
The Slaegian Legion's finest Generals gathered around the Imperial Palace's War Room. War Plans were made, Military Assets were reviewed and Orders were being written to send out by carrier birds. But Emperor Uldin was still unsure of several key factors to ensure the Empire's survival. First was the commitments of his Elven Allies:

With news of the Royal Princess Aliathra who was sent to aid them now deemed missing and perhaps dead, Uldin drew sweat on how his most strategic ally would react to this news. He could rely on the Sefydliad and their roster of Mages, Clerics, Rangers and other sorts of Rogues and unconventionally trained people but his only links to them were through the Royal Family the Lareththors. He has yet to see Lyndis again since she was beginning to 'work on something' but he has no idea what that 'something' is or how it could of any help. If fighting underhandedly could help, then he shouldn't question the Spy woman who rivals the Empire's own native counterpart of Mita and her Crows.

The second consideration is with the Dwarves up at the Ostalroc Mountains. He has several very strong trade agreements and other economic guarantees that ensure him that he has both the security and access to the riches of the Ostalroc's such as Scandanite, Mana Crystals, Luxury Jewels, Silver and most fabled of them all, Actocolite which WAS used to make some of the finest weapons in the Continent and it is said that it has a mind of its own almost always protecting its user against harm and never losing it as if soul bound to serve its user till relinquishment or death. Was in the sense that the knowledge on how to make such a miraculous ingot of Actocolite that's good enough to forge a sword from was said to be lost for centuries as not many Dwarves in the Ostalrocs knew how or what exactly Actocolite is made or even looks like in its raw form. It was one of the leads that Petur and his Grey Order said they will investigate to see if they can continue the production of these type of weapons. It was even said that Caldell's Sword Cân Rhyfel was said to be made from this very material.

Speaking about that, there was of course his on how gamblers would say… 'Ace in the sleeve'. The Chosen one himself attached under the care of Grey Order specifically Petur, Faithleann. An upstart boy from a backwater town in the Empire was chosen by the Crystal to be one of its champions. News was spreading but many of the more cynical or practical minded of the Empire held doubts over this young boy. From what Uldin has heard, the boy showed some promising aptitude in both Magic and Swordsmanship. He may have shown competency but experienced he was not. Hopefully, the Grey Order can get him out there and do any notable acts of heroism to fend off the Demon Invasion.

These are all of the tools and his strengths at his disposal. The Empire's best shot to protect themselves from the oncoming apocalypse. Uldin didn't want to see his two children grow up in a collapsing world where the Demons preyed upon all life. No, he needed to win this one for humanity and for all of Gliesia. If they don't stop them now, then the Age of the Iron Fist where people like Alboen will make suffer the land suffer under the yoke of his tyranny all over again. He made a promised to his late wife Silinde that he would take care of his daughter and son Estrice and Arthufir.

Now he knows what is at stakes, Uldin deliberated throuroughly on who are his adversaries, the Demons or 'Otherworlders' themselves.

From what little he had gathered; their power base is somewhere near his Vassal of Tyr Rian. He hates to admit it but he has to consider the Citadel at the Crossroads between the Empire, the Southern Tip of the Ostalrocs and the exotic lands of the Eastern Suzerainties (and beyond) to be compromised. From what information he could gather, they have to powers of mighty Steel Dragons that fire arrows that explode in a brilliant gust of fiery shrapnel or it the loud gusting of their breath attacks that spat daggers faster than the eyes can see. There was no hope for an unfortified house to withstand even the minimalist of its assault from the beasts. He also still remembers the words from that "Steel Cloud" as so it called itself when it made its presence known hovering over his city days ago. It immediately left after it said its piece but nobody in Slaegia cannot forget what it said:

"We know that is you who tried to assassinate Governor White and Prince Clovich." As Uldin could remember the Steel Cloud bitterly advocated.

Rumors amongst the populace whispered behind closed doors over the implications of that. Prince Clovich and the Principality of Tyr Rian was one of the most prosperous places within the Empire's realm. His family had a significant influence in the core politics of the Slaegian Empire due to being where all the Trade coming east would converge, make sales and travel away from. The Rian's were loyal, steadfast and always in tabs with the latest gossips from all over the continent and any attempt on his person or the lands he governs would ripple through all of Ysanigrad. There were doubts being sown within the populace outside in the countryside and inner territories if open conflict now is even a viable option due to not experiencing firsthand these "Otherworlder's" themselves. Many only just recently heard of the news that the Capital was attacked through varying degrees of trickled down word of mouth from the less informed citizens of the Empire.

Uldin parted his lips and let out a deep shuddering sigh feeling the mixture of stress, age, and sleeplessness all mixing together in a foul brew. Before him lay numerous problems with the greatest being the arrival of those from the void, these Otherworlders. Damned beings whom had undone the entirety of the Empire's table of that displayed in all of her expansive glory. He was used to juggling around the more practical sides of running the Empire such as statecraft, law legislations and economic management but these Otherworlders almost made him want to swipe away all of the pieces on the board as everything was now deemed irrelevant. His inner torment leaving him oblivious to the back and forth discussion of his advisors and generals, some noticed, some didn't continue their back and forth with others across the table.

"Three hundred twenty-five thousand Legionnaires all spread out with only less than half of that near Tyr Rian." One general said.

"Who are also mostly recruits or only experienced in fighting bandits rather than proper armies. We need to move one of our northern Legions down south to reinforce now." Another said.

"The Tribespeople might see that as an opportunity to take back some of the ground we had taken from them." Said Huguet Carcer, the Priaut Cadlysér or Grand Commander of the Legion argued.

It was his valor and the veterans he led that fought tooth and nail for at the North to get the new territories for the Empire. The Daosne, the Umbrella term for the Beastpeople who live North of them sat upon a rich and untapped reserve of Mana Crystals and Oak that the Empire needed for other expansion plans such as their Navy to fend off Tavai Privateers and to build more cities with. In his experience, they are all despite their many sizes, colors and hairs were relentless with each kind different but equally perilous to behold. Using their homeland to their advantage to perform ambushes and sneak attacks, only the strongest and daring of Legionnaires can live to see their first years there through. To be made even partially pull back from his gains made the Cadlysér feel like all of his hard campaigning will be all for naught.

"What use is the North if the Empire will be up in flames from the south? We know how to deal with the Beastpeople well enough that we can eventually take back whatever we let them gain but these Otherworlders DARED attacked our city. The homeland is bleeding! Please Cadlysér, the Goddess Ghana needs her bravest of Sons to protect her domain." One of the younger officers appealed.

Those words pierced Huguet to his heart. The Junior Officers were right. Yet when he said about knowing how the Beastpeople fought in those countless campaigns against them got him to stop and think of another concern.

Just how do these Otherworlder's fight?

He knew that the Easter Suzerainties prefer to use Horses or other mounts to outmaneuver their foes. The Daosne will try to outsmart the enemy with intricate knowledge of their home terrain, the Dwarves prefer to outlast their enemies based on his experiences helping out several Clans during Civil Wars and the Elves prefer a mix of outfighting their enemies through superior technique and also out shooting there enemies with the aid of their Bows and Crossbows or Magic. From the reports he heard, there was mix of Elven and Easter Suzerainties patterns in the form of the 'Steel Dragons' the Otherworlders have being able to out maneuver there best Griffin Riders and whilst being able to output an obscene amount of Ranger fire with their breath attacks. No reports yet if these 'You-Knighted-Fe-der-ray-shon' have any melee fighters just like the old legends of Alboen and his Steel Demons being supremely armored and heavy weapon wielding monstrosities who cut down anything through brute force alone.

"Emperadwyr? Should we redeploy some of our Northern Legions back home?" Huguet asked.

"Wh—what? Sorry, I… I was lost in thought…" Uldin woke up from his inattention.

"Redeploy some of our best Legions to the Tyr Rian border?" Huguet repeated.

"Yes! Yes! But what about Lyndis? Petur?" Uldin said.

Huguet had his reasons to harbor a significant amount of distrust to the Grey Order and the Sefydliad. The former being nothing more but glorified mercenaries more concerned of their pay and living another day despite their numerous and credible skills that come with a price tag of hundreds of Ducats. They also have a tendency to be quite Insubordinate when it comes to the more lawful Legionnaires who have a more uniform means of conducting battles. For the Elves, there more concern of the survival of their Nation and people's plus their tendency of secrecy and often times manipulating the other peoples of Gliesia to do their bidding like pawns in a game board makes them feel condescending and smug at their 'Supremacy'.

"I do not think those two can do much good other than causing too much chaos in our own soil milord. I suggest you let the Legion do -----" Huguet was interrupted by the door opening suddenly behind them.

It was Lyndis, the Sefydliad Elf.

Normally it is rude to barge unless a critical update was needed to be let known.

"Lyndis. You said you and your colleague are working on something? What is it exactly?" Uldin asked. His dull face was reinvigorated by the Elf's presence. Or maybe it's the fact that Elven women are just supremely dashing in looks compared to the war weary and stern faces of all of the Generals gathered.

"I was just informed by my agents… that the Otherworlder's are in Souviel." Lyndis bluntly said.

The room was set abuzz by that heralding. These Otherworlder's are making their move so quickly now and already their tentacles have reached one of Tyr Rian's neighbors, the Duchy of Souviel. One of the most important economic centers in all of the Empire. Many of the Generals began to fear the worst, a besiegement. The city from a strategic point of view was not designed to fightback a siege.

"We must rally the Legions now! Souviel will not hold out for long." One of the generals pleaded.

"They are not besieging the city mind you." Lyndis calmed them down. "But based on my reports they are attempting to do the same thing that they did to Tyr Rian." She said.

"Which is?" Huguet asked.

"You Generals lack subtlety. All you brutes can think of his bashing other people's skulls until they squish. As I was about to say, they are trying to Seduce Duke Thibault to their side. My scouts reported that the Otherworlders have presented him many gifts." Lyndis said.

"What kind of gifts?" Uldin's eyes twitched, his head now pried to this new development.

"From what they could discern, promises of riches beyond his wildest dreams, sights never before seen and fruits never before tasted. One such gift of the latter is what they could here is 'Mee-sus Feelds'. It said that the Duke and his court were already begging the Otherworlder's to give him more of that strange dark looking bread." Lyndis said. There was a slight cringe on her tone when she got to the part about the Duke clamors.

"That is most troublesome… I am afraid Souviel is lost." Uldin capitulated.

The Duke was by all accounts from the lowliest peasant to even his own Imperial Guards that Thibault is someone who can best be described as a man with the body of a bloated 31-year-old man but the mind of a spoiled prepubescent child of at least 10 autumns worth of age. Souviel in the grand scheme of things from a Wartime Perspective as the aging Emperor see's in his map of the Empire, is valued for its ports and rich recruiting grounds for Sailors and Marines. Then there's the Wine and Fruits of the region that could be used for a whole variety of purposes like preservatives, medicines and lamp fuels. It normally relies on Tyr Rian for its protection inland and a garrison of well-funded (thanks to the rich trading by mostly inexperienced Knights in addition to the Ostalroc's going down all the way south of its coast. For the sea however, a Garrison of the Slaegian's Imperial Navy sits atop the Duchy but are mostly just fast and light frigates whose job is to patrol and intercept any intruders that fall into the line of Pirates and Smugglers. However, there was rumors that the Garrison are easily bribed to feign ignorance.

"Not quite milord." Lyndis said.

"Oh? You have something?" Uldin asked. His heart skipping a beat.

"The Duke still has to have a bard come into his chambers to sing him to sleep and some of those songs conform to several superstitious beliefs. I recall one song calls about a bad omen that warn of a disaster. Storms and earthquakes followed by famine or rebellions to name a few. I told my Spies that if we can convince the Duke that these Otherworlders are a bad omen we need to make these 'Warning Signs' to get the message across." Lyndis proposed.

"Can you… explain further?" Uldin pushed his ear closer.

"The Games, that festival that the Duchy holds around this time to celebrate the end of the Summer?" Lyndis said.

"Ahh… you mean the Chwartiadd? Everyone flocks there." Huguet interrupted.

"Are you saying we should make the Chwartiadd cancelled by causing the storm? It is in bad faith to hold a festival after a calamity!" Uldin said.

Lyndis silently nodded.

The Emperor and his Cabinet deliberated it for a while. The Chwartiadd held many kinds of games from fighting tourneys, art contests, races and even a fireworks display. It would be a huge blow to one's spirits and finances if it was unfortunately cancelled. Uldin bit is lips and swallowed his pride.

"Tell your agents to do it." The Emperor said.

"A lot of people are not going to like this." Huguet sighed.

Everyone in the room knew the consequences of this action.

-------------(Meanwhile in Calelh Point) -------------

The Clouds were slowly darkening the once azure skies of Souviel and the wind began to flow harder like crashing waves brushing violently with the cliff side grass as Stryder Group oversaw the vista from the ruined lighthouse. It was nearing sunset and Stryder Group was assigned by Bianchin to scout over Calelh Point for the Ships that Zatrek and his Tavai are transporting the Mana Crystals too. Another team by the name of Viking will oversee the unloading of the Cargo while an escorted Convoy of Trucks arranged by Aparo to be transported back to New Albany for research.

"Hope they come here on time." Clay commented. The good light left from his Binocular but it was immediately followed up by the Squad Land Cruiser's headlights turning on.

It was laid back that time as Dinner time approaches so Kayin thought it would be a good idea to watch a classical fantasy film for the sake of Iris and Aliathra inside.

"What is your Magic Mirror going to show us?" Aliathra asked.

"It is called a… a… 'Smart Pad' Aliathra. It will show you a movie that you might like." Kayin answered. He turned the device over facing the screen towards the two women.

"A Movie is like a play Princess." Iris explained in her own way.

"What are we going to watch?" Aliathra asked.

"The Hobbit bade by John Renauld Reuel Tolkien. You may see some… familiar… eh… things and ideas here that will hit you close to home. It is by the way, the prequel or what happened before the events of Lord of the Rings that you have watched, well... for Iris at least." Kayin said.

"Close to home?" Aliathra was bewildered as the metaphor didn't go through her head.

"Just watch it." Iris said.

The two girls saw the story of Bilbo Baggins and his quest to help Thorin Oakenshield get his old home back from the evil Dragon Smaug. She also saw the moment that the Halfling get the One Ring of Power, an Artifact as the girls saw it of extreme and seductive powers that corrupts the souls that touches it. To Aliathra's astonishment, the corruption is less visually apparent and more psychological in nature with their own selfish desires doing the real physical changes such as neglect of one's exterior as in the case of the previous holders of the Ring can attest. They fought orcs who were by Iris' own statements were 'distorted' and almost always male. Orcs normally allow their own women to fight alongside them in raids and compared to the looks between the Orcs in Lord of the Rings and the Orcs in Gliesia, the latter were much more presentable in facial features.

"Hey what's going on?" Diaz said, he came back inside the MRAP alongside Obediah and Lieutenant Rose. The top side of their heads had the scent of fresh rain drops.

"The Hobbit. Something for fun before dinner time." Kayin said.

"Oh my… wonder how will Aliathra react to the Elves?" Samantha mentioned.

"There are Elves in this play?" Aliathra asked.

"Yes, look and see for yourself." Samantha smiled back.

Just then, Crocker entered the Land Cruiser through the Driver's seat and turned to the squad. His eyes widened in worry as he looked at the rest of his team.

"Damn! I just got a call from ISAC. He told me this is gonna be a rain storm." Crocker informed.

"Oh no! Is the Delivery going to be off?" Diaz asked.

"I think it will just be delayed." Crocker said.

"I hope the Tavai know what they are doing. I noticed they use the same normal wooden crates to transport… well… everything to avoid arousing suspicion." Aliathra said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Samantha said.

"Mana Crystals of exceptionally large quantities have to be transported in special crates that only a few groups of people in Gliesia are known to use. It's meant to keep them safe and stable during so they don't accidentally ignite. This however comes at the cost of less space being used up to properly separate the crystals from each other. Unfortunately for the Tavai they are focused on speed and profit over safety I am afraid. Although they did improvise several… subpar measures but ultimately, one wrong move can cause the whole ship to blow up in an expulsion of magical energies." Aliathra explained.

"The way the Elf sounds like it is similar to how we Transport Nukes and Oil Lieutenant." Kayin whispered.

"That is most troublesome." Samantha said.

"I don't understand is that the skies normally shouldn't produce any rainfall let alone storms this time of the cycle." Aliathra questioned. "I think its best if the Ship is delayed for maybe 1 or more day until the seas are cleared.

"Stryder Lead? Stryder Lead? Come in?" the Radio announced. It was the voice of the Viking Group leader contacting them.

Samantha picked up the radio and pushed the button to talk.

"This is Stryder Lead. Sitrep? It's supposed be me calling you first." Samantha informed.

"Sorry Lieutenant Rose, we just need to inform you that we are going dig in for the night. Storm is shutting down the town. And some people are pissed." Viking Lead said.

"What happened Did something go wrong in Town?" Samantha pressed.

"Not of our own fault. But many of them said that they are worried that some sort of Festival called 'the Chwartiadd.' might get cancelled." Viking Lead said.

"Oh, that is very troubling. I would be mad too if Ultra Kesserheim got cancelled for the year. Wait… what exactly is this… Chuwa---Tea… uh…?" Diaz commented before his tongue twisted itself on the foreign word.

"Chwartiadd." Aliathra and Iris said together in its proper pronunciation.

"It is a Grand Game and Festival held in Souviel to commemorate the Duchy's founding." Aliathra said.

"Translated to the English tongue of 'the Bravery Games', this festival celebrates the Duchy's Founding and is commemorated by Dancing, Music and Food followed by Games and Performances all happening outdoors. I have been to one such festival in my life and it was so colorful there. Masks, Costumes and Minstrels singing their latest tunes while Knights and Adventurers from across the realm compete for honor, money and glory." Iris said.

"So, like the Olympics and Mardi Gras has a baby gotcha. Damn… now that I realize it… that's gonna suck a lot." Diaz winked.

"Sure, is going to suck more if we stay here. This place is unsafe for us to stay on. Let's get back now down there to the Lonesome Hearth yeah?" Crocker said as he revved up the engine and carefully guided the Land Cruiser back to more stable ground.

Meanwhile, the rest of Stryder Group huddled up together to watch the rest of the Hobbit movie for the next hour or so before supper, but they were mostly just wanting to see the novelty of seeing Iris and Aliathra's reaction to the UFE's interpretation of the many fantastic creatures imagined up by the legendary J.R.R Tolkien. Although there was no Vampires in Tolkien's adapted work, the Vampire Witch was held in a captivated stance whilst Aliathra chattered with her teeth every time she sees the actors playing the heroes of the story perform daring feats. The Elf felt like she was seeing with her own two eyes the Romanticized novels she read with her sister now come to life. From the slaying of giants to the odds-defying stands the heroes took to get to the ancestral Dwarven Hold took the Princess breath away.

"Oh Sam, this play… I… I…I am impressed that your people wrote and capture such epic scenes for me and Iris to see." Aliathra thanked. "The only complaint I have is the Elves not using much magic as they would. All the Magic is being used by that Old Wizard they call 'Gandalf'." Aliathra gave her feedback.

"Well it's how Tolkien wrote it and the story revolves around just Bilbo's party and Gandalf so happens to be the only Mage in the group." Samantha said.

"I do say that I find Thorin and Kili to be the most handsome of the bunch." Aliathra blushed.

"How Ironic…" Obediah said.

As Stryder group began to discuss their thoughts and opinions of the movie, Samantha turned her eyes away to the window of the MRAP out of some boredom or maybe just curiosity because she likes to see sometimes the raindrops slide down from the windows.

By the window Samantha looked towards at was facing the Lonesome Hearth's front door and she could see that despite the state it was in. The building was holding out strong and hopefully a lightning bolt doesn't smite the home and burn it all to the ground. She couldn't bare to see Old Man Sandulf lose his life's work. Speaking of which, she noticed the front door open from the inside and out comes the man himself whose clock flew like a charging banner standing against the gale winds.

"Excuse me." Samantha said to her team as she got out of the MRAP.

"Sandulf? What are you doing out here? It's not safe!" Samantha yelled. Her voice was muffled by the winds disrupting the sound. She walked closer to the Old Man who was carrying some a small bag of discernable content.

"They call to me again." Sandulf replied meekly.

"Who?" Samantha asked.

"Aaahhh…" an eery sound was detected from Samantha's ear. Suddenly, illuminations of light of uncanny humanoid figures appeared.

Their bodies were a of the same cloth of a commoner but in a macabre twist, there bodies looked like they were crushed, flattened by some heavy weight. The Lieutenant counted 4 Figures all male by the way their hair was set and the clothes they wore. The figures all flew towards the ruined Lighthouse that Samantha and her team just left from.

"My… my Family's restless spirits. They continue to do their duty one more time…" Sandulf sulked.

"Spirits? You mean Ghosts!?!" Samantha asked.

"Yes… they never accepted that they had died not while the storms continue to darken the night. The Storm that took their lives away and changed my life for the worst is just like this one…" Sandulf said. There were tears falling on his eyes as the Lieutenant could discern due to the reddening of his eye whites.

The Old man pushed the Lieutenant away as he began to move forward, his frail body barely withstanding. But then a sudden acceleration of wind knocked Sandulf back but thankfully the Lieutenant was there to catch him.

"It is not safe here." Samantha argued.

"Then please… take these candles up there by the ruins where my In-Law's died and light them. It keeps them appeased at least for a while." Sandulf said.

With no other option or perhaps it was her own sense of compassion, Samantha grabbed the bag filled with candles and guided Sandulf back inside his Hostel where his Goblin servant was waiting for him.

"What are you doing?" Okt-To asked Samantha.

"Helping. Now stay here with him." Samantha said.

She held the bag tightly on her arm and dragged herself towards the Land Cruiser.

"Lieutenant? What are you doing?" Crocker asked.

"It is Sandulf… he wants these Candles up at the Light House." Samantha explained.

"That WE just left. That's dangerous back up there." Crocker said.

"Please, it would mean a lot to the Old Man if we do it just now for him." Samantha appealed.

"It's too dangerous!" Crocker argued.

"What's going on?" Iris poked out.

"She wants to place some Candles to where Sandulf's family died. Up there by the Light House." Crocker pointed.

"The Dead needs to be tended to with respect as decreed by Neneth. I will go." Aliathra said.

"Yeah, I did some shit like that for my Maw-Maw. I will help." Obediah volunteered.

"Ah fuck this. Clay, go with the Lieutenant and make sure she ain the rest of the squad get back here alive." Crocker ordered.

"Yessir." Clay saluted.

Samantha, Aliathra, Clay and Obediah trudged themselves up the Cliff. The wind's weight made them struggle every step of the way. As the progressed they could hear the mournful wailing off the ghosts as they hovered around the ruins of what was once their familial duty and legacy.

"Hold each other's hand everyone! Don't get separated! We got to finish this fast." Obediah cried.

Everyone held a hand to each other and gripped tightly. Together with each other's support the group made it back up the Lighthouse ruins where they can see the Ghosts hovering at the ruins of the once mighty tower.

"The ships are in danger once again father!" a young faced ghost tapped an elderly looking spirit.

"Alas! The Beacon is down! Hurry Boy, grab the spare Whale Fat." Elderly ghost ordered.

Samantha made her way past the ghost who did not notice her as she found a small sheltered compartment among the ruins where several dead candles lay. There melted wax rooting them on the cold and wet stone. Using her waterproof lighter, Samantha lit the bundle of candles she took from Sandulf and delicately placed them on the driest section of the compartment. She silently prayed for a moment for these two lost souls who departed so tragically.

"May Neneth have mercy on them. The Boy looks no more than fifteen." Aliathra commented.

"Aliathra, by any chance, how exactly are these Ghosts… eh… Spirit things are made?" Samantha asked the Elf.

"There are many theories about how these beings came to be. The humans say that these Ghosts came to be because they have some sort of unfinished business and that they are tethered in this plane by the Mana Crystals until they fulfill whatever they wished they had done in life. Others from my own kind say that it is some sort of projection of a person's consciousness through the exposure to Mana Crystals. If we are going to believe but there are several light houses in the world that uses Mana Crystals over regular Whale Fat since the former can project a more luminous projection than the latter. But I have heard that it makes the light house more vulnerable to… fiery related accidents." The Elf replied.

"I see, well by the looks of what I can understand, these ghosts are salty that they weren't able to fulfill their jobs as Lighthouse keepers when they were needed the most." Samantha concluded.

"Salty?" Aliathra asked.

"It means being resentful in our tongue. These Ghosts that were Sandulf's Family In-Law were angry that they died while in the line of duty." The Lieutenant explained.

"That is a good assumption." Aliathra admitted. The Red-Haired woman never fails to impress the Elf.

The wind began to pick up and the rainfall grew heavier on Souviel. It was strong enough to cause the sea levels to rise and weak branches of trees to fly off. Meanwhile the Ghosts of Sandulf's In-Laws continue to wail for the light that can never shine in their old enterprise. Moans of sadness, frustration and anguish can be heard from all the living who are present atop Calelh Point which made them restless.

"This storm is getting crazier by the second now. We should get out of here now! Hope those Tavai ships can find their way safely. Storms like these can cause floods." Obediah said.

"As long as the Light House down there is still on. We should have nothing to worry about." Clay said. The Tavai from his judgement were capable Mariners. These 'Sea Elves' should have no problem handling a nightly rainstorm.

He peered over the cliff the New Light House situated at Old Souviel's Harbor burning brightly through the night like a sun that descended to be a lantern that lifts that darkness leading to Souviel's Golden Sanctuaries.

Before unexpectedly…

The light snuffed out.

"Ah… El-Tee? The… The Light House!" Clay yelled.

"What?" Samantha walked towards the Radioman.

"The Light on the new Light House! It… It just vanished!" Clay panicked.

From Photographic Memory, Samantha knew from that direction is indeed the new Light House that replaced the Calelh point Light House after its collapse. At first, Samantha couldn't believe it.

"Maybe they just needed to replace the Light Bulb or whatever is used to make that place glow in the dark." Samantha tried to reason out.

Just as she spoke that, Clay's Radio beeped.

"All teams! This is Viking group! We are engaged in combat. I repeat, Viking Group is engaged in Combat." The Radio said.

"Say again Viking, who are you engaged in combat with? Where is your position?" Samantha asked.

"By the Light House at the Port. Some hooded cloaks killed the Light House keeper…. *static*… destroyed the Fuel Barrels… *static* Light House is out of comm… *static* Fire! Fire! 50 Meters 3'o Clock! I need all available units to converge on my position now! We are pinned down my Magic Missile fire!" Viking Lead said.

"Sabotage? Who?" Samantha pleaded for answer but the call dropped.

"Who would do such a thing?" Clay asked.

"Look hoe! My son! Ships seeking shelter from the Water God's wrath!" the Elderly Ghost pointed.

"More ships?" Samantha questioned.

She dashed to the other side of the ruins and peered over to the great sea across.

"Clay! Use your Night Vision goggles." Samantha ordered.

Turning on his NVG attached to the top of his helmet, the Radioman looked truly past the darkness across him. He saw three ships that were blindly walking sailing hazardously fast towards Souviel. He recognizes those ships. It was from the briefing earlier from Bianchin that those ships were marked from Zatrek's Tavai smugglers containing the volatile but precious Unbinilium Crystals.

And Souviel is engulfed in absolute darkness.

"Shit! They are going to crash in blind to Souviel!" Clay realized.

"With those ships, they crashing so violently they could devour the whole city in an explosion of Magical Fire." Aliathra added.

"We need to do something! They are heading in to fast." Clay said.

"We need a light source. They should slow down if they are nearing some light." Obediah said.

"I got it! We have some flares back at the Land Cruiser and a Flare Gun we can improvise with those." Samantha said. The lieutenant then pointed downwards to the flat beach below the Calelh Point's cliff.

"We can use the flares to light up the beach and signal the boats to land here." Samantha reasoned.

"But what if the Crystals still explode from the rough landing?" Clay argued.

"Well I rather have an empty beach on fire than an entire damn city any day of the week." Samantha argued back.

"I can use some of my Illusion Magic to make a big bright ball too if that can help." Aliathra said.

"Yes, you may also want Iris and her Amulet to assist you on that too. Clay! Radio in Crocker and explain everything quickly. Miss Lareththor! Make that Light Ball now!" Samantha ordered everyone.

"Yes Ma'am!" Obediah and Clay saluted in Unison.

Aliathra meanwhile brandished her arms now conjuring a brilliant white light before raising them upwards to the sky. The beam of light illuminated the darkness for miles ahead to see that one must be blind not to miss such a sight. However, the Elf Mage's acts are an exhaustive effort for her to maintain. Normally a light spell should be no larger of a ball than the size of a child's head.

Meanwhile, Clay radioed in Crocker from the Land Cruiser and as best as he could explained the situation to him.

"A fucking Oil Fire could happen?" Crocker asked.

"Yes! Get all of our flares out now." Clay said.

The Sergeant scrambled inside the Land Cruiser, toppling several objects and discomforting several of his own squad mates who were alarmed by the sudden shift of pace their Sergeant was in. It took him a quick shouting of 'Find the Flares now!' to whip up Kayin, Iris and Diaz from there inert states.

"Here our reserve flares and a flare gun." Kayin said after spotting the correct container box.

He opened the box and made a quick inventory of its contents. 2 Green Landing Flares, 3 Red Landing Flares, 5 White Flare Gun shells and the Flare Gun itself.

"What are those?" Iris asked.

"Think instant bright light Iris." Kayin explained quickly before closing the container box and running outside to the freezing and drenched storm.

Crocker and the rest of Stryder Group quickly grabbed their raincoats before heading out where Clay rendezvous with them. He was gasping for air and trying to shake off the raindrops from his person after a mad dash back down Calelh Point.

"Crocker! Aliathra is making the Old Light House work again. She need's Iris for help." Clay panted.

"Got it. What about the Flares?" Crocker asked.

"You, Diaz, Obediah and Kayin got to Illuminate the beach so that those boats can land safely." Clay relayed Samantha's orders.

"Got it." Kayin nodded before opening the container box of Flares.

Vincent and Kayin took 2 each of the Landing flares whilst Obediah took the last one. For Crocker he took the Flare Gun and all 5 of its ammo. He knew intrinsically that he is using these Flares against its intended use. But he also knew that They can't afford to have the Fantastic equivalent of an Oil Tanker fire to strike Souviel directly.

"Iris, grab some raincoats and follow Clay back up to the Light House Ruins." Crocker said before he and the rest of the Flare wielding Stryder Group ran off.

Iris thanks to some instruction from Kayin knew where the raincoats were held in the Land Cruiser and picked up one for her and 2 more for Aliathra and Samantha who ran off without raincoats. She then returned to Clay who escorted Iris back up the Cliff.

The rest of Stryder Group descended to the beach, they had to struggle to find a fine line between the urgency of there steps with the caution of there footing against the slippery ground. After a tense descent down the slopes, the Flare wielding half of Stryder Group made it down without any complications.

"Pop the Flares now!" Crocker ordered. He loaded his Flare Gun and shot the first out of five shots into the air illuminating the shadowy beach in artificial sunlight. The ball of light that was expelled from the Flare Gun fell. Like a lamp hanging on a corner, it further illuminated the beach.

Diaz, Obediah and Kayin popped open their flares and began to ran down the beach. They both agreed that they should be equidistant from each other as they waved the flares around to make the full stretch of the beach as visible as possible. The beach was quite large that Stryder Group are safe from the crashing waves but the beach is shallow enough that any large vessel will be marooned. The worst-case scenario was that the ships will crash violently and be engulfed in fire and the best case in their gamble was that the ships will be marooned with minor damage to the ship and its precious cargo. Crocker hope that these Tavai Sailors are indeed skilled in Maritime related magics if Zatrek and Aliathra's words are to go by.

Meanwhile back up at the Light House Ruins, Iris has just made it back up to the top of the Lighthouse and is now assisting the Elven Mage with her own Magics with Iris' Crystal Necklace as an Auxiliary power source.

"El-Tee! What is the status of those Tavai ships?" Clay asked.

"They would be blind to not see this. Look!" Samantha said before she pointed out towards the sea.

The Boats began to change course from blindly going to a crash course for Souviel to now an illuminated sail for the beach below Calelh point. The Boats should in Samantha's intuition should notice the illuminated beach front filled with a trinity of Red, Green and White lights.

Thunders cracked and gale winds shifted as all of Samantha and Stryder hopes fell on this expeditious plan.

"The Light! The Light! It has returned to us! Calelh Point shines ONCE MORE!" the Elderly Ghost feverously cried. It was an ecstatic roar as the luminous materials that made its body glow brighter. The same can also be said for the younger looking ghost too.

"The Ghost it is getting elated. The Light House must be the key." Iris said.

"The Key to what?" Samantha asked.

"For it to move on." Iris bluntly answered.

Meanwhile back at the Tavern, Sandulf peeked over the window and he couldn't believe his eyes. The Lighthouse somehow rematerialized in amidst the darkness of the stormy night. It was nearly the same structure, shape and state that he remembered in his younger years except for the being to be made of pure bright light. Soaring, illustrious and most important of all gleaming against the obsidian deluge that is night. From what his old eyes can discern he could see none other than Samantha and her friends (that she insists she calls 'Team') standing alongside his tragically departed Father In-Law Keon and his Brother In-Law Farrand. For the first time in along time, he was reminded of times when he was a youthful young restaurateur who married the beautiful daughter of the Lighthouse Keeper. He had a dream to build the greatest Tavern and Inn in all of Gliesia. It renewed him a vigor that he thought was lost forever when he buried Ibon sometime after that tragic accident. A Vigor to continue on living. A tear fell from his eye, a tear of sweet respite. This Samantha Rose alleviated his burden.

"Okay! Okay! Ohhh-Kaaay!!! It's coming its coming!" Diaz said as he saw the Boats steer the course towards his direction.

As soon as the Tavai Smugglers on the could see the peeking grey of dry land. There Sailors readied themselves with their Water Magics for a very rough landing. Conjuring the Water around them to there will, the Sailors created an artificial wave from the violent seas that they used to safely cushion there landing. The waters engulfed all of there hulls as they thrust themselves to the safety of dry land in an aim to land the ship in a less turbulent medium.

"Brace!" a Tavai captain told his crew.

"Bollocks! Get out of the way!" Crocker yelled.

Stryder Group dropped their flares and began to scramble away from the Ships who sped pass the Beach and onto the wet and muddy plain inland. The Water Magic cause their boats to hover pass the ocean before touching down ungracefully at the flat plain, slight capsizing their vessels as soon as the Magic energies dissipated. Ultimately there was now crash fire which relieved everyone in Stryder Group.

"Let's go." Crocker told him.

Diaz, Obediah and Kayin followed the Sergeant towards one of the boats where the Crew emerged from there vessels, battered in rain water but unharmed except for a few cosmetic cuts and bruises on their bodies.

"You. The Sun share's her wealth." A Tavai told Crocker.

It was a challenge phrase. Thankfully Aliathra taught them the correct response earlier to all of the teams involved in this operation. It was based off of a Tavai Proverb about generosity.

"And the Moon follows her example." Crocker responded.

"So, you are what Zatrek told us about? Your armor is impressive." The Tavai said.

"Thank you but let's get down to business. How much of these Crystals do we got?" Crocker said.

"Thirty Crates all filled up just as you wanted, Ten each per boat. Zatrek will take care of our payment. Where can we hide them for now? The Aer Quessir will surely investigate." The Tavai informed. His breath was weary from the storm he and his fellow sailors barely survived such an encounter.

"I know a place for now. Get your crew to port these and follow us. Diaz, Root, Mudwin carry some Boxes and get them to the Lonesome Hearth now." Crocker ordered.

For the next Two Hours, Stryder alongside the Tavai Smugglers ported all 30 crates to the Lonesome Hearth. They had to make multiple returns back to the boats to ensure every last crate was accounted for. From Kayin's observations, the Crates weigh about 10 Kilograms each.

Much to Sandulf's astonishment and chagrin over the influx of newcomers into his establishment.

"What? Who are these people?" Sandulf asked.

"Tavai, Sea Elves." Samantha a said after she hung her wet raincoat by the door and shaking off the raindrops from her body with a towel.

"Sea Elves? Nothing really good every comes with them… Hey! What are those boxes? Why are they glowing? Are those Mana Crystals? Enough to supply an Army of Mages?" Sandulf pointed out to Crocker who was storing the crates at the Tavern's empty storage room. There wasn't much content outside of Sandulf and Okt-to's personal supply of food for their nutrition, a few barrels of untapped wine, a box of dried meats and lastly some preserved produce.

He didn't want to have his life's work seized by the Guards for being an accessory to a crime. His debts to Jodent was already difficult enough to fulfill alone. Without his establishment scrapping by his meager paltry sums to the bank, he might as well sell himself into slavery.

"Look here Inn Keeper." The Tavai Captain approached the fearful old man.

The Sea Elf reached into his pocket and handed him over a full hand sized bag at Sandulf's hand. From the clinking noise that Samantha could hear it was a bag full of coins. Bribe Money.

"This deal is going to make me famous amongst my Cartel and I don't want some nosy Innkeeper to ruin it for me." the Sea Elf Captain said.

Sandulf tried to speak up but the Tavai cut him off.

"I would like to 'Invest' 10,000 Ducats to this fine establishment. In addition to any… 'donations' from my motley crew here for shelter and a meal for the night. Do we have a deal?" the Tavai proposed.

The Old Innkeeper was left flabbergasted. His eyes and mouth were widened open by the large sum of Ducats he heard the Sea Elf offer. Not believing his ears at that moment, Sandulf pushed the Captain aside and headed to the bar counter of his Tavern and opened the bag. He counted the golden, silver and bronze denominations of the bag. To his amazement, it was indeed exactly 10,000 Ducats that he held on his hands.

He turned to the Tavai Captain, his worrisome concern over being an accessory to a crime transitioned to optimistic participation.

"I… I… I… can pay… off my De--… Deb… Please yes! Everyone, make yourselves at home tonight. I don't have much but everything is one the house for you for one night only!" Sandulf smiled.

And for the first time in his life, he had tasted the success of prosperity.

All the tired, thirsty and hungry congregation of Tavai Sailors and Stryder Group cheered for the rest of the night. Dining (or more of rationing) on Smoked Fish, Dried Fruit and Wine with a few shanties sang by Aliathra and the Tavai until they all collapsed in fulfilled pleasure.

Sandulf looked on and when he saw Samantha try to sleep on the chair of one of his tables, he carefully gave her a blanket and a pillow from one of the Lonesome Hearth's guest rooms for her to lay comfortably on.

He gave thanks to the Gods for his change of fortune.

--------------------- (the Next Day) --------------------------

"Stryder… I think I fucked up… ahh…" Bianchin said. He palmed his face as a massive headache assaulted him again.

The Next Day after the stormy night was dry and blue skies like how the UFE first entered Souviel. They returned to camp Ghillie Leaf after the convoy that was meant to transport the precious Mana Crystal Cargo to New Albany for Dr. Mahelona. They bid farewell to the Tavai who had to quickly get out of Souviel once the order was delivered before the local authorities came. There marooned boats reentered the waters the same way how their ships were beached in the first-place last night. It was no wonder as Samantha documented on her camera why the Tavai were renowned sailors.

"What happened? Did relationships break down with the Duke?" Samantha asked.

"No, actually its never been better. It's just that… well… yesterday… the Duke shared with me a special bottle that 'keep me smiling' for days such as yesterday and it was… SO…DAMN… GOOD!" Bianchin said.

"He is suffering from a hangover Lieutenant." One of Bianchin's PMC Bodyguards explained.

"And what happened?" the Lieutenant pressed further.

"You know about those…GAYM--HISSS that's happening tomorrow?" Bianchin asked.

"The Chwartiadd? Yes, I know. We noticed the town has been preparing for it. Hopefully the Storm doesn't cancel it." Samantha answered.

"Well…" Bianchin replied before he let out a large belch from his stomach "It is going through." The Corpo added.

"One day delayed to be exact. Which is two days from now." Bianchin finished.

"That's great. So, will you be there to watch the games with him in some fancy box thing. You're his guest after all."

"Not me… We are all are." Bianchin waved his hands carelessly while giving a loose smile on his reddened cheeks.

"We?" Samantha twitched her eyebrows.

"Not completely all of you Lieutenant but some of you will participate." Bianchin's Bodyguard explained.

"Participate? As in… play IN the Games?" Samantha asked.

"Yes… during last night while we were dealing with that… 'Incident' by the Lighthouse, Mr. Bianchin and Duke Thibault had a drinking session together to pass the time. The wine served was so… eh… how do I say… Potent for lack of a better term, that it made Mr. Bianchin very… loose lipped." The Bodyguard explained.

"I am actually more concerned about what happened in the Lighthouse with Viking Team. What happened? All I got was broken words and static." Samantha asked.

"First off I would want to commend your team for your quick thinking on averting a potential disaster first." The Bodyguard clapped followed by everyone else in the camp congratulating the young lieutenant.

She blushed with all the flattery she received and with a retained yet slowly fading smile she continued on with her inquiries.

"With gratitude, and now the incident? What happened? All I saw was the Lighthouse turning off when it shouldn't be." Samantha asked.

"Sabotage." Viking Lead stood up answered. "My team were digging in at Zatrek's Warehouse for the night when the storm hit. Then one of my men spotted a suspicious individual assaulting and then murdering the Lighthouse Keeper. We gave chase and managed to capture him. After some… 'chat time' with him he squealed and led us to his friends. We managed to find this."

The Team Leader presented to Samantha a ring. It had an intricate symbols of a bird like creature and what can she only describe as four petals spreading outwards like a flower from what she could discern. In between the lines and crannies of the symbol, there were traces of a red paste that stuck to its surface. After smelling red material, she came to the conclusion that it must be some sort of wax.

"That looks too delicate for anything I have seen at the moment. Maybe it's not from here." Samantha asked.

"That looks of Elven design is my guess." Iris added.

"Funny enough, we did find some Elves there. They were doing some sort of ritual or something when took'em by surprise. We managed to get some of them but a few managed to escape from the fight with some of them Invisibility Magic." Viking Lead said.

"Hey, maybe Aliathra knows a thing about this." Samantha asked.

She took the ring and head outside. Normally Aliathra wasn't allowed to be in such meetings due to her relatively recent assignment with the Study and Observations group. Her normal routine outside of eating breakfast with everyone was at the camp's lavatory washing her golden blonde hair and trying retain any grace still worthy of a (former) Princess. They did indeed find her observing herself in the mirror. She was touching the screen's silver surface staring at herself when Samantha approached her.

"Good Morning Aliathra." Samantha said.

"And also, with you Rose." Aliathra answered as she dried her hair.

"We need your help with something… Elven in nature. Can you help?" the Lieutenant asked.

The Elf nodded and Samantha promptly showed the ring.

Immediately, Aliathra's eyes widened. She grabbed the ring, her eyes blinking in disbelief as she examined the object with not only her sight but her touch and scent. After a long minute looking at the ring. The Elf turned to Samantha again.

"Where did you get this ring?" Aliathra asked.

"First, tell me what is this ring first?" Samantha asked.

"This winged creature you see here? It is called the Beenabber. A small little bird native to my Alfel-Nora. It maybe small but it is perhaps one of the most cunning creatures I have ever seen with my own eyes." Aliathra said.

"Oh? Tell me more." Samantha leaned over, eager to hear.

"Beenabbers love to eat berries and insects but it gets its name for how it attracts the latter. You see, the Beenabber can open their mouths to appear like plants in full bloom. If an insect such as a Honeybee tries to get close to the Beenabber so it can pollinate. Once the bug gets close enough, it will quickly devour it whole! Deceptively beautiful but deadly when you least expect it. Like… the…" Aliathra said before pausing. She hesitated to say a word.

"Miss Lareththor? Do you want to say something?" Samantha asked.

"What happened… Lew-Ten-Ant? What happened?" Aliathra asked.

Samantha sighed. It was best to tell her the hard truth.

"We found this on an Elf who was caught trying to sabotage the Light House. The one you and Iris had to tag in for. Remember that storm?" Samantha answered.

"How could they… all of those… do they…all of those… People… all of that... Crystals?" Aliathra muttered.

The Elf became distraught, her eyes redden as she began to shed tears, tears of disbelief.

"Who?" Samantha pressed.

"The Sefydliad. You remember them don't you?" Aliathra said.

"Yes, I do. Elven Diplomats and Spies, right? That's there ring?" Samantha asked.

"For top secret documents, yes. But… they caused the Lighthouse to get turned off?" Aliathra asked.

"Yes. We also found their camp where they were performing some sort of magical ritual too." Samantha added.

"They must have been trying to do some sort of… curse or whatever against you and your You-Eff-Eee masters. The storm, the games being cancelled. They are likely trying to make you look bad by creating contrived 'bad omens'." Aliathra said.

"That's horrible." Samantha recoiled. "Do they also intend for those Tavai Ships with the Crystals to crash on Souviel too?" she asked further.

"Perhaps, I know Zatrek normally tries to stay away from them even if they offered him money since the 'requests' they ask of him made him risk his reputation, friends and even his own life in many occasions. I am just… How could they?" Aliathra cried.

"How could they what?" Samantha asked.

"How could they be willing to do that? Risk thousands of people's lives just to stop you? Do they forget they are supposed to be spies? Not…Murderers? Despoilers? Or… Or… Vandals? Do they forget that Neneth teaches to value life? Have they forgotten that?" Aliathra began to cry.

She fell on her knees on the ground and curled up. Samantha followed her down and held her ha

nd on one hand and the elf's back with her other one. She knew that the Elf was in a state of disbelief and she had to be there for her, Aliathra had essentially lost everything she had known. Her family, countrymen, status and other material sorts except the clothes and items she carried with her when she first ventured out into the world.

"I am so sorry Aliathra. It must be tough hearing this." Samantha said.

"I am a monster!" the Elf cried. "My Heart, my Legs are impure and now my former sisters and brethren are hunting me. Worst off they are doing all they can to get find me and kill me. I am nothing but another monster to the Elves that needs to be wiped off of the face of the world." Aliathra sobbed.

"Don't say that! You are an Angel and I am thrilled to have you here with us." Samantha reassured her.

"You are… 'thrilled'?" Aliathra turned her eyes back. They were doe-eyed as her ocean blue's met with Samantha's olive green's.

"Happy. You are doing so much help. I mean if it weren't for you the Tavai would have crashed at Souviel. You did good. No Demon would ever do that right?" Samantha reasoned.

"You… you're right. I did." Aliathra smiled amidst her tears.

"Look, tomorrow will be our day off. We can do whatever we want during the games. A Girls Night out perhaps? You, me and Iris? Out at the town? Enjoying the sights?" Samantha proposed.

"Can we visit the Art College then? I wish to hear the Bards sing and the Sculptures there." Aliathra asked.

"Sure, thing lets go back." Samantha said.

She held the Elf's hand and took her back to where the rest of them are at. But as they got their she could hear an intense argument going about.

"You want me? To participate?" Diaz asked Bianchin.

"Yee…ahh… Come on if you win you can keep the winnings 'cuz I don't know what to do with them. Bianchin answered.

The rest of the UFE Soldiers gathered around gave awkward looks to Diaz and Bianchin as Samantha and Aliathra found their seats.

"What is going on?" Samantha asked.

"You won't fucking believe what Bobby did with Duke Thibault. They made a bet." Crocker smiled.

"What kind of Bet?"

"You know when you drink too much you start to do stupid shit Rose? Well Bianchin said… or at least according to his Merky guards that he told the Duke that the some of us UFE soldiers can win some of the Games handily. You see, gambling is something the Duke and a lot of these Souvieli's like to do outside of getting drunk, posing nude and singing a lot." Crocker said.

"Doesn't sound so bad." Samantha said. "But… then again, I don't think Colonel Polonsky or Major Holyfield would approve of us going unless there's something out of it. Is there something out of it? What's at stake?"

"Well for us if we lose, we have to give some Merchandise for free. Nothing too sensitive but its quite a lot. I am talking about Macaroni, Pasta, Books, Sauces and Clothes. About a hundred thousand worth of some commodity shit. Then again, some of our shit are luxuries to these natives, like soap and salt." Crocker said.

"And if we win?" Samantha asked.

"Mercantile Permits free of charge and allowing our ships to come in and go here. We just need to win at 5 Games and me and Diaz are gonna do some of them. Command got the heads up and are willing to play along." Crocker said.

"What games are you participating?" Samantha asked.

"Me? A fighting tourney with the local Souviel Knights as my team mates… but there's a catch…" Crocker informed.

"A Catch?"

"Not only I need to win the tourney for Souviel but also I need to be able to take out at least about a dozen number of opponents. Good thing I got my Exo-Suit armor on since the games are very… open-minded to say the least. Just that no killing, use designated weapons given by the tourney people and armor has to be at a set amount of thickness. My Exo-suit is pretty light outside of the pistons it uses. Should be approved."

"What about Diaz?" Samantha asked.

"Oh… Horse Racing." Crocker said.

"Since when did Vincent know how to ride a horse?" Aliathra asked.

"Didn't he told you that uh… listen here Lieutenant, next thing I want you to do is scream at Mister Bianchin when I tell ya… Diaz's 'horse' is his Mustang." Crocker bluntly said.

"A Car into a Horse Race? Isn't that… unfair?" Samantha said. She facepalmed at the sheer ridiculousness of such a bet if it was one to begin with.

"I heard that El-Tee." Diaz turned around. "And yes, even I have standards." He continued to protest.

"But look here Vinny, the horses there are said to be some of the fastest in all of Gliesia. The races are just like… I don't know Gran Turismo? NASCAR? F1? But with horses!" Bobby argued while he curled an awkward smile.

"Circus Maximus but on a circuit basically… or something. I ain't cleaning any Horse guts or roadkill if this is your plan." Diaz told back. "I will probably just take my time sweet time or give'em all a head start.

"Think of it this way. Goodwill! I mean you don't have to really win this game there's like a whole bunch more games we can go through… yeah… I had to explain that shit to Command that this is a Goodwill Mission. Just try to have fun at least." Bianchin reasoned.

"I am giving up a rest day for this?!?!" Diaz complained further.

"Well compared to what shit we all gone through. This is a vacation." Viking Lead commented.

Diaz paused and think for a moment. He raised his hand up for a second to protest before he pushed it back down again and think again.

"Fine… I will throw some chips this one. I just want to have a night out after this is all over." Diaz submitted. "But no guarantees!" Diaz said.

"Of course. Maybe a night of drinks should be good." Bianchin said.

"Thank you." Diaz bowed down as he heads back to his chair.

"One last thing, since this is a Goodwill Visit there will be some people back from New Albany that will becoming to visit, mostly merchants and a few diplomats but Governor Whites is gonna see if we can get ourselves our own booth at the Festival at the last minute but worse case scenario its just gonna be a flea market stall." Bianchin said.

"Speaking of which, how is the Governor right now? And Prince Clovich?" Clay raised his hand.

"The Prince should be at this hour boarding a ship that will take him to Geneva. Right now, someone is attached to him to make sure he behaves properly when he gets there. This could be the greatest news conference in about decades after the Treaty of Singapore." The Bodyguard said.

"Alright then, meeting is adjourned." Bianchin concluded. He grabbed an icepack and placed it on his head.