a Fiery Dawn

(About 6 Months before the events of Planetfall)

Emperor Uldin 'the Blackened' eyes could only stare in both awe and in anxiety as he saw a mysterious comet pass by his palace. In the most common of tongues, the comet was called 'Geltagar's Comet' that passes about every 200 years or more. The old stories stated that whenever the comet ever made a pass from Gliesia a great change was about to happen very soon.

The Emperor remembered his history lessons that whenever the comet was recorded to have passed by, a great and tide changing event or series of events would affect the entire world for good or ill. One such recording of the comet's passing was the collapse and splitting of a once united Elven continent from across his empire's borders due to political infighting, ideological disagreements, and courtly intrigues. The continent has been a state of cultural, political stagnation as no side seemed poised to decisively end the war. Emissaries of the two sides have been known to pay off mercenaries from all over the world to the meat grinder in an effort to break the stalemate but to no avail. The once-proud Elves were caught in a balancing act of both maintaining the war effort whilst also keeping their civilization relevant in the Geo-politics of Gliesia.

The next time it had passed, several volcanic eruptions in the northern peninsula have caused the region to become unsuitable for farming but the aftermath of that disaster was the opening of several rich mining veins of a new kind of metal called Scandanite. The metal is very malleable at its purest form but when fused with more commonly used metals such as iron can forge into very durable weapons and armor. It was to no surprise that with their new arms in hand the northern peninsula tribes began to raid their southern neighbors for goods and luxuries not found in their homeland. The Northmen sailed and pillaged to the farthest reaches of Uldin's Empire and beyond with no signs of stopping.

And the previous passing of the Comet was by far the most relevant to him. For when the comet passed, the ancestors of the Slaegi formed what would be known as the Empire of Slaegia with an iron authoritarian fist. Forming great cities and conquering far off territories, they stamped out all who dared oppose them from political, military and religious organizations alike.

The Empire of Slaegia is without any kind of doubt the largest and most cosmopolitan civilization in the world of Gliesia. Its capital of Haringpoint is a city filled with giant towering castles that houses the vain and prideful nobility from the commoners below with Uldin's Palace being the biggest of them all. The capital sat next to a bay where many ships pass in and out with their goods and people. However, his Empire, despite its many modern features had the flaws that could have it all crashing down. The greedy nobles politick over lands, resources, and power. The military is more concerned with gaining a 'Triumphal Parade' after they finish a campaign by bringing in many plunder, slaves, and an accounted number of around 25,000 slain 'savages'. Racism against non-Slaegi's was common despite a few progressive measures such as citizenship and military services provided to them.

For Emperor Uldin, in order to keep his empire from falling into a state of anarchy and go the same way as their Elven neighbors, he had imposed several Machiavellian methods of keeping everyone happy from Bread and Circuses, Political Subterfuge to observe and detect any kind of hostile takeovers and even some good old fashioned Public Relations were propaganda of how 'Advanced and Safe' the Slaegian Empire is. He has even created an organization of 'National Heroes' who have proven themselves to be both fanatical at the Empire's Ideals and are skilled at quashing dissent and the occasional invasions from hostile neighbors and rivals.

Yet the comet's arrival has made the Emperor Nervous. What could the omens mean? To answer this question, he hurriedly walked to the Empire's Conclave of Mages. The Conclave is an organization that is dedicated to the study and harnessing of magic in all its forms. It has attracted scholars from all over the world due to its famed library and observatory in the capital. The services that the Conclave can provide to the Empire were education and private tutorials on harnessing Magic from gifted individuals who can afford the tuition, the collection of magically attuned artifacts and crystals but most important in the light of recent events for Uldin, Astrology.

"Grandmaster Owyne!" the Emperor hailed. He noticed that Owyne too has the face that turned pale with worry just like he is.

"If it's about Geltagar's Comet I am working on it. Come!" the Grandmaster said.

The Emperor followed Owyne, one of his most trusted advisors and closest of friends into the observatory of the Conclave. Entering the room, he was surrounded by many Wizard's and Mages that form the administrative power of the Conclave. All were nervously whispering to each other what the comet's passing could mean for everyone. Owyne walked up to large luminescent crystal where several high-ranking wizards awaited him. It is called 'the Mirror of Aunsellus'. Its purpose was to detect fluctuations in the planets mana energy levels and also used as a conduit of power to globally cast spells from within the confines of the Conclave without having to be near the targeted area. The crystal shone brightly illuminating the room in a rainbow of colors as the wizard stood in front of it.

"My fellow wizards and nobility of the Empire! We are gathered here on this very hour in a time of great uncertainty. The appearance of Geltagar's Comet has caused the magic of this world to writhe and scream. Many of our more mana sensitive of colleagues have collapsed in exhaustion over this disturbance." Owyne spoke to the crowd.

"Aunsellus, the Founder of this very conclave and recipient of this very crystal, the Mirror of Aunsellus from Aralaya, the Goddess of Wisdom.

The Grandmaster Wizard turned around and raised his hand close to the Mirror of Aunsellus. Magical energies poured out of his hand and connected to the crystal.

"I and my fellow Master Wizards will now use our powers combined to interpret the signs of this Comet to foresee our future." He continued.

"But that's only theoretical possible! Seeing the future? The scholars said you need to expend a lot of Magical Power just to even get even a glimmer of foresight." Uldin questioned, his eyes widened in shock.

"I know my lord, but the comet's passing has caused the magical energies of the world to be more sensitive and easier to draw from. Plus, I know it's theoretical but now due to our circumstances, we must put this theory to the test. It's for the good of everyone here and Gliesia." Owyne replied.

The Grandmaster, unlike many people who shared high reigns of power, was always someone who's a concern for people lower is always given a priority. Having climbed his way up to his title of Grandmaster of the Conclave of Mages by participating in projects, expeditions and campaigns that concerns the well being of the Empire's Citizens and Military such as using wards to fend off rogue spell casters who turned to banditry and using shielding spells to protect knights in the thick of battle has made him respected among his peers, the common folk, nobility, and soldiers. However, despite such achievements and fame, he has been slowly aging and death which has many of his peers and supporters concerned of succession and also him dying with many secrets and ideas that remained locked inside his head.

Owyne closed his eyes and begins to concentrate his mana through the crystal in a bid to break through the fabric of time and see the other side. The other mages assisted by pouring their powers into the crystal. The passing of the comet has increased their mana reserves and output efficiency greatly. If they had done this within a time of the mana energies being in their regular climate they would have collapsed in exhaustion by now.

Uldin, the Nobles, Empire Generals and Mages alike could only watch nervously at the people near the giant crystal. Many of them held doubts and optimisms of the Grandmaster's assurance that his plan will work. For minutes that felt like hours, the hall was silent no one dared disrupt the Master Wizards' concentration.

Then Owyne's eyes opened. But instead of the whites of his eyes and his dark brown irises, his eyes illuminated brightly with the sky-blue energies of magic.

"I can see the veil break open! I have reached heavens!" Owyne yelled.

The crowd gasped in awe.

"Yet I do not see paradise! Just nothing but the stars and Anadi's Palace. The rest is all just the void." He added. The wizard's hands began to tremble to show the first signs that he is reaching mana exhaustion.

"Wait… I hear a great roar in the void. By the Gods, it's a Celestial Messenger! Wait… no its not of any of our Gods… I see… the birth of a new God! It rises… Hungrily!" The Grandmaster suddenly shouted. His body began to sweat heavily.

"They are not Gods… but DEMONS! Their bodies clad in iron and magic of fire and brimstone!" Owyne raised his voice louder.

"The Celestial Messenger sees our world and demands it as a meal! And… And… AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

Owyne and the Master Wizard's eyes that were shone with light exploded in geysers of blood as they collapsed. The magical energies exploded throughout the room causing a great shockwave that knocking down several members of the audience.

Screams echoed the hall as Uldin, his bodyguards and other members of the Conclave rushed towards the bleeding Master Wizards.

"Grandmaster! Are you okay? Speak to me!" Uldin questioned. The revelation brought forth by Owyne has opened up even more questions than answers about the comet's prophecies.

After leaning on the lap of a Healing Mage who wrapped his now empty eyes sockets with bandages. Uldin curled his finger backward, gesturing the Emperor to move closer. Uldin leaned a mere inch from the lips of Owyne to hear what he has to say.

"All the world will burn by the demon's hand… Less we stop their Messenger from seeing…" He whispered to his ear.


Samantha didn't have time to even wear her shoes when the sirens rang. She had to quickly rise up from her bed and run outside to find out what was going on. All that greeted her, however, was fire and screaming.

"Wha- This… Can't be happening…" Samantha said. Her mind raced within her struggling to understand what's happening. A fire? An Accident? A natural hazard of some sort? Letting her mind be clouded with so many thoughts, however, has to lead her to be unaware of a sinister bandit who sneaked up behind her and pushed her down.

Samantha tried to push her self back up but a quick leather boot of the bandit pushed her. Fearing for her life she bit the man's feet as hard as she could, causing the man to yelp in pain and recoil his foot away from pressing down on her. She could swear she may have made her assailant's toe bleed. Spitting out any possible dirt she might unintentionally put on her mouth and stood back up.

The bandit yelled out in a language she couldn't understand but she presumed if she could it would most likely be "Get over here!". He charged with his axe in hand ready to overpower Samantha with his superior weight and height until…

"RRAAAGGH!" A voice yelled as a bright orange blur moved past her. Her eyes could barely focus on what she saw before the bandit collapsed to the ground with a horrible black eye and cut on his face. The orange blur soon visualized itself with a familiar orange prison garb. The prisoner after checking to see that the bandit was definitely not coming up from a quick and hard blow from a concrete brick to his soft unprotected head grabbed the man's axe and began to grind it on his handcuffs.

"Oh… it's you again..." Samantha said to 'Diaz'.

After Diaz cut his binds free he stood up now able to move his hands around freely again. But his newly acquired freedom (of movement at least) was soon disrupted when Samantha grabbed him by the neck and pushed him to the wall causing him to choke.

"How did you get away from your guards?" Sam angrily questioned.

Diaz coughed air and spit only being able to utter one single word.


Alarmed by his words and with only a second to react Sam let go of Diaz and ducked. Just barely dodging a straight thrust towards her center mass. Diaz too also quickly dodge the blade by sidestepping as soon as Sam's grip was released. The bandit's sword shattered upon impact with the hard surface of the wall causing him to be stunned with disbelief over the loss of his blade. Capitalizing on the opening, Diaz uppercut the groin area of the bandit causing him to bend over in pain grasping his prized jewels. Samantha added her own damage by punching the man by the chin, the most vulnerable area of the human head or at the very least she assumed that bandit is a human. Their attempted murderer fell down face first on to the ground unconscious. Diaz gasped for air whilst Samantha cracked her knuckles.

"Teach you to assault a woman." Samantha spat.

She then turned to the prisoner who had finally just removed all of his restraints.

"You stop right there." she ordered him.

"Bleh, you talk like we are enemies yet we fought like brothers a second ago." Diaz replied.

"That's not what I want you to tell me. You stay and wait for the M.P.'s to contain you." Samantha pressed.

"Yeah... I think a Corpo like me would be the least of their concerns right now." Diaz answered, pointing to the raging fire that engulfed the Colony Ship's landing zone."Where would I run away too?" he reasoned.

"I-I-I... just don't try to do anything funny!" Samantha gnashed her teeth and clenched her fist ready to pounce at the criminal if he as much attempts to weasel his way out of her temporary custody.

Diaz calmly relaxed his composure and turned his arms left and right then faced Samantha.

"I still got a tracking chip on my arms so even if I ran you can easily find me. Plus I can't survive for crap out there, Kesserheim Kid all the way hehehe." Diaz chuckled.

Samantha absorbed the words of Diaz very carefully. She hates to say it but the 'criminal scum' has a point.

"So, what now? We just sit here and wait it out or we gonna fucking do something?" Diaz asked her, his tongue tweaked slyly as if taunting her.

"We cannot allow these marauders to damage the ship or our supplies. We must fight them off." Samantha growled.

"A redhead who actually is a hot-head. Your hair is actually naturally read right? That's not like them sassy dyes I see back in Kesserheim?" he asked coyly.

"Just be useful or do whatever I say Corpo!" Samantha augured.

"Of course, Lieutenant~~~ Lead the way," Diaz said. Samantha can only roll her eyes over the criminal's attempts at suave words.

The two, moving together as a pair, ran through the burning campground. Both of them could only stare in horror as they saw bandits stealing, rampaging and burning the whole site to the ground in an orgy of chaotic destruction. The sound of fire, guns, screaming, and sirens drowned their ears as they confusingly forged onwards.

"Hey, aren't those guys over there your squad? Looks like they are putting up a fight." Diaz pointed.

Sam turned her eyes to his direction and saw Crocker, Obed, and Kayin making a stand against a large group of bandits by while guarding a few boxes of guns, ammunition and a group of civilians. The two lowered them to avoid stray gunfire and dashed for the cover and safety of the militia soldiers.

"Check your fire! Check your fire!" Crocker yelled.

Samantha safely made it to the makeshift cover her squad has made followed by Diaz.

"Lieutenant! Thank God you are here." Crocker said. His face was sweating and weary from the combat action he has suddenly found himself in. The same can also be said for Obediah and Kayin too.

"Hey aren't you…" Kayin commented on Diaz who followed Sam.

"Yeah! Like fucking caused this shit to happen yeah?" Diaz sarcastically chided before ducking down by a pile of boxes. "I can tell y'all this... it's not the Corpo's this time... really!"

"Sargent, what the hell is going on? S-Sitrep!" Samantha asked.

"Shit, where can I start? I saw a bunch of these assholes burning and stealing our stuff. Me and rest grabbed some guns from the armory and placed them here so we can pass along some of the guns to the other Militia soldiers and anybody willing to fight back. Most of them grabbed a gun and head straight to the retreat point which is the Colony the ship for safety. The Colonel radioed me and saying we should hold our ground here and cover the evacuation." Crocker explained.

"Damnit! How did these people avoid our security systems?" Samantha asked Crocker.

"According to the TACOM they thought it was just Animals, Nocturnal Animals coming out for the night. But then they started bashing our drones angrily and lighting our encampment on fire." Kayin explained.

"Go grab a gun and lets fight them back!" Crocker shouted.

Samantha and Diaz turned around to see a case was opened that revealed a handful of spare arms and ammunition. Additionally, she saw the frightened and crying faces of the civilians of that were trapped in the middle of a battle. A mother was holding her three crying children and a young woman had her hands clutching her head while swaying her body back and forth.

"There's many of them!" An engineer panicked.

"Mommy!" a child screamed, caressing the bosom of his mother.

Samantha felt the weight of the world and the heat of the battle burden her as she nervously grabbed a rifle from the weapons case alongside Diaz. But before the criminal could get his hands on a weapon, Samantha grabbed his forearm firmly.

"And what are you doing?" Samantha questioned firmly.

"I got a right to defend myself, right? You're barely keeping this corner standing with the MG and all." Diaz replied.

Sam began to reason herself to the scenario at hand. She recalled from her leadership training that there will be times where there will be choices that seemed to be unsavory at first glance but if certain criteria have been present can ultimately be the correct choice. She bit her lips and swallowed her pride.

"Fine! But under two conditions! You return that pistol as soon as this is over and if I see you do anything funny I will kill you myself." She said.

"Yes, ma'am…" Diaz nodded while cocking his pistol aiming his gun at the enemies and opened fire cutting down three of the intruders within a split second.

"Wow, nice shot kid," Obediah commented.

"I had practice… with peers..." Diaz chuckled.

"Oh fuck me, I can't believe I fighting alongside a Corpo!" Lewis added.

The team dug into their fighting positions holding their ground valiantly against the hordes of bandits. Kayin's flying drone armed with a machine gun turret worked in tandem with Lewis' SAW Gun. When they had to reload their weapons, Samantha, Diaz, and Obediah covered for them. The bandit intruders who have never seen such kind of firepower before either charged blindly to the kill zone or took cover from the tents to avoid its sight only to get sniped by After about twelve grueling minutes suppressive fire. The hordes of bandits seized their advances. By Samantha's account, she can confirm about 56 combined kills from her team. Everyone sighed in relief as they stood up from their cover and observed the aftermath.

Bodies of the slain littered the ground as the squad and the civilians stood to watch in awe and fright from the scene.

"Did we really do this? All of this?" Diaz said.

"Yes… I can't believe I used my rifle and revolver on… people…" Obediah swallowed. He didn't knew how many he had killed but he did knew that his Hunting Weapons had tasted the blood of people by his hands.

"The first time is always the hardest old man. Take it from me." Kayin placed his hand over Obed's shoulder.

"Alright let's regroup to the ship an---" Samantha was about to relay her orders when a sharp ring coming from a radio interrupted her.

Crocker grabbed a radio that was tucked by his shoulder and pressed the answer button.

"Stryder Group! We need backup… Shit! It's--*Static*-- Attacking the ship!" said Colonel Polonsky on the radio.

"Colonel! I rendezvous with my Commanding Officer. Repeat that phrase again." Lewis replied.

"There's a fire-rock monster---thing attacking the Eodem! Need back up now!" Polonsky concisely ordered.

"Eh...Roger!" Lewis balked in disbelief before dropping the radio. "You heard that right?"

"A 'Monster' is attacking the ship?" Samantha interrogated.

"'Fire and rock creature right? Did my ears really hear that?" Lewis questioned back with a confused face.

"Yeah, I heard that too." Diaz raised his hand.

"Me three," Obediah added.

"I am confused…" Kayin said.

"Well, we can all ask questions later everyone. The Ship is running out of time! Move out!" Samantha rallied, snapping the squad back to the task at hand.

The group, alongside the civilians they protected made haste to the Eodem. They can see smoke and eruptions of fire that silhouettes the ship from the distance as they walk. Most of them could struggle to breathe the air and had to crawl down to avoid the fumes. Covering their faces to avoid smoke inhalation the group followed Samantha through the smoke.

"Bleh, we are just in front of the ship. I can… barely breathe… In here." Samantha ordered as she pushed down the door of an intact storage house. The team alongside the civilians hurriedly went inside and quickly closed the door. With clean air, everyone breathed easily.

"*Cough* Shit, I bet that fire creature Polonsky said did all of this. Lewis checks those windows, make sure no smoke gets inside for now." Samantha said.

Lewis walked up to a nearby window to check if is closed. Confirming the window's closure, the SAW gunner curiously looked outside. He saw the fire creature wreaking havoc at the Eodem.

Its height was about 20 feet tall, 10 meters wide and covered head to toe with fire and rock. The creature's hand shot fire that scorched all that touches. Lewis could see the people in the Eodem struggling to even hurt the creature but the bullets didn't do anything to it. He also noticed that behind the monster was a man in a hooded cloak who was holding a stave at hand and waving his arms like he is commanding the beast. A distinctly blue colored amulet was also on the man's chest that grew brightly like a beacon of energy that powered the summoned creature. The gunfire from the militia pinned down in the ship tried to desperately bring down the monster but to no significant dent to the body.

"Damnit, the boys are doing jackshit to that thing!" Lewis said.

"Swee Jesus, Mary and Joseph look at the size of that thing!" Obediah panicked.

"El-tee! What do we do?" Kayin yelled. His voice was the tone of one who is panicking.

"Damnit! Think Sammy, THINK!" Samantha thought to herself.

Everyone in the colony, every soldier, every civilian's life was now hanging by a very thin thread that will be burnt if the ship goes down. Her eyes scanned the contents of the storage room, looking for something to gain the edge in battle: There are food stocks, barrels of water, Liquid Petroleum Gas canisters, and several fire extinguishers…

"Hold on! It ain't over yet. Lewis grab those Fire Extinguishers!" Samantha ordered.

"What? We are going to fucking snuff out the fire with them? Really?" Lewis questioned.

"Yeah actually..." Samantha said. "We need to find that Monster Controller too... it will buy us some time," she explained.

"Is it really time to be thinking like that now?" Lewis asked again.

"To save you from having to explain something I learned from chemistry and physics. Yes, it's a time right now. Now go get them!" Samantha yelled.

As Lewis gathered the fire extinguishers, Samantha walked up to her two panicking squadmates who were still panic praying. She slapped both Obediah and Diaz out of there state and yelled:

"I need you to aim at those fire extinguishers after Lewis tosses them at the monster," Samantha said her plan.

"I have to toss them?" Lewis questioned.

"Yes, Sargent! Now get ready all of you and wait for my signal."

The team gathered outside the building with Samantha, Kayin, Obediah, and Diaz crouching behind cover while Lewis gathered the fire extinguishers and stacked them on a pyramid next to him. The Fire Monster continued to ravage the Eodem leaving the squad undetected to set up their ambush. Samantha raised her hand signaling to Lewis went to get ready. The Sargent grabbed the first fire extinguisher from his pile and carried it over his shoulder. With a quick downward twitch of her elbow, Samantha signaled the first release. With all of his might, Lewis threw his load at the monster directly hitting him but not hurting him, the fire extinguisher simply impacted the monster's body and dropped harmlessly on to the ground.

"Fire!" Samantha yelled.

Obediah, with his Hunting Rifle, scoped the fire extinguisher causing the canister to erupt in a bright white smoke. The creature yelled loudly as if it was in pain, confirming Samantha's hypothesis. If there was anything she has seen in RPG games is that Fire Elementals such as the giant monster right now are weak to fire and theoretically no differently weaker to a good old fire extinguisher.

"Holy Shit! That looked like it actually hurts." Diaz smiled.

"Again!" Samantha yelled.

Lewis grabbed another extinguisher from his pile and threw it at the fiery beast. It was another direct but harmless hit. This time it now got the creature's attention.

"I got this one!" Kayin yelled. He aimed his gun at the fire extinguisher and opened fire. The white smoke discharged out of its metal prison. The fire-retardant chemicals touched the burning skin of the Fire Monster causing the plasma-like body to solidify into the black rock. From the looks of it from Samantha's point of view, she looks like she is halfway into freezing the monster to death with fire retardant chemicals. Her plan turning the tide of the battle into their favor she signaled again for Lewis to throw one more Fire Extinguisher at the beast.

"RRRAAAGGH Take this you burning piece of shit!" Lewis roared as he threw the last fire extinguisher at the monster. Hitting right at the head of the beast, the monster reflexively grabbed the canister, it's a hand covering most of its body but the nozzle.

"This is my shot!" Diaz said. With a focused aim from the iron sights of his rifle, Diaz shot a precise bullet directly at the exposed nozzle of the fire extinguisher. Bursting forth its content right at the face of the creature and at the arm it was holding it, the Fire Monster was now completely Frozen, its once fiery form now at a fragile dark rock state.

"Everyone! Light it up!" Samantha radioed every Militia soldier.

The soldiers in the Eodem, Samantha's Squad sprayed hundreds of bullets at the defenseless beast cutting it down to a fine ash mist bringing it down to the ground to never harm another innocent again.

"It's going down! The beast is dead! Hooah!" Radio chatter from everyone connected blanketed the airwaves in the noise of celebratory cheers.

As Stryder Group cheered, a figure emerged from the shadows, using some sort of form of invisibility to hide from those who would prioritize attacking him. It was he who controlled the Golem creature to attack this strange settlement that dared enter his territory and it was he who organized the attack in the first place. He was dressed in robes that opulently dazzled fabrics and wearing a bright blue necklace that irradiates from his chest which caught anyone not blind to stare at its aura. His hands, face, and eyes glowed into the rhythm of the blue necklace's humming noise as he panted angrily at Stryder Group.

"Lladdoch chi fy ngwys! Teimlo pŵer fy Magcs!" the man shouted in an unknown tongue.

His hands glowed as he began to conjure a form of energy from his body readying some sort of alien action to smite down Stryder Group.

Being quick on the draw, the Lieutenant aimed her Militech MARA-5 Peacemaker Assault Rifle at the strangely robed man and bursted several rounds of 5.56mm ammunition onto their attacker. The strange fell backward to the ground succumbing to his wounds, his ethereal, almost magic like powers fading away from his hands until only a weak spark fizzled out from his corpse as a final spark.

"What the hell was that man saying?" Kayin questioned.

"I--I don't know... but if he spoke anymore... we would have been dead." Samantha answered as she and the rest of Stryder Group walked up to the strange robed man's corpse.

"Good Job everyone… all of you." Samantha rested her rifle by her shoulder, the barrel facing upwards to the sky. She walked towards her confirmed kill and noticed the brightly colored necklace the deceased mage is wearing. The necklace blinked brightly like a beating heart with a neon blue light as if it was alive.

"What a strange piece of bling. I wonder what my fencing friends would say of this thing would be worth." Commented Diaz, marveling at the bright necklace like a jewel locked behind a glass dome.

"Don't think so. He's fuck-all kilometers away from you." Lewis castigated him.

"I bet the scientists on board would love to get their hands on that thing. We should give it to them." Kayin suggested.

"You're right," Samantha affirmed. She yanked the necklace from the corpse and firmly grasped the crystal. She took a moment to stare at the necklace's beauty, its shimmering reflection impressed her.

"Lieutenant Rose! I would like to congratulate you for saving everyone in this… hey, why is that prisoner carrying a gun?" Colonel Polonsky walked up to Samantha. He noticed Diaz who was still wearing his orange prison clothes holding a rifle.

"Uhm, yeah I should keep that promise now." Diaz softly said. He dropped his gun to the ground and knelt while placing his hands behind his head.

"I deal with you later Corpo! Lieutenant Rose! Congratulations on taking down that Fire Golem. If it weren't you throwing those Fire Extinguishers at that monster we would all have been dead." Polonsky saluted.

"Well, I came up with the idea. Lewis was the one who threw the cans at the creature. My team was the ones who shot the extinguishers to make them explode." Samantha humbly explained herself.

"If that's so? Then you truly are honoring the West Point name." Polonsky smiled. "Wait, even the prisoner helped too?" Polonsky questioned.

"Yeah, He shot the third one. That was actually pretty amazing if I say so myself." Obediah commented.

"Yeah I got to say that was an impressive shot coming from him," Lewis added.

"Is this true Samantha? Don't lie to me." Polonsky asked her.

"Yes… He shot the last canister when the monster nearly covered it…" Samantha swallowed her pride.

"Well, Mr. Vincente Diaz, convicted for multiple armed robberies, Corporate espionage, Sabotage and the sale of Counterfeit goods where are your Correction's Officers." Polonsky asked Diaz.

He knew about his dangerous history and he had worked closely with the Bureau of Justice to make sure he was accommodated and be put to work as best as he could. According to his classified dossier provided by the Bureau of Justice, the Judges sentenced that the best way to mitigate all the damage he is capable of causing was to exile him from all of his networks and assets by physically removing him off-world from any UFE Core World's, the farther the better.

"Ok, first off I did not kill that Ice Cream Vendor. And second yeah, they died… Some of them bandits chopped them up. I barely managed to wiggle out of there with my skin intact." Diaz replied.

"Well in due part that you did went out of your way to help fight of this invasion and the additional fact we are, thanks to the damages we have incurred would require more warm bodies to assist us in repairing the damages. How are you interested in being a member of the Mili-" Polonsky diplomatically proposed to the Corpo only to be cut off by him.

"YES!" Vince said.

"Militia… okay, but do not take my mercy kindly Corpo, you are still leashed under several restrictions to keep you in check. For now I am having you assigned to be a member of the SOG Team known as Stryder Group whom I believe you are now fairly acquianted with now. Second I will have Lieutenant Rose and Sagreant Crocker be as your new parole officer," Polonsky added.

"Wait what?" Samantha objected.

"At this point in time Lieutenant, we need every-man on deck to clean up this shit. I have to make dozens of calls to several people right now and I have thought off a way how to explain what the hell happened a while ago. As for your new 'Squaddie', keep him from causing too much trouble and if he does, you have the right to terminate him on the spot. That is a direct order!" Polonsky raised his voice.

Silently absorbing her pride and clenching her fist she looked at Polonsky in eyes.

"Yes, Sir!" She saluted.

"And that necklace on your hand. Give me that. I want Doctor Mahelona to see this." Polonsky added.

Samantha handed over the blue necklace to the Colonel and stood up tensely at him. Her face was cold but receptive to orders as the Colonel observed the object before placing it in his pocket.

"Good, do not waste my mercy for I will not give you a third chance, I am only doing this because I am in need of people right now. You are dismissed!" Polonsky warned him. 

The Colonel turned around and grabbed his megaphone to call out the people taking refuge inside the Colony Ship:

"Alright, Engineers, I want this mess cleaned up by sunset." Polonsky turned around, massaging the stress in his head leaving the squad alone as people disembarked from the Eodem.

"Come El-tee. Let's give Diaz a proper welcome and be done with it. Colonel's Orders." Crocker said.

"Stick.With.Me.Corpo." Samantha punctuated. There was a tone of disgust over being associated with a criminal that she exhibited towards Diaz as she leads him to the barracks.

The former prisoner shrugged his shoulders as he followed his new commanding officer.

------------------(Meanwhile, miles away) -----------------------

In a house covered by nature's hands, a Vampire Enchantress threw her personal belongings all over her room. She just fought off a raid of 'Burning Horse' Bandit Family when she noticed that her favorite Mana-infused necklace was missing. It was the most prized possession from her deceased family past down to her. The blue-colored Mana-infused necklace of the purest quality money and labor can create was used as a magical amplifier and battery for her experiments. She was on the verge of what could be a significant scientific breakthrough but she needed her necklace to make the final push. She pulled her raven hair in anger and yelled.

"Curse you Burning Horse Bandits! May the Skies Rain Death upon you for my name is Iris Cadohagan! Last child of the Cadohagan Vampire Bloodline!" She yelled. Her voice echoed causing night-flying birds to run away in fear.