the Counter-Coup (Part 1)

A sharp ringing sensation from her ears and the piercing luminescence of a light bulb above her person greeted Lieutenant Samantha rose as she awoke from unconsciousness. Her head swirled as she rose from the blanket-less white cot in her monotone gray room which was minimalistic as it got with only a toilet and a sink with a mirror to accompany the lone bed. It is a holding cell. She got herself inside a military brig! When she managed to gather her bearings, she remembers what happened beforehand. She was attacked by Elven Mages and in her attempt at a drunken defense, she somehow blasted out what she can only fathom as magical energy. The same likes of which her squadmates, the Specialists Iris the Vampire Witch and Aliathra the Ex-Princess could accomplish. Was it the result of her hand? Especially that mark? Or did she down too many rounds of that succulent Souvieli Red Wine last night and now in her drunken stupor got herself in trouble or for her own safety in the brig?

All of Samantha's were answered when her ears caught the Cell's door chirring outward.

"Lieutenant Rose?" the voice of Major Holyfield emerged from the breath of the outside world.

Alongside him was an attachment of two bodyguards, the snow-white and raven black contrasts of her squadmate Iris Cadohagan and lastly, none other than the rotund figure wrapped around a lab coat shape that is Dr. Mahelona. If the last two are any to go by

"Maj---" Samantha tensed up to salute.

"Don't salute me!" Holyfield suddenly shouted. His voice reverberated a fearful confusion by his tone and posture. His arm was tense with his right hand inching closer for a quick draw of his .45 caliber. Also, his two cadres of bodyguards were just inches away from releasing their self-restraints of their trigger discipline.

For Mahelona however, his eyes were of curious awe aimed towards Samantha's branded hand. Observing the intricate rust-colored rune marks that she bestowed on her skin. Miss Cadohagan shared the sentiments of Holyfield's abashment and Mahelona's engrossment over Rose's strange branding.

"Doctor Mahelona would like to answer some questions for you. About that… a thing in your arm." Holyfield informed.

"I will sir but what brings you here t---" Samantha nodded but she was cut off again by the Major.

"I am the one here asking the questions here. Not you. Right now, in this room, I am not your friend nor your superior until I know what the hell is going on. Answer the Doctor's question." He ordered. "I have my eye on you." He added a cold and piercing warning to the Lieutenant.

"Shall I begin?" Dr. Mahelona asked the Major.

Holyfield approved with a quiet nod.

"What can you remember last night?" Mahelona inquired.

"We were having a feast, I was enjoying myself and then suddenly a bunch of Elven Assassins who shoot magic showed and tried to shoot at us, specifically at Mister Bianchin." Samantha answered. "I dove in front of the magic missiles they threw at Bobby's direction and somehow I managed to block them all."

"How come you managed to get out unscathed? Those Magic Missiles as Iris informed me can punch through armor." Mahelona asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I fell some sort of electricity surging in me after I landed. It felt like the Magic energies were attracted to me. When one of the Assassins came up to finish me off, I raised my hand and suddenly a bolt of lighting escaped me. It felt like the blood on my veins was roaring." Samantha explained.

The Doctor turned his head to Iris who stood quietly on his left side. She nodded upon observing Samantha's accounts for the events transpired last night, for she herself was a witness.

"I see… that mark of yours… when did you get that mark?" Mahelona pointed at Samantha's hand.

"This? How long was I out?" Samantha returned fire with a question. She needed to clarify something first before giving an exact timeline.

"It all happened last night. It is around 9 am now." Mahelona told her.

"That means… about…eh… four or five days if I remember." Samantha said.

"Around the same time…" Mahelona muttered carelessly.

"Around the same time? As for what?" Samantha asked.

"Doctor… show her." Holyfield said.

Mahelona took off his lab coat to reveal his full buttoned-up polo. He then proceeded much to the shakiness of Samantha's predicaments, to unbutton his polo. Halfway through, he pulled the two sides of his top open.

To Samantha's shock, he too had a runic like brand, this time on the Scientist's breastbone. Although different in strokes, the similarity of the writing was the same in terms of styling. It was as if her hand's brand and Mahelona's brand on his chest were from the same language.

"I got this around the same time as you said you got yours." Mahelona said.

"Me and Aliathra know of this language it was an old style of writing in Vaikuri called 'Gúlweg Sgript' or the old Magic Language." Iris said.

"Explain." Samantha requested.

"Centuries ago, Vaikuri was a different language than it was today. It was borrowed from the Elven Languages and formed around the existing Human languages at the time from around the Slaegian Tribal period. Not many people still use Gúlweg Sgript today except two entities, College Scholars when reading and translating old texts of Magic dating back long ago. And the last one who I am afraid to say but… is the likeliest person to brand you… the Sacred Crystal Heart." Iris said.

"The Sacred Crystal Heart? What is that?" Samantha asked.

"It is a giant crystal that is said to house some sort of powerful magical entity inside it. It occasionally talks to the Clergymen in the Great Cathedral in Haringpoint. Legend says that during a time of great crisis, the Crystal Heart would bestow powers to one or more individuals when a great crisis comes that threatens Gliesia. The last time it was used was around the time of King Caldell Slaegiac's period." Iris said.

"By my closest translations of the Brands you and Ser Mahelona have. You have the brand saying 'Rhannu-Prietar' meaning the Shareholder judging your ability to… absorb and give off Magicks. For the Scientist, fitting his name, he has the brand of 'Estysgol', meaning the Scholar."

"Let me guess, he too was chosen by this Crystal Heart?" Samantha inquired.

Iris nodded.

"So, what is my power then? If I am branded by this…' Crystal Heart'?" Samantha questioned.

"According to my initial readings on you when I was dragged in here… and if you ask… you are still in Souviel Lieutenant. My readings say that there is a significant trace of Mana energies within you. Probably leftover by what happened yesterday." Mahelona said.

"Mana…Power…So… deli…shsh…" Iris began to quiver, her knee's shaking weak and her mouth salivating. Her eyes pierced her like the finest gourmet meal set upon her.

"Ramirez, escort Iris out of here. And pass her a packet of Januaris." Holyfield his escort on his right.

Januaris is Artificial Blood made from stem cells and infused with fresh oxygen meant to be a universal substitute for real human blood but controversially it was regulated amongst the UFE States for various economic, moral and safety concerns. It was made by Aparo Corporation and is commercially available albeit with some regulations about a few years ago. Iris has been given a weekly ration of the artificial blood courtesy of the Pharmaceutical hand of Aparo Corporations many trades.

The two walked out leaving Samantha with Holyfield, the other bodyguard of his and Dr. Mahelona left.

"Let me continue, but please forgive Iris, she was feeling like that when we brought her here." Mahelona apologized. "Anyways, you, as I hypothesize, that you can absorb mana energies upon close contact. Then store them within yourself like a battery. I checked your internals and you are storing quite a bit of power inside you… but…" Mahelona stuttered as he talked about storage.

"But what?" Samantha asked.

"Storage room ALWAYS have a limit." Holyfield said.

"I theorized that if you reach a certain limit and extend beyond it. You will somehow, reach a sort of 'Super Critical' like a Reactor… a NUCLEAR Reactor…" Mahelona hesitatingly informed.

"Are you saying I can explode if I take too much mana?" Samantha leaped.

"Yes. Which is why I am not hesitating right now to end you right here and quietly." Holyfield said.

"Why? I am a good soldier. I was always a good soldier. I always diligently follow the UFE State and I don't plan on deviating from our principles ever." Samantha objected.

"And I cannot risk the lives of my men or Colonel Polonsky's too. I see no other options but to dispose of you one way or the other. Now you can either leave Gliesia quietly on the next cargo ship…" Holyfield stated his intentions.

He then pulled out his pistol from its holster and pointed at Samantha's head at point-blank range.

"Or you leave in a body bag." Holyfield said.

Tension rose for an agonizing moment as Samantha sweated bullets down her freckled cheeks. She just got here in Gliesia and was starting to not only feel comfortable working on this tour of duty but also getting to know everyone and everything about this Fantasy World for herself. Her photography collection that she does for the State was also starting to pile up nicely too and she didn't want to have all of it end right here and now. Rose felt helpless at that moment yet she also understood where the Major was coming from. She has powers she has no idea how to control and if it goes wrong then she could explode like a Nuclear Bomb with devastating results.

"What? But the little voice in my head is saying that it objects to it!" Mahelona raised his hand.

"You… or 'It'… Objects to me?!? Tell me, then what other nonsense did that 'Voice' in you say?" Holyfield turned to the Scientist.

"She can control it. She's like a mage like every other else. Just… with some limits." Mahelona said.

"Oh? Eating up mana until she explodes like a Nuke? How can you address that Doctor?" Holyfield said.

"I… well you remember Actocolite and Ghyranite report?" Mahelona asked.

"Yes, one is made to absorb and automatically obtain to store Unbinilium's radioactive energies, the latter is used as a sort of insulator to keep Unbinilium energies from jumping too much around… wait… continue… Doctor." The Major's tension lowered as the gears on his head spun to process the good doctor's studies.

"Well… I can weave with maybe some help from Aparo Corp a sort of special suit for the Lieutenant. A Containment suit made of Actocolite so she can be of use with her new skills as a sort of mage by absorbing then releasing the Mana Energies in controlled and concentrated blasts. Then Ghyranite like the ones from King Martainn's tomb to help keep the Mana Energies to a minimum and acceptable level. A few cybernetic implants here and there and she could be very useful… I mean… she is a Chosen one after all just like me." Mahelona said.

The Major was stunned at that moment. He lowered his pistol and fastened it back to his holster and ordered his other escort to stand down too.

"So, you need Ghyranite and Actocolite am I correct?" He asked.

"Just Actocolite, then some help from Aparo like engineers who had made Hazmat Suits and Body Armor plus some machinery there and there. I mean I think King Martainn has not much more use for the Ghyranite in his tomb anymore since he likes to go around Tyr Rian a lot and he enjoys our protection. I am sure he can understand." Mahelona said.

"That sounds, actually feasible Doctor." The Major Composed himself back to his idle yet no-nonsense stoic demeanor.

"You can hear a voice? Doctor?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah, it keeps telling me whether I dream or whenever I am near Unbinillium. Sort of like some sort of guide. It Tells me what I need to know whatever I can get my hands on from the recon teams. Best I talk about it sometime later when you visit me at my lab again if you got the time yeah? Oh, by the way, thank you for that shipment of Mana Crystals… although I was about to have some fun with them when Major Holyfield drags me out of my lab to you. I just wanna get this over with and head back to my lab. The team won't start without me." the Scientist replied.

"What about my team?" Samantha asked.

"Last I checked, they were at Calelh point on some additional scouting. The land there is pretty good for a base for all of us to use if the Duke allows it." Holyfield said. "I will go talk with Agent De Sardet now about what I managed to gather. He is a bit annoyed that he isn't here do the talking but trust me, you would rather have me interviewing you than him."

Samantha gulped. Intelligence officers were some of the most clandestine and 'unconventional' people under the employ of the UFE State. They had a reputation of having an unfettered approach to their jobs against any threats to the 'State's Interplanetary Unity'.

The Major then turned his head to Dr. Mahelona.

  'Containment Suit' idea of yours. How long would it take for you to give that to the Lieutenant?" he asked.

"Three months I think." Mahelona answered.

"You have ONE." He sternly informed.


A Hot Vegetable soup complimentary from Sandulf paired well the Spaghetti Bolognese Rations that Stryder is scheduled to use today.

Among all the MRE's that the UFEAF have, the popular favorite among all service members is the Spaghetti Bolognese Ration. It was the closest it could get to 'real food' as a survey would say. That's why there were stockpiles of Tomato Sauce cans being piled up due to the hearty taste and nutrition it gave to each UFEAF serviceman. Kayin and Iris weren't there to enjoy the Ration as the two were called in by Mr. Bianchin for an 'Important Meeting' about yesterday's events.

For now, Sergeant Crocker is effectively in charge. Yet all of them were anxious about the fate of their original CO, Lieutenant Rose, most especially Corporal Clay.

"I hope I didn't hit her too hard, 'cuz I don't know what the hell just happened." Clay stood up and waved his arms in lamentation.

"We ALL are Clay. Shit, I wonder what would 'dem Suits would say when they find out." Obediah mentioned before he took a spoonful of soup on his mouth.

"It's called 'High Command' again Root." Crocker corrected. "Also, it's likely they brought in some coats from the Science Team along too if we are going by what we saw last night."

The Sergeant cupped his hand on his face, in vain trying to make sense of everything that had happened. He saw his Commanding Officer, his superior and a sort of a daughter to him shoot what he can only describe as Magic from her hands. How was it all possible? What did Iris say about that Mark on her hand? He had never seen anything like that before and lastly Why Samantha? Why her among everyone else? How come she could exhibit such an ability for Arcane Arts yet everyone else couldn't?

He sulked down before he remembered the newcomer in their group who sat quietly across him beside Diaz.

"Aliathra? I need an explanation I needed it yesterday." Crocker ordered.

The Elf turned pale as Crocker's imposing frame shadowed over her lithe elven body. She was paralyzed and cowardly to say a word in front of him.

"Sarge, I think you're scaring her." Obediah commented.

"I'll cut to the bloody chase. How can Samantha shoot Magic like you and Iris?" Crocker asked the Elf.

"I don't know." The Elf answered. "From what I see is that the mark on Samantha's hand is from the Sacred Crystal Heart, it bestows her the ability to cast magic to what extent I don't know," Aliathra explained.

"Why her? Why is she chosen?" Crocker asked.

Aliathra answered. "I am not sure about that; the Crystal Heart is invoked to choose heroes to save the day during a crisis that can threaten the world. The Slaegians normally would invoke the heart to choose heroes against you people but somehow for an unknown reason, it chose Ladui Rose."

  "That doesn't make sense at all why the heart chose to give great power to the enemy to defeat the enemy?" Clay gave his inquiry.

"Is that Crystal Heart thinks using Samantha to get close to us and kill us all?" Crocker asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that normally you are born a Mage not made into one. Us Mages can easily detect another Mage by their innate Mana Reserves within them. If Samantha was born one, I would have seen it myself too." Aliathra answered.

"So, are you saying that perhaps Samantha never had any Mana shoved into her until now?" Crocker pressed.

The Elf nodded in affirmation.

Crocker turned away, again cupping his hand on his face.

"There isn't… how… why?" Crocker stuttered. "Stuff… Stuff like this… It is NOT normal!" Crocker said.

"Sarge this whole world is not normal!" Obediah argued.

"I fucking read those old books okay? But it's the Lieutenant, not Gliesia, not Tyr Rian, not Iris nor it is not Aliathra!" Crocker said.

"But Magic is a celebrated craft. Given by the Gods to aid us in our lives. Ladui Rose should be happy that she has the Gift." The Elf argued.

"Well not to us it ain't! Gifts are meant to be something that the person getting it would like to have. Samantha… the Lieutenant never asked for this… this… mark or whatever Iris called it. She sure as shit ain't asking for it by the look of her face." Crocker argued.

"It takes time to understand the extent of your Dui, Ser Crocker. She will need time to learn. For sure Iris must be divulging her knowledge of Magics to your superiors as we speak." Aliathra reassures the Sergeant.

"It's not her that you should be afraid of Miss Lareththor. Its High Command and the Scientists you must fear." Crocker dreadfully warned.

"What would they do to her?" Aliathra asked.

The scene turned from an ignited debate to an awkward silence for the UFE Personnel in that room. They knew what the High Command and their parvenue Government-funded Science Divisions were capable of, although some of the news they heard could be just slanderous rumors meant to discredit them for 'Unethical Practices'.

"Elfy… girly… Uhm… I just want to say that… remember the time about your heart? The Metal one you got?" Diaz asserted with as much bravery as he could muster.

"Indeed… the Heart you gave me to save my life? I am still not so sure about having it within me." Aliathra nodded.

"Well Imagine that but… the Doctors… I mean healers, don't have your best interests at heart." Diaz said.

"I do not understand." The Elf trembled.

"Crocker, don't ask or don't tell the Colonel or the Major how I know this but… Samantha is… whether she likes it or not… is now Government Property." Diaz said.

"Property? As in your Superiors own her? Like a slave?" Aliathra's eyes jumped in horror on her realization of Diaz's words.

"If I recall from the Hack, any anomalous anything is to be sent and studied by the Scientific and Experimental Agency for Advanced Research and Development. Or I like to call it… Sea-Ard. It doesn't matter what it is. If we cannot understand it, they will take it and study it." Diaz said.

"It's true," Clay admitted. "What the Corpo said is true. Samantha is whether we like it or not a Magic-User just like you and Iris."

"Yeah, to be honest with y'all. I am pretty scared of you sometimes." Obediah commented.

"Why should you be? Magic is a Gift! Samantha should learn to wield her awesome powers. I wonder what kind of affinity she would have? Maybe like me or Iris…" Aliathra began to get ahead of herself.

"Again, that is not the point Miss Lareththor. She is… or was not wielding magic before and now she can! Why her and not us? Virtually all of us are Non-Magic users… or whatever you call them." Crocker argued back.

"What are they called? People who can't do magic?" Clay asked.

"Muil-Bor which means 'Empty Handed' for they don't have any Mana from their hands." Aliathra answered.

"But see this… at least in my eyes Miss Lareththor. Magic is a thing we don't understand and we see as something Dangerous. Don't you get it?" Crocker said his piece.

"So is your 'Science' and Metal Technology. You make the world bend to your will and mess with the natural order of things. I mean, you gave me this heart and these legs when you could have easily left me to die. But you didn't…" Aliathra pleaded, her eyes began to shed drops of reddened tears as she beat her breasts at first and then to her prosthetic legs too.

This time, Crocker and alongside him the rest of the UFE Personnel were left in shock. A different sort of shock too.

The Elf, the Primitive in the group was correct. The UFE sees magic as dangerous, while the Natives see their technology just as disruptive too.

Nobody knew how to respond to the Elven Princess' argument.


Then a panicked knocking noise followed up from the Lonesome Hearth's front door. The knob twisted and outcomes a distressingly sweaty and exhaustive Father Rudy Bishop. He hunched down as he gasped for breath. His eyes were wildly jumping side to side when Bishop scanned the room and to his relief, he spotted the familiar faces of Stryder Group.

"Padre? What are you doing here?" Diaz asked.

"There's… something happening… I… I…" Bishop panted.

"Breathe. Take a deep breath. Inhale and out." Crocker walked up to the Bishop to guide the old man to a chair.

Yet the Clergyman refused to rest, resisting with all of his exhausted energy to not rest. His panting sounds turned from gasps to barely coherent words.

"Did something happen to you?" Crocker asked.

"Bad Guys!" the Priest ejected from his mouth with all of his breath.

"What?" Crocker questioned.

A shadow then appeared from the exposed entrance of the room. He walked up to the entrance and to the alarm of everyone's ears, they heard a scabbard unsheathing.

"You lead us right to them." A tall man with long hair and a scrabble of facial hair haughtily declared. Out came from his right hand a shinning saber encrusted with a gold handle.

He was followed by several other men and women, their hands revealing the sight of weapons. Bows, Swords, Staffs, Axes and even a double-pointed Spear pointed at Stryder Group and the debilitated Salesian with violent intent.

"Hey! Weapons are not allowed iii---" Sandulf angrily walked up to the armed men to reprimand them but he was swiftly cut down by the first man who drew his Sabre and without hesitation cut him down.

"No!" Crocker cried out.

"Take them out before they could fight back!" he declared to his companions.

"Ambush!" Clay shouted as he dove towards his Carbine Rifle sitting idly by on the Bar Counter.

"Draw!" Diaz smirked as his augmented reflexes drew Ruiner from his pocket and he began to open fire at their assailants.

Obediah kicked the table he sat on to create the cover as he to drew 'April' the Revolver from his sheathe and opened fire. Aliathra crawled towards the long-bearded man and hid them. She was defenseless at the moment without her Bow and Arrow which was lying away from her a few meters across another table. Crocker meanwhile held his ground behind a support pillar of the Inn drawing his pistol whilst dragging the bleeding Sandulf away from danger, keeping his hand tightly covering the cut wound he was inflicted on.

A fight occurred in the close quarter dining hall of the Candle Hearth Hostel. Some of the ambushers had not expected their quarry to draw their weapons so quickly and with such a range that they didn't have the time to realize how outclassed they were when the bullets pierced their bodies. Killing them on the spot.

The rest of them, about at least eight of them, jumped to whatever minuscule cover they could hide from. But even then, wooden furniture wasn't strong enough to protect them from bullets made over centuries of refinement and engineering. Some were shot, not understanding how such invisible arrows could cut through their cover while those with the instincts to move swiftly continued to stand their ground.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Clay asked as he opened fire with his carbine laying down suppressing automatic fire.

"I don't know? Take them down!" Crocker ordered as he took control of the situation.

"Flanking!" Diaz shouted as he spotted several of their assailants huddled up into one large banquet table flipped down against them.

He emerged quickly and with his superior speed, he slid down to the ground barely dodging Arrow and Magic fire before gunning down 3 more adventurers' from behind that table before hugging down behind another one.

"No good! Retreat!" one of the Ambushers cried.

Several of them began to kick up their heels and began to flee, making a beeline for the front door from which they came.

"I need one of them alive!" Crocker yelled.

Aliathra, hearing this knew what she needed to do. Whether its out of her newfound friendship with Samantha or her own self-preservation instincts to follow Crocker and continue to enjoy the UFE's protection, the Elf's hands begin to conjure Magic once again. It was the first time in a long while since she could use her powers again.

With a flick of her fingers, her hand cast a mix of Alteration and Restoration magics called 'Paralysis' she aimed at one of the fleeing ambushers.

The young man felt his body numb as if the muscles within him stopped working as he fell limply at the ground.

Taking the rest of the opportunity so that their location won't be compromised, Obediah and Clay gunned down the last of their assailants with their weapons.

"Clear! Everything is Clear!" Clay said.

Crocker sighed in relief.

"Master!" Okt-to despaired as his little goblin legs ran towards his bleeding master.

"I… I don't… have time… to live… please… the… letter… Will…" Sandulf rattled. His warmth chilled and his body stiffened with rigor mortis. The little Goblin only cried mournful tears as he saw his master and his only companion fade in his eyes.

Even with Aliathra's intervention, she couldn't save her as she tried frantically reanimate him. But there was little life to work with for a proper restoration despite her exceptional abilities. All she could do was wipe off the blood from Sandulf's wound and closed his eyes.

Normally, restoration spells are less effective the more Aged a person gets although this phenomenon as she studied back at her college is only prevalent amongst Orcs, Humans, Beastfolks and some cases Dwarves. The ever-youthful Elves couldn't find an understanding of why such an occurrence happen to the more 'fading' races compared to themselves.

"May Tivna guide you safely and may Neneth welcome you to her garden," Aliathra whispered to Sandulf's dead ear. The Prayer of Mournful Comfort when one comes to pass off of this mortal coil.

The Goblin tugged the Elf's lithe body like a child being borne down a great tragedy in Infront of him. Okt-to shielded his eyes from the disheartening sight. He hugged for comfort like when the departed one's relatives seek to hug those closest to them for comfort.

Under her own knowledge, Goblins were repulsive creatures like their barbaric kin the Orcs. But to see a Goblin mourn for a human contradicts all that she was taught by the school. Turn around to the Goblin, Aliathra returned his embrace. The Elf let the Goblin pour out his sorrow and share it with her.

Even Bishop who stood idly by a few meters away shared a heartfelt tear fall down from his eyes and staining his glasses. He shared some part of guilt within him that this man, who loved the finer things in life and tried his best to share generously his passions to the world was cruelly snuffed away before his natural time could come.

Meanwhile, Crocker looked towards the paralyzed ambusher with vengeful intent. He brutishly carried him over to the table with his two arms and caressed the man's throat.

"Who sent you!?!" Crocker roared with an opening question.

The man responded with spit on Crocker's face.

The Exo Suit man responded with a quick punch from his right hand. He may be out of his currently awaiting repairs Exo Suit but he can still deliver a mean beatdown with his bare fists. Religious weight lifting and shadow boxing sessions do that to one's muscles.

"I ain't gonna ask again," Crocker responded. "WHO SENT YOU!?!" he raised the man up so that his eyes could meet his.

"The Grey Order… we… the Grey Order will wipe Souviel of your corruption, Jodent would see to it." The man said.

"An Adventurer? Here?" Aliathra commented as she stood up with the less teary-eyed Okt-to holding her hand.

"Princess… you are as they say… quite a stunning beauty in person." The Adventurer said.

Diaz stood in between the man's gaze and Aliathra's. He was quite slighted for that move. This Elf was his mark and even then, outside of the need for feminine stimulation, Diaz felt he had an obligation to guide Aliathra through her present state of Prosthetics taking over several parts of her body.

"Too bad… it's too late for you… the Elven Embassy paid handsomely for your safe return if you could be rescued…" the adventurer said.

"Jodent? Gresgi Jodent? The Tax Collector? And the Entente Elves? What do they have to do with all of this?" Crocker slammed the table to intimidate the captive further.

"He ordered us, adventurers, to apprehend the Duke so he could be removed from his position for someone as capable as Jodent to replace him to save Souviel from your corruption. The Duke was always a childish buffoon anyway so he should be removed one way or another."

"So Jodent paid you handsomely for this too?" Crocker shook the adventurer violently.

"More than that if we succeed in this quest, the Emperor will honor us with knighthood and the people will praise our glory in preventing the takeover of the demon horde in Souviel and we will bathe in riches filled with Elven Síla and Slaegian Ducats." The captive laughed.

Crocker began to pat down the Adventurer for anything of a grain of truth to his statements. Was this man trying to taunt them or is the Diplomatic team in danger?

Penetrating his pockets, Crocker found a letter signed with the approving seal of Gresgi Jodent's familial emblem alongside several coins of two different varieties judging by the minting used in its production. Judging by the way they were designed, the Sargeant saw the all familiar engravings relevant to a Slaegian Ducat of its varying sizes and amounts of precious metals. For the other variety of coins, compared to the Ducat, these Elven Síla had a more refined engraving of uniformity and the aesthetic pleasing that Elves are obsessed in attaining.

Seeing the Elven Coins made Aliathra's blood spike around her. She couldn't believe that her Noble Father would do such a dirty handed thing in launching a Coup De Tat. He had always thought that he was a kind and humble ruler who always chooses the least violent approaches to his problems.

"Why are my people in this?" Aliathra walked up to the captive, her nerves struck by the words of this man.

"My Lady, the Sefydliad wish just the same to rid of these Demons off the face of the world. Can't you see it?" the adventurer teased.

"You mentioned Elven Síla … Gold from my father's treasury… who is financing you? The Sefydliad should have been decimated here?" the Elf asked.

"Who else but Ambassador Thelanil and Agent Thelanil? But mostly the Ambassador. He is already calling in more of your Paladins to come here as we speak. Especially your brother…" the Adventurer taunted.

"Don't you dare bring his name into this!" Aliathra called him out.

"Who is this Thelanil?" Crocker asked.

"The Ethuilen Ambassador to Souviel. I know where the Embassy is." Aliathra said.

Crocker nodded.

"So… what will you do now? We are everywhere! You are all surrounded. You cannot win." The Adventurer laughed.


Crocker pushed his weight down to the Adventurer crushing his throat, killing him.

"Damn Crocodile! Shit! Remind me never to piss you off." Diaz cringed.

"He is our only lead to this… what exactly is fucking happening right now?" Clay wondered.

"Ah don't worry, my camera is on… its always on… they will see everything." Crocker reassured.

He then placed his hand on his chin to think now that he began to process what he just learned now.

"Adventurers backed by Gresgi and the Elves… How common are Adventurers from the Grey Order?" Crocker asked Aliathra.

"Quite a lot, maybe about every five people is an Adventurer or had taken the job before," Aliathra answered. "But at this time during the Games? I say that maybe several thousands of them are here right now. I think five thousand of them are here for the festivities." Aliathra added.

"Well, it had to be subtle judging by the way Gresgi is trying to seize power. He can't just ask all of them to go after Duke Thibault… to much room for error. Maybe give or take… a thousand about as much?" Crocker reasoned.

"Hey, I am a bit slow here… but what are you thinking about? What is going on?" Obediah raised his hand.

"Coup, Obediah… the Duke is going to get Coup'd. Sudden Military Overthrow… and I bet the Grey Order is the Muscle behind this." Crocker said.

"If the Coup happens and I assume Jodent is gonna take over then…" Obed began to process through his thoughts.

"We can kiss all that we did here goodbye. Shit." Diaz cursed.

"We need to warn everyone now!" Bishop said.

"Father… I mean Mister Bishop… How did you get here and how did you know where to find us?" Crocker asked.

"Sandulf… poor Sandulf here told me that you do… Binocular things here and would be here for the day. You were the only Team I could find. I did manage to warn some of our Attendees in the Chwartiadd about this but some of them don't believe me.

"Well, they will now! Clay get me a line with Camp Ghillie Leaf! Code Black! Code Black!" Crocker shouted Orders.


After a hasty drive back to Camp Ghillie leaf and a briefing of the situation. The Camp was alive with activity as soldiers alongside their PMC colleagues scrambled to their stations.

Stryder Group who were the bearers of such news were personally called into the presence of Major Holyfield in his private tent. He stood, arms wide on a holographic map showing the entire Duchy before him alongside his right-hand man in the Bureau of Intelligence, Agent De Sardet. On the line on a Satellite phone is Bobby Bianchin who is currently attending another of Duke Thibault's many parties that he must attend by showcasing his appearance that day in his palace.

Stryder was also reunited with Iris and Kayin too whom they both shared what happened to Samantha's interrogation. For now, much to the squad's relief, she is safe for now.

"A Coup is imminent and it's all those damn Elves and the Empires fault. I should have blasted that Palace when I had the chance." Holyfield muttered.

"They will learn in time Major. But we must act now in the present. We need to protect our people from these Savages and then deal with these Plotters." De Sardet said.

"How? What's the Plan?" Bianchin said.

"Well the Elves main actor is the Ambassador to Souviel, a guy named… eh… The-Lah-Neel? Is that how you say it? Anyways Aliathra knows where the Embassy is. Not too far away from the Docks actually." Crocker said.

"Okay, but we will need to get close with some subtlety. Armed Soldiers rushing towards the Embassy would probably tip off our guy there." De Sardet said.

"I can dispatch a group of Mercs to dispose of the Embassy and apprehend the Ambassador. That should cut off any Elven Support they have… or at the very least we should be able to unravel more of this plot. Diaz, accompany the Elf Girl with ya." Bianchin said.

"We will have to also dispose of that Jodent guy too. Where would he be at this hour? Is he in the Palace with you Mister Bianchin?" Crocker asked.

"No, Duke told me that he has his own thing at his mansion… eh… just get ready to move out. I will ask him if he can let me know about where he lives." Bianchin said.

"Speaking about the Palace Mister Bianchin, but will the Duke be there for the entire time?" Holyfield asks.

"Yes, actually. He won't come out for the rest of the games no more after that incident at the Tent." Bianchin confirmed.

"We need to protect him at all costs. Otherwise, our whole Mission will fall apart." Holyfield said.

"Thankfully you accompanied the rest of my PMC's with you. They got all sorts of Guns. I just need to sneak them into the Palace and we should be good if they try to make a move." Bianchin gave his affirmative nod.

"Very well, as you say your reinforcements plus a company of Marines will arrive at your location shortly. Be sure to make sure they get through." Holyfield said. "As for everyone else, Embassy and also Jodent's Mansion. When I call your squad, names proceed accordingly to your assigned rally point then deploy immediately." Holyfield ordered.

Agent De Sardet, promptly now that the briefing of this crisis has been done, cut off's Bianchin's connection now that it has been concluded.

For the Aparo Corpo, who has been sipping wine and charming everyone in the Ducal Palace with his charismatic voice and sharp suit styled with a stylish purple silk scarf, it made him for the first time in Gliesia, feel spooked. Talking the ways of a Salesman was like breathing to Robert, always relying on the muscle of his Contractors in case something goes pear-shaped. However, the real threat of him getting skewered by dozens of swords made him weak in the knees as he wiped off the cold sweat off of his wrinkled forehead.

"Oh dear, my new friend Ser Bee-yan-kin. Do you seem to be already tired? Is the party too much for you now? ~~~" Duke Thibault walked up to him.

His mouth was drunk with wine and his belly bloated with glutinous indigestion. The rest of the decadent court was as equally enthralled by the festivities of food, drink, song, dance, and spectacle. A perfect opportunity for something horribly wrong to happen to all of them.

Fighting back his dulled senses, Bianchin forced up a smile. It was time for a little bit of Subterfuge.

"Milord, if I may, remind you about our little Deal? The Contracts and Materials you wish to pay and receive for our services?" Bobby asked.

"Indeed, a plot of land for your people to do you… 'Gold Magic' with. I have to say if this indeed works through, Souviel could be making more money than Ethuilen and Harrinpoint together. I can't wait to tell my Chief Tax Collector, Gresgi Jodent that we now can solve many of our Ducat problems now…" The Duke Optimistically slapped his hand on Bobby's shoulder.

"Yes, may I have a word with you? Also, your Captain of the Guard and any of your still sober officials to come with me in private? Something is wrong." Bianchin said.

"Oh? What is it?" the Duke's cheerful face soured into concern.

"Something that could destroy this Deal before it could even be put into ink. Please take me somewhere private. I will explain everything there. It's about your dearest cousin… Clovich." Bianchin requested.

The Duke, always eager to make more money and always loved his cousin's in the Rian family agreed. Gathering what strength and mental cognizance left, he gathered several of his still mostly sober officials and his oblivious but ultimately abstained Ducal Guards from the Knights-Errant including the Captain himself to follow him to the Palace's Study room which was off-limits to the guests.

Placing everyone haphazardly at a chair by a large table in the middle of the Study. Bianchin closed the door and ordered his personal retinue of Contractors and several Ducal Guards to keep watch and wait for more soldiers. There is still one more part of the plan that he needs to secure the Duke's eternal favor. The Dice is cast as he could hear the echoes of a Super Osprey chopping its wings towards the Ducal Palace.

Carrying within it, Aparo Mercenaries and UFEAF Soldiers armed to the teeth for a fight. But aside from their Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, and Cybernetic Upgrades, their greatest weapon, mightier than any of the UFE's Arsenal was held by one suited Aparo Employee. He carried with him, a briefcase. It was the letter that Crocker took out from his Assailant that damns the Chief Tax Collector and the Ethuilen Embassy of Conspiracy, a Conspiracy to commit Treason.


"Calyriel may embrace you in her Twilight." Ambassador Thelanil prayed to the Goddess of the Moon for the Sefydliad Agent Marxian.

The patron Deity of the Sefydliad, Calyriel the Pearl Maiden of the Moon is known to be reserved and secretive who when she speaks she is always known to say the right words is an entity favored by those whose jobs require diplomacy or subtlety such as the nature of the Sefydliad when it comes to Espionage and Diplomacy for it was their duty. 

Thelanil busied himself by fixing the collar of his stimulating mint cloak with golden designs of vine leaves branching out around his body while he anxiously cycled through all of the day's events. Yet one concern stood out from all the party planning and conversation with the local Firen Nobles of Souviel.

His collusion with Gresgi Jodent was orchestrated with the help of Marxian.

He had a productive albeit distressing discussion of what happened to the rest of the Sefydliad who were deployed to Souviel. They were originally supposed to be dispatched to reach Tyr Rian but the circumstances of the Otherworlders coming to Souviel first before they barely got off the boat forced them to change plans. They needed to discredit these You-Eff-Eeaa from seducing the frivolous Duke Thibault or else the Demons would take away a strategically important Harbor for both the UFE and the Entente.

The first attempt was to exploit local superstitions with the form of a few Weather Manipulations in the form of a storm and the cause of accidents by disabling the lighthouse in Old Souviel Harbor. The plan went well for only one day until they were somehow discovered by the Otherworlders. From the survivor's accounts, it was a massacre with few survivors, especially some of Ethuilens best mages who specialized in Hydro-Manipulation were killed.

The second attempt to discredit the Otherworlders was in the Chwartiadd themselves. With some bribery and a few subtle nods, the Ambassador and the surviving Sefydliad. Try to stretch the rules and in one attempt to expose the Demons in front of all of the festival-goers. However, it failed in the worst possible way it could fail. The Elves were seen as the malevolent forces and the Otherworlders as the Heroes of the Games.

The third time was more a desperate measure than anything else. The surviving Elven Spies decided to disguise themselves as Servants being staffed by the Duke for his feast at his personal tent but it was foiled. However, it did expose one of the Demons to be able to use Magic in an effort to protect themselves and their quarry the Duke. Yet it was strategically and tactically a failure for the Demons were unscathed, the Duke condemning his assailants and Marxian being the last survivor of the dispatched Sefydliad from the homeland.

They had one card left to play. It was the most conspicuous but the most straightforward. They will attempt a Coup. Jodent will provide insider access to the Palace with the help of some guards and servants plus a significant amount of funding to be used to pay off several Grey Order Adventurers he can muster under the promise of riches and titles. The Embassy's role in this is the other half of the financing of their muscle, the Adventurer's to act for one part. The Elves' other role is what will happen after the Coup. With their influence in the Imperial Slaegian Court, they can legitimize Gresgi Jodent's role as the new Duke of Souviel after forging up some documents detailing the Duke's corruption and the dealings with the Otherworlders.

Subtlety will have to be used for now until the Empire and the Entente can muster enough strength to properly march to Tyr Rian and expel the Demon Menace. But for now, they need to go into damage control. Deny the enemy to gather its strength while giving time for them to do it themselves. He had heard rumors of a 'Chosen One' being selected back in Haringpoint weeks prior and according to what he got from Imperial Messengers; the Emperor is planning to invest heavily in this one-man that the Sacred Crystal Heart chose to. Right now, they are still planning out what exactly will this 'Chosen One' will do next after everything has been prepared.

Jodent's seize of power should be enough political clout to have him forcefully expel the Otherworlders quietly from Souviel without causing too much panic during the Festivities. There were several Nobles who will support him but can't do it openly less they be stripped of their titles provided by the Duke. The Adventurer's and Jodent's men will storm the palace and arrest Duke Thibault and this one 'Ser Bee-yan-kin' under the cover of the Festivities at around Midnight and stop the Otherworlder's provocative push deep into the Empires homeland. If the promise of monetary reward wasn't enough, the attainment of titles such as the coveted Knighthood which means to your average Grey Order Adventurer as a permanent source of honor and livelihood with benefits ranging from exclusive contracts not available to commoners and even some Noblemen, several 'off the list' privileges that shops across the Empire can provide for Knights, to a steady income for themselves and their families for the rest of their time. All for the price of an attempt to commit Treason. Yet some of the volunteers who quietly nodded to the compensation that is proportional to the risks involved that the slaying of evil-aligned creatures was just as a bountiful bonus as being set for life.

Marxian was sent off to observe the send off of the paid off adventurer's that Gresgi promised will 'number by the hundreds' for this endeavor before personally meeting up with Jodent at his Villa so he can be sent off to Haringpoint and report to Lyndis, the Sefydliad Spymaster assigned by the one true King of the Elves to merge with the rest of them there.

The door magically locked itself with an enchantment meant to keep out non-Elves or virtually anyone unwelcome out of the Embassy. Tonight, was their night as all the Ethuilen Elves gathered around the Embassy to celebrate the Chwartiad. There was a slightly somber air from the disappointed participants that contrasted the smells of honeyed cheeses, Elven Wine ('provided' courtesy of Zatrek and his Tavai) and some music.

The Ambassador helped himself to the assortment of treats laid before him as he celebrated a with a toast to all of the attendees of his little party.

Tonight shall be the night that they will celebrate that they will not make the same mistakes their Forefathers had made on allowing the Demons to fester in their own world unchecked.


"Let them through. They are with me." Bianchin told the Souvieli Sentry guarding the door.

The Super Osprey landed quietly at the Duke's Gardens at an unoccupied part of the Palace. Sentries stationed there recognized the soldiers as being the same cut of Bianchin's retinue but were more numerous than they count and grew concerned when the Armed Men escorted a man dressed similarly to Bianchin but instead of a cherry face he had a look of impatient conviction at the guards.

He and the men of the Super Osprey were stopped by the Knights who were alarmed of the Metal Beast that flew so quietly yet daringly to the Ducal Palace. They can feel the Osprey's wing beating tremble to the rhythm of their ornate steel armor.

It took Bobby to send out a representative of his own retinue to clear up their emergent arrival. Yet even then, they only barely were allowed through as the watchful eyes of the Palace Guards scanned them for any heinous moves.

The Aparo Mercs and the UFEAF Marines practiced restraint as they knew that the guards are only doing their jobs and this crisis was an emergency. Yet emergencies require urgency which the Guards did not permit to allow. Thus, creating a tense situation of impatient UFE and Anxious palace guards staring down at each other. The only reason the alarm wasn't raised is because of the innate trust Bianchin implanted at the Duke plus the slight familiarity of Bianchin's chosen Private Military Contractors. Their hearts pounded restlessly as a contingent of Aparo Mercs escorted the Suite Man into the palace quietly careful not to alarm the Guests. Bianchin had the insight when people were less reluctant to talk to the Aparo Corpo when his guards were standing idly by his side with their tall frame, there intimidating rifles and alloy plated body armor in an amalgamated geometry the likes of which no Blacksmith had the expertise to replicate such an alien appearance.

They passed by the fresco interiors and stylistic walls of the Tuscan like home of Thibault, seeing exotic goods from all over Gliesia collected into one building. It was like a museum. Every room a differing style, region or stimulation awaited. But like many museums it was a complicated labyrinth, every moment they stepped foot at a room that wasn't where Duke and Bianchin is standing is a drop of sand falling shorter down their invisible timer. There was virtually no time to lose once the entourage made their way to the same Study room Bobby dragged the Duke and his bloc into.

Knocking on the door and confirming their presence, Bianchin opened the door an let his subordinate into the secure building.

"Finally! Get in, Get in." Bianchin ushered.

"You need to tell me right now how is this all happening? Why in the Heaven's and Gods' name are there suddenly more men coming here than your promised retinue of Ten. You promised you will only need 10 Bodyguards. That is obviously over there more than Ten in that… He—lee—Cop---ter of yours?" the Guard Captain walked towards Bianchin for an explanation.

"You won't believe me if I say it… Letter!" Bianchin ordered the Aparo Employee with the briefcase to open it.

With a flick of a switch and a quick gesture, Bianchin handed the Guard Captain the incriminating letter.

The Captain grabbed the letter and began to examine it. His head moving down to each letter of every little juicy tidbit of conspiracy the letter contained. The writing was eloquent as a Nobleman should, but his words, masked with the honeyed handwriting was poison to his eyes. His heart sank as he darted towards Bianchin as anxious sweat fell down on him from his heart's dwindling disbelief.

The letter stated that Gresgi Jodent's appointment by the Duke himself decades before thanks to the manipulations of the Emperor with approval of the Emperor to keep Souviel in state of economic stagnation. All of the parties and festivals would cause an inflation effect on price tags in Souviel which would be a reason to pass several burdensome taxes and tariffs which Jodent is in charge of setting. The Bread and Circuses of Souviel, famous across the land for 'a Celebration once every moon' was used both as a clever distraction from the economic cutthroats of This results on Souviel economically stagnant and decadent as local commoners struggle to make by at best or fall short like Sandulf at worst, tainting a great irony of Souviel's reputation being 'the Pearl of the Draguitoise Coast'. Souviel was meant to be a cash cow for the Empire to suck its teat with and it was no wonder that Pirates and Smugglers such as Zatrek's Tavai and all sorts of brigands seem to keep the Knights-Errants so busy from the REAL danger into their cities. But with the arrival of the United Federation, the Conspiracy to turn Souviel into an overpriced piece of land that quagmires whoever holds the deed off was forced to expose itself to defend their interests. It was high time for Jodent to take direct control of the whole Duchy and become the Duke of Souviel by Force. The Sefydliad's role on this was the sabotage of the Old Souvieli Lighthouse stationed at the harbor which the Captain oversaw the investigation of once the stormed formed by the other Elves were cleared off. The overall plan was to create a diversion for the Adventurer's to storm into the Castle and arrest or kill Duke Thibault whilst his congregation eyes were turned away. They will then use Ethuilen Support to help legitimize Jodent's claim to the throne on the grounds of mental instability on Thibault. To finally seal the deal, the newly appointed Duke Gresgi would make amends to permanently usurp the growing centralized law-enforcement group, the Knights-Errant for the bureaucratic and mercenary-like Grey Order. Essentially, they are going to replace what is essentially a pre-cursor to a formalized Police Force to the acquisitive Adventurer's Guild.

But most damning of all was a Grey Order wax seal written right at the bottom right of the note. It detailed a promissory compensation for participation with promotions of rank or the covetous Knighthood which the Duke will promise to give once he has been set up in power.

  "A Coup! By Jodent? That's preposterous!" the Guard Captain couldn't believe what his eyes read.

"Think about it. You told me that this Jodent person has all of Souviel at the palm of his hands with the control of money. The way I did the Deal was going to shatter his monopoly on all businesses here when I move in with my own Banking system. I wanted to work with him, come up with something that would benefit us both but he shows his true colors." Bianchin reasoned.

Funny enough, the Corpo knew he was lying off the 'benefiting us both' part with that Jodent fellow. He never had any plans to let Jodent's business dealings see the light of day once he moved in. The illusion of Prosperity in Souviel was just that, an illusion made by him when he strangles so many businesses with debt. Like any megacorporation, there was only two things that remain sure, Death and Taxes. If someone was going to eat up all the wonderful assets in Souviel it would be Aparo Corp, debt is just a liability that needs to be quashed for it stifles potential, and stunted growth is synonymous with the luxury of time that Aparo Corporation has little off. Their lobbying within their contacts in the Government and head start in Gliesia won't last forever.

Bianchin did have to admit, though he never played too close attention to it that the prices in Souviel were significantly more spiked than Tyr Rian but he shot it off at first as just supply and demand. But now that he thought of it. The extortionist taxes on so many merchants looking to use one of the most strategically important Ports in Ysanigrad, the contrasting Economic Disparity between Old Souviel filled with commoners and barely middle class to New Souviel where all the affluent live is a recipe for a house of cards to collapse. It reminded him of the curious case of the fall of similar prosperous semi-independent port cities such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Monaco.

He got to admit, just studying Jodent's avaricious control of Souviel's economy reminded him of home back at Kesserheim. Unlike Aparo Corporation's rivals, he had the disadvantage of Low Technology and the inexperience of classical survival-of-the-fittest competition. Bobby had dealt or participated in several corporate take downs and hostile take overs and no just what to do to ruin him. He almost felt bad for him.

But then again, now Aparo Corporation know's what kind of territory they are moving into. With a few 'Briefcase-Diplomacy' with the Common State Party and the Terran Central Bank, Bianchin should be confident in getting Souviel out of the 'California-Housing Trap' before its jaws could bite everyone in it.

"I knew the Tax Collector was ambitious in seeing Souviel becoming the richest Duchy in all of the Empire but I never knew he would resort to treason to the man who gave him the duty of collecting the taxes of all of the trade that comes and goes." The Captain said.

"It's not just treason! But Economic… I mean… Attempted! Economic Sabotage. This man was making everything more expensive. Don't you realize it? The bread you eat? The wine you drink, the Parties you throw?" Bianchin reminded.

"I… I… this… this is… my… home… and… he made me lose… my old Estate!" the Guard Captain lamented.

Bianchin heard of the story that from the Duke during his foray in the Palace, the Guard Captain used to own a large Estate but Joden't Bank foreclosed it. He had to crawl his Knighthood status to the position of Guard Captain to re-establish his old position pre-estate foreclosure. Bobby can see in the gnashing of the Captain's teeth that it was now personal to him.

"I must inform the Duke of this Treachery at once." The Captain huffed.

"No don't! We can't cause a panic. Will cause more problems." Bianchin stopped the Captain from moving.

"I provide solutions. I really do. Now listen here. I will need the help of some guards for this to work. The Coup plotters will likely storm the Palace when everyone is distracted. You know any idea when it can happen?" Bianchin asked.

"The Show! They will strike during the Show!" the Captain exclaimed.

"What show?" Bianchin asked.

"I hired an Illusionist and Pyromancer to perform a show as the final act of the night. They are quite a parade, Twins they are and came all the way from the East to perform here." The Duke said.

  "Focus! So… this show… its some sort of Lights Show? Am I hearing it right?" Bobby asked grabbing the Captain and turning his gaze back to him.

"Yes, we need to have the lanterns in the Western Gate to be dimmed so we can magnify the… THE WESTERN GATE!" the Captain's cogs ignited upon the realization.

"Damn, now I see what they are up to…" Bianchin placed his hands on his hips.

The thread has been spotted but now there is little time to stop the spark from reaching the dynamite.

"Where are most of the guards right now?" Bianchin asked.

"The Sentries are at their stations by the walls as they should be, but the rest of the Guards are all at the show protecting all of the Guests during the performance. There's only me and ten other Knights here to protect the Duke personally." The Captain said.

"Alright, here is the plan, the Duke must not be at the Show or at least not directly to it. Take him somewhere safe and lock the place down until I give you the coast is clear. You can take some of my men with you." Bianchin said.

"The Birthing Chamber. It hasn't been in use for years and there is only one-way in." the Captain said.

"Alright, Bernard, Santa Maria, Donovan, and Kapalkin! Follow him." Bianchin ordered four of his Mercenaries.

The Captain nodded. With a few gestures, the Captain was assigned a small unit of 4 Mercenaries to accompany him and the Duke to the safe place.

"We need to alert the Western Gate guards immediately." The Captain added.

"Don't bother," Bianchin said as he cocked his pistol that he keeps for self-defense. "Your men are already dead or in on it." He forewarned.

The Duke grabbed the letter from his Captain's hand, still not yet fully believing one of his own trustees betrayed him. But as he and several of his loyal officials read through the incriminating letter, their disbelief turned into absolute revulsion that had gradually grew every character and word the letter states of the Chief Tax Collector's treachery.

"Jodent! May the Gods damn you for all of your life! I thought you are my friend. How could you? How could he?" the Duke wailed. "Guards! Seize him and, seize the Embassy and the Grey Order office immediately! I will report this matter to the Emperor!" the Duke ordered.

"I am afraid you can't do that." Bianchin stopped the Duke. "You're just going to get your soldiers killed. The Adventurers outnumber your men and not to mention the Elves are powerful magic users too. So let us handle this." Bianchin asked.

"You have blessing then Ser Bianchin. Get rid of these traitors! Destroy them all!" the Duke furiously shouted.

His face red and his overbearing feet stomped lightly on the palace's marble floor.

"I will, I assure you." Bianchin vowed.

The plan now unraveled; the Contracted Gunmen were now itching for a fight as they were caroused to a vigilant frenzy as they made their way West of the Palace. To the march of their feet they jogged with hurried pace, careful to avoid the crowds of party goers hurrying West with them to the show.

After a few minutes that had felt longer than it should, the Mercenaries arrived.

The Western Gate area of the Ducal Palace was another garden for the Duke containing tall and thick fauna which if one doesn't refer to a map and at the time of hour, a light, one can be easily lost in the garden. It was like a Labyrinth, and with the light dimmed, it would require a torch to lead the way through and through.

Quietly inserting themselves into the maze the combined PMC and UFEAFMC forces threw an Echolocation Scanner linked up to ISAC to give the Earthlings an accurate depiction of the whole area. Some pulled down from their heads googles that allowed them to see through the dark. Whilst other groups used Flashlights. It was now a Search and Destroy mission.

Meanwhile, the Captain had quickly alerted his subordinates of the possible threat but also to not cause a panic, they must cancel the post-show reception and have everyone that does not belong in the palace to shown to the door and be bid a Good Night. He also informed his messengers to alert all Knights-Errant in the Duchy to be on immediate alarm for any insurrections within key areas of the Duchy. He knew that he can still trust them all due to working with them all for years, highly loyal to their homelands and centralized through his command. They had worked together to keep Souviel safe for years with a sense of justice, upholding the Law and protecting the Innocent from all sorts of catastrophes that wish to do harm. It was a proposal that he had made that was approved by the Duke to make an independent body, fueled not through the miserly fees of Adventurers from the Grey Order but through the Ducal Taxes of hardworking Souvieli. A Force of the Finest men to become the shield that protects their homes.

Although the performance could be easily heard from atop the Palatial Castle, neither the Duke nor the Captain and the rest of the Bodyguards were in no mood to enjoy it. For all of that, all that the Duke could do as he looked on to his Palace from the window of the dusty, rustic and cobwebbed Birthing Chamber was to pray that he may live to see the next Sunrise. Even the Captain, loyal beyond compare to the Ducal family, too shared in with his disposition as the Aparo Mercenaries and UFEAF Marines began to sweep into the Western Gardens of the Palace.

"Be advised all personnel, all signatures within the Western Guard area are considered hostile. Fire at will." ISAC said.

"ISAC, how many tangoes do we got?" one of the Marines asked.

"Scanning… Complete… I detected two hundred and fifty-three Unknowns coming into the Western Gate. More of them are coming inside by the minute." ISAC Respond.

It confirmed their worst fears. The Gate was open and now Intruders are infiltrating the Palace premises. But not only that, but more are coming in by every moment that gate continues to stay accessible to the edacious Grey Order.

"I see, me and the Mercs will get up to the wall and see to it that we can Close the Gate, that should stop them. While we do that, your Marines will sweep up anything on the ground. Try to keep this quiet as much as possible. Not all of us have silencers." Bianchin said.

The Soldiers nodded.

Meanwhile, the Ducal Court watched in amazement the spectacle of Lights shown to them. The Pyromancer and the Illusionist, a respective duo of twin brother and sister, razzled and dazzled the crowd with Mythical Beasts flying to the visual and audio rhythm of properly time fireworks and Bardic melodies that reverberated on the Amphitheatre that it could easily cloud any other sounds within the near vicinity. Watching over them is the Vigilant Captain of the Guard himself and a contingent of his most trustworthy Knights surrounding the perimeter. Augmenting them was a rearguard of several PMC's hired by Aparo Corporation that Bianchin ordered to be the fallback group in case more of the Coup Plotters come in another direction that they couldn't uncover.

"Contact, twelve hostiles. Small arms, nothing special." A Marine quietly said on his radio.

"Affirmative Stiletto 3-1. Neutralize immediately." ISAC nodded in his robotic voice.

Shots were fired, from both the Magical Hands of the Pyromancer exploding a wall of flame that enraptured the ears of the amazed Souvieli Noble Court and the firing of 5.56mm rounds onto the bodies of the Grey Order Adventurers. They never had the time to even notice what had happened.

  They were all so confident of their nightly infiltration that they never foresaw the possibility that they these hunters becoming the prey. Yet as soon as the Marine's laser sights met their bodies, they were doomed.

"Targets Neutralize." The Marine said.

"I see more, I got about twenty or 30 of them standing there." a Mercenary added. He saw several more of the Adventurer's doing a final check of their gear.

Weapons were sharpened, Armor was fastened and Arcane preparations were being ready for the Adventurers who sat idly by the grassy and stone walkway. Under the cover of darkness, the Mercenaries got into firing positions.

Their gun's tac-light hovered over them menacingly as they took aim.

One of the adventurers noticed the strange light on his companion's body and turned around to its source. He only caught a glimpse of the dark shadows of the UFE soldiers before they squeezed the triggers.

"Firing! Firing!" the Merc ordered.

Their guns ignited as the unready adventurers were caught defenseless from the PMC Ambush. Some tried to unsheathe their blades with the rattling of Scabbards, others tried to scream. But all were masked by the timely intervention of Rifle fire and the great rapid striking of a large Orchestral drum.

"Climbing up the Wall now… damn, they didn't even see what's coming." Bianchin gagged.

Bodies of Palace guards littered the hallway as several Grey Order Adventurer's kept watch of both sides of the wall to see their colleagues pouring through the opening. Their deduction was on point. They are all coming from the Western Gate.

Bianchin ordered the dispatching of these tangoes who were quickly knifed down quietly by his accompanying Mercs as they tried to Maintain the element of Subtlety. They made their way towards the gatehouse passing by more Palace corpses before they saw the gate's Portcullis.

"We are closing in on them. Damn, there's a lot of them. They're just pouring in on the place." A Marine commented.

Before the Ground Team's eyes was a mass gathering of Grey Order Adventurer's. They were lined up, being inspected by several professional looking soldiers. No doubt also participating in this Conspiracy too. The Large courtyard by the gate housed several dozens or even close to more than a hundred of people. To some people's humor, it was like they just stumbled upon a Medieval Fantasy convention. They saw several Warriors, Mages, Rangers and all other sorts of folks of many races and cultures gathered together in this very spot as their paymasters rallied them for their assault. Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Beastpeople for example were all quietly anxiously waiting for their strength to reach the critical mass needed to penetrate the Ducal Palace. By their sheer numbers, they easily outnumber both them and the Palace Guards combined.

"I am not taking another step until I see another piece of Coin." One Adventure said.

He began to form a makeshift union of his own colleagues that surrounded one of Jodent's Cronies.

"Once the scouting parties have finished clearing out the rest of the Gardens, we can proceed." One of Jodent's personal guards who is helping to oversee the takeover said.

His orders were simple, ensure the main bulk of their 'Army', the Adventurers are organized into an effective fighting force that will pierce through the Duke's Palatial Guards. Once the Duke has been either taken in chains or his corpse laying on the floor, he will immediately message his master Gresgi Jodent to move in and make his announcement to the Duchy who by then would start to get hints that something wasn't right with the sudden change of Guard uniforms from the golden glint of the Knights Errant to the gray, black, and red of the Slaegian Legion.

"Just one Coin or I will go back." The avaricious Adventurer demanded.

His arms crossed and following suit, other indigent Adventurer's crossed their arms too. By the Jodent Underling's intuition, they will not take another step in committing such a perilous undertaking less they receive more hopes for compensation. They had just barely gotten through the loyalist to the Duke with the ones in the Tower who put up a fight but weren't able to alert the entire palace of the attack. But even then, Monsters and Bandits were one thing, a Political Coup was an entirely different matter altogether for the average Grey Order guildsman.

With the unified action stacked against him, the Underling relented and opened his bag. There were several high valued Ducat denominations ranging from Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum. He dug through as many of the silver and gold coins as he could from his little 'Coverage Bag' and dropped a single gold coin to each of the unionized Adventurers in front of him.

Now properly motivate again, the Adventurer's began to calm down and were now casually talking to each other on what their plans after they finish this Quest whilst they prepare their weapons.

"After this Quest is done, I can't wait to finally retire in luxury. No more struggling for my next meal and risking my life out there shooting out monsters." A Human Ranger smiled as he observed the Coin, he received knowing full well there's more where that came from.

"A Dwarven Knight? I wonder how that will work? Back home, the closest I know is a 'Huscarl'." A Dwarven Fighter asked one of his colleagues.

"I guess so. But Knights have their own land too. Besides, when I get my own home and rank. I can't wait to see the look at all of my tribe's faces when I come back with my own Horse and Title." A Daosne Wolf-Warrior boastfully said.

"O! O! O! how I will sing that we all slew the Demons in Souviel today. Perhaps with the Ducats I have; I can finally sweep that cute lass from the tavern off her feet and onto my lap." A Human Bard playfully and melodically worded.

But as they conversed each other their plans afterwards, a voice was heard from above them.

"Well, Well, quite a fine day for a Masquerade? But aren't you a bit too much on the heavy side with those little props of yours?" Bianchin chided.

The Grey Order looked up to see the Corpo, in his corpulent two-piece suit standing pompously above the gate tower with his hands on his hips.

"Who are you?" one of the adventurers catechized in a demanding voice.

"You may not have met me. But you already know me I assume." Bobby smiled. "I am the one you call, 'Bianchin'." He introduced himself.

The Corpo's voice was amplified thanks to a drone with a loudspeaker connected to a small microphone attached to his mouth. He had used the said drone as a sort of novelty demonstration to the Duke's court earlier to showcase the many products Aparo Corporation could produce that they could enjoy. He never knew he would use it however in such a confrontational way right now.

The adventurers, meanwhile panicked, their hairs were raised by the earshot entrance of their quarry revealing himself. Many of them drew their swords while some shook their knees with fear. Their element of surprise, now dashed away like the cool summer night winds breezing by for their quarry now stood before them.

"It's the Demon! He… they know we are here!" one adventurer cried.

Those of the more experienced of their pack steeled themselves after the initial shock. They correctly realized they may not need to go through the trouble of finding their quarry amongst the rubble they will throw in the palace for the Demon Alpha himself presented himself before them.

"Come down yourself demons. So, we smite you off of our world forever!" a Cleric challenged.

"Oh! You caught me!" Bianchin playfully leaned back in an act of stupor. "I am not truly a Fighting kind of Demon!" he teased.

"Ha! You are a coward! All you do is lie! But when cornered you will try to run." An adventurer pointed out mockingly.

"Your just another greedy Demon looking for an easy meal." The Cleric raised his fist.

"Liar? No, for I admit I am greedy. That is my job." Bianchin confessed.

Bobby saw the shadows of his men take position quietly behind all of the adventurers as their gaze was all directed towards him. It made the Corpo smile softly with devious amusement.

For the Adventurer's many of them were beginning to feel unnerved by the Corpo's continued presence before them. From the Legends, Demons were powerful abominations who can wipeout dozens of warriors with a swipe of their claws, yet the Demon, 'Bee-Yan-Kin' before them wasn't trying to initiate any form of attack.

"I have to admit. I commend you for your willingness for this job. I have that fire too you know? I fight for profit. You fight for profit. The difference being of methods." Bianchin poured out his heart.

"The money is meaningless for the sight of your foul kind being purged. I will gladly fight and die knowing I made a difference against you." The Cleric said.

"A martyr! My complete opposite." Bianchin laughed before he started clapping his hands.

"Congratulations! Finally, someone different. And I thought everyone here is just in it for the money."

"Silence Demon! If you won't come down then we will climb up there and cut your head off." A brave swordsman yelled defiantly.

"Oh, I am sorry. But this Armani won't look great with blood. Well… not mine… yours actually." Bianchin verbally shot them down before he nodded to one of his men for the signal.

Suddenly, the darkness of the Courtyard burst with illumination as the adventurers saw their shadows bearing down in front of them. To their horror, there was light behind them. But as they turned around, they were blinded by the Marines' and the Mercenaries' tactical lights being shone onto them.

"You know, one of the perks of my trade is that you can afford to have other people do the dirty work for you." Bianchin smugly announced.

The adventurers could barely see, let alone take a stance against these new comers who held these unusually luminous torches before them. To some of the more devout members of that congregation of Grey Order guildsman, it reminded them of the tailor-made 'Holy' Spells that Clerics and Priests of the Light could wield against Demons. Which is strange, given that the Demon is using such an exclusive spell against them.

"So, let me ask you this question." Bianchin took a deep breath. "Is the money offered to you right now, really worth it? The gate is open before you. I am being very generous here so choose. Ten…nine…eight…" he began to count down.

Several of the adventurers realizing that the odds were now dramatically stacked against them decided to run towards the gate and not look back. Their eyes, now lastingly widened in horror at Bobby's intimidating aura. Yet the rest stood firm, or at least they could despite the fact the bright lights lazed on them means they couldn't even see their enemy.

"One!" Bianchin gestured his hand down as the portcullis lowered down the gate, sealing it from the outside world.

"If we die here then we die as martyrs while you will be known as a coward!" the Cleric cursed.

"Oh, I am sorry, but in my experience, the opposite of a martyr, one who is willing to die for his beliefs is not a coward." Bianchin lectured.

The gunmen began to cock their guns and their fingers ready to squeeze their triggers. Cold sweat dripped down many of the Grey Order as they heard the soft sound of bullets being armed and loaded. Yet to them, it sounded like their Magic was about to be unleashed.

"It's a Zealot. One willing to KILL for his beliefs." Bianchin finished. "And I believe you are bad for business…Dispose of them." he ordered.

In the distance, he can hear the aforementioned show that the Duke was hosting now reaching its final act, the Grand Finale, where all of the spectacle roars out to the captivated crowd. A perfect mask for the most perfect murder. (or in the world of Corporate slang, this would be called a 'Write-Off')

"Open fire!" one of the Soldiers yelled.

Their guns fired down upon the Adventurers with lightning fury. Some tried to twitch their muscle to form a coherent means of attack or defense ranging from a valiant charge, a shield wall, a magical spell or a protective ward. Yet all of their efforts were no match for the velocity of a bullet as their bodies riddled, twitched and cut them into pieces.

They tried to scream. But the loud fireworks, the thunderous applause and the rumbling of music blanketed their terror as their hopes, dreams, and aspirations of grandeur died with them.

A macabre scene lay before Bianchin. Bodies of Adventurers lay dead, their faces frozen in unbelieving horror as their bodies and every orifice natural or otherwise leaked their blood onto the floor, tainting the beautiful grounds with grotesque crimson that permeates the ground in an evidencing the great act of calamity beset by the leisurely-indulgent people of Souviel,

As the Soldiers walked towards the now blood tarnished Courtyard, finishing off anyone who somehow managed to survive the barrage of bullets. Bianchin sighed before he picked up a Cigar, he carefully was saving it for a celebratory moment but originally meant for the time the Duke would sign all the binding and cooperative papers he will receive once he manages to have him accept Aparo's and the UFE's hand of friendship through him. But right now, he needed a smoke.

Lighting up the Cigar with his lighter he observed the soldiers below him sweep through the dead bodies of the Adventurers, finishing off anyone who so even twitched. It was a mercy for them for what little mercy they would give if they hadn't stop them.

"Sir, all targets neutralized" one of his Mercs radioed Bobby.

"Tell our Rear Guard and the Captain that all threats are neutralized. Send in some of his men too." Bobby answered.

"Affirmative sir, but what about the bodies?" the Merc asked.

"Make a call… We need some trucks, a shit load of Shovels and a large clearing. Don't start until the Duke sees this first I want this place spotless by sunrise. Dismiss." Bianchin ordered.

The Merc saluted again before he left for his assignments.

The Corpo lowered his burning cigar while reached into his pocket for his phone. He needed to make some calls now that he did his part.

"Raven Company? Sitrep?" Bianchin called.

"All UFE Citizens have been either evacuated or under our total protection sir." The Commander of Raven Company, one of the PMC groups hired by Aparo Corp to take into a tour of duty in Gliesia.

They were one of the Soldiers assigned to either evacuate or if impossible, lock down and protect any UFE civilians in attendance of the Chwartiadd. The Civilians were spread into pockets throughout hotspots in the city. Thanks to the warnings courtesy of Colonel Polonsky's emergency broadcast systems into their Smartphones. The Civilians were well informed of the dire situation that they were in.

"Any incidents?" Bianchin asked.

"Got reports of several attacks but no casualties… for us of course. Local Guards dealt with the rest." The Commander reassured.

"Perfect, await extraction and then be ready for a debrief. Your payroll should be wired to your accounts by the morning." Bianchin informed. "Thank you for being here in such short notice."

He dropped the call and then immediately afterward, Bianchin dialed another number.

"Major? It is done. I think we will need a cleanup crew by the Palace now. Sense some engineers, especially the ones with a strong stomach." He informed Major Holyfield.

"Excellent work," Holyfield replied.

"I will clean up this mess and then debrief with the Duke and his captain afterward. I can take care of everything here. You will have your men back before sunset.

  "I see. Good. Well, as for the rest of my men, they are moving into the Jodent Estate outside of town. He won't last long." Holyfield said.

"Good, Bobby Out." Bianchin dropped the call.

Yet there was one more person he needed to contact tonight. He screened through his library of Contacts until he found the last person he needed to call. It was Diaz.

"Hey… what is it now? Change of plans?" Diaz answered as he picked up his phone. His voice was in a whispered convulsion of one who was originally in

"No, everything is according to plan. But the mess is gonna be a shitshow to work with. You?" Bianchin replied.

"About to get into the Embassy… Aliathra… you got that lock, right?"

A moment beat off from the Phone's audio of muffled audio could be heard from the background.

"Remember Diaz, you are just there to Talk. Let the Elf do all the talking. Make sure she doesn't get killed." He reminded hm.

"I know… hey… Alie…. Yes! Finally, … Bobby, gotta go dark now. I am about to commit Diplomatic Impunity." Diaz cheerfully smiled as he dropped the call.