Searching for Daddy (4)

The next day...

Li Na was in the cafe drawing up an adorable picture for him. She labeled her drawing, "Daddy this is you, mummy, li hua and me"

The girl grinned proud of her image of their perfect family "I think I should add a cat, what do you think?"

"Let me do it" he picked up the crayon and squiggled a cat next to Li Na. "Thanks Dad" whenever she called him her father he'd warm to his emotions and give a rosy smile.

Drinks were on the table for the both of them along with papers, pencils and a small purse. Haru felt like he wasn't alone and it brought colors into his life again. She looked so much like the woman that was dear to him and her presence seemed to blossom around the four corners of the building whenever Li Na was around.