Operation Bakumatsu (part 1)

Under direct supervision by an escort of UFE Marines and Doctor Lee Haneul, Aliathra worked tirelessly to remedy the poison that was afflicted by the dozens of people who were ailing by the Demon's Bane flower. She didn't say a word for the entirety of her time in the medical ward despite many of the people who were no suddenly relieved off of their sickness felt their strength return to them.

The curing process as they could describe was that the Elf would conjure a magical green bubble on her hands and holding the bubble close to the patient where the patient will involuntarily start to feel the motion to reach out. The disgusting refuse would be magnetically collected by the bubble before one of the escorting soldiers accompanying Aliathra would properly dispose of it at an 'Infectious Waste' labeled waste bin. Rinse and repeat. The Demonsbane was ungracefully purged out of the bodies of the afflicted one by one. Each patient took about 5 minutes to be properly cured off of the poison.

The Good Doctor couldn't tell if Aliathra was still undergoing some post traumatic silence from her previous ordeals. She read the report and she couldn't help but want to just give the poor girl a hug. It was a shame in her eyes to see such a beautiful woman, blonde waving hair and blue eyes catatonically save the afflicted people from the Poison Attack without so much as a word from her. She was like a robot as if the Metallic Heart and her new Ski Legged-like prosthetic legs that she is having some trouble standing upright without the sign of wobbling, but then again for the latter, it was normal for first-timers.

Among the recently cured were the first two individuals who were rescued from their brush of mortality, Governor Jeremy White and Prince Clovich Tyr Rian being attended by their own retinue of bodyguards.

"I have never seen a Priestess of Nenya before, and I never knew they were so beautiful." Prince Clovich commented as Aliathra made her rounds on the hospital beds.

"I don't know, she isn't very… friendly looking. I mean she isn't even blinking." White gave his piece on the Elf's uncanny demeanor.

"Elves, if what I was tutored is correct, are either working with close relations with Emperor Uldin as diplomats or as Grey Order members. They are very proud of themselves." Clovich explained.

"Let me guess, they're rich, lots of magic, and are really old when they all look pretty young?" the Governor answered with a question.

"Indeed. But to tell you the truth, I do not know how will they react to you. It seems that the elf has seemed to be quite… afraid. She must have gone through so many of your Knights, seen your great black flying ships and your means of magic. It is all still new to me but… I am enjoying what you bring to us… for Tyr Rian." Clovich humbly thanked.

The Governor let out an amused smile. It was like the smile a farmer made when his labor bore fruit.

"This reminded me you know Prince, of a story. This happened a long time ago. There was a Kingdom that used to be isolated from the world but then another nation who was hungering for fame, power, and hegemony sailed his 'Black Ship' to the isolated nation's harbor. The King of that isolated nation was scared and he tried to fire his arrow at the 'Black Ship' but it only angered the pride of the Black Ship's home country. He returned with several more of these Black Ships and demanded that if he doesn't apologize and open his doors to Black Ships nation, the Black Ships would enact revenge for its slighted ego. The King of that isolated nation, despite protests from his attendants, chose 'Dishonor' over death for he had not the power to defy their will." White began to tell the story.

"This happened to you? Your world?" Clovich leaned to his right to hear Jeremy's words closely and clearer.

"Happened in a place in my world. Japan is the name of the 'Isolated Kingdom' and 'the Nation' that opened her doors to the world was called the United States Americans. At the time, the Americans as we, for I am a descendant of, were finding their place in the sun, we were prideful and a strong people. The story goes when the Americans came to Japan, they showed the King of Japan about the outside world. We taught them the ideas of Great Smiths who have the skill of 1000 Blacksmiths working tireless day and night. Great Machines that ran faster than the fastest of horses and finally a realm of possibilities that wetted the King and his nation's appetite for more. The King, who we call 'Meiji' went to work sending out his best servants to all the four corners of my homeworld to learn more of these strange new powers and how to harness them for themselves. And if there's one thing I know about Kings is that they always seek more." Jeremy continued the story.

He knew he was editing some of the finer historic details of Japan's Meiji Restoration period since he drew mentally in his head parallels between the historical Japanese Emperor who modernized his archipelago country into one of the most advanced nations on earth within a fraction of the time it would take for everyone else in the world to develop into such an extent.

"This King Meiji… he did it so he can be at equal with his peers. He must be very wise ruler to accomplish what you said… and I…" Clovich began to lower his once rather authoritative voice to a more modest toned pitch. "You humble me, Governor, you may not be of Noble Blood nor you have the luxury of thousands of years of wisdom but you speak like you have both. This King Meiji, I want to achieve what he did. I…I… wish to build up Tyr Rian like how Meiji had built his." Clovich admitted.

"Are you telling me you want us to be able to help uplift you?" White asked.

"Uplift?" Clovich twitched his eyebrow.

"As in teaching you how we build our buildings, power our machines and all the things that you see here that makes it all possible to be able to see what you see all here, in New Albany." White explained.

The Gliesian Prince nodded yes, affirming the Governor's assumptions.

Yet behind White's faked surprise face, there was a fulfilled ulterior accomplishment that rang sweetly inside him. Peace was still indeed possible despite what had transpired earlier… But then the Governor remembered what had transpired earlier…

"But, aren't you a Vassal? For the Slaegians? I don't think they would let this go that you suddenly gaining so much of our power that… your Master might feel… threatened to say the least…" the Governor tried to temper the Prince's eagerness with some grounded real politick.

"My Cousins might say otherwise. You see, after some time that Tyr Rian was subjugated by the Slaegians, my ancestor, Aragon sealed the conquest of the entire land I rule now by marrying a Tribal Princess from the conquered people. Aragon came from a very sunny region in the Empire called Souviel. It is a Duchy ruled by a man who shares my blood by the name of Thibault the Eighth. His entire Duchy is one of the Empire's largest wheat fields in their entire nation. He had told me through letters that there were times and places where Droughts would happen or Pirate attacks as reported by the sailors from Souviel's ports." Clovich informed.

"Something we can help with?" White asked.

"My Cousin wrote to me that he was getting Pirate Attacks, Famines, and Monster raids lately to name a few."

"How close are you to your cousin?"

"Well last time I saw my Cousin in person was when he was attending Aria's birthday a year ago and he gifted her a dress from one of the finest tailors from Souviel. There was also this one time he asked me to send some food stocks over to him due to drought and this other time he wanted to rent out this group of Orc Rider mercenaries that would take jobs for me around Tyr Rian. But then again, according to the Records we were both amicable with one another."

"I see, well is there any other people that can help vouch for us that you trust?" the Governor pressed.

"Well the Mercenaries and their kinsmen I mentioned earlier can be a start. Then there is Lutheor Mirrien's old Dwarfen friends back from his homelands at the Clan Hold by the mountains up North and then there is… but keep this between you and me and don't tell Iris about this but also some more of the Vampire's by the abandoned-looking fortress near Cambervale… but they don't like being near the 'Dumb Sheep' according to her. Maybe you can see to it? I heard that the Vampires are just as skilled in Magic as Iris and the Orcish Mercenaries can be very useful to you, plus Lutheor's friends are said to hold influence in the Dwarven Holdings." Clovich said.

"Oh, I will most definitely see to all of it…" White nodded.

But little did the prince knew, is that his conversation was bugged thanks to some rather simple subterfuge of a spy pen on one of Governor White's bodyguards.

-------------(At the same time in another room) ------------

"That is a lot of leads to follow through…" Holyfield commented.

"Indeed, it is. Well, it looks like we got some squads to dispatch out and see through these. Where do you think we should send Stryder gr---." Polonsky was cut off by his hard-lining counterpart.

"Just because I went soft with the Elf doesn't mean I will do so again. That was an exception… a rare case of me showing mercy Colonel. We still have the Slaegians to worry about." Holyfield says.

"What are we going to do?" Polonsky asked.

"Remember when the Governor talked about the Meiji Restoration? You know how all that shit started right Colonel?" Holyfield asked.

"American Merchant Ship sails too close to the Japanese Coast and gets fired at, America in response sends a ship to ask for an apology and to force open the door of the country to the rest of the world and gives a year for a response. Then---"

The Major interrupted him.

"You see where this is going now? Send in the Ships I tell you." Holyfield coldly says.

"We might as well play in right into the hands of those who think WE are the bad guys Major. YOUR actions during that excavation site were barely covered up in their perspective. Then there's the whole incident by that Tunnel and don't get me started on what happened after that Chemical Attack. It was too harsh even by your standards. Random door-to-door searches, strip-searching, even arresting Mister Flynn from the Grey Order building UNDER the assumption that he may have something to do with several of those Guild's members participating in the Arhaf attacks without so much as a knock. He is still crying about it right now and he won't stop until you pay for his door that you so unceremoniously broke to splinters." Polonsky argued.

"They aren't Earthlings Colonel; we are in a hostile world and I still have second thoughts on who could we even remotely place our few cents of trust on. Clovich is still yet to truly prove himself to me at least despite the Governor's coercions and the Empire is in suspect suspicious about us being some sort of Mythological Invasion of 'Demons'. It's only a matter of time before the whole continent is in the tune of the whole 'Demon' narrative against us. So, Colonel, what do we supposed we should do instead?" Holyfield asked.

"Gain Legitimacy," Polonsky answered.

"I am sorry, what did you say?"

"Make the Natives accept us. Our sovereignty and our supremacy." Polonsky added in his answer. "I can think of three ways, through Rational Legitimacy where we act in the good interests of the Natives that they see us as people to be friends with and not as enemies ergo 'Demons'. The second method is through some Charismatic Legitimacy by strengthening our image through wealth, technology, and power. Finally, the third method which is possibly the least palatable for us but is also guaranteed to produce the least amount of friction amongst the natives is the Traditional Legitimacy. This means cultural integration in our part with the natives…" Polonsky explained. There was a tone down on the Colonel's pitch when he was mentioning the 'Charismatic' method of the obtainment of Legitimacy.

"You know there's a lot of things I find unpleasant with them, right?" Holyfield raised his hand. "First, Slavery exists in one form or another and I hate to have UNHRC at my ass again. Second is the whole Polytheistic Pantheon that a good chunk of us don't believe in and God Bless me on that. Lastly, we don't know much of jack shit of this whole planet outside of these Tyr Rianni people."

"Which is why we send out the Studies and Observations men we got. If we can produce supporters like Iris, Mister Flynn, Lutheor Mirrien, and Prince Clovich on our side then we can use how the good old books call it, 'Social Network Theory' to get more connections that we can exploit. You heard what the Prince said, we got ourselves at least 4 Leads, his Cousin in Souviel, Iris' other Vampires --- I can't believe I just said that, the Dwarves up north that are friends with Lutheor Mirrien and lastly a group of Orcs that Clovich hires as Mercenaries. Once we are done, we can expand our alliances from there until we reach a critical mass that not even the Empire could break." Polonsky said.

The Major paused in to absorb it. In a way he can agree with the Social Networking methods as proposed by his 'soft-handed' colleague but he still doubts that good work of mouth alone can sway any threats the Colony has to the elements and factors surrounding its existence.

"What about your 'Charismatic' approach? You sound a bit quieter than usual talking about it. Is there something you don't l---?"

"It involves inviting more of those Megacorps here. Trust me on this one but I would rather handle one bratty Megacorpo whining at me then even a number more than one can. Reason, why I said that it could be an option, is that it's the most convenient as we just need to do some nods and yes-yeses and they will act for us in our stead… the problem is… well… you seen the news of Corpos killing each other gangland style right? Prime Minister Bousquet been trying to put a limit to those Megacorpos for the past five years. Our deals with Aparo Corp was just an alliance of convenience at best, a deal with the Devil at worst. I would rather have them throwing their money all over the place than anyone else." Polonsky explained.

"Then why not just give Aparo Corp more exclusive shit or whatever those suits call it?" Holyfield asked.

"The other Corpo's will soon find out that Aparo is going to get his hands on a whole damn planet and I, knowing them will see it as a move for power and they might do some crazy shit to undermine him or worse, set up shop under OUR noses in some place we can't reach. Prime Minister Bousquet's party barely got house majority but with the Elections coming up for the seats and a lot of Lobbyists and Senators pissed off about it, it will only be a matter of time before those 'Special Interests Groups' take some seats back. But the Pros in this plan is that we will at least on paper have access to more resources, infrastructure and personnel at the costs of control and the risks of some Corpo wars happening with the natives caught in the middle."

"I see, and your last one, 'Rational Legitimacy'… It's going to be the exact opposite is it?" Holyfield asked his colleague again.

Polonsky, in all his mental gymnastics, fortitude and quantum-like calculations was a man who thinks hard before he does his next act.

The Colonel sighed as he took a deep breath.

"Rational is the most controlling of the three but is also the most difficult to maintain. We use every connection we got within the government and military to maintain key holds of power in Gliesia. We use our resources to secure alliances, resources and other sorts of things to get the Natives on our side. Additionally if it comes down to it, we can just like you like it, 'Hardline' with the Natives by pointing our guns at them if they try to fight against us but that's a last resort that I would rather not take at all and in your best interests never come down to it." Polonsky gulped.

"I maybe a harsh man but I am not a tyrant." Holyfield defended himself on his colorful histories of his 'brutalizing' policies.

"Gunboat Diplomacy is beside the point, for I would rather have the Slaegian Empire and pretty much everybody in Gliesia see that the United Federation of Earth are peaceful Settlers and NOT as trigger happy Rednecks who want everyone off their property. The problem is that we are essentially trying to get the government to bend over backward for us. I exhausted all my favors just to get you and your marines with the Aurora right here already. Plus, that is beside the fact that we will have to micromanage the entire planet by ourselves and one fuck up can have us dragged in cuffs back to Earth for a Hearing on Live TV and I am very camera shy. Without a good reason to send more personnel, resources and materials we are stuck between a rock on a hard place. We need something that will get us the Government to place their bets on us for we are stretched thin with what we have right now." Polonsky said.

"What about the Unbinilium Crystals? Shouldn't Doctor Mahelona be researching them right now?" Holyfield asked.

Polonsky's eyes widened. He had almost forgotten about their 'Big Man of Science' and his ongoing research on the newly discovered Element that the Colony has discovered. His attention was admittedly overly invested on the aftermath of the Arhaf Incident.

"Dispatch, please contact Doctor David Mahelona. Tell him I want a status report on him immediately." Polonsky radioed.

"Affirmative Colonel, patching you through." the Communication Officer nodded.

--------(30 Minutes Later)-------

"Doctor? You wish to see me and Iris?" Samantha said as she entered the Science Laboratory alongside the Vampire Witch.

The two were requested and only they were allowed access to the restrictive facility deep underground in the heart of New Albany. It was right under the New Albany Spaceport, but access was blocked off to key personnel as many experiments and other engineering projects were being conducted. A large amount of the staff and resources within the facility are dedicated to the study of all things Gliesian from Biological Research on the Flora and Fauna, Physics and Chemistry studies on Gliesia's many Unbinilium Crystals, and some social experiments/observations conducted on an Orwellian scale via CCTV's that were planted throughout Tyr Rian clandestinely.

The Science Facility is still however under a transition of settlement as the recent partnership between the New Albany government-employed scientists and Aparo Corporation's scientific equipment and specialist personnel is still trying to make themselves at home in the facility. Box Stacks, veils, and the sounds of engineering installations filled Samantha and Iris' ears as they made their way to Doctor Mahelona's personal laboratory.

"Ah! Samantha, you are here." Doctor Mahelona greeted.

"And milady Cadohagan too. Just the two women to see this fine day." Bobby Bianchin, Aparo Corp's company representative and Diaz's old friend from his Agent days also greeted alongside him.

He was personally overseeing the entire installation of the 'donated' equipment that Aparo 'generously' gave to the New Albany Scientists. A storage container for the Unbinilium Crystals, a Nuclear Isotope Reactor was the fully operational parts of the facility as Samantha observed. There was a rush from Doctor Mahelona to research the properties of Element 120 and Aparo's Energy division 'provided' a Reactor to test some feasibility studies on what other practical uses that the UFE with their advanced technology can exploit, create and adapt to.

"This… Science Facility… this makes even the Magic College in Haringpoint look crude in comparison." Iris commented marveling at the Science Labs.

"Wait until this place is at full operation Miss Cadohagan. Once we got everything rolling, we will create WONDERS! I tell you. WONDERS!" Bianchin enthusiastically exclaimed.

"Which reminds, me about… why you two are here." Mahelona wiggled his finger. "This may sound a lot to ask from you, but we need your help."

"What kind of help?" Samantha asked.

"Science requires investments, People, Material, Equipment, and Money. Despite me and the equipment here… or will be here. My Science Teams are essentially diving into unknown territory and no offense to Iris but even she won't be enough help for us in our studies." Mahelona said.

"Are you calling me inadequate? I am one of the best Enchanters in all of Gliesia." Iris haughtily protested.

"I am not saying that, but you are only one woman who specialized in one field that I am interested in studying. Enchanting as I can understand it is like Electroplating Miss Cadohagan. You zap some energies into some object to make it get some new properties and elements am I correct?" Mahelona asked.

"Of course. Wait… is 'Electroplating' just your way of 'Enchanting' objects?" Iris questioned.

"Yeah Aparo Corporation does Electroplating when we manufacture the Cybernetics you see Diaz and Aliathra wearing now to make them wear-proof, corrosive protection and lubricity of their components to make them move like any other body part would move for example. The thing is Miss Cadohagan is that you can do it with non-metals like leather, cloth, and even wood. But Doctor Mahelona is stuck at a dead end."

"Is that so? How come? Where are you lost at sir?" Iris turned to the scientist.

"As I said, I and my team are essentially diving in blind and we are going to need more than just us doing trial and error and its economically inefficient, that's we are using too much of resources to get something done and I rather we spend it on opening up more fields rather than just trying to prove a theory one too many times." Mahelona explained.

"Just cut to the chase and spare me the Nerd Talk. What do you want us to do?" Samantha demanded.

"I will need more knowledge stock on studies about Gliesian 'Magic' and the Mana Crystals. I am talking about anything useful for research such as literary works, scientific stuffs, and if possible, people as in specialists who know their way around the studies we got like Iris when it comes to any field of study that we are trying to dive into."

"So like Alchemists, Runesmiths and Mages?" Iris asked.

"Correct Miss Cadohagan. Get me all of those and I can improve you and the rest of the New Albany in their Infrastructure, Weapon Systems, and Tactics. Right now, I know that from you Miss Cadohagan that you can enchant objects at will as seen when you Enchant a Grenade Launcher to shoot those 40 millimeters grenades that discharge with special elemental effects. I want you to have this courtesy of Aparo Corporation for your use." Bianchin gave an MGL Grenade Launcher to Iris.

"Latest Model from our subsidiary Milkor Weaponries. Shoots 40-millimeter grenades at an effective range of 700 meters which is 20% percent longer shooting distance than the current model of MGL got that's and just between you and me." Bianchin leaned over excitedly at the Vampire Witch with a playful wink.

"You're the first person to get your hands on this. Its yet to be deployed to any other UFE Military Personnel but Don Aparo see's potential in you so he arranged you to be the first person to try it." Bianchin said.

"Why thank you Sir Bianchin." She politely bowed.

"Just call me Bobby. And consider that your second 'Magic Staff'." Bianchin said.

"Well the Armory people were still skittish about giving you something from the Arsenal but since that's a Personal Item rather than something borrowed off of the Armory, I guess you are now officially the Stryder's Grenadier Iris." Samantha said.

"I can think of so many things about to do with this thing. Kayin taught me." Iris smiled.

"There is something you will need to do for Aparo… AND the Science Team in return however Miss Cadohagan. You will have to teach some of Aparo Corps' top Electroplating Engineers and Business Executives about the in's and out of Magical Enchantments that you practice." Bianchin said.

"In exchange? I will." Iris nodded.

"Well that's all settled. So Stryder Group, you help me, and I will help you. Get me more Crystals, Scrolls and people. Together we will all be made stronger…. Porro Terra!" Mahelona saluted.

"Porro Terra."

-----(Meanwhile inside the New Albany Military Hospital) -------

The sweet relief of silence, after so long was given to the poor Elven Princess Aliathra. After going through the rounds and rounds of curing the victims of the attack she was finally given the luxury of privacy and a moment of safety (albeit presumed).

But at what cost? Her heart was quite literally no longer in the right place. Despite seeing face to face the grateful folks who were struck with the Demonbane poison to be magically cured by but she felt for an odd reason, empty. She was forced to comply in pain of being left naked and afraid in the outside world and risk having her head taken off by the Sefydliad. Yet she still feels and thinks like Aliathra Lareththor. She can remember the memories of her family during happier times together, her days in the academy, all the Healing Spells she knows by heart, and lastly her ranger training. Was taking away such a vital part of her being as a Devoted of Neneth, her own beating heart disqualifies her from being one with the Goddess of All-Life? Why was she not smitten by her for being allowed to be torn asunder and repaired in a parodied image of her Holy Design?

Suddenly a knocked from her Hospital Cell Door disturbed her train of thoughts.

"Who's there? G-G-go away." Aliathra asked meekly.

"I… am… an agent of… eh… *what's her name again? Okay got it.*… I am an Angel of Neneth! Open this door. I am here to rescue…eh… one of Neneth own." A voice awkwardly said.

"You are just another trick! An Illusion!" Aliathra shot down as she tossed the pillow on her bed to the door.

"Okay… commence Operation break 'Peter out of Jail Blind'." A second but familiar voice said.

Aliathra's room cell door opened with a noticeable mechanical creak from the locking mechanism as two figures entered her room. One of them was none other than Vincent Diaz himself whom she 'befriended' earlier but not holds him at contempt since he is working for the people who are slowly corrupting her body with metal parts. The other figure in the other hand a balding human with a set of spectacles of a wide plane and silvery rims on his head but carried a scholarly aura despite his clothes being all black except for a white tab on his neck worn like a color. He was also wearing a necklace that had a simple metal cross resting on his chest with the vertical line being much longer than to horizontal one. The balding scholar was smiling softly whilst Diaz showed a sense of buoyant anticipation as if he was hoping for something to happen, happening to Her.

"Do what you want to me… I don't want to live anymore… after… aiding you." Aliathra begged them to release her from all the guilt she helped.

With the Attack that she helped orchestrated effectively blunted, there was now nothing short of war against the Metal Demon's from the Sky. Their leader, their Lord, 'Governor White' is in all likelihood planning their counter-attack as she lay there in a fetal position. She saw what the Demons can do, their inhuman strength, uncanny technology and alien morals and she shuddered for the future.

"Do not say that sweetie. Come on, we are all friends here." Diaz said.

"No, you aren't my friend. You just want to get inside my mind. You already took my heart and now you got me to heal your 'Demon' friends." Aliathra scoffed.

"If I know one thing about them is that they are anything but a Demon." The balding man who claimed Neneth sent him said.

"Please Angel, kill me now so I may return to her embrace." Aliathra cried.

"You are not dying nor you are in any danger here." The Bald one said. He took off his glasses and squatted down to the Elf's level.

"You are young, Idealistic, wanting to change the world? Bring Peace, Unity, and Prosperity? I respect that in fact that is my Creed." The man said.

"What is your Creed?" Aliathra asked. She peeked over to the man, her tears staining her vision barely getting to see him.

"To create 'a World to Come' Princess Aliathra of House… Laref…Laref… uh… what did Iris say was it called again?" the Baldman turned to Diaz.

"Lareththor." Aliathra said her family name.

"Yes. There are people like me who want to see 'the World to Come'. We share the same goal you and I. We both want ONE thing that's so important in our lives."

"What is that?" Aliathra asked.

"Peace." The Bald man said bluntly. "You tried to fight us when we showed you that we came in peace yet you tried to do nothing more but attack us… look at what it cost you."

Aliathra reflected on that words as she was reminded of what happened to her. Her heart was replaced, her legs were destroyed and her prestigious reputation as the darling Princess of the Lareththor family was now in shatters. There was nothing more to lose anymore but her life, but even then, it wouldn't matter anyway if the war against these Otherworlders is to happen.

"Come on Allie, sweetie, baby, I know we can be a bit… weird at times but War with everyone right now is just… bad… bad for business, bad for play and bad for my nice jacket here. And I thought you liked Electronic Music?" Diaz said.

"Eh… you are not helping my Son." The balding man said.

"Oh, sorry Father but still! Please lady, listen to reason here right now if you know what is best for you. We can do so much together if you just stop." Diaz said.

"He… you are… fami---" Aliathra stuttered at the realization of Diaz's and the Balding Man's dialogue. Was Diaz some sort of Demi-God? An 'Aaasimar' as the children of divine heritage goes?

"Oh no! He is not my ACTUAL Son! It's just that I am… very well respected… in the New Albany Community. I am a… Salesian you see." The Balding Man said.

"A Salesian?" Aliathra twitched at the foreign word. Was it some sort of organization? A title given to certain Otherworlders.

"I work… well before going here on a Mission… I used to work at Schools in impoverished places, Orphanages and Community Colleges. I mean I didn't get this Secondary Education degree just to play therapy with an Elf… I can't believe I just said that." The Bald Man said.

"Father Bishop, Prime Directive shit, you know because ahem!" Diaz coughed.

"Oh right. Aliathra yes, you are a curious one isn't you am I right? You sneaking on the ship getting to Kesserheim, analyzing us. In fact, that's good! I like it when people ask questions. It adds value." Father Bishop optimistically said.

"Adds Value?" Aliathra asked.

"You stop and think, hypothesize then conclude. You are a Spy after all but don't worry. I know a thing or two from the great Sun Tzu himself on how to deal with people like you!" Diaz said.

"Damnation my son! Don't give her the wrong idea!" Bishop reprimanded Vinny.

"What? Turn her into a Double Agent? Make her work for our interests?" Diaz said.

"Work… for you? Wha—why?" Aliathra despaired.

"Now look at what you have done!" Bishop pointed out. "Miss Lareththor Please do not get the wrong idea about Diaz. He's just, 'raised wrong' as we Salesians like to describe… and also YOU." Bishop said.

"Raised? Wrong? But I graduated from one of Ethuilen greatest universities and survived Ranger Training. How was I 'raised wrong'?" Aliathra gnashed.

"Because you used your knowledge to make more problems. The attack, the things you saw and do? As I said child, look at what happened now? War is brewing and many people will die and it is all your fault! You thought you are saving the world but instead you doomed it with your own fear. You fear is the greatest enemy! You feared the prophecies by that Geltagar Comet and tried to blind us off a new home but instead, you only made sure we are here right now in this room with you." Bishop spoke.

"You know?" Aliathra exclaimed as she was reminded about the excursion with the Illusion Mages months ago when they hid Tyr Rian from the 'Eye' which was a strange amalgamation of blackened flesh and metal when it was salvaged. She remembered passing off the strange contraption's carcass to the Mages College in Haringpoint for study with the Demonologists and Monster Archivists.

"In your rush to hide from us you only made us want to find you more. I mean, hiding Tyr Rian from us with probably as Iris says, 'Illusion Magic' was actually pretty clever amirite Father?" Diaz smiled.

"Thank God you said something I agreed on." Bishop said alleviating their conflicting ways of thinking.

The only reason he was with him on this bid to fully convince Aliathra that her best interests right now is with working with the UFE instead of against them was that Vincent was the closest person the Elf 'connected' herself with during her moments with Stryder Group. After the emergency surgery on the Super Osprey which involved the amputation of Aliathra's legs, Lieutenant Rose gave permission to Specialist Iris Cadohagan to bite her vampiric teeth on the Elf and dig into her memories using her special abilities to use the blood of whatever living thing she bit to see the moments in their memories. By the Vampires account, Aliathra's past few weeks were downloaded into Iris' head for her to fully understand the picture. They discovered her royal heritage, her mission, her dealings with the Slaegians and both her, and the UFE humans laughed at just how ridiculously misinformed the Gliesians were. Until they, the UFE remembered that Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate and when one side sees something they hate, they lash out. With the math that the one 'hating' on the was an entire civilization of people, it was not going to end well for either party involved.

Colonel Polonsky, after reviewing the testaments and the evidence given to him by Inspector Reid, Lieutenant Rose, and what Governor White could subversively collect beforehand. An All-Out war with a full-blown empire will be a Political, PR, and Logistical Nightmare. They need to reverse this misunderstanding or millions of lives will be needlessly lost for what was essentially the biggest misunderstanding since the Pre-Hiroshima and Nagasaki Diplomatic dialogue during the Second World War.

"So… you won't try to wipe us out and enslave us?" Aliathra asked.

"I would rather go to hell right now than to live with the fact that I am an accessory to what you describe that the Federation will not, never ever do." Bishop said.

"Then… then my people still have hope!" Aliathra jumped out of the ground, her reinvigorated faith and blind prayers were indeed answered by whatever Deity that heard it.

"Not so fast." Bishop stopped her.

"Our Mercy has a cost. What you did was very …reprehensible to say the least." Diaz said.

"Not many people would forgive you for what you help did in Arhaf. The attack that you help orchestrate with that Poison is by our laws could get you at locked in Jail for a long time regardless on the fact that the attack managed to kill 1 Native, and down 16 people. Both U-Ef… I mean 'Sky People' and local Tyr Rianni alike. We barely managed to stop anyone dying when after that poor old woman rattled to death and I was there." Bishop said.

"But… Demonsbane is the most powerful poison known in Gliesia. How could you---?" Aliathra left for words on the resilience and tenacity the Otherworlders endured. And to also hear that they also fought to keep the afflicted Natives alive to as she noticed as several of the afflicted that were taken to the hospital were indeed from Tyr Rian.

"It's science baby. You'll be surprised at what you can do when you are angry and focused enough." Diaz chuckled.

"Anyhow, Miss Lareththor, you have a family, right? Even though that perhaps you may likely… fallout with them when they hear that you are of 'Metal Heart' which is entirely just… Bull-Crap I say. I mean you are still you right?" Bishop reeled in Aliathra. They are getting her to open up and he will be damned if he let this opportunity slip.

With Aliathra as a new Consultant for the UFE in their affairs in Gliesia, they can most likely better understand the ins and out of the native politics in the planet for the Federation's interests.

"But… I… haven't done any good… I sinned… I hurt people… Innocent people." Aliathra repented.

She now realized that she was wrong and now she stood there, an Elf… one of the most superior beings with their age, wisdom, bodies and intuitiveness to be humiliated by 2 human men. She stood there, head down ashamed that she was wrong by every account of the spelling of that one word of the phrase:

An Elf is Wrong

Then she felt a hand lay firmly with a fatherly grip on her shoulder. It was Bishop again.

"'Come now, let us settle the matter,' says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet; they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.' As Isaiah was told. I believe you can make this right. For all of us." Bishop said.

Aliathra closed her eyes, she swallowed her pride again. She remembered her mission, to protect the people of Gliesia from war and now her mission was reinterpreted into a new and radically different light. She was going to save Gliesia, from themselves.

"Where do I begin?" Aliathra asked.

"Tell explain to us everything you know," Bishop said.

"And after that, we can go get some Pizza and Hot Chocolate after all of this if it makes you feel better."

"Make it a NY Special with Chilies for the Pizza and make the chocolate EXTRA thick," Bishop said.

"I see you are a man of tastes… for a Priest." Diaz smiled amused.

"I don't confine myself to an Abbey and tweet the bible like some Podcaster. I am an Actor after all or I would be a horrible Salesian." Bishop smiled.

It was a smile of a mission accomplished. And the CCTV cameras that were bugged in Aliathra's room saw every second. It was now time to fully uncover the truth and set everyone free from the shackles of Fear and Misunderstanding before it turns into an unquenchable inferno.


"UAV Arriving at the target location in… 60 Seconds," ISAC said in his Robotic AI Voice.

"Major are you sure we are going to go ahead with this… plan of yours? Sounds risky to me." Admiral Iachima Nishizaki, the Commander of Taskforce Aurora, Colonel Holyfield's assigned Amphibious Assault Carrier.

He is in command of the said Carrier, the Aurora, and her escort of Destroyers. Not only was he in command of some of the finest ships the UFE had ever created with their own two hands but he is also in charge of about 72 Aircraft of various roles from UAV's, Fighters, Multirole and Bombers. When he first heard of Holyfield's radical plan of 'a Show of Force' at the Slaegian Empire's capital of Haringpoint. The 51-year-old of Japanese descent from a long line of Naval Fathers did not know to be amused or to be mildly concerned of him going full circle with a Japanese trying to open up a port to a Hostile Country and he knew that moment in history as it was repeated in his heritage.

"A little bit of Recon and Scouting doesn't hurt anyone. Besides it's just a Drone so no real risks here." Holyfield said.

"So, what are we supposed to look be looking for there?" the Admiral asked.

"They're not just going to let us talk after a simple shouting that I can tell you. We need to grab their attention. Something that will make them shit their pants if its gone. Military Assets, Infrastructure, perhaps even the Royal Palace herself if it has to be." Holyfield said.

"Does… the Council back at Earth know this?" Nishizaki asked.

"Half." Holyfield bluntly replied.

"Half? What do you mean by… 'Half'?" the Admiral's eyes widened.

"You know about the Press Embargo a moment after the Arhaf Attack correct? Those Wigs back home is going to have a field day if they knew most of what is happening here in Benham-3. We could risk the pulling out of our funding, bureaucratic blockings and at worse a full withdrawal if the wrong people, Wig or Corpo gets a word of this or at least… not until we can entrench our presence here from our still fragile position." Holyfield said.

"So, what does Earth know?" the Admiral asked.

"That there was an Attack injuring several of our soldiers and some of the friendly natives by insurgents. Next is Me and Colonel Polonsky are getting the situation under control. Lastly a request for additional resources… however… that's the most concerning part of what they know…" Holyfield said.

"Let me guess… the Wigs are going to file in a PMC unit to jump here?" the Admiral asked.

"1 is concerning, dozens of them? I might want to just throw in my retirement papers! Even if those PMC's are those associated with Aparo Corporation it's still going to be a shit show." the Admiral scoffed.

His disdain for the Megacorporation and their tight control and monopolies on strategic resources that make the United Federation move was showing. Giving them, an inch of Gliesian Land and they will gladly take a mile in the name of profit. His experience in dealing with those profit-driven groups who made several of his campaigns throughout the colonies such a slog was a key motivator on his voting for Chairman Bousquet in taking the leadership of the Council in a bid to regulate, stifle and hopefully put a stop to the Corporations meddling in Humanities many affairs. Aparo Corporation is already one mouth enough to feed.

"We must embrace that possibility… one way or the other. Most of my colleagues are stretched out in many Hotspot Systems. But they lack something we have; Initiative and I will move mountains to get every inch of it." Holyfield said.

"Attention: UAV has arrived at the Coordinates," ISAC announced.

"Give me a feed ISAC." Holyfield ordered.

His Command Room's Holographic Screen opened as the blinking red dot of Live Recording footage shone ominously on the left corner of the screen.

From beneath the clouds, the Major and Admiral to could see traces of civilizations from farming fields to cobble roads. As the UAV continued to fly onwards, they were met with a wall, a great-sized wall followed by multitudes of dozens of brick housing that took shelter within.

"This should be it according to Iris' logs," Holyfield commented.

The Camera feed flew past the houses as it progressed from one to two-floored homes of simple materials to more opulent and grandstanding ones of the type of homes a well-off household could afford to dress with. The further inwards the city the UAV glided, the more distinct the features of the buildings were.

"Haringpoint is a Coastal City, right? With a peninsula? Meaning the walls are the only place people would enter from land. That means there's a port. A Bay-area perhaps." The Admiral mentioned.

"Good thinking. ISAC run to the edge of the City. I want to look there." Holyfield said.

"Command received. Affirmative." ISAC acknowledged.

It wasn't long before the sea of houses became an actual blue sea as the UAV discreetly overwatches the Haringpoint's Ports.

"That's a lot of ships. Most likely trading ships. Rules of War say they shouldn't be blown up." The Admiral pointed out.

"There's got to be a Naval Base… wait… those ships over there," Holyfield said as his eyes glanced over an unusually large boat in more distinct painting at his twelve-o clock.

The UAV flew forward as the camera examined the ship that Holyfield directed. It had the Red and Black colorings of the Slaegian Empire's national colors that he knew from his experience with the Legionnaires. It had 3 Masts with the left to the right masts order of size between the largest to the smallest. It was anchored off with an entourage of smaller built ships but of the same colors.

"Looks far too ornate to be a simple Trading Ship." Nishizaki stated.

"ISAC we have some targets. Now let's see the rest of the city." Holyfield said.

He will save those Naval Ships for later once the plan is ready.

The UAV soon flew away from the Ocean as it made its approach towards a peculiar set of buildings that sat atop a rising slope and counted the Major counted 3. What made them stood out compared to every other opulent structure that littered the inner parts of Haringpoint was the level of Complexity and Real Estate spacing those structures had in comparison.

The first building was at the bottom of the slope and it is the largest in terms of width. It had multiple courtyards within the confines of its walls plus a giant tower in the middle of the complex. It had an air of respect and prestige that aired at those who observes it.

"I think that's the Magic College that Iris talks about." Holyfield said.

The next building was several dozens of meters away from the College and it hosted a large dome with fortifications that surrounded that blocked off access and further upward from the Slope. The building was of a more practical and straightforward design but had many Slaegian Empire heraldries signifying an aura of watchful sovereignty and authority throughout the city.

"Some sort of Military Fort? Or Government Office maybe? Either way, it must be important if a second wall had to be built." Nishizaki commented.

The last building on the Slope is by Holyfield's accounts the most lavishly built home in the entirety of their reconnaissance of the Imperial Capital.

Its designs were of a uniquely sleek and opulent stature. More form than function as if the Occupants of that residence spared no expense in flaunting how much worldly objects, he can decorate the exterior of his home.

"I bet that's the Imperial Palace. Log that in ISAC." Holyfield said with a determined huff. "I am going to make my pitch for my plan back to Wig at Earth and get their permission, which I KNOW they will."

"Admiral… in the Spirit of your nation's history and the Ghost of Admiral Perry. Take your fleet to Haringpoint." Holyfield turned to the Admiral.

"I know a very appropriate codename for my next operation Major." Nishizaki smiled. "Operation Bakumatsu."

"Save the Ching Chong when it's Orange Chicken Dinner Night at the mess hall." Holyfield snarked.

"It means the 'End'… of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration." Nishizaki corrected.

"Oh… the more you know. Officer! Get me a private line with Earth at the double." Holyfield yelled.