but she didn't take her eyes from the screen of her laptop.

"How does vacation sound?" He asked and Meilin raised a brow at his statement.

"Uhm," He ran his fingers through his hair "Maybe a time to ourselves, summer is close by. The best season for a vacation."

He mentioned it before but she thought it was only a joke. Maybe she did need a vacation, time to clear things out with her inner self. What Meilin had in mind was different from What Guiren was thinking.

He needed to invest more time with her and the children. He had just bought five star family passes to France. He'd simply remain quiet about the facts behind the vacation plan and pretend like he didn't have another motive apart from relaxation.

Taking her faraway from work and things that would remind her of her past might place him on an upper edge in winning her heart.

"So what do you say?" She nodded "I'm in."

He sighed so softly, one of relief. He couldn't imagine her saying no, maybe the next step he'd have taken was to get down on his knees and beg. He could actually do it, but not to everyone. Only those that mattered too much to him. Meilin for example.

"So two weeks from now right?" He took hold of her hand, His lipped brushed her tender skin teasingly but enough to work up her senses. She nodded clearing her throat, and pulled her hand away "Thanks sir, but now I have to continue with work."

"sure" He coincidentally hit himself on his way out yet giggled away the humiliating minute that really put a grin all over her face before she turned her attention to her laptop once again.

Every now and then Guiren walked by, said a thing or two to her because he couldn't do without seeing her or hearing her hushed voice that always elevated his mood.

She wondered why he was so happy? Was it because she agreed to the vacation or something else that he wasn't willing to share? She had no clue but she wasn't going to think to deep about it.

Closing time came and she started packing up. Guiren opened the door to her office for the hundredth time and tiptoed inside.

"Ready to go home? I can drop you off in front of the daycare. I have things to settle an hour from now."

She gestured grabbing her bag and other significant documents before she took off with Guiren following. She got into his car and fastened the seat belt.

The drive wasn't that long. Soon they were in front of the kindergarten and she was taking her time to put things in other and Guiren used the opportunity to stare at her facial features, slighting drooling over the thoughts of pressing his lips with hers but she wouldn't let him.

If he tried that he'd get slapped and yelled out then she'd give him the silent treatment and he'd make his way back to step one.

"Alright thanks for the ride," She leaned in close and gave him a peck on the cheek. He placed his hand on that spot wondering why she kissed his cheek. She could tell what he wanted so she decided to dismiss him with a kiss then left.

He smiled, waved her goodbye and started his car. He was missing her presence already but there was something he needed to clear up, something he should've done earlier.

The back street was straight similar to a drinking straw and nearly as thin. He was going to meet up with Haru and tell him exactly what he had in mind.

The latter was already there waiting In between the close buildings of the busy street.

No greetings were needed, they both didn't like each other and they weren't planning to. Guiren regretted looking up to Haru like his God but now he narrowed him down to an ordinary man even if he had the money to shake up the whole world, he wasn't going to picture him so highly after what he'd done to Meilin.

"Meilin doesn't belong to you Mr Yang" He said coldly, his eyes starring deep into the man's and the other smirked "I can't let you he the one to replace me, especially when there's a possibility that those girl's are mine."

"Whether you like it or not, you simply have no chance. You've hurt her to the maximum and she's so confused but I'm going to fix everything you ruined. I will make her love again. I swear and when I do, she'd only love me."

Haru was very confident that fate would bring Meilin back to him, but Guiren had other thoughts. Meilin wouldn't, she'd move on and haru would have no other choice but to go back to his criminal wife.

The two men parted after they'd finally accepted they were in a battle. One with limited time. At least one of them had to secure Meilin's heart and treasure it appropriately. The victor was all that mattered. So who would win?