Operation Scorpion Sting (Part 1)

Bard Music plays behind Stryder group as the squad, plus Iris dined in to a meal. From what Lutheor can willingly give out for free was a fist sized loaf of bread and a bowl of Stew. From what Samantha can deduct with her tongue as she tasted her food was what taste like a mediocre mix of mushrooms, onions, carrots and turnips if her mother has taught her anything. She has tasted better, much better. Even cheap diners back in the home worlds of the UFE had better food than this.

"Well, it's medieval food for normal people. What did you expect? Gordon Ramsay?" She said to herself.

The squad were waiting for the requested reinforcements from Colonel Polonsky. He has promised men and equipment for Sam's proposed 'Revenge Operation' against the Burning Horse Bandits. With promises of establishing a proper diplomatic opening with the newfound natives of Gliesia and some form of legitimacy at the fact that by technicality, the Eodem is trespassing in Tyr Rian and the last that the Governor, the Colonel and the Powers Above them, another bloodbath that the news feeds back home will tear apart. So in essence, the opportunity, if Lutheor's reassurance backed by Iris commendations are to go by was something that can't be missed.

"So, you think our boys will go through? I heard they are packing some big guns like Mounted M.G's and Grenade Launchers." Asked Kayin.

"Lutheor is going to use some of his Crazy Rich Dwarf influences to let them through. Judging by his character, he is going out of his way to help us." Samantha said.

"Well, I don't blame him. The sooner these Burning Horse Men are gone the better for everyone." Iris said.

"Tyr Rian will sleep soundly knowing they will be no more." Samantha nodded as she grabbed her bowl with both of her hands and drank up the last vestiges of food from it.

The Drunken Bastard Inn was thriving with life as Samantha observed her surroundings. Most of the folks were merrily drinking their troubles away with mugs of beer and rows of dishes. Many of the establishment's patrons were men but she noticed a few women too. The attire of the Tyr Rian people was what looked like work attire suited to Medieval technology such as Bakers, Huntsmen, some Guards who have finished their patrols, Milkmaids, and the occasional rich merchant. This is in contrast to the Modern Military uniforms and equipment that Stryder Group wore hidden behind their cloaks not to attract attention among themselves.

The patrons would take rowdily and may even challenge themselves to drinking games like sugar-rushed children. Her conclusion of her observations, the Drunken Bastard definitely earned its title.

As Samantha continued to peer her surroundings she spotted at the entrance of the building, Lutheor who was holding the Inn's Wooden Door to cloaked men who were carrying large military grade caches with them. Standing up, she can still feel the old scar of her recent injury from earlier that day when she was stabbed. Moving at a slow pace and careful not to trip over the bar patrons she made her way up to Lutheor.

"Lieutenant Rose, I heard what happened to you. Your going to be okay?" Asked Sargent Mendoza.

"Yes, it's just going to ache for a few days but I am still healthy. I am just going to have to be in the back for this op. So, what did you bring?" Asked Samantha.

"More ammo for you, a couple of MGL Grenade Launchers with HE rounds, an Anti-Material Rifle, C4 explosives, two of our Cruiser's MG's plus yours that you asked for us to drive it here to you, so that makes it three Big Brownies. For the Manpower, other than me and my squad of seven I also got another Militia squad of five and 16 'Volunteers'." Answered Mendoza.

"Volunteers?" Samantha asked.

"Most of them are family of the six people who were killed during the attack. Then there's Father Rudy Bishop who is probably taking the whole 'Eye for an Eye' and 'Smite the Heathen's' a bit to seriously. But who am I to judge a fellow Catholic? I can't even be chooser right now." Mendoza replied.

"You let CIVILIANS join you? Why?" Barked Samantha.

"Look Lieutenant, these men had family that died during the attack and they can shoot straight. Governor White has stretched everyone else back in the Colony to the near limit. We are all that can be spared at the moment."

"What is happening back there to begin with?"

"Well I can say that Governor White is now constructing homes, farms and other town buildings for the Colony just as planned. You have got to see the new Green House Farming Complexes, they are a wonder to look at when we are done with this shit. So what's the sitch on this Devico guy?" Mendoza replied.

---------------------------(A moment later in the Drunken Bastard Inn's Cellar) --------------------

Lutheor placed a large schematic map on the crate for all of the UFE people to see.

"Now this is Devico's Mansion which also is the Headquarters of the Burning Horse Bandits." Said the Dwarf.

Several jeers echoed from the UFE soldiers who gathered inside the cellar. It was a cramped up place filled with vintage wine caskets and beer barrels that the UFE soldiers and volunteers were barely able to fit inside. Samantha, Mendoza, Iris and Lutheor were standing closest to the map to plan out their attack.

"So here is the thing about this place, the Mansion is surrounded by a Market where the Rich People of the city go to buy exotic goods. Devico and I have been competing for the Nobles for years." Lutheor informed.

"How is that important?" Samantha asked.

"He only bothers to relax his security during the day to allow the freedom of goods and customers in and out of his mansion. When its night time he has got a whole army of thugs and bribed guards surrounding the mansion." Lutheor said.

"But during the day there will be Civilians involved. I don't want to get them caught in the crossfire. Mendoza is it not too late to get some Night Vision Goggles from Polonsky?" Asked Samantha.

"No, it's all being used for the Security groups back at base for the Construction. A Night op isn't an option. It HAS to be Day." Mendoza reluctantly said.

"Damnit, what about the Volunteers? They aren't even soldiers to begin with. How can I be sure they won't get to trigger happy and accidentally shoot a Civ?" Samantha complained.

"I am actually an ex-SWAT Officer so I know my trigger Discipline." Said one of the Volunteers. He was an old and grizzled man whose body was rotund from years of disuse of physical exertion.

"I know a thing or two about restraint El-Tee." Said another Volunteer who was young and wielded only with a Pistol that looks like it was bought from a discount gun store.

"The Lord guides my shots and I will pray that only those deemed unworthy of his Forgiveness will be smited by our guns." Said Father Rudy Bishop who raised his 12 Gauge Shotgun in the air.

"Don't worry about Casualties. I have my fair share of Battlefield Trauma, no one of us or any civ will die on my watch." Said a confident UFE Combat Lifesaver.

"Oorah! Porro Terra!" cheered another UFE soldier.

"Porro Terra!" Everyone in the room cheered.

"That's promising to here from you. I hope that can be translated in the field tomorrow. Lutheor please proceed." Said Samantha.

"What a great battle cry! Oh yeah, uhm… so the Mansion is three floors tall and the office where Devico is in the Top Floor. But its guarded from top to bottom with all of his cronies as the second floor and a few parts of the first floor are also Barracks for his men. He built his home like a makeshift fort to withstand any determined siege. I am talking about Battlements on the roof, Murder Holes by the walls for Ballista and Archer Fire and an iron studded gate which is the only way inside the Mansion." Said Lutheor.

"Wow, we really aren't welcome in there?" Commented Vincent.

"Of course, we aren't welcome in there." Sneered Samantha.

"Any chances of a small insertion? I can easily slip inside and maybe make the siege a bit easier… like I don't know open the big ass gate… kill some of the archers to lay the heat off of you on the ground or something like that?" Asked Vincent.

"None I am an afraid, Devico only opens his Gates to Monthly Supply Wagons, to his own men or during Business Deals." Lutheor said regrettably.

"I can cause a distraction." Said Iris.

The entire room turned their gaze at the Pale Woman who stood next to Kayin.

"What do you mean?" Asked Mendoza.

"Well, I owe a lot of money to the Burning Horses. They burnt down my home and I want my revenge just as much as everyone in this room. I say, I will go to the front of the Mansion and tell those… whoresons that I will now pay up. They are bound to let me in when I showed them the large sack of Ducats I… withdrew." Iris said. Her voice was menacing showing a steel determination that could send shivers down the spines of those who wrong her.

"But Iris, that's your entire Life's Savings." Lutheor objected.

"I can always get more from you Lutheor. What's ten thousand Ducats compared to seeing the Burning Horsemen go down?" Iris argued.

"But you know Devico know's you are a Vampire, right? He probably has a few Hunter Weapons and Traps meant just for you." Lutheor continued to object. As the Dwarf said those words a stunned silence from all of the UFE men in the room passed through as the soldier's eyes stared at Iris in utter disbelief.

Details of what happened to the Styrder group were kept classified to avoid controversy from the Colonists who will most likely protest that their new 'Guide and Translator' is a Malevolent Creature of the Night. The Governor couldn't afford more problems so he has kept the

"Wait… you are a Vampire?" asked Rudy Bishop. He closed his fist and his body tensed up as he walked towards Iris and Punched her knocking her to the ground.

"Begone spawn of Satan!" roared Bishop. He landed two punches at Iris face before his hands were bounded by the timely intervention of Samantha and Kayin who stopped the Pommeling.

"Calm Down Father!" Ordered Samantha.

"Did this Demon hypnotized you to fall for to her whims!?!" Roared Bishop.

"I am not." Iris Denied. The Vampire slowly stood back and swiped away the dust she collected when she was grounded.

"Vile Demon! I will never trust you!" Bishop continued to roar.

"Then tell me how you can trust me?" The Vampire asked.

"Submit to the Lord Jesus and beg he does not smite your Evil Body with his Holy Power." Bishop said.

"Alright, if it means you will trust tell me more of this 'Lord Jesus'." Iris calmly replied. She disciplined herself which was not normal when she is threatened by Vampire Hunters, Burning Horse Bandits or anyone who would foolishly dare to cross her.

"A Vampire wanting to learn more of Jesus. That's funny you know Iris, it's like… uhm the way how your Fantasy World apparently works I assume, an Orc going full Buddhist." Vincent said.

"What's a 'Buddhist'?" Iris asked.

"Pacifist." Vincent replied in only one word.

The response was immediately understood by Iris. She see's that listening about 'Lord Jesus' is something that no others of her kind have ever done. This 'Lord' must be some sort of powerful king that the UFE people follow if the reverent Rudy Bishop whom he represents is true.

"Father Bishop, Iris, we can discuss this in our room upstairs later. I want this operation to go smoothly tomorrow and if I can't get either of you to cooperate then I will kick both of you out of the fight and make you stay here in the Inn." Samantha mediated.

"Very Well. Continue the Plan." Bishop acknowledged. He turned around and stood back into the middle of the huddle mass of soldiers as Samantha returned to the Map.

"With that aside, here is the plan. Vincent and Iris will get close and infiltrate the Devico Mansion under the guise of her paying her overdue Protection." Samantha said.

"That's where another problem comes in, since Devico knows Iris is a Vampire, he will come in prepared. I am talking about Crossbowmen equipped with Blessed Tip Bolts. If they hit Iris she is could be hurt really bad or worse killed outright. And that's before the fact that everyone in the base will have their eyes on her if she makes a move." Lutheor said.

"But they will all look at her. They won't be expecting any kind of serious backup, right? While Iris is distracted that can leave Vincent the opportunity to Infiltrate the base." Samantha said.

"Just need to sneak through the gates and I can have the whole place to play in, right? I can do that. I have my ways." Vincent confidently boasted.

"Good, now I have just plot something up for those Blessed Tipped Crossbow men. Okay if those guys are sniping from a Vantage Point you will have to take them all down quietly." Samantha said.

"How many are we talking about?" Vincent asked.

"They are very rare to be given to the hands of non-Hunters. Their weapons and gear take time to craft. I guess maybe about four of them at most but how will you find them if they are hiding?" Iris said.

"A Deep Sonar Scan from my UAV Drone can easily find them." Answered Kayin.

"Good we will need that. If they decided to aim their bows and shoot you down point blank as you step inside the place, Vincent throw a Flashbang at them and you and Iris will take them down as they get caught in the flash." Samantha said.

"You have Flash Bombs? I am quite surprised you do." Commented Lutheor.

"But that will mean this operation will go Loud real fast right?" Crocker added as he raised his hand in questioning the plan.

"When that happens, we go to Plan B. We storm the castle. Bring out the HMG's and C4's and Punch our way in. Be careful though of Civillians. So, check your fire out there." Samantha said.

"You will have to grab Devico fast. He will make a run if he see's any attempt on his life. You will also have to burn down his Library filled with Blackmail Materials on every significant person in the Principality. It will be in his office where he works. But you HAVE to succeed in this…" Lutheor said before suddenly pausing.

"Yes, we do have to succeed…" Said Samantha.

"No, like REALLY HAVE TO SUCCEED." Lutheor raised his voice.

"Is there… something you're not telling us?" Samantha questioned.

"I was going to tell you this now. Your plan, the way I see it will most likely get messy really fast. My Influence can go so far. If Devico isn't in Jail by the time the fires have cleared, everyone in this room including me will go to Jail. The Prince won't tolerate fruitless violence and I bet that weasel Devico will wiggle his way to the Prince one way or the other. He can be slimy rat." Lutheor said.

"Oh great, this is Op's gone 'Critical'." Crocker responded with sarcasm.

Samantha absorbed the words of the dwarf to her heart and looked down on the floor absent mindedly as she went deep into her mind. She is going to risk the lives of 35 people for a shot at peaceful living in this world. The weight of her decisions rest upon her now as the physical pain from her leg injury faded into obscurity being replaced by the ailment of the responsibilities of a Leader must undertake for the sake of his commanded. She looked back up to her men who looked at her with weary and anxious eyes.

"If anyone of you wish not to partake in this operation any more, please raise your hand." Samantha asked in the vain attempt to lessen the burden of the souls she will carry into battle.

"We all lost someone when they attacked Ms. Rose. I ain't standing here and live the rest of my life that I won't avenge my Daughter's death." Said one of the Volunteers.

"This is too good of an opportunity to strike back. I won't turn this down." A UFE Soldier said.

"Me too. I lost my home to them." Iris added.

"And I lost many business ventures to those bastards." Lutheor added too.

Sam swallowed herself. It looks like nobody is going to chicken out of this 'Revenge Op' that she will conduct. She will have to go into battle with all of her eggs in the basket and go all out or nothing.

"Very Well, I will leave all of you to prepare. We will… We Must… win tomorrow. Not only for ourselves but for the people of Tyr Rian so they… will no longer suffer under the tyranny of the Burning Horses. Porro Terra!" Samantha saluted.

"Porro Terra!" Everyone of the UFE people cheered.

As they steeled their Determination, Samantha was still left in her own mind. She is about to conduct her first Military Operation for real with no safeties, no second chances, no grading with scolding remarks from her Drill Instructors, this was for real with real soldiers, real weapons and the real chance of death. She was now about to take the first big leap into the real world of Military Field Command.

And Samantha felt like she has been thrown into the deep end of the pool.

-------------------------------(Later that Night in the Room) --------------------------------

Vincent spied at his target through the Binoculars of Samantha. His eyes observed every nook and cranny of the Mansion Fortress that their room provided a convenient location to observe from. It was surrounded by market stalls that tomorrow will be filled with innocent civilians who will freely walk around causing a hazard. He maybe a criminal but he would never go out of his way and hurt civilians unless absolutely necessary. He is a Pragmatic Criminal, not some dumb Rent-a-Hood thug who shoots 'Gangsta Style'. He scanned the building and thought of ways of entry into the Manor. He can easily climb the scale the wall quickly with his R.M.B Augmentations before anyone could notice or he can slip inside through by hacking down one of the Thugs and steal their clothes as a disguise but that option is revolting if Medieval Hygiene has anything to say.

"How confident are you on getting in?" Samantha asked walking towards the Ex-Criminal.

"Three out of Five I can say." He answered.

"Better make that a Five over Five by tomorrow. If you don't get in we lose Iris." Samantha reminded.

"Your compelling charisma inspires me to great heights." Vincent slyly mocked.

He carelessly passed the Sam's Binoculars back to her as he grabbed another Cigar from his pocket to smoke his stress away under the Moonlight. Gliesia was surprisingly similar to Earth with a single moon and a single sun to light the two halves of day and night.

The Lieutenant turned around to the next person she will check and it was Obediah who was reading a piece of paper while at his foot was the case where the Super Barret Anti-Material Rifle was kept.

"So, how's your new rifle going along Soldier?" Asked Samantha. As she smiled at the old man.

"Like crap, I never fired something this big before in my life. Those Recoil Dampeners Mendoza told me better do what he told me too. My Leah barely kicks… or maybe it's because it was the only rifle I use and I am used to handling her." Obediah confessed.

"It's your rifle. Don't worry, I fired one before during basic training. You can count on my word." Samantha reassured the Squad Sniper.

"Alright, but I just hope I got enough rounds for the fight. I got only 15 rounds and 3 cartridges. So those bullets better punch through those walls." Obediah said.

Samantha walked back to the bed so she can sit down and relieve herself albeit temporarily from her stress. She shares the bed with Iris and Crocker which is large enough to accommodate the three of them barely. She only trusts Crocker, her second command to be sleeping near her and the Vampire insisted that she sleeps on the bed because she doesn't want to sleep on the floor 'like a peasant'. For Obediah and Kayin, they were happy to sleep on the wooden floor with their sleeping bags while Vincent was content of sleeping on the room's provided sofa.

She panned the view of her men in the room. It was all quiet with Vincent outside in the balcony smoking, Obediah assembling the Anti-Material Rifle, Crocker eating a snack bar, and Kayin quietly sitting down on the floor reading a book to Iris so she can learn more about 'UFE Culture'. Then a knock on the door disturbed the room. Clutching her pistol from its holster, Samantha carefully approached the door prepared for a fight.

"It's the Father. Open up." The voice of Father Rudy Bishop spoke from the other side of the door.

Relieved, Samantha let go of her pistol grip and opened the door letting the Bald-Four Eyed Man of God into their room.

"I am here to give prayers before battle to you in anticipation of tomorrow. I have done the same to the rest of the soldiers already and you're the last. Also, I promised to talk to Iris." The Father said.

"Peacefully Talk with Iris." She reminded him.

"Yes, for Jesus is a man of Peace and Love and who am I to say know to someone who would like to KNOW about him." He said with a slight change in his accent to express his contempt to the Vampire.

Everyone in the group stopped what they were doing and gathered around in a circle. Samantha lead Iris to sit by her side while Father Bishop stood across from their side of the circle.

"Before I give you my prayers I believe we have new member in our congregation who would like to be introduced to our Lord Jesus Christ." Bishop said.

"He is here? Jesus is here?" Iris asked.

"He is everywhere. In everything and everyone. Or at least from Earth as the sayings goes but I believe his reach is beyond Earth and he follows all of his chosen people to the stars." Bishop explained.

"So, he is not here?" Iris asked again.

"He is in me and everyone. But the question for you… is he inside you?" Bishop asked Iris.

"Uhm, no…" Iris answered.

"Perhaps I said that wrong. Vampire… I mean child, who do you think Jesus Christ is based on what given information you have right now?" Asked Bishop.

"Uhm… He is your 'King' and your like… I don't know, someone who represent him?" Iris answered poorly as he was nervous if she even responded the correctly.

"Yes you are indeed correct. But I believe such a materialistic being as yourself do not understand what I really mean by 'King' and I 'representing him'. So, in a way, you are correct and at the same time wrong." Bishop replied.

Iris was dumbfounded by the Father's response. Being correct and wrong at the same time? She needs to know how that is even possible.

"You say I am both correct and not at once. This 'Jesus' person, you call him in one of your 'Cellphone' gizmos and talk to him, right?" Iris rephrased her answer.

The Father couldn't help but laugh softly at the response of the Vampire, even Obediah and Vincent discreetly grinned a smile.

"Oh, no I do not call him via a Cellphone or through Skype. I call him through prayer." Bishop said.

"Wait, 'Jesus' is your god? God-King?" Iris asked as she pieced the puzzle of the 'Jesus' equation together.

"Not God-King. He is God and the King. You ask like you still believe in Polytheism. Worship of many and most likely more 'Specialized' deities."

"We have a God-King who is the God of the Sun and Day, his Wife Goddess of the Moon and Night, a Farming God, Water God, God of the Dead, Goddess of Love, God of Wine and more." Iris explained.

"I am not interested in your 'Gods' right now Miss Iris the Vampire. What I am here for is are you interested in Jesus Christ? You are quiet a curious one am I right?" Bishop asked.

"Yes, if it means you will trust me. Introduce me to this 'Lord Jesus Christ'." She asked.

"Very well, I will give you a brief summary. I shall state you the basis of our peoples' faith to you. If you know what I am going to say everyone, please join me in reciting… or in this case for our new member here the Creed." Father Bishop said.

"Yes Father…" Said everyone in the room in unison.

"Altogether now…" the Father called out. He took a deep breath and began to speak the Gospel to Iris.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

begotten from the Father before all ages,

God from God,

Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made;

of the same essence as the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

he came down from heaven;

he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,

and was made human.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered and was buried.

The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.

He ascended to heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again with glory

to judge the living and the dead.

His kingdom will never end.

And we believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Lord, the giver of life.

He proceeds from the Father and the Son,

and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.

He spoke through the prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.

We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,

and to life in the world to come. Amen."

Bishop inhaled greatly for air as he finished professing the Creed to Iris. For the Vampire she was struck with great mystery as she heard every word in detail. A God in three forms, both Father, Son and Spirit? Came down and became a man? This 'God' was unlike her world's Pantheon. First in contrast to the Gods she knows by name and hand, 'God' is the God of Everything. The next peculiarity was 'God' becoming man. Normally the Gliesian God Pantheons… or the Human ones she was familiar with normally just choose a person and bless them with power and might to fight whatever force that stands oppose to them, from the Northern Raiders, Evil Cults trying to resurrect a fallen Rebel God, the Nomadic Orcish Horse riders from the south and even her own Vampire Kin.

"Your 'God' Lord Jesus Christ is different something I have heard before…" Iris said. She became perplexed by the proclamations from Bishop, her face became limp as she stared at the bishop with jaded eyes.

"Amen I say to you Iris. That means 'so be it'. You now know who I believe. But tell me Iris… uh Cado… Hag… uhm Iris…. Who or what do you believe in?" Asked Bishop. His words pierced Iris heart which forced her to reflect on to herself.

"I… I don't know. I was never someone who seeks something higher than myself. I was always focused on survival. Being hunted and ostracized by nearly everyone you meet. The Gods of this world hate me for being a Vampire." Iris said.

Bishop smiled after hearing what Iris has to say. His vocations and training has taught him that Christ will always see the best in people and will destroy those who would do harm to his flock. Iris looked harmless despite her fangs, snow white skin and penchant for blood. If Jesus truly thinks this creature was unworthy of salvation and is in fact a demon as the Bishop thought, she would have been dead already.

"It's quite Ironic. I feel for you Iris. Many people I have met, seen and talked to are just like you. Hated, unloved and all, I am also quite surprised that even after I was dousing myself in my supply of Holy Water, wearing three different crucifixes and having a wooden stake on my back and you're not immediately vaporized speaks volumes. And is that your reflection?" Bishop pointed. His finger was at the direction where a Dressing Mirror was placed.

"Yes, I can see my reflection… is there something wrong?" Iris asked.

"Vampire… are not supposed to have one. Are you even a Vampire?" asked Bishop.

"Yes, these Vampires. They are just Myths right in your world? Something to keep children from being naughty or people from going out at night. What exactly do you define a Vampire?" asked Iris.

"Well, no reflections aside, you hate garlic, evil, likes to suck other peoples blood and hates Jesus worst of all." Bishop said.

"I don't hate Jesus and I planted garlic on my old garden. You only got the Blood part correct Holy Man." Iris said.

"So, what's the purpose of drinking blood?"

"Well I have to drink blood to sustain myself. Food is an inferior substitute. Additionally, I use blood to fuel my spells." Iris answered.

"Curious you are very curious." Bishop clutched his chin with his thumbs observing Iris as she lay there for him to judge.

"Very well, I will trust you for now Iris. Do not disappoint me. Now everyone blessing before tomorrow." Bishop said. He raised his arms as everyone in the room nodded their heads down to receive the Father's Prayers.

Wanting to learn more of this Jesus, Iris too joined in the receiving of blessings. At first due to being the anathema of her world's Gods she might receive the same fate as with the Earthling's single God. But as she laid bare for the Earthling God to see. Iris could feel something she had never felt in all of her cold-undead life.

She felt like she was being loved…

--------------------(Meanwhile in the other side of the Planet in a magical land)--------------------

Elven-dominated continent of Alf-el Nora is situated in the greatest concentration of Mana Crystals in the world of Gliesia. The Elves were the first to utilized the Crystals Powers for their use in turning their lands into what most people could only describe as 'Paradise'.

From their emerald plains, golden farms, technicolor flora & fauna, sprawling towers and the elegant artistry of their cities and towns. Alf-el Nora was the ideal homeland for the All-Powerful Elves. It is said in the Holy Texts that the Elves associate with their Pantheon of Gods that they are blessed with a special connection with the world's Mana Crystals which provides them with greater arcane potentials and long lives of the life expectancy of around 1000 years. The legends also say that the Elves are given the responsibility of the caretaking and advancement of the world so they were given this magical power to use as tools of leadership and guidance for not only them, but the rest of the planet of Gliesia.

However, with such power in their hands, many grew ambitious with all of the magic in their fingertips.

The first signs of political dissidents were kept inside the secure halls of the Elven Parliament. A large and influential group of elves consisting of princes, Mages and several young, talented but hot-blooded generals believed that they must use the Mana Crystals to dominate the entire world and enthrall the lesser races to their whims. They call themselves 'the Black Tree Pact' or popularly known by everyone else as the 'Dark Elves' due to their uniforms and heraldry favoring Dark Colors like Purple and Black with complementary Yellow highlighting depicting their 'Black Tree' Logos that they proudly bare. Their Ideals were of the 'Assimilation of all races to the Elven Way of Life' and to hoard all the crystals for themselves to be used for their own. By their own reasonings, the younger races are too immature, childish and ultimately too inept to wield the magical energies the Mana Crystals so they must be brought to heel by strict and authoritarian guidance from the Elves.

The other side of the coin however is the 'Ethuilen Entente' named after the capital of the Elven continent Ethuilen. Consisting of the Elven Royal Family with their loyalists, merchants, philosophers, religious leaders and the 'Old Guard' of the Elven Military. They believe in more Soft-Handed approaches for their responsibilities to the world such as mutual respect, formalities and diplomacy with the younger races. Their core beliefs are that although the younger races are still relatively new in terms of Elven Standards of life expectancy they must be treated with care from caring and benevolent parents which the Elves will take the responsibility of doing.

The disagreements between the two factions were verbal at first, then segregated discrimination between those who follow the ideologies of either group happened descended into an all-out Elven Civil War happened in Alfel Nora. The battleground was split between the two factions where the Pact was situated at the northwestern areas of the Elven Continent while the Entente was based by the South Eastern side of the land. The war was fought for over five grueling years with massive loss of life, families being torn apart and material damage to the continent before a truce was signed. The Pact and the Entente agreed that they will cease their active hostilities towards each other via a non-aggression and the establishment of a border that cuts diagonally separating the two.

During the Aftermath, the Entente focused on inwards economic restoration via establishing trade routes and diplomacy missions to the world outside their continent making the continent rich in Ducats and Imported Goods. For the Pact, however, they set sail to conquer the lands west of their homelands and subjugated several kingdoms and peoples from the west. Exploiting the natural resources of the land and fielding Levied Soldiers from their subjugated, the Black Tree Pact became has fielded some of the largest tracts of exploitable land for themselves and fielded an impressive army of legions of Beastfolks, Orcs and Desert Human Puppet States with an economy to support its wait. Tensions have been quiet between the Entente and the Pact until the coming of Geltagar's Comet. When the Comet last made a past, it was followed by the great political splitting of the Elven Continent and the subsequent civil war. The present passing has caused the Elves to go in a frenzy over the Comet's meaning. Both factions, from the jumble mess of interpretations and speculation, many of the Elves believe that it is a good omen for the Reunification of the continent. Each side ordered a massive militarization of the border garrisons. Yet both sides are too scared to make the first move of war as both the two factions fear mutually assured destruction between themselves and a repeat of the devastation that has ravaged their lands before during the civil war.

At the Royal Palace in the city of Ethuilen, the seat of the current ruler, the Financial Genius King Aslanidor the Rainmaker, his beautiful Queen Elisven, and their three children reside. The children consisting of Lunafreya the eldest and the heir to the kingdom's throne who is a brilliant statesman (or Elf Woman?) and was absolutely adored by the Entente Elves for her beauty and grace, the middle child and only son is Valorion who is an upcoming soldier and general of the Entente's Military, and the youngest is Aliathra who is a gifted mage in the arts of restoration and illusions, an excellent archer who won several tournaments and a beauty to match her older sister and mother.

Tensions were heightened due to the major military activity at the border as many important officials in the city rush to enact plans, orders and early mobilization protocols.

Aliathra, one of the Royal Children was called to her mother that day. Her blond hair was combed downwards to flow like the waves of the oceans as she walked into her Parent's Bedchambers where her mother was sitting on her lofty chair overlooking a balcony.

"Mother, you called for me?" Aliathra said kneeling before her Maternal Figure.

"My Youngest Daughter, you have heard about the Comet's Passing and the Border Garrisons being mobilized?" Queen Elisven asked.

"Indeed mother, I am… scared of what could come… I do not want to see our home being torn apart by war." Aliathra said.

"I know my child. But such is the way of the world of ours. Division and Strife between different people is a reality and we Elves are no different. For all of your life, your father shielded you from the dangers of the world. He gave you private tutors in the Magical Arts and in Archery that you have excelled in. You were given everything you wanted in a silver platter, but I feel like we and the rest of Ethuilen have spoiled you too much. That is why I have you sent to Military School with your brother to learn many useful skills in case the worse happens such as you being attacked or even war with the Dark Elves." Elisven spoke. She shed tears from her eyes as in all of her long living life she has seen her youngest child grow up to be a beautiful and talented woman with her whole life ahead of her.

"Aliathra… my youngest daughter. Now at the age of two hundred ten, I have a task for you. A real one of the upmost importance. I believe the Ranger Training that you acquired in Military School will be useful for this task." Elisven said.

"What do you require of me?" Aliathra asked.

"I need you to go to the Eastern Continent of Ysanigrad where the Slaegian Empire is. There was news that when the Wizard Conclave of Haringpoint tried to see to the future of the world but they have gone dark. I want you to investigate what has happened and report to me. If necessary you must lend your support to the Empire's Adventurer's Guild in case the worse happens." The Queen said.

"But doesn't the Humans don't look well on us Elves?" Aliathra questioned.

"These are uncertain times and we must reverse this uncertainty with knowledge. Despite our differences, the Empire is without any doubt our closest partner and ally even if its more for their own conveniences. Expect to be journeying alone in Ysanigrad however, but your Survivalist training with the Rangers should be pivotal." Her mother said.

"Alone? No bodyguards or any kind of support?" Aliathra asked. Her eyes were flustered with shock over the difficulty of her task. She was used to having help from the Royal Guards protection or a few of the Entente's Noble Houses for support but to be sent alone with nothing but her wit and gear on her back is a surprise.

"Yes my daughter and it pays me to say that but our nation's resources are currently pooled to the defense of the Border. Do not worry my daughter, the most of the common folks of the Human Nations are ignorant of our affairs so they are unlikely to notice you, this is a discreet task after all since your unofficially there." Her mother answered.

Aliathra stayed kneeling still as she heard those words from her mother. She has never left the city of Ethuilen before and never knew anything about the Human Kingdoms and Nations other than the occasional diplomats and merchants who speak stories about their lands filled with forests, brave knights and cities as large as the bases of mountains. Thanks to her Ranger Training, she can still easily navigate her way around a map and a compass when in a pinch but she has yet to put her Ranger Skills to practice. Her restoration magics and archery can be useful for when she has to blend in with the Adventurer's Guild whose headquarters is in Haringpoint. The Guild has been known not to discriminate their Agent's race and backgrounds despite the Slaegian Empire's Foreign Policy being leaned to a light shade of Xenophobia and Nationalistic Rhetoric.

"As you say Mother. I will gather my things and embark for the Human Lands." Aliathra affirmed.

She stood up and bowed to her mother and left the room to prepare for her mission.

For the Youngest of the Elven Royal Family, the Elven Pantheon of Gods deemed her fate is to collide with the UFE soldiers and Stryder Group which will cause a great change for her people, the UFE Humans and the entire Elven Race in Gliesia.

-----(Back in Tyr Rian on top of the Luxury Suite of the Drunken Bastard Inn the very next day) ------

"Sniper's in position." Said Samantha's Radio. It was from one of the UFE squads who set up a Sniper's Nest at the opposite side of the Square overlooking Devico's Mansion.

"Roger, engage all targets on my signal. Ground Strike Group, how is the situation down on the ground?" Asked Samantha.

She stood there the Suite's Balcony overlooking Devico's Mansion building with her binoculars. Below her in a prone position was Obediah who wields the mighty Super Barrett Anti-Material Rifle.

A click on the radio was heard as the voice of Sargent Crocker spoke through it.

"All ready to go for us but its gonna be a bit of a shit show for us. Lots of Civvies at the Market. And dear lord, those Burning Horse Bastards are selling 'Stolen Grain' at a premium." He said.

"Can't wait to bring these fuckers down. For those who have died, suffer by their hands. Us, Lutheor, Iris and the people of Tyr Rian." Said Captain Mendoza.

"We will today, I assure everyone. Iris are you ready?" Samantha checked on the Vampire who was given a small earpiece radio that she can communicate with Samantha and Captain Mendoza.

"I… yes I can hear you and… I am ready…" She said while breathing in and out from her lungs.

"Are you nervous Iris?" Samantha asked.

"No... Yes… No… Yes, I am nervous. I am nervous. I mean this 'Radio' you gave me is creepy with all those voices in my head and everyone talking to me from far far away." Iris said.

"Oh, the Horror Movie Staple is scared of a radio. I am so shocked that Clarke's Third Law is in effect." Said Vincent.

"Shut it Thief, I need you take this seriously. Iris, think about not just you but the whole Principality. You are going to do everyone a whole favor by getting rid of these Bandits and it will feel good when we succeed." Samantha reassured.

"If we succeed." Iris said reluctantly.

"We will… Devico will have no idea what's going to happen next. Diaz, can you find a way inside the place?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah, I think I see an opening but I need Iris to distract them long enough for me go in. You got the 'goods' Snow White?" Vincent said.

Iris looked at her coin purse. It was the last of her material wealth from her savings account from the back yesterday. She is risking poverty and even the possibility of being outed as a Vampire to the entire city. She will die alone and forgotten with her Family's Bloodline ending with her in a tragic note and a cautionary tale to all the hidden Vampire Bloodlines of how the once mighty Cadohagan House had fallen in a depressing tale of misfortune and death.

Yet the rewards of this gamble with UFE soldiers could mean the freedom that she has longed to have for herself. She has seen what the UFE are capable of with their lightning fast soldiers striking down all opposition, the superior accommodations they provide for her in exchange for her service and even the comforting companionship of the Pale Skinned Korean Doctor and the Nigerian Combat Engineer with skin as black as midnight.

Mustering her bravery, she placed her purse on her pocket and radioed Samantha.

"Let's do this." She said stoically.

"That's what I like to here. All teams, commence Operation Scorpion Sting." Samantha ordered.