The game of goodbyes (2)

Dark, empty, cold, the room stood silently at the end of the corridor. Screams echoed in the hall, lights flickered on and off. A guard opened a cell, eyes moved to a figure at a corner then proceeded to the female, took off her handcuffs and left.

She was done serving her sentence. Next was community service and she could do that at home. There was no more need of keeping her locked within grey walls, and forcing her to eat the nasty prison food and sleep on the lumpy bed.

It was hell, multiple times she'd been used as a dumbell by the older inmates and took food away from her. She did attend all the correctional programmes, her mind was modified to one of good and only good.

She was like a complete robot, her mind was blank most of the time and her body shrunk, movements humdrum. But now, she can get in contact with the outside world.