Planning for Tomorrow

"Thank you Mr. Aparo for your investment." Governor White nodded to the Holographic Display of his Video Conference with Domenico Aparo, CEO of Aparo Corporation as the Megacorporation's boss disconnected. He sat on his lofty leather office chair that resides on his mahogany desk in his office at the now fully constructed Governor's Palace of New Albany, center-hold of UFE Power in Gliesia (aka Benham-3).

They had just finished discussing matters about the finer details of Aparo's 'Exclusive Contract'. More weapons, educated manpower to pool labor into, building materials, building equipment. It was obvious from his and other people's experience that they were trying to grease his hands with material wealth. Most of the time speaking back in the Core UFE Worlds, the Megacorps fight each other ruthlessly on the scraps of empty void of 'Strategic Economic Territory' amongst the citizens and their daily lives, always trying to out do the other man through legal and extra-legal means. But for one such Megacorp to instead viewing his attention to his many myriad white-collar occupations, this Domenico Aparo has been taking very personal interests in Gliesia. Was it the crystals? His company is one of the three corporations that make up the triumvirate of the privatized Energy Sector. It was obvious from the start that the Megacorporation wanted these for themselves and if the history books has taught them anything about what happens when you combine a technologically inferior civilization with valuable resource paired with a resource hungry superior one. The results would make the Mayans, Incan's, Malay's, Qing Chinese and African Tribes look like an orderly divorce. The Governor needs to keep tabs Aparo Corp and mitigate any of there neo-imperialist ambitions when it rears its ugly head. Such notions of thoughts were both a guilty pleasure and old shame amongst his fellow Earth Humans with such 'Manifest Destiny's' undergoing a global renaissance during the early to mid-periods of the UFE's Expansion years between the years of 2076 and 2180 as agreed by historians who recorded in their databanks and media hounds in the web archives.

Jeremy massaged his aching temples, dealing with a Megacorp was at best a deal with the Devil but with UFE Budget Cuts which thankfully the Eodem and Benham-3 Expedition managed to get through despite the bureaucratic and budget constraints on the dozens of UFE Colonies and Core Worlds which was argued against during the hearings. Aparo Corp will now fill in most of the gaps left behind from the UFE but it was more than obvious that in exchange the Megacorp would want Legal Protection from the Illicit Activities in exchange for their support. The Governor bit his lips in admission of defeat. It was either that or get the short end of a stick. He just hopes that their 'Partnership' could work out in a less disruptive light for both parties.

Speaking about partnerships, he looked over to his desk and to his side was a Telephone. A Cable Telephone, not many are made these days due to the prevalence of Sattelite Technology overtaking cable but it still had its uses in the more far flung areas of the UFE. The Telephone had several buttons attached to it but they weren't numbers that were assigned to each of them, they were names. The Telephone was a Hotline, a mean to voice his power to his subordinates, he had a hotline for the UFE Colonial Militia Headquarters, New Albany's Utility Plant, the Police Headquarters, the Administration Offices and finally most unique for his special phone, a Hotline to Prince Clovich in his castle.

After holding very warm diplomatic talks with his counterparts in Tyr Rian, he personally saw to it that the Prince and thus the Tyr Rian people have a means of communicating between each other. He even personally saw the installment of Clovich's telephone in his throne room which set right next to his desk where he writes and seal his various letters, decree's and edicts as he can exercise within his Vassalized powers from the Slaegian Empire. Seeing the phone again reminded him of one of the governor's duties that day.

Jeremy picked up the phone and dialed for Castle Tyr Rian. A ringing noise was made before the sound of a person's breath could be heard from the speaker.

"Hello?" Prince Clovich's voice said.

"It's Gover---"

"How do I know your not some Witch spying on me?!?" Prince Clovich yelled accusingly.

That's when Governor White realized he made a small blunder… he is still talking with a person who has barely just got familiar in using a Telephone before. He recalled the various concerns of the Prince when he was being demonstrated the uses of his Telephone but it was like talking to a Technophobe during the entire course. He was rather justifiably scared however of Rogue Mages, people who use Magic for various nefarious deeds to spy at him because he still thinks that a lot of the UFE's advanced technology is 'Magic'. Clarke's 3rd Law strikes again to him and his cronies giving nothing short of headaches. Even their infant children can properly operate a Smartphone with no problem but the smartest Gliesian might get the same kind of headache one might get when struggling to learn Algebra in Highschool.

Jeremy sighed and came up with his proper response…

"I am going to give you a freshly baked Criamélo Pie for dinner." Jeremy said there arranged Trust Password.

The reasoning behind this was actually a very amusing story. Criamélo is a golden-orange colored berry that grows in Tyr Rian. It is used for making delicious pies, jams and even wines. It was a regional delicacy that ironically for the very ruler of Tyr Rian to be allergic to or in his wordings 'the Gods burn me if I eat them'. He tasted the berry himself and Jeremy made it a goal to grab a patch of them and pair it with some Vanilla Ice Cream. He might make a call to some Ice Cream conglomerates of obtaining an exotic new flavor in the new world.

"Yuck! So, it is you again Lord White. What makes you call me in this hour? Do you have news about my sister?" The cringe from Clovich's voice changed to excited concern over his sister Aria who he waived off to them for the cure to her crippled state.

"She can't wait to RUN up to you and give you a hug." Governor White emphasized. A slight chuckle escaped his throat over the heartwarming implications of Aria with strong legs being able to run to her brother with a beautiful smile on her rosy lips to the cheer of thousands.

"You will have my eternal gratitude for this. You know, Lord White… you have done much more for me than anyone from Slaegia ever done to Tyr Rian since this realm was established." The Prince shared his gratefulness.

"We maybe very powerful the likes of which no one of your kind has seen, but we are respectful of you and you have shown nothing but hospitality and kindness to us." White replied with his diplomatic bravado.

"Indeed, you have my fellow Man friend from… another… wherever in the Gods names you come from… Tyr Rian and also your Realm of New Albany only prospered when you arrived on my doorstep. Rumors abound of 'Clovich's new friend' in all over the lands from the Dwarven Clan holdings, the Elves Alfel Nora, the Eastern Suzerainties, Northern Tribes and beyond. They speak of you of the many terrifying and wondrous things you can accomplish that no one could ever claim to do or even conceive of doing." Clovich praised. "Yet… some of these people might have… misinterpret… your… uhm… unexpected arrival." Clovich muttered.

"Explain…" White requested.

He knew from the reports of Colonel Polonsky and Major Holyfield that they had underwent a Skirmish with the Slaegians earlier that was written down as no longer an 'Isolated Incident'. Furthermore, there were reports of some very subversive rumors about the strange 'Sky People' who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began to offer people gifts at to 'good-to-be-true' contracts. Some reports were from there earlier more publicized incidents such as the Devicco Siege and numerous Quest's that the UFE soldiers under take in order to raise hearts and minds. They all had an idea but they never talk much about it to Prince Clovich himself.

"Well, I had sent out several letters to several of my closest neighbors about you but… unlike your… this… 'Eeee-Mail' of yours, they could take about a week or more. I still can't believe you have messengers that can instantly send out whatever you write." The Prince said with a hint of suggestion to his tone on the last phrase.

"Maybe one day we will teach you how to send out an Email. But your Phone is good enough for now. Anyhow, your Majesty, your sister should be arriving back from her surgery soon at around 4 days according to the Ship Captain and the preparation for her arrival is well underway correct?"

"Indeed, food, invitations have been sent and I pulled out the old banquet table meant for outdoor festivals and my personal wine reserve." He boasted.

"That I would love to see. But I also want to add one thing… more… diplomatic in Nature…" Jeremy said.

"What would that maybe?" the Prince twitched his eyebrows in curiousity.

"You said earlier that some people you know are suspicious of our new…'Friendship' right? Well to tell you the truth, we expect something like this would happen… My bosses…"

"Bosses?" Clovich asked in confusion to the Earth Human terminology.

"Masters…my masters back from our world of Earth is trying to push for much more open relationships with you and everyone in Gliesia. They say a Formal Declaration of Peace and Friendship should help alleviate any of their fears. A speech, maybe some cultural enrichment and some gift exchanges would be best. I know that Major Holyfield's people have some of his men who can play some music, a Violinist, a Drummer and a bunch more that you never heard of. Your going to love hearing from them especially during the feasts." The Governor said.

"I would be waiting to hear their music soon. Well, now that's all I have to talk about you I apologize to say to end this discussion early but now I need to get back to my duties, especially for the event. The Suckling Pig takes days to marinade." Prince Clovich departed.

"Good luck with all of that and I will see you soon." The Governor gave his adieu's before he dropped the phone.

A sigh of relief escaped his lungs after let go of his Hotline and reflected on the words he and Clovich said.

It looks like the Governor is going to have to write a speech. He turned to his Office Computer and selected Microsoft Word 22k and began to type down his speech:

'On behalf of the United Federation of Earth we wish to first of all express our most sincere gratitude…'

----------------------------------(Back inside the Manila)------------------------------------

"Samantha? Do you have a moment?" Iris approached the Lieutenant just as she was about to retire in her bed.

"Sure." she answered as she handed the list back to Robert and followed up inside the cargo ship and into one of the staterooms. "Iris, whats with the need for secrecy here?"

Iris closed the door and move to the view port at the end of the room. "Do not trust the elf." She turned back to look at Sam with a stern look, "She's not who she says she is."

Sam stood still for a moment before walking up right next to Iris. Looking through the viewport, she saw Vincent and Aliathra in the formers car. The man still trying to put the charm on the girl that was obviously uncomfrotable with her current dilemma.

"We know she's a spy, Iris." she turned to look at her friend who didn't look surprised by this fact.

'Diaz and Obediah must've told her.'

"We figured the best way to try to convince her that we are not demons is to show her who we are. Hopefully, she'll realize the truth and we can avoid conflict with the Gliesians. Vinny's been with her trying to charm her right now in his car… and if his Mustang bumping up and down in any indication... he's taking the 'James Bond' route." Samantha gave her side of the story.

It was already so obvious the moment that Aliathra crashed into their little 'Diplomatic Expedition'. She and even the likes of the simpleton Obediah it was obvious she was a spy. Normally a spy's fate would be a quick death or a trip to prison to be tortured off of their knowledge but the Elf was a very special case if stock knowledge served Lieutenant Rose right. She probably misunderstood the UFE's intentions and perhaps she should take some notes down from Sun Tzu's treatise on Espionage.

'Double agents: enemy agents originally intending to exploit us, who we then recruit to our side'

Hopefully her little gamble with using mercy pays off in the long run and the Elf woman would put in a good word for them to the wider Gliesian world.

Iris closed her eyes and shook her head before responding. "Sadly, that is unlikely. I noticed when we were having pizza yesterday, the fake smile and empty flattery. How mere moments ago, she was eavesdropping on what you and Mr. Bianchin were discussing behind a stack of crates. She still believes you and the UFE are demons. Or, at the least, a grave threat to the order of Gliesia. And then there is that prophecy that states the end of everything at the hands of demons. No doubt left to fester in the mind of Emperor Slaegia for a while now and spread to others. I don't see this ending without bloodshed."

Unfortunately, the Vampire Witch is right about being too optimistic. Gliesia is a primitive, medieval world and its people are driven by their own superstitious fears and paranoia. Add the 'magic' factor and it's no wonder they believe that demons are real cause they might actually be real. They even claim to have faced such beings in the past.

'This is so ridiculous.'

Sam leaned her back on the wall as she tried to think. "Well, your Gliesian, Iris. What do you know about the elves?"

Iris blinked once before moving to sit on a chair. "That play… I mean 'Movie', Lord of the Rings, gave a pretty accurate depiction. The elves were the first to discover the Mana Crystals. Their continent of Alf-el Nora has the largest deposit of Crystals in the world. They were the first to uncover their power and the gift of magic which was eventually spread throughout the world. They stand as the most advance and powerful nation in the world. Even when my kind were at our apex, we were only second to the elves and nowhere near as strong."

"Let me guess: they looked down at the other 'younger' races and species. Thinking themselves above all others and more 'adult' of them all." Sam used quotation fingers for emphasis.

Iris gave a light chuckle before replying, "Are you sure you never encountered any elves before Gliesa?" They both shared a short laugh at how accurate Earth's depiction on elves really is. "They do indeed feel like they should be the 'parents' to the other species. Guiding them to a great future without meddling in their affairs much. But there are those who believe they should take a more active approach in guiding them." she said in a grim tone.

The Lieutenant moved off the wall as her mind processed what Iris just said with the way she said it. "Oh boy. I see where this is going. They believe they should rule over all others, right?"

Iris nodded in confirmation. "They grew to the point that a civil war broke out and eventually lead to the split of the continent between the two. 'The Elven Divide' it came to be called as the passing of Geltagar's Comet signified."

"Wait!" Samantha raised her hand to stop Iris from proceeding on. "Geltagar's Comet. Aliathra mentioned that during the interrogation. Why is that so special?"

"The comet passes every 200 years or so. When it does, it signifies a great change will happen. Whether that change is good or bad, no one can truly say. Just speculate and wait. The comet actually passed by just a couple of months before your arrival."

This was vital info. The passing of the Comet and what it represents in Gliesian culture plays a key role on their civilization. If they thought this comet's recent passing meant something was going to occur....

"Iris, did anything happen when the comet made its pass?"

"Amazingly, when the comet passed, it affected the mana crystals and mages alike. Increased the energy exponentially. My necklace went… what you would say 'Haywire' during the passing. It glowed brightly and it illuminated the room so much I was nearly blinded." She gestured to her necklace with refined Unbinilium.

"Aliathra mentioned that a future vision foresaw our arrival and their destruction. Is that even possible!?"

Iris was in a bit of a lose with that. "I-I heard theories about the possibility of using magic to glimpse the future. But the amount of power and crystals needed.... not only is it impossible, an attempt would be dangerous. Suicidal even."

The Lieutenant gave out a heavy sigh as she cupped her hand over her face and moved to sit on the bed across from Iris. "It seems they did try. Aliathra confirmed it and I don't believe she was lying. From what you said, they took advantage to the boost in power thanks to the comet. And whatever they saw lead them to think we are demons that will destroy everything they love. Which could end up happening if they keep trying to fight us. Self-fulling prophecy if there ever was one."

"The act in which people make the prediction come true." Sam turned to Iris after hearing what she said. "Obediah explained it to me. Their attempts at trying to stop the 'prophecy' from happening is what's making the prophecy come to pass. Rather insidious. The moral being: careful not to become the architect of your own demise. Which leads to something else to consider."

Sam leaned back in her chair. "What's else is wrong?"

"Not telling Aliathra that she has that 'Metal Heart'." Iris said bluntly.

Sam stared at Iris for a few second before lowering her head in thought. They haven't told Aliathra the truth. Too afraid how she'd react. Might even kill herself with the way she believes the UFE are demons. But if they don't tell her, and the mages in Gliesia can tell her heart is not natural and do the killing for her. If Iris' opinion had any weight into it, either way, Aliathra is one way or the other screwed. A shame to see such a beautiful Ranger and Cleric of sorts be dashed away from this cruel world by her extraordinary circumstances.

--------------------------------------- (Meanwhile inside Diaz's Mustang) ---------------------------

A slow melodious tune played on the back of Aliathra and Vinny's ears. The sounds coming from the Mustang's sound's systems with Diaz having the Elf maiden's body tucked on his chest, awake but her eyes close and ears focused on the soothing music being played.

He gave out laugh. He knew just by the damn actions of this Elf that Aliathra was some sort of spy. The girl however, was a horrible one in his expert opinion. He counted the various obvious mistakes the Elf Spy made that just made her scream 'Espionage'. First was her dynamic entry into the Manila earlier than week. Second was her constant questioning of various specific technical things and lastly was her Eyes, in his experiences with micro emotions, Aliathra had an agenda of unknown but most likely shady of kinds. If it were up to him and Aparo Corp, they would all too eager get the chance to rip the intel off of a live person, and in the case of Aliathra plus her Elven Ears, would fetch a high price in the more… 'Red-Lighted' of Markets.

If it weren't for as Samantha calls it 'Clarke's 3rd Law he would have gone his way in a heartbeat.

But then again, Vinny love to have company in his car, and rarely a beautiful woman such as the Elf who was breathing steadily yet delicately on his chest. He could feel the warm beat of her heart through his built-in Heartbeat Sensor. Curiously according to the AI that connects all of his Augments together, the Sensor says that the Elf's body was inside and out physiologically similar to Humans yet the Sensor also detect several unidentified elements it was not equipped to further analyze.

"I wonder if 'Half-Elves exist in Gliesia'…" Diaz muttered carelessly.

"Who?" Aliathra opened her azure eyes and looked at his eyes.

"Eh, nothing… so… Miss Aliathra. Tell me more about yourself." Diaz asked for some questions.

Even the littlest of details can go a long way as Samantha and Vinny's own Corporate Agent's experience would tell him.

"I really love the songs you played from your car Sir Dee-yaz. At first they sounded quite different and… uhm… exotic for my own senses but after awhile I started to enjoy it." Aliathra confessed.

"Weird, Sensor's say her heartbeat and breathing are normalizing. Telling something in 'Good Faith' as Satre would say." Diaz said to himself.

"Yeah I saw you dancing quite nice. You were enjoying it." Diaz smiled. He could remember the sensual swaying of the Elf's lithe body move in rhythm to the sounds of such classical Electronic Artists of over 200 years-worth of musical history in Diaz's own private library. His demeanor was an accommodating demeanor he painted his face with to try to get the Elf to loosen up to him.

"So, I recall you were some sort of Priestess, right? Cleric of sorts? Shrine Maiden?" Vinny asked.

"I am devoted to the Goddess of Life, Motherhood and Fertility Neneth." Aliathra answered.

Diaz's monitors continue to say that the Elf was speaking the full truth.

"Tell me more about your duties." He pressed her.

"The Temple of Neneth housed some of the best Apothecaries, Physicians and Clerics in the land. Especially the main temple in Ethuilen where I studied. I was a student to many of the best Healers in the land." Aliathra said.

"So you are what we would say, a Medical Student. A very hard but potentially prosperous path to take. Science Exams aside, it must pay very well." Diaz gave out his own insight based on his own interpretations.

"Oh, we don't get much money. Neneth preaches self-sacrifice and thinking ahead of others. The Temple relies mostly on Donations for their livelihood." Aliathra answered.

"So, Philanthropy, I mean people like you am I right must get a lot of money poured in still. Medicine and… or what we call 'Pharmaceuticals' aren't cheap you know despite all the talk of your Charity and stuff."

"Which is why many Clerics such as myself go to the Grey Order in Slaegia and offer our services so we can be able to go out into the world and get herbs, scrolls and other sorts of magical items for our Temple."

"That still doesn't explain some of the more, Survivalist type of skills I see in you like animals, bow and arrow. Your quite an interesting bit of a Ranger and Cleric you know? Who taught you?" Diaz asked.

"Well, two-hundred and ten years of your life is plenty of time to know so many things. I was originally a Scout Ranger for the Ethuilen Armui. Trained with them for about 20 years but never really experienced any real combat outside of hunting some dangerous animals such as Bears, Dracolisks and the occasional Hippogriff. After I served my Anand, I wanted to pursue a more noble profession in the Grand Temple of Neneth." Aliathra said.

Diaz's heartbeat monitor gave a slight anomaly on Aliathra's speech and heartbeat. She was saying a partial truth.

"So, what is your training like being a Cleric for this Neneth?"

"I was taught Restoration Magics almost up to the Master Classes. I was taught how a body works, how to identify ailments with the spell 'True Sight', close and disinfect wounds and cure the even the most lethal of maladies such as 'Kriozad's Spite' which I managed to cure on a few occasions recently. My teachers told me that I was one of their best students they have ever seen." Aliathra said.

For this statement, it was spot on that she was speaking like an open book.

"Taking into the account that Elves live long and must be something right?" Diaz commented.

"Much more than that Sir Dee-yaz." Aliathra smiled confidently with an air of Superiority into it. She knew she was exceptional in her talents in Restoration and it was shown when she had healed that young child back in Kesserheim earlier in record time. Normally without magics or immediate intensive care the injuries that child was inflicted would have been fatal by Gliesian standards.

"Okay one more question, explain yourself what brings you to Tyr Rian. You must be a long way from home huh?" Vinny changed the subject.

"I was going around the Human Realms looking for work when I heard rumors about a strange new people who arrived from the Sky." Aliathra said.

The monitors say that she is speaking another half truth again. Normally for Diaz this would be the time for him to crack his knuckles and play a bit of 'Bad Cop' with his quarry. But extraordinary circumstance say he must show restraint. Besides, he never tortured a Girl before and he himself didn't know if he had the heart to do it to Aliathra of all the snake like women whom he has seen in his Rogue days back in Kesserheim. The Elf was more of a naïve child rather than a backstabbing femme fatale he was so use to disposing with back home.

"So, after we touch down back in New Albany… where will you go?" Diaz asked.

"Vercourt. It's a logging town in Slaegia west of Tyr Rian. Some of the Priest's there requested for my help in treating the woodsmen who get injured often. It's that time of the year when the Tree's get cut down." Aliathra answered.

"Well good luck helping them all. Beneath that nice face of yours, you got a kind heart." Diaz said as he gently lifted Aliathra's chin to have her look him in the eyes.

They both smiled like friends turned into budding lovers. In the Elf's point of view these 'Earth Humans' as they insist to call themselves were firm in their force but fair to those whom they considered friend or trustworthy enough to win their trust beforehand. Despite his rather unnatural body parts and 'bindings', Aliathra couldn't help but reminiscent the various Romantic Novella's of dashing rogues with their colorful personalities win the hearts of the fair maidens they pursue whilst pluckily striking down their antagonists who wish to see them harm.

But alas, that was decades ago when Aliathra was much more free-spirited and naïve to the cruel realities of the outside world from the safety of her opulent palace. This Vincent Diaz was an invader and her love of her people and her family as expected from the House Lareththor family comes first above all else. She still must treat these UFE, Demon or not, they are a threat to the Balance of all of Gliesia, less a catastrophe unlike anyone has seen before strikes them to the very core whether they intend to or not to. Based on her own instincts, Aliathra sense it could… no WOULD be the former.

"Will I get to see you return to New Albany someday? Our doors are always welcome to anyone with good intentions." Diaz asked.

"I might return for some of the food. Vercourt is about a few days trip from Tyr Rian."

Vinny laughed at the primitive calculations of the Elf.

"By the time Governor White is done with all the Modernization efforts with Prince Clovich. You could travel without even walking." He laughed.

"Oh? What makes you say something so bold?" Aliathra widened her eyes. Humans tend to look up and feel humbled by the sight of Elves. There prowess and knowledge stocks were of an unfathomable level compared to the average human and other races who live in Gliesia.

"Well, after we safely hand back Princess Aria and company to Prince Clovich back in the Citadel. There's gonna be a big party 'Celebrating the first day of Friendship between Gliesian's and the United Federation'. There will be food, fun and a big old Declaration Signing." Diaz said.

"A 'Declaration Signing'? What will happen?"

"Well, Governor White, the Leader of our Colony and Prince Clovich is going to sign this big piece of paper that details a whole bunch of stuff… eh… Trading Contracts… Technology Sharing… Alliances… and a bunch more of formalities. Should happen in about 5 Days after we get back to New Albany, Governor White needs to talk with the Council on what to put on the paper." Diaz answered.

The Elf was taken aback by the Cyborg's words. They all sounded quite imposing. She recalled in her past observations with the Tyr Rian Royal Family of their seduction to the UFE's sphere of influences with their miraculous gadgets, unearthly strengths and their eldritch knowledge on the many mysteries of the universe. This was the sound of some sort of Pact… of Alien nature. Was the Prince signing off his entire land to these otherworldly visitors? This would mean that the UFE would have a strong foothold in Gliesia and could expand in any direction with impunity thanks to the might of their armors that the Elf self-concludes that no Army in Gliesia could even hope to fight back against. Additionally, this 'Governor White' sounds important. Judging by how Diaz spoke highly (as best as he can speak highly of someone in a casual tone) of this 'Governor White' he is the leader of the New Albany Settlement.

Aliathra shudders at the thought as Diaz looked on with her change of demeanor.

"Is something wrong?" Diaz asked her.

"I may want to have moment alone right now… It is about to be bedtime and we should arrive back in Gliesia around tomorrow. I need to get some rest for I leave for Vercourt immediately after." Aliathra excused herself.

"Oh sure… it is getting let too. It was fun sharing some music with you Miss Aliathra. I never got the chance to share company with such a beauty like you." Diaz waved farewell as the Elf exited his car.

When the coast was clear of her, Diaz picked up his smart phone from his jacket's pocket and pressed a button that displayed a black square symbol on its silver medal. He was recording every word of their entire conversation the moment it started.

"The nerds are gonna LOVE to hear from this." Diaz coyly smiled at his cunning gesture.

In his entire life as a Corporate Agent with his fair share of tales of Corporate Espionage and Warfare, this Aliathra is a horrible liar.

------------------------------(a Few Days later in Vercourt) ----------------------------------

"Remember when I told you 'No matter where I go, I'll never leave your side. You will never be alone.' Even when we go through changes, even when we're old, remember that I told you I'll find my way back home. ~~~" Aliathra sang a tune to herself as she walked the saw dust and wood splinter covered dirt road of Vercourt.

She had to admit, that song got stuck in her head and it didn't help to treat her ear worm and Diaz and encouraged her to sing along with him when that song 'Way Back Home' came out of his car's music speakers. Maybe it was not that but the themes of the song, it was romantic yet somber at the same time. The Lyrics of the singer's desires for home resonated with the Elf's home sickness. The song reminded her off her current circumstances. She wanted to cry but she hid those tears less she opens up to the alluring Diaz a moment of weakness. Half of her mind would scream that behind all the fancy sights, smells and taste, 'Vincent Diaz' as that man in the red with roses painted jacket with the metal hands is a demon trying to stir her away from the path of righteousness. So far, she had guarded her soul against all the UFE's advances but she didn't know if it will last the next time, she encounters the UFE. Especially if it's from the likes of which of Diaz again. There was something about him that made Aliathra wanted more from. Was it the way he acted like the romantic rogues she and her sisters would read in the dark of such rebellious cretins who win the hearts of the fair maidens? Or was it the fact that he was the first man Aliathra ever met that never treated her like a piece of untouchable political symbolism of power that the Lareththor household represents?

The streets of Vercourt that day were at Peak Season for the harvest of Lumber. Woodsmen and Carpenters frantically ran past each other as their very city burst with intensive activity. During the Late Spring and Mid-Summer months the Trees near the town's forest grow exceptionally tall and strong. Additionally, the forest was also home to several small gaming animals and other wild but edible flora that make up several regional delicacies. She can see huntsmen and trappers from abroad mixing in with the locals.

But such a spike in activity also directly heightens the chance of something going wrong, Woodsman getting crushed by falling trees, trappers getting bitten by their own traps, at least one accidental amputation and a whole lot more of maladies. The Grey Order office that the Elf is going to pass on her invaluable intel with is also right next to Vercourt's local Temple of Neneth, which contains a hospice designed to cater to the needs of the local's and associated problems that occur in the town's chosen industry. The Hospice was maintained by a mix of Donations and funding from the next-door Grey Order office. It was constructed by philanthropizing adventurers who pooled their earnings to help build the Healing Temple after several adventures clearing bandits and Escort Quests in the area. They wanted both a place that the Grey Order adventurers and the people of Vercourt could have a place of respite and sanctuary from the harsh realities of the outside world, a classic case of Social Entrepreneurship in action.

Aliathra admired the charitable origins of the temple dedicated to her goddess as she opened the door to the Guild building.

"Aliathra! You look like you had better luck than we did." A weary Karliah greeted her by the door.

The Sorceress serene face was tainted with sweat, wear and a few wrinkles of stress plastered over her skin. The Elf could sense that the Sorceress had just recently underwent a harrowing trial of her abilities. Her solemn eyes also indicate that it was very heart wretching experience too.

"What happened to you?" Aliathra asked.

"Remember in those letters we all send each other back with? We mentioned that we will be sent to an expedition to an old tunnel that used to go under the mountains bordering Tyr Rian." Karliah explained.

"You said you will bring about a few hundred or so men am I correct?" Aliathra nodded receptively.

"This is all that is left of us…" Karliah stepped aside to reveal only a few several dozens of heavily injured soldiers, adventurers and camp followers laying miserable on their woolen cots.

Several had bandages tainted with their crimson blood or a purplish darkness that cemented their weakening state. The elf heard the human's harrowing moans and cringed gnashing of teeth as they were attended or for lack of a better word for 'attended' by an overwhelmed staff of Clerics and Healers frantically trying to save as much of them as they can. Unfortunately, the oncoming demands of Vercourt's peak business season would surely dry out the Hospices resources quickly without any intervention.

"You! Elf girl! Is that a necklace of our lady I see?" A Cleric of Neneth pointed to Aliathra's Necklace.

"I know, I shall assist." Aliathra cut down the formalities and promptly went to work.

The Elf was quickly assigned to several patients relieving the previously overwhelmed healer to draw his attention elsewhere.

Conjuring a bright golden glow from her hands. Aliathra channeled the restorative energies within herself and got to work. She applied the positive healing magics on the wounds of the injured gently caressing their bodies before the energies disinfected the breach before closing them. To the miraculous surprise of everyone in the room, Aliathra healed those who she lay her hands on at thrice the rate her human counterparts could manage to patch their share of the injured on their own. To those in the hospice, it was like Neneth herself descended from heaven and shared her overwhelming Generosity of Mercy upon her children.

As she healed the sick and wounded she began to see some sort of familiar pattern. The wounds she had closed up each excreted a strange foreign metal object before the completion of their sealing. Upon an average of 2 bullets per wounded had these foreign objects that were inside their bodies before Aliathra laid her hands on them. She knew from experience that these wounds were a smaller form of puncture wounds based upon the deep holes and epidermal ruptures she had managed to mend back together. Most of said puncture wounds she had encountered were from arrows, spears, stabbings or any thrusting force being shanked down upon the afflicted. But these were much smaller yet so much more deeper than what she had experienced back in her homeland.

She collected these strange foreign objects into a table for a closer observation. They looked like malformed shells made from a slightly luminescent metal when she placed the trinkets upon light. Some were crushed to a flattened state while the others were formed into a star like shape. Then she began to smell said objects and a familiar scent entered her delicate yet sensitive nose.

"I… know these." Aliathra muttered.

"Know what?" the voice of Petur approached behind her.

Turning around, Aliathra saw that the Magically Gifted Knight was shirtless exposing his well-toned body to the young (by elven standards) maiden. Yet his form was polluted with bandages and signs of heavy bruising on his breasts and abdomen with a violet hue tainting his white pinkish skin.

"I know what are these things that everyone here were struck by."

"Go on." Petur leaned closer to the Elf eager to hear her.

"They are called 'Bullets'. Small metallic objects, sort of like Arrows but very small used for the Outsider's weapons." Aliathra answered.

"How do you know of these Elf? You are not an Occultist when I read your papers." Petur curled his eyebrow upwards.

"Because I managed to get inside their camp… home… or fortress… I…never understand what exactly are they calling 'New Albany'… 'Colony' if memory serves me right." Aliathra thought back to her previous excursion.

"Colony?" Petur's eyes widened in horror.

"I managed to get close to them. I saw many things you wouldn't believe." Aliathra continued.

"Let me write this down." Karliah butted in. She grabbed a notebook and quill pen that she keeps in her pocket.

Aliathra with as much clarity as possible, detailed everything that happened to her. From the moment she was whisked away by the 'Demons' to their strange realm of metal trees called 'Kesserheim' and met up with such larger than life characters such as Don Aparo, Lieutenant Samantha and Sir Vincent who displayed such power the likes of which not even an Elf, despite their advanced civilization could fathom. She described as best as she could such concepts such as Guns, Mega Corporations and Pizza to her Slaegian colleagues much to their astonishment.

"That's astounding! This is all incredible wait until Mita see's all of this." Karliah said as she closed her notebook.

"I already did…" Mita's voice echoed in the hall.

The Crow emerged from the dark shadows unto the group much to the surprise of everyone. Even the grizzled Findrum own soul jumped away from its vessel by the surprise of the Crow. Mita carried with her on her hand a scrolled paper with faint traces of a weak adhesive on its back as if she just tore whatever information, she had acquired it from.

"By the Gods damn you Mita! That's the, I can't remember… ---nth time you jumped on us. Learn some respect." Karliah scolded.

"Yargh! That's right even you gave this old Duardin a scare." Findrum frowned.

"Oh, you can be such fun scaring." Mita playfully giggled.

"Where were you?" Aliathra asked her.

"While Aliathra was busy with those Otherworlder's I found something interesting." Mita said as she unfurled the piece of parchment.

It was poster, the likes of which found in a tavern's corner or a Grey Order's Notice Board. It presented two banners standing equally to each other in distance height whilst crossing over to form a 'X' mark union of flags. In Slaegian culture, this was a diplomatic gesture between nations during important summits to signify goodwill and respect amongst the various and diverse cultures, peoples and other forms of political clout within Ysanigrad as the Elf could remember. The first flag was obviously the Kite Shield shaped with a Windmill insignia on a checkered background of red and greed, the heraldry of Tyr Rian. The other one was a barely recognizable flag however, a crude parody of the United Federation of Earth. It had a Sky-Blue background with a giant orb of poorly squiggled lines to signify intricacies followed by white dots that seemed to be painted in randomly. According to Samantha, the UFE insignia was meant to represent Earth and clearly, whoever the artist was in hand painting these posters did a horrendous recreation of the flag. Artist renditions aside, it was the details below the crossovered flags that was eye catching.

"Declaration of Tyr Rian and Terran friendship day in the Citadel. Food, Festivities and Foreign Curiousities to be shown from the strange world of 'Earth'. Witness Flying Boats, Steel Horses and other Exotic gizmos on 20th day of Awoken Sun."

Calendars were named differently among cultures, for the Men of Ysanigrad, they base their 13th month-long calendars on the rising and fall of the day and night, the first half of the month is the 'Night' months where Autumn and Fall happens since the humans marked the beginning of the years with the harvest season. Spring and Summer are the 'Day' months where the sun is almost always shining throughout the day. For the Elves, Months had a predetermined name based on the Elven Pantheon and Mythology wit the suffix of '-nui' which is a shortened version of the Elven word for Month.

"What day is it now?" Aliathra asked.

"17th day of the Awoken Sun." Mita answered.

"Only three days away?" Karliah eyes widened, her heart skipped a beat on the news.

"Indeed, it seems that the Tyr Rian's are going to fully give in to their new 'friends'." Mita said with some snark on her tone.

"They are going to turn it to a place like theres…" Aliathra muttered.

"What did you say?" Petur turned back to her.

"I have seen their cities, giant towers of metal and glass piercing the sky with an air of defiance as if they mock heaven itself. Steel Beasts will roam the soil belching hot breath from their anuses as they devour the land in an air of choking smoke. The skies will light up in parodied rainbows in reverance to them. And the people of Tyr Rian will bow before them…" Aliathra gave a grim description of what she had seen in Kesserheim.

She can still remember the sensational overload of her delicate Elven tastes and touch she saw from the exhaust smokes, the neon lights and skyscrapers from that planet. To see Gliesia fall into such a radical ecological change will be world shaking. She barely survived an entire week inside Kesserheim and she doubts any of the other Peoples of Gliesia could stand being in such a viral influence that only seeks to expand until there is no room left. Such magnitudes at such a cost will only mean death for them all if not stop.

Aliathra shed a mournful tear and a soft heartfelt prayer to Neneth for salvation in such slowly darkening times.

"First it will be Tyr Rian, tomorrow… the world…" Karliah realised.

"We need to take down these vile demons… aaahh…" Petur stood up bravely but his still injured body weighed him down.

"Not while you are that I concur." Aliathra reprimanded.

"And not the same way back in Cambervale. A direct assault was foolish just look at what happened to everyone here." Mita spread her arms around to display the sorry state the survivors of the expedition were in.

"But once the Demons gain an inch of souls… they will take a mile." Findrum gulped nervously, uncharacteristic for him but given the current circumstances, he feels out of his league.

"Is there any way we can defeat them?" Petur anguished at the stacked antagonism of such a prospect of a second Demon Invasion.

"I think I do." Karliah proposed. "Most Demons or the ones we read in the text books I read, have a kind of leader among them that acts as uniting figure among them and also the strongest among the host. This 'Alpha Demon' would have his accompanying followers and would be the entity that any mortal who summoned them would be the one they would talk to the most. Alpha Demons would be responsible for all the Deals, Lying and all sorts of Magics as foretold in the legends." The Sorceress relayed her history.

"So, after we take out this 'Alpha' what will happen to the rest of the Outsiders?" Findrum asked.

"They will flee back to whence they came." Aliathra said.

"No leader, means no direction. Most Demons are just inaudible monsters with unsatiated appetites for Souls." Karliah said.

Aliathra would disagree with that but she kept silent. She still can't take much chances with these Otherworlders. Then again, these descriptions of the 'Alpha Demon' did implicate a certain named individual that was casually mentioned to her during her travels.

"But there's an entire army of them between us and whoever is this 'Alpha Demon'. How could we fight them all?" Petur questioned.

"White…" Aliathra said his name.

"The Color?" Mita asked.

"No, that is his name. White. Jeremy the White Governor." Aliathra said. "The Demons, I heard them in their whispers. They call their leader 'Govenor White'. He controls the armies; the machines and the buildings being erected based on my discoveries." Aliathra said.

"That's… an unusual name for a Demon…" Petur was dumbstruck by such a average sounding name.

"Perhaps this is just an Alias, a false name that Demons give to their quarry a false sense of normalcy. Geremi is a name that you can find a man with that name without too much difficulty if you just look hard enough." Karliah said.

"He will be there in person to sign a 'Decree of Friendship' between him and Prince Clovich." Aliathra said.

"A Demonic Pact you mean." Karliah said.

"Where do you know all of this?" Aliathra asked the Sorceress.

"I had some colleagues from the Militant Wing of the Sacred Circle. Witch Hunters to be clear. We shared some moments together. I know some faint basics of Demonology. You, Aliathra are by far our greatest source of information on these Otherworlders. I can send a letter to them immediately to them so they can question you further about what happened to you. A soul who got in and out of Demon Lands and lived with their heart still pure and mind still sane." Karliah turned.

"That still doesn't address the Demonic Pact Prince Clovich is going to make with the Demons. We can't call in more soldiers less we risk the citizens to panic. We can't attempt another attack right now since most of us here can barely walk or hold a sword." Petur argued.

"Perhaps we have to use not Force this time, but cunning…" Mita suggested. "This maybe or last chance in expelling the Demons. This gathering of sorts… 'Friendship Day' as this calls it will be quite an auspicious event and I am no stranger of blending in to these types of occasions." Mita said.

"Can you get close enough?" Petur asked her.

"I wouldn't be 'the Crow' otherwise." She winked. "I can gather some more of my Initiates into this and we will see what are our options are when we get there." She said.

"Get in and take out the Alpha Demon. I see." Petur affirmed.

"What about Prince Clovich?" Aliathra asked.

"If he is still the 'Rock of Viessant' then he might at best be under the Demons spell… but if worse comes to worst, he must die too." Karliah said.

"Then I have no moment to lose. The Party is only 3 day away and it takes 1 day to get from here to Tyr Rian. I will make sure the Demons scatter." Mita with determination bowed.

"And if you fail…" Karliah asked nervously.

"Then tell the Emperor that we tried… and we went down fighting." Petur said.

He knew in the worst-case scenario; the Empire would have Strategic War Plans for a sudden breakthrough of invaders in their south eastern borders but it addressed the Nomadic Orcs or the Southern Suzerainties not otherworldly Demons from another dimension. The news of such an event would ripple all over Gliesia, Civil Unrest, Economic downturn and all sorts of problems that the Knight can't fathom ever experiencing will happen. He cursed his own cocky temperaments from earlier for his incapacitated state. All of the Empires hope for a quiet prevention of a world wide crisis is going up in smoke.

"Gods be with you Karliah…" he reluctantly wished her well.

"I make my own miracles." Mita replied before she disappeared out of the Hospice door.

Aliathra respirated with anxiousness, she felt her heart beat the same in such a very real possibility of a Demonic Invasion in Gliesia. It took a combine army of all Gliesia's races to be able to fight back the first one but in her eyes, she saw the UFE Goliath as a Titan with unmatchable strength. To any Gods that hear her silent prayers, she asked for one thing. Answers in such uncertain times. Deep down in her heart she has doubts over existence and her own purpose in life. Being the last in line in the throne she would have been just a mere pawn in the great political game but she secretly wanted to defy from the moment she understands what it all means to her as a Princess and as a Powerful Cleric. She reflected back to Diaz, a man so free from such cares. If he was only human or another elf she would fall in his arms in a heartbeat. She then remembered the caring smile of 'El-tee' Rose or Samantha as she would prefer to be called to from her, her understanding and emphatic nature, her aura was like one who listens and understands those around her. A skill that not many people could easily boast into having a way with. And lastly, she reflected on her family back home, surely, they know miss her and are worried sick for her, despite being the youngest she is one of her nation's greatest treasures, a by product of Elven Eugenics to create the most powerful magic-user possible with the combined bloodlines of Alfel-Nora's most magically gifted families.

She retired in a private room inside the Hospice to meditate and pray for a sign from anything of the answers she seeks.

What will become of Gliesia when the Terrans INEVITABLY come out of Tyr Rian?