The story of the boy too far away

"Haru,'re finally going to take over the Yang enterprises and make your late family proud" Haru showed no excitement, infact, he was offended by how his aunt said 'late family' so casually like lying about who he was in the past was some kind of joke.

He ended up finding out his biological parents died. His cousin's felt he was given preferential treatment. Especially the oldest in their midst, Kris. His words that day of truth was a deep cut in Haru's chest "Stop treating him like he's better than us! We've been tolerating this for too long. He's not even special, he's nothing close to that! He's not even our real brother! It's better of he just died along with his parents but I know that you mom, told them to leave him behind!"

He didn't know the Yang business was a struggle for power until he heard his cousin, Kris say "why does he have to be the CEO? His parents are dead and I have the family name!"