Searching for daddy (2)

Lights were turned on to the reveal a small boy on his bed beside the sticker decorated wall. Li wei moved over to him, sat on his bed and placed his hand softy on his forehead just to check up on his temperature.

He must've been alone the whole day. Maybe he should've take him to his wife's home but he thought it'll be better to keep him at his. Just to be on the safe side.

"Zhen, I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I feel bad that you don't have the happy family that most kids you age enjoy. Your mother and I weren't just meant to be but we decided to give you a chance in this world" he kissed the boys forehead "I'm going to divorce your mother soon and might probably marry miss Zhao. I'm not sure if you remember her but that's the woman I'm interested in right now..."