Family Matters (4)

"Why would you want to see that" li hua pulled her sister away from the counter "It's none of our business" the little girl still had her gaze on him despite being hauled to the entryway. She didn't want to say exactly what she saw, but the Lady in the casing fairly resembled her mom.

It didn't make any sense to why he'd have such, and protect it the way he did. She hasn't seen him before and the only person she knew was acquainted with her mother was Guiren. Whoever and wherever he is.

The girls picked up their umbrellas and strolled back to their school. It was almost time for their next class and they had to be back on time. Even in class, surrounded by tons of activities she couldn't stop thinking about the man. Li Na wanted to know who he was and how he knew her mother.

She was certain that it was her mom. The small glimpse of the picture was a perfect fit to her mom, even if the picture must've been taken years ago.