Personal belongings (finale)

"Dear wife,

I know you've been wondering where I've been for the past months. I'm enjoying life peacefully and far away from you. I don't miss you, I swear. Why would I anyway?

I hope you have a nice time trying to pay off all my debts, for now just know i love you."

The text messages he sends never brought a smile on Meilin's face. It's been months since she last saw him in the house, she heard he got a new mistress. A rich one.

It wasn't new for him to cheat, she knew about all his lovers because he always compared them to her.

Endless tears poured down the sides of her face. She'd always get emotional whenever she reflects on the stupid mistakes she made. It was probably a curse casted after what she'd made her mother pass through in her silent hours. She was the only one that kept her mother moving but she selfishly left without thinking twice.